Package 'spatstat.univar'

Title: One-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Estimation of one-dimensional probability distributions including kernel density estimation, weighted empirical cumulative distribution functions, Kaplan-Meier and reduced-sample estimators for right-censored data, heat kernels, kernel properties, quantiles and integration.
Authors: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Tilman M. Davies [aut, ctb, cph] , Martin L. Hazelton [aut, ctb, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Greg McSwiggan [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 3.1-1
Built: 2025-02-03 04:08:36 UTC

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The spatstat.univar Package


The spatstat.univar package belongs to the spatstat family of packages. It provides utilities for estimating the probability distribution of one-dimensional (real-valued) data.


This package is a member of the spatstat family of packages. It provides utilities for estimation of the probability distribution of one-dimensional (i.e. numerical, real-valued) data. The utilities include:

kernel density estimation:

including variable-bandwidth kernels, boundary correction, bandwidth selection, unnormalised weighted densities, and cumulative distribution functions of density estimates.

weighted distributions and weighted statistics:

including weighted empirical cumulative distributions, weighted median, weighted quantiles, calculating the CDF from a density estimate

estimation for right-censored data:

including Kaplan-Meier, reduced-sample and other estimators of the cumulative distribution function and hazard function from right-censored data


including calculation of quantiles from an empirical cumulative distribution or a kernel density estimate


including calculation of the probability density, cumulative distribution function, quantiles, random generation, moments and partial moments of the standard smoothing kernels

heat kernel:

calculation of the one-dimensional heat kernel in an interval


Numerical integration including Stieltjes integrals and indefinite integrals.

The facilities are described in more detail below.

Kernel density estimation

The package supports fixed-bandwidth and variable-bandwidth kernel estimation of probability densities from numerical data. It provides boundary corrections for kernel estimates of densities on the positive half-line (applicable when the original observations are positive numbers) for both fixed-bandwidth and variable-bandwidth estimates.

If the observations have numerical weights associated with them, these weights will not be automatically normalised, and indeed the weights may be negative or zero. This is unlike the standard R method density.default.

The main functions are:

unnormdensity extension of density.default allowing weights to be negative or zero.
densityBC fixed-bandwidth kernel estimate with optional boundary correction
densityAdaptiveKernel adaptive (variable-bandwidth) kernel estimation (generic)
densityAdaptiveKernel.default adaptive (variable-bandwidth) kernel estimate (method for numeric data, with optional boundary correction)
bw.abram.default calculate data-dependent bandwidths using Abramson rule
CDF.density cumulative distribution function from kernel density estimate

Weighted distributions and weighted statistics

Weighted versions of standard operations such as the histogram and empirical distribution function are provided:

whist weighted histogram
ewcdf weighted empirical cumulative distribution function
mean.ewcdf mean of weighted ecdf
quantile.ewcdf quantiles of weighted ecdf
knots.ewcdf jump points of weighted ecdf
weighted.median weighted median of numeric values
weighted.quantile weighted quantile of numeric values

Estimation for right-censored data

Facilities are provided for estimating the probability distribution of right-censored lifetimes (non-negative real random variables).

kaplan.meier Kaplan-Meier estimator of cumulative distribution function and hazard rate, from right-censored data
reduced.sample reduced-sample estimator of cumulative distribution function, from right-censored data


Facilities are provided for computing the quantiles of a probability distribution, given estimates of the probability density or the cumulative distribution function and so on.

CDF.density cumulative distribution function from kernel density estimate
quantile.density quantiles of kernel density estimate
quantile.ewcdf quantiles of weighted ecdf
quantilefun quantiles as a function
quantilefun.ewcdf quantiles as a function
weighted.quantile weighted quantile of numeric values
transformquantiles transform the quantiles of a dataset


The standard R function density.default recognises a list of smoothing kernels by name: "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". For these kernels, spatstat.univar provides various characteristics:

dkernel probability density of the kernel
pkernel cumulative distribution function of the kernel
qkernel quantiles of the kernel
rkernel generate simulated realisations from the kernel
kernel.factor scale factor relating bandwidth to half-width of kernel
kernel.moment partial moment of kernel
kernel.squint integral of squared kernel
dkernelBC evaluate the kernel with boundary correction

Heat kernels

The heat kernel in an interval can be calculated.

hotrod calculate the heat kernel in an interval


A few facilities are provided for calculating integrals of real functions.

indefinteg indefinite integral
integral.density integral of a kernel density estimate
stieltjes Stieltjes integral


A few utilities for numerical data are also provided.

uniquemap.default map duplicates to unique entries
rounding.default determine whether values have been rounded
firstdigit leading digit in decimal representation
lastdigit least significant digit in decimal representation
ndigits number of digits in decimal representation


This library and its documentation are usable under the terms of the "GNU General Public License", a copy of which is distributed with the package.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Tilman Davies [email protected], Martin Hazelton [email protected], Ege Rubak [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Greg McSwiggan.

Abramson's Adaptive Bandwidths


Computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths according to the inverse-square-root rule of Abramson (1982).


bw.abram(X, h0, ...)



Data to be smoothed.


Global smoothing bandwidth. A numeric value.


Additional arguments passed to methods.


This function computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths for a dataset, using the methods of Abramson (1982) and Hall and Marron (1988).

The function bw.abram is generic. There is a default method bw.abram.default. The spatstat package family includes methods for spatial objects.


See the documentation for the particular method.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Abramson, I. (1982) On bandwidth variation in kernel estimates — a square root law. Annals of Statistics, 10(4), 1217-1223.

Hall, P. and Marron, J.S. (1988) Variable window width kernel density estimates of probability densities. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 80, 37-49.

Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall, New York.

See Also


Abramson's Adaptive Bandwidths For Numeric Data


Computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths for numeric data, according to the inverse-square-root rule of Abramson (1982).


## Default S3 method:
bw.abram(X, h0, ...,
    at = c("data", "grid"),
    pilot = NULL, hp = h0, trim = 5, smoother = density.default)



Data for which bandwidths should be calculated. A numeric vector.


A scalar value giving the global smoothing bandwidth in the same units as X. The default is h0=bw.nrd0(X).


Arguments passed to density.default (or to smoother) controlling the range of values x at which the density will be estimated, when at="grid".


Character string (partially matched) specifying whether to compute bandwidth values only at the data points of X (at = 'data', the default) or on a grid of x values (at = 'grid').


Optional. Specification of a pilot density (possibly unnormalised). Either a numeric vector giving the pilot density for each data point of X, a function in the R language, or a probability density estimate (object of class "density"). If pilot=NULL the pilot density is computed by applying fixed-bandwidth density estimation to X using bandwidth hp.


Optional. A scalar pilot bandwidth, used for estimation of the pilot density, if pilot is not given.


A trimming value required to curb excessively large bandwidths. See Details. The default is sensible in most cases.


Smoother for the pilot. A function or character string, specifying the function to be used to compute the pilot estimate when pilot is NULL.


This function computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths using the methods of Abramson (1982) and Hall and Marron (1988).

The function bw.abram is generic. The function bw.abram.default documented here is the default method which is designed for numeric data.

If at="data" (the default) a smoothing bandwidth is computed for each data point in X. Alternatively if at="grid" a smoothing bandwidth is computed for a grid of x values.

Under the Abramson-Hall-Marron rule, the bandwidth at location uu is

h(u)=h0min[f~(u)1/2γ,trim]h(u) = \mbox{\texttt{h0}} * \mbox{min}[ \frac{\tilde{f}(u)^{-1/2}}{\gamma}, \mbox{\texttt{trim}} ]

where f~(u)\tilde{f}(u) is a pilot estimate of the probability density. The variable bandwidths are rescaled by γ\gamma, the geometric mean of the f~(u)1/2\tilde{f}(u)^{-1/2} terms evaluated at the data; this allows the global bandwidth h0 to be considered on the same scale as a corresponding fixed bandwidth. The trimming value trim has the same interpretation as the required ‘clipping’ of the pilot density at some small nominal value (see Hall and Marron, 1988), to necessarily prevent extreme bandwidths (which can occur at very isolated observations).

The pilot density or intensity is determined as follows:

  • If pilot is a function in the R language, this is taken as the pilot density.

  • If pilot is a probability density estimate (object of class "density" produced by density.default) then this is taken as the pilot density.

  • If pilot is NULL, then the pilot intensity is computed as a fixed-bandwidth kernel intensity estimate using density.default applied to the data X using the pilot bandwidth hp.

In each case the pilot density is renormalised to become a probability density, and then the Abramson rule is applied.

Instead of calculating the pilot as a fixed-bandwidth density estimate, the user can specify another density estimation procedure using the argument smoother. This should be either a function or the character string name of a function. It will replace density.default as the function used to calculate the pilot estimate. The pilot estimate will be computed as smoother(X, sigma=hp, ...) if pilot is NULL, or smoother(pilot, sigma=hp, ...) if pilot is a point pattern. If smoother does not recognise the argument name sigma for the smoothing bandwidth, then hp is effectively ignored.


Either a numeric vector of the same length as X giving the Abramson bandwidth for each point (when at = "data", the default), or a function giving the Abramson bandwidths as a function of location.


Tilman Davies [email protected]. Adapted by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Abramson, I. (1982) On bandwidth variation in kernel estimates — a square root law. Annals of Statistics, 10(4), 1217-1223.

Hall, P. and Marron, J.S. (1988) Variable window width kernel density estimates of probability densities. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 80, 37-49.

Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall, New York.

See Also

bw.abram, bw.nrd0.


xx <- rexp(20)

Variable Bandwidths Proportional to a Power of the Data Value


Computes variable smoothing bandwidths intended to be proportional to the observed data values, raised to a given power.


bw.pow(X, h0, POW = 0.75, trim = 5, ...)



Data for which bandwidths should be calculated. A numeric vector of positive values.


A scalar value giving the global smoothing bandwidth in the same units as X. The default is bw.nrd0(X).


Numeric value. The exponent of the power transformation to be applied to X.


A trimming value required to curb excessively large bandwidths. See Details. The default is sensible in most cases.




This function computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths for the data values in X. Larger data values are assigned larger bandwidths.

Bandwidths are proportional to X^POW. The bandwidth at location uu is

h(u)=h0min[uPOWγ,trim]h(u) = \mbox{\texttt{h0}} * \mbox{min}[ \frac{u^{\mbox{\texttt{POW}}}}{\gamma}, \mbox{\texttt{trim}} ]

where γ\gamma is the geometric mean of the values uPOWu^{\mbox{\texttt{POW}}}. This allows the global bandwidth h0 to be considered on the same scale as a corresponding fixed bandwidth.


A numeric vector of the same length as X.


Tilman Davies [email protected]. Adapted by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

bw.abram, bw.nrd0.


xx <- sort(rexp(10))
  bb <- bw.pow(xx)
  signif(rbind(xx, bb), 3)

Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Estimation by Non-Random Bootstrap


Use Taylor's non-random bootstrap technique to select the bandwidth for kernel density estimation on the real line.


bw.taylor(x, ..., srange = NULL, useC = TRUE)



Numeric vector.




Range of bandwidths to be considered. A numeric vector of length 2.


Logical value specifying whether to use faster C code.


This function selects a bandwidth for kernel density estimation of a probability density on the real line, using the numeric data x and assuming a Gaussian kernel. The result is the numeric value of the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel.

The function uses the method of Taylor (1989) who showed that, when using the Gaussian kernel, the optimisation criterion can be computed rapidly from the data without any randomised resampling.

The domain of the probability density is assumed to be the entire real line. Boundary correction is not currently implemented.

The result of bw.taylor is a single numeric value giving the selected bandwidth.


A single numeric value.


Tilman Davies [email protected] and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Taylor, C.C. (1989) Choice of the Smoothing Parameter in Kernel Density Estimation, Biometrika 76 4, 705–712.

See Also

bw.nrd in the stats package for standard bandwidth selectors.


x <- rnorm(30)

Cumulative Distribution Function From Kernel Density Estimate


Given a kernel estimate of a probability density, compute the corresponding cumulative distribution function.


CDF(f, ...)

## S3 method for class 'density'
CDF(f, ..., warn = TRUE)



Density estimate (object of class "density").




Logical value indicating whether to issue a warning if the density estimate f had to be renormalised because it was computed in a restricted interval.


CDF is generic, with a method for class "density".

This calculates the cumulative distribution function whose probability density has been estimated and stored in the object f. The object f must belong to the class "density", and would typically have been obtained from a call to the function density.


A function, which can be applied to any numeric value or vector of values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]

See Also

density, quantile.density


b <- density(runif(10))
   f <- CDF(b)

Adaptive Kernel Estimation of Density or Intensity


Computes an adaptive estimate of probability density or intensity using a variable-bandwidth smoothing kernel.


densityAdaptiveKernel(X, ...)



Data to be smoothed.


Additional arguments passed to methods.


This generic function computes an adaptive kernel estimate of probability density or intensity.

The function densityAdaptiveKernel is generic. The spatstat package family includes methods for spatial objects.


See documentation for each method.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Tilman Davies [email protected].

See Also


Adaptive Kernel Estimation of Probability Density


Computes an adaptive estimate of probability density from numeric data, using a variable-bandwidth smoothing kernel.


## Default S3 method:
densityAdaptiveKernel(X, bw, ...,
       weights = NULL,
       zerocor=c("none", "weighted", "convolution",
                 "reflection", "bdrykern", "JonesFoster"),
       at = c("grid", "data"), ngroups=Inf, fast=TRUE)



Data to be smoothed. A numeric vector.


Smoothing bandwidths. Either a numeric vector of the same length as X giving the bandwidth associated with each data value, or a function in the R language that provides the smoothing bandwidth at any desired location. The default is to compute bandwidths using bw.abram.default.


Additional arguments passed to density.default controlling the range of x values at which the density must be estimated, when at="grid".


Optional. Numeric vector of weights attached to each value in X.


Character string (partially matched) specifying a boundary correction. This is appropriate when X contains only positive values.


String (partially matched) specifying whether to evaluate the probability density only at the data points (at="data") or on a grid of x values (at="grid", the default).


Integer, Inf or NULL. If ngroups = Inf, the density estimate will be computed exactly using C code. If ngroups is finite, then the fast subdivision technique of Davies and Baddeley (2018) will be applied. If ngroups = NULL then a default rule is used to choose an efficient number of groups.


Logical value specifying whether to use the Fast Fourier Transform to accelerate computations, when appropriate.


This function computes an adaptive kernel estimate of probability density on the real line (if zerocor="none") or on the positive real line (if zerocor is another value).

The argument bw specifies the smoothing bandwidths to be applied to each of the points in X. It may be a numeric vector of bandwidth values, or a function yielding the bandwidth values.

If the values in X are x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n and the corresponding bandwidths are σ1,,σn\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_n then the adaptive kernel estimate of intensity at a location uu is

λ^(u)=i=1nk(u,xi,σi)\hat\lambda(u) = \sum_{i=1}^n k(u, x_i, \sigma_i)

where k(u,v,σ)k(u, v, \sigma) is the value at uu of the (possibly edge-corrected) smoothing kernel with bandwidth σ\sigma induced by a data point at vv.

Exact computation of the estimate above can be time-consuming: it takes nn times longer than fixed-bandwidth smoothing.

The partitioning method of Davies and Baddeley (2018) accelerates this computation by partitioning the range of bandwidths into ngroups intervals, correspondingly subdividing X into ngroups subsets according to bandwidth, and applying fixed-bandwidth smoothing to each subset.

If ngroups=NULL then we use a default rule where ngroups is the integer part of the square root of the number of points in X, so that the computation time is only about n\sqrt{n} times slower than fixed-bandwidth smoothing. Any positive value of ngroups can be specified by the user. Specifying ngroups=Inf enforces exact computation of the estimate without partitioning. Specifying ngroups=1 is the same as fixed-bandwidth smoothing with bandwidth sigma=median(bw).


If at="data", a numeric vector of the same length as X. If at="grid", a probability density object of class "density".

Bandwidths and Bandwidth Selection

The function densityAdaptiveKernel.default computes one adaptive estimate of probability density, determined by the smoothing bandwidth values bw.

Typically the bandwidth values are computed by first computing a pilot estimate of the intensity, then using bw.abram.default to compute the vector of bandwidths according to Abramson's rule. This involves specifying a global bandwidth h0.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Tilman Davies [email protected].


Davies, T.M. and Baddeley, A. (2018) Fast computation of spatially adaptive kernel estimates. Statistics and Computing, 28(4), 937-956.

Hall, P. and Marron, J.S. (1988) Variable window width kernel density estimates of probability densities. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 80, 37-49.

Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall, New York.

See Also



xx <- rexp(100, rate=5)
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)
  plot(densityAdaptiveKernel(xx, at="grid"))
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)
  plot(densityAdaptiveKernel(xx, at="grid", zerocor="w"))
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)
  plot(densityAdaptiveKernel(xx, at="grid", zerocor="c"))
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)
  plot(densityAdaptiveKernel(xx, at="grid", zerocor="r"))
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)
  plot(densityAdaptiveKernel(xx, at="grid", zerocor="b"))
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)
  plot(densityAdaptiveKernel(xx, at="grid", zerocor="J"))
  curve(5 * exp(-5 * x), add=TRUE, col=3)

Kernel Density Estimation with Optional Boundary Correction


A simple implementation of fixed-bandwidth kernel density estimation on the real line, or the positive real half-line, including optional corrections for a boundary at zero.


densityBC(x, kernel = "epanechnikov", bw=NULL,
      adjust = 1,
      weights = rep(1, length(x))/length(x), from, to = max(x), n = 256,
      zerocor = c("none", "weighted", "convolution", "reflection",
                  "bdrykern", "JonesFoster"),



Numeric vector.


String specifying kernel. Options are "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". (Partial matching is used).

bw, h

Alternative specifications of the scale factor for the kernel. The bandwidth bw is the standard deviation of the kernel (this agrees with the argument bw in density.default. The rescale factor h is the factor by which the ‘standard form’ of the kernel is rescaled. For the Epanechnikov kernel, h = bw * sqrt(5) is the half-width of the support, while for the Gaussian kernel, h = bw is the standard deviation. Either bw or h should be given, and should be a single numeric value, or a character string indicating a bandwidth selection rule as described in density.default.


Numeric value used to rescale the bandwidth bw and halfwidth h. The bandwidth used is adjust * bw. This makes it easy to specify values like ‘half the default’ bandwidth.


Numeric vector of weights associated with x. The weights are not required to sum to 1, and will not be normalised to sum to 1. The weights may include negative values.

from, to

Lower and upper limits of interval on which density should be computed. The default value of from is from=min(x) if zerocor="none", and from=0 otherwise.


Number of rr values for which density should be computed.


String (partially matched) specifying a correction for the boundary effect bias at r=0r=0 when estimating a density on the positive half line. Possible values are "none", "weighted", "convolution", "reflection" and "bdrykern".


Logical value specifying whether to perform the calculation rapidly using the Fast Fourier Transform (fast=TRUE) or to use slower, exact code (fast=FALSE, the default). Option zerocor="bdrykern" is not available when fast=TRUE.


Internal use only.


Additional arguments are ignored.


If zerocor is absent or given as "none", this function computes the fixed bandwidth kernel estimator of the probability density on the real line.

If zerocor is given, it is assumed that the density is confined to the positive half-line, and a boundary correction is applied:


The contribution from each point xix_i is weighted by the factor 1/m(xi)1/m(x_i) where m(x)=1F(x)m(x) = 1 - F(-x) is the total mass of the kernel centred on xx that lies in the positive half-line, and F(x)F(x) is the cumulative distribution function of the kernel


The estimate of the density f(r)f(r) is weighted by the factor 1/m(r)1/m(r) where m(r)=1F(r)m(r) = 1 - F(-r) is given above.


if the kernel centred at data point xix_i has a tail that lies on the negative half-line, this tail is reflected onto the positive half-line.


The density estimate is computed using the Boundary Kernel associated with the chosen kernel (Wand and Jones, 1995, page 47). That is, when estimating the density f(r)f(r) for values of rr close to zero (defined as r<hr < h for all kernels except the Gaussian), the kernel contribution kh(rxi)k_h(r - x_i) is multiplied by a term that is a linear function of rxir - x_i.


The modification of the Boundary Kernel estimate proposed by Jones and Foster (1996), equal to f(r)exp(f^(r)/f(r)1)\overline f(r) \exp( \hat f(r)/\overline f(r) - 1) where f(r)\overline f(r) is the convolution estimator and f^(r)\hat f(r) is the boundary kernel estimator.

If fast=TRUE, the calculations are performed rapidly using density.default which employs the Fast Fourier Transform. If fast=FALSE (the default), the calculations are performed exactly using slower C code.


An object of class "density" as described in the help file for density.default. It contains at least the entries


Vector of xx values


Vector of density values y=f(x)y= f(x)


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Martin Hazelton [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Chang, Y-M., Davies, T.M. and Hazelton, M. (2024) In preparation.

Jones, M.C. and Foster, P.J. (1996) A simple nonnegative boundary correction method for kernel density estimation. Statistica Sinica, 6 (4) 1005–1013.

Wand, M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1995) Kernel Smoothing. Chapman and Hall.


sim.dat <- rexp(500)
  fhatN <- densityBC(sim.dat, "biweight", h=0.4)
  fhatB <- densityBC(sim.dat, "biweight", h=0.4, zerocor="bdrykern")
  plot(fhatN, ylim=c(0,1.1), main="density estimates")
  lines(fhatB, col=2)
  curve(dexp(x), add=TRUE, from=0, col=3)
  legend(2, 0.8,
     legend=c("fixed bandwidth", "boundary kernel", "true density"),
     col=1:3, lty=rep(1,3))

Kernel distributions and random generation


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for several distributions used in kernel estimation for numerical data.


dkernel(x, kernel = "gaussian", mean = 0, sd = 1)
pkernel(q, kernel = "gaussian", mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE)
qkernel(p, kernel = "gaussian", mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE)
rkernel(n, kernel = "gaussian", mean = 0, sd = 1)


x, q

Vector of quantiles.


Vector of probabilities.


String name of the kernel. Options are "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". (Partial matching is used).


Number of observations.


Mean of distribution.


Standard deviation of distribution.


logical; if TRUE (the default), then probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \le x), otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).


These functions give the probability density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random generation for several distributions used in kernel estimation for one-dimensional (numerical) data.

The available kernels are those used in density.default, namely "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". For more information about these kernels, see density.default.

dkernel gives the probability density, pkernel gives the cumulative distribution function, qkernel gives the quantile function, and rkernel generates random deviates.


A numeric vector. For dkernel, a vector of the same length as x containing the corresponding values of the probability density. For pkernel, a vector of the same length as x containing the corresponding values of the cumulative distribution function. For qkernel, a vector of the same length as p containing the corresponding quantiles. For rkernel, a vector of length n containing randomly generated values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Martin Hazelton [email protected].

See Also

density.default, kernel.factor, kernel.moment, kernel.squint.


x <- seq(-3,3,length=100)
  plot(x, dkernel(x, "epa"), type="l",
           main=c("Epanechnikov kernel", "probability density"))
  plot(x, pkernel(x, "opt"), type="l",
           main=c("OptCosine kernel", "cumulative distribution function"))
  p <- seq(0,1, length=256)
  plot(p, qkernel(p, "biw"), type="l",
           main=c("Biweight kernel", "cumulative distribution function"))
  y <- rkernel(100, "tri")
  hist(y, main="Random variates from triangular density")

Boundary-corrected Kernel Density Function


Computes the boundary-corrected version of a smoothing kernel density function.


dkernelBC(x, mean, sd = 1, kernel = "gaussian",
       zerocor = c("none", "weighted", "convolution",
                    "reflection", "bdrykern"))



Numeric. Values of the function argument, at which the function should be evaluated.


Numeric. The mean of the uncorrected kernel.


Numeric value. The standard deviation of the uncorrected kernel.


Character string giving the name of the kernel as recognised by match.kernel.


String (partially matched) specifying a correction for the boundary effect bias at r=0r=0 when estimating a density on the positive half line. Possible values are "none", "weighted", "convolution", "reflection", and "bdrykern".


The kernel density function identified by kernel with standard deviation sd and mean mean will be computed, and truncated onto the positive half-line. The boundary correction specified by zerocor will then be applied. The result is the vector of corrected density values.


Numeric value or numeric vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

densityBC to compute a density estimate using the boundary-corrected kernel.

dkernel to compute the un-corrected kernel density function, and density.default to compute an uncorrected density estimate.

match.kernel for the list of recognised names of kernels.


curve(dkernelBC(x, mean=1, zerocor="none"), to=5)
  curve(dkernelBC(x, mean=1, zerocor="weighted"), to=5)
  curve(dkernelBC(x, mean=1, zerocor="reflection"), to=5)
  curve(dkernelBC(x, mean=1, zerocor="convolution"), to=5)
  curve(dkernelBC(x, mean=1, zerocor="bdrykern"), to=5)

Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function


Compute a weighted version of the empirical cumulative distribution function.


ewcdf(x, weights = NULL, normalise=TRUE, adjust=1)



Numeric vector of observations.


Optional. Numeric vector of non-negative weights for x. Defaults to equal weight 1 for each entry of x.


Logical value indicating whether the weights should be rescaled so that they sum to 1.


Numeric value. Adjustment factor. The weights will be multiplied by adjust.


This is a modification of the standard function ecdf allowing the observations x to have weights.

The weighted e.c.d.f. (empirical cumulative distribution function) Fn is defined so that, for any real number y, the value of Fn(y) is equal to the total weight of all entries of x that are less than or equal to y. That is Fn(y) = sum(weights[x <= y]).

Thus Fn is a step function which jumps at the values of x. The height of the jump at a point y is the total weight of all entries in x number of tied observations at that value. Missing values are ignored.

If weights is omitted, the default is equivalent to ecdf(x) except for the class membership.

The result of ewcdf is a function, of class "ewcdf", inheriting from the classes "ecdf" (only if normalise=TRUE) and "stepfun".

The class ewcdf has methods for print, quantile and mean.

The inherited classes ecdf and stepfun have methods for plot and summary.


A function, of class "ewcdf", inheriting from "ecdf" (if normalise=TRUE) and "stepfun".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also


quantile.ewcdf, mean.ewcdf.

Integrals with respect to the weighted cumulative distribution function can be computed using stieltjes.


x <- rnorm(100)
   w <- runif(100)
   plot(e <- ewcdf(x,w))

Digits in Decimal Representation


Find the first or last digit in the decimal representation of a number.





A numeric value or numeric vector.


firstdigit(x) finds the first (most significant) digit, lastdigit(x) finds the last (least significant) digit, and ndigits(x) finds the number of digits, in the decimal representation of each entry of x. The decimal representation is truncated at the number of digits available for double precision numbers on the hardware, usually 15.


An integer or integer vector of the same length as x.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also






Heat Kernel for a One-Dimensional Rod


Calculate values of the heat kernel on a one-dimensional rod. The ends of the rod may be assumed to be insulated, or absorbing.


hotrod(len, xsource, xquery, sigma, ends=c("insulated", "absorbing"), nmax=20)



Length of the rod. A single number or numeric vector.


Positions of the source points, from the left end of the rod (in the same distance units as len). A single number or numeric vector.


Positions of the query points, from the left end of the rod (in the same distance units as len). A single number or numeric vector.


Bandwidth for kernel. A single number or a numeric vector.


Character string (partially matched) specifying whether the ends of the rod are assumed to be insulated or absorbing.


Number of terms in the infinite sum to use. A single integer or an integer vector.


Computes the heat kernel as an infinite sum.


Number or numeric vector.


Greg McSwiggan and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


curve(hotrod(1, 0.1, x, 0.7))

  # check it's a probability density
  f <- function(x) hotrod(1, 0.1, x, 0.7)
  integrate(f, 0, 1)

  ## absorbing ends
  curve(hotrod(1, 0.1, x, 0.7, ends="a"))

Indefinite Integral


Computes the indefinite integral of the given function.


indefinteg(f, x, ...,
             method=c("trapezoid", "quadrature"),
             lower=min(x), nfine=8192)



an R function taking a numeric first argument and returning a numeric vector of the same length.


Vector of values of the argument for which the indefinite integral should be evaluated.


additional arguments to be passed to f.


String (partially matched) specifying how to compute the integrals.


Lower limit of integration. A single number.


Number of sub-intervals to use for computation if method='trapezoid'.


The indefinite integral of the given function f is computed numerically at each of the desired values x. The lower limit of integration is taken to be min(x).

The result is a numeric vector y of the same length as x, with entries

yi=lowerxif(t)dty_i = \int_{\mbox{lower}}^{x_i} f(t) dt

If method='trapezoid' (the default), the integrals are computed rapidly using the trapezoid rule. If method='quadrature' the integrals are computed accurately but much more slowly, using the numerical quadrature routine integrate.

If method='trapezoid' the function f is first evaluated on a finer grid of values of the function argument. The fine grid contains nfine sample points. The values of the indefinite integral on the fine grid are computed using the trapezoidal approximation. Finally the values of the indefinite integral are extracted at the desired argument values x.


Numeric vector of the same length as x.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also



curve(indefinteg(sin, x), to=pi)

Integral of a Function or Spatial Object


Computes the integral of a function or spatial object.


integral(f, domain=NULL, ...)



A function, or a spatial object that can be treated as a function.


Optional. Data specifying the domain of integration.


Arguments passed to methods.


The function integral is generic. It calculates the integral of a function, or the integral of a spatial object that can be treated as a function. It has methods for one-dimensional functions ("density", "fv") and for spatial objects ("im", "msr", "linim", "linfun").


A single numeric or complex value, or a vector of such values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

integral.density. in package spatstat.geom.

Compute Integral of One-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimate.


Compute the integral of a kernel density estimate over a specified range.


## S3 method for class 'density'
integral(f, domain = NULL, weight=NULL, ...)



A one-dimensional probability density estimate (object of class "density") obtained from the function density.default or from unnormdensity.


Optional. Range of values of the argument xx over which the density f(x)f(x) should be integrated. A numeric vector of length 2 giving the minimum and maximum values of xx. Infinite limits are permitted.


Optional. A function(x) specifying a weight integrand.




This is a method for the generic function integral. It computes the numerical integral

I=f(x)dxI = \int f(x) dx

of the density estimate f. If weight is specified, then the weighted integral

I=w(x)f(x)dxI = \int w(x) f(x) dx

is computed, where ww is the function specified by weight. This function must return finite numerical values.

If domain is specified, the integral is restricted to the interval of xx values given by the domain.

Integrals are calculated numerically using the trapezoidal rule restricted to the domain given.


A single numerical value.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also


quantile.density, CDF.density


x <- runif(10)
  d <- density(x, bw=0.1)
  integral(d) # should be approximately 1
  integral(d, domain=c(-Inf, 0)) # mass on negative half-line
  ## mean of density
  integral(d, weight=function(x) x)

Kaplan-Meier Estimator using Histogram Data


Compute the Kaplan-Meier estimator of a survival time distribution function, from histogram data


kaplan.meier(obs, nco, breaks, upperobs=0)



vector of nn integers giving the histogram of all observations (censored or uncensored survival times)


vector of nn integers giving the histogram of uncensored observations (those survival times that are less than or equal to the censoring time)


Vector of n+1n+1 breakpoints which were used to form both histograms.


Number of observations beyond the rightmost breakpoint, if any.


This function is needed mainly for internal use in spatstat, but may be useful in other applications where you want to form the Kaplan-Meier estimator from a huge dataset.

Suppose TiT_i are the survival times of individuals i=1,,Mi=1,\ldots,M with unknown distribution function F(t)F(t) which we wish to estimate. Suppose these times are right-censored by random censoring times CiC_i. Thus the observations consist of right-censored survival times T~i=min(Ti,Ci)\tilde T_i = \min(T_i,C_i) and non-censoring indicators Di=1{TiCi}D_i = 1\{T_i \le C_i\} for each ii.

If the number of observations MM is large, it is efficient to use histograms. Form the histogram obs of all observed times T~i\tilde T_i. That is, obs[k] counts the number of values T~i\tilde T_i in the interval (breaks[k],breaks[k+1]] for k>1k > 1 and [breaks[1],breaks[2]] for k=1k = 1. Also form the histogram nco of all uncensored times, i.e. those T~i\tilde T_i such that Di=1D_i=1. These two histograms are the arguments passed to kaplan.meier.

The vectors km and lambda returned by kaplan.meier are (histogram approximations to) the Kaplan-Meier estimator of F(t)F(t) and its hazard rate λ(t)\lambda(t). Specifically, km[k] is an estimate of F(breaks[k+1]), and lambda[k] is an estimate of the average of λ(t)\lambda(t) over the interval (breaks[k],breaks[k+1]).

The histogram breaks must include 00. If the histogram breaks do not span the range of the observations, it is important to count how many survival times T~i\tilde T_i exceed the rightmost breakpoint, and give this as the value upperobs.


A list with two elements:


Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival time c.d.f. F(t)F(t)


corresponding Nelson-Aalen estimate of the hazard rate λ(t)\lambda(t)

These are numeric vectors of length nn.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also


Scale factor for density kernel


Returns a scale factor for the kernels used in density estimation for numerical data.


kernel.factor(kernel = "gaussian")



String name of the kernel. Options are "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". (Partial matching is used).


Kernel estimation of a probability density in one dimension is performed by density.default using a kernel function selected from the list above.

This function computes a scale constant for the kernel. For the Gaussian kernel, this constant is equal to 1. Otherwise, the constant cc is such that the kernel with standard deviation 11 is supported on the interval [c,c][-c,c].

For more information about these kernels, see density.default.


A single number.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Martin Hazelton [email protected].

See Also

density.default, dkernel, kernel.moment, kernel.squint


   # bandwidth for Epanechnikov kernel with half-width h=1
   h <- 1
   bw <- h/kernel.factor("epa")

Incomplete Moment of Smoothing Kernel


Computes the complete or incomplete mmth moment of a smoothing kernel.


kernel.moment(m, r, kernel = "gaussian", mean=0, sd=1/kernel.factor(kernel))



Exponent (order of moment). An integer.


Upper limit of integration for the incomplete moment. A numeric value or numeric vector. Set r=Inf to obtain the complete moment.


String name of the kernel. Options are "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". (Partial matching is used).

mean, sd

Optional numerical values giving the mean and standard deviation of the kernel.


Kernel estimation of a probability density in one dimension is performed by density.default using a kernel function selected from the list above. For more information about these kernels, see density.default.

The function kernel.moment computes the integral

rtmk(t)dt\int_{-\infty}^r t^m k(t) dt

where k(t)k(t) is the selected kernel, rr is the upper limit of integration, and mm is the exponent or order.

Note that, if mean and sd are not specified, the calculations assume that k(t)k(t) is the standard form of the kernel, which has support [1,1][-1,1] and standard deviation sigma=1/csigma = 1/c where c = kernel.factor(kernel).

The code uses the explicit analytic expressions when m = 0, 1, 2 and numerical integration otherwise.


A single number, or a numeric vector of the same length as r.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Martin Hazelton [email protected].

See Also

density.default, dkernel, kernel.factor, kernel.squint


kernel.moment(1, 0.1, "epa")
   curve(kernel.moment(2, x, "epa"), from=-1, to=1)

Integral of Squared Kernel


Computes the integral of the squared kernel, for the kernels used in density estimation for numerical data.


kernel.squint(kernel = "gaussian", bw=1)



String name of the kernel. Options are "gaussian", "rectangular", "triangular", "epanechnikov", "biweight", "cosine" and "optcosine". (Partial matching is used).


Bandwidth (standard deviation) of the kernel.


Kernel estimation of a probability density in one dimension is performed by density.default using a kernel function selected from the list above.

This function computes the integral of the squared kernel,

R=k(x)2dxR = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} k(x)^2 \, {\rm d}x

where k(x)k(x) is the kernel with bandwidth bw.


A single number.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Martin Hazelton [email protected].

See Also

density.default, dkernel, kernel.moment, kernel.factor


kernel.squint("gaussian", 3)

   # integral of squared Epanechnikov kernel with half-width h=1
   h <- 1
   bw <- h/kernel.factor("epa")
   kernel.squint("epa", bw)

Kaplan-Meier and Reduced Sample Estimator using Histograms


Compute the Kaplan-Meier and Reduced Sample estimators of a survival time distribution function, using histogram techniques

Usage, cc, d, breaks)



vector of observed survival times


vector of censoring times


vector of non-censoring indicators


Vector of breakpoints to be used to form histograms.


This function is needed mainly for internal use in spatstat, but may be useful in other applications where you want to form the Kaplan-Meier estimator from a huge dataset.

Suppose TiT_i are the survival times of individuals i=1,,Mi=1,\ldots,M with unknown distribution function F(t)F(t) which we wish to estimate. Suppose these times are right-censored by random censoring times CiC_i. Thus the observations consist of right-censored survival times T~i=min(Ti,Ci)\tilde T_i = \min(T_i,C_i) and non-censoring indicators Di=1{TiCi}D_i = 1\{T_i \le C_i\} for each ii.

The arguments to this function are vectors o, cc, d of observed values of T~i\tilde T_i, CiC_i and DiD_i respectively. The function computes histograms and forms the reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimates of F(t)F(t) by invoking the functions kaplan.meier and reduced.sample. This is efficient if the lengths of o, cc, d (i.e. the number of observations) is large.

The vectors km and hazard returned by kaplan.meier are (histogram approximations to) the Kaplan-Meier estimator of F(t)F(t) and its hazard rate λ(t)\lambda(t). Specifically, km[k] is an estimate of F(breaks[k+1]), and lambda[k] is an estimate of the average of λ(t)\lambda(t) over the interval (breaks[k],breaks[k+1]). This approximation is exact only if the survival times are discrete and the histogram breaks are fine enough to ensure that each interval (breaks[k],breaks[k+1]) contains only one possible value of the survival time.

The vector rs is the reduced-sample estimator, rs[k] being the reduced sample estimate of F(breaks[k+1]). This value is exact, i.e. the use of histograms does not introduce any approximation error in the reduced-sample estimator.


A list with five elements


Reduced-sample estimate of the survival time c.d.f. F(t)F(t)


Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival time c.d.f. F(t)F(t)


corresponding Nelson-Aalen estimate of the hazard rate λ(t)\lambda(t)


values of tt for which F(t)F(t) is estimated


the breakpoints vector


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

reduced.sample, kaplan.meier

Jump Points of an Empirical Weighted Cumulative Distribution Function


Extract the knots (jump points) of an empirical weighted cumulative distribution function.


## S3 method for class 'ewcdf'
knots(Fn, ...)



An empirical weighted cumulative distribution function (object of class "ewcdf").




The function knots is generic. This function knots.ewcdf is the method for the class "ewcdf" of empirical weighted cumulative distribution functions. Objects of class "ewcdf" are created by ewcdf.

The jump points (locations of increments) of the function will be returned as a numeric vector.


Numeric vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

ewcdf, quantile.ewcdf


x <- c(1, 2, 5)
   w <- runif(3)
   e <- ewcdf(x,w)

Mean of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function


Calculates the mean of a (weighted or unweighted) empirical cumulative distribution function.


## S3 method for class 'ecdf'
mean(x, trim=0, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ewcdf'
mean(x, trim=0, ...)



An empirical cumulative distribution function (object of class "ecdf" created by ecdf) or a weighted empirical cumulative distribution function (object of class "ewcdf" created by ewcdf).


The fraction (0 to 0.5) of data values to be trimmed from each end of their range, before the mean is computed.




These functions are methods for the generic mean for the classes "ecdf" and "ewcdf".

They calculate the mean of the probability distribution corresponding to the cumulative distribution function x. This is equivalent to calculating the (weighted or unweighted) mean of the original data values.

For weighted empirical cumulative distribution functions (class "ewcdf") the weights will first be normalised so that they sum to 1. The result of mean.ewcdf is always an average or weighted average or the original data values. The argument trim is interpreted as a probability under this normalised distribution; the corresponding quantiles are computed, and data outside these quantiles is deleted before calculating the weighted mean.


A single number.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

Generic mean and weighted.mean.

ecdf, ewcdf to create the cumulative distribution functions.

stieltjes for integration with respect to a cumulative distribution function.


x <- 1:5
  w <- 1:5
  mean(ewcdf(x, w))

Quantiles of a Density Estimate


Given a kernel estimate of a probability density, compute quantiles.


## S3 method for class 'density'
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), names = TRUE,
        ..., warn = TRUE)



Object of class "density" computed by a method for density


Numeric vector of probabilities for which the quantiles are required.


Logical value indicating whether to attach names (based on probs) to the result.




Logical value indicating whether to issue a warning if the density estimate x had to be renormalised because it was computed in a restricted interval.


This function calculates quantiles of the probability distribution whose probability density has been estimated and stored in the object x. The object x must belong to the class "density", and would typically have been obtained from a call to the function density.

The probability density is first normalised so that the total probability is equal to 1. A warning is issued if the density estimate was restricted to an interval (i.e. if x was created by a call to density which included either of the arguments from and to).

Next, the density estimate is numerically integrated to obtain an estimate of the cumulative distribution function F(x)F(x). Then for each desired probability pp, the algorithm finds the corresponding quantile qq.

The quantile qq corresponding to probability pp satisfies F(q)=pF(q) = p up to the resolution of the grid of values contained in x. The quantile is computed from the right, that is, qq is the smallest available value of xx such that F(x)pF(x) \ge p.


A numeric vector containing the quantiles.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

quantile, quantile.ewcdf, CDF.


dd <- density(runif(10))

Quantiles of Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function


Compute quantiles of a weighted empirical cumulative distribution function.


## S3 method for class 'ewcdf'
quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25),
                 names = TRUE, ...,
                 normalise = TRUE, type=1)



A weighted empirical cumulative distribution function (object of class "ewcdf", produced by ewcdf) for which the quantiles are desired.


probabilities for which the quantiles are desired. A numeric vector of values between 0 and 1.


Logical. If TRUE, the resulting vector of quantiles is annotated with names corresponding to probs.




Logical value indicating whether x should first be normalised so that it ranges between 0 and 1.


Integer specifying the type of quantile to be calculated, as explained in quantile.default. Only types 1, 2 and 4 are currently implemented.


This is a method for the generic quantile function for the class ewcdf of empirical weighted cumulative distribution functions.

The quantile for a probability p is computed as the right-continuous inverse of the cumulative distribution function x (assuming type=1, the default).

If normalise=TRUE (the default), the weighted cumulative function x is first normalised to have total mass 1 so that it can be interpreted as a cumulative probability distribution function.


Numeric vector of quantiles, of the same length as probs.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected] and Kevin Ummel.

See Also

ewcdf, quantile


z <- rnorm(50)
  w <- runif(50)
  Fun <- ewcdf(z, w)
  quantile(Fun, c(0.95,0.99))

Quantile Function


Return the inverse function of a cumulative distribution function.


quantilefun(x, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ecdf'
quantilefun(x, ..., type=1)

  ## S3 method for class 'ewcdf'
quantilefun(x, ..., type=1)



Data for which the quantile function should be calculated. Either an object containing data (such as a pixel image) or an object representing a cumulative distribution function (of class "ecdf" or "ewcdf").


Other arguments passed to methods.


Integer specifying the type of quantiles, as explained in quantile.default. Only types 1, 2 and 4 are currently implemented.


Whereas the command quantile calculates the quantiles of a dataset corresponding to desired probabilities pp, the command quantilefun returns a function which can be used to compute any quantiles of the dataset.

If f <- quantilefun(x) then f is a function such that f(p) is the quantile associated with any given probability p. For example f(0.5) is the median of the original data, and f(0.99) is the 99th percentile of the original data.

If x is a pixel image (object of class "im") then the pixel values of x will be extracted and the quantile function of the pixel values is constructed.

If x is an object representing a cumulative distribution function (object of class "ecdf" or "ewcdf") then the quantile function of the original data is constructed.


A function in the R language.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

ewcdf, quantile.ewcdf, ecdf, quantile


## numeric data
  z <- rnorm(50)
  FZ <- ecdf(z)
  QZ <- quantilefun(FZ)
  QZ(0.5) # median value of z
  if(interactive()) plot(QZ,xlim=c(0,1),xlab="probability",ylab="quantile of z")

Reduced Sample Estimator using Histogram Data


Compute the Reduced Sample estimator of a survival time distribution function, from histogram data


reduced.sample(nco, cen, ncc, show=FALSE, uppercen=0)



vector of counts giving the histogram of uncensored observations (those survival times that are less than or equal to the censoring time)


vector of counts giving the histogram of censoring times


vector of counts giving the histogram of censoring times for the uncensored observations only


number of censoring times greater than the rightmost histogram breakpoint (if there are any)


Logical value controlling the amount of detail returned by the function value (see below)


This function is needed mainly for internal use in spatstat, but may be useful in other applications where you want to form the reduced sample estimator from a huge dataset.

Suppose TiT_i are the survival times of individuals i=1,,Mi=1,\ldots,M with unknown distribution function F(t)F(t) which we wish to estimate. Suppose these times are right-censored by random censoring times CiC_i. Thus the observations consist of right-censored survival times T~i=min(Ti,Ci)\tilde T_i = \min(T_i,C_i) and non-censoring indicators Di=1{TiCi}D_i = 1\{T_i \le C_i\} for each ii.

If the number of observations MM is large, it is efficient to use histograms. Form the histogram cen of all censoring times CiC_i. That is, obs[k] counts the number of values CiC_i in the interval (breaks[k],breaks[k+1]] for k>1k > 1 and [breaks[1],breaks[2]] for k=1k = 1. Also form the histogram nco of all uncensored times, i.e. those T~i\tilde T_i such that Di=1D_i=1, and the histogram of all censoring times for which the survival time is uncensored, i.e. those CiC_i such that Di=1D_i=1. These three histograms are the arguments passed to kaplan.meier.

The return value rs is the reduced-sample estimator of the distribution function F(t)F(t). Specifically, rs[k] is the reduced sample estimate of F(breaks[k+1]). The value is exact, i.e. the use of histograms does not introduce any approximation error.

Note that, for the results to be valid, either the histogram breaks must span the censoring times, or the number of censoring times that do not fall in a histogram cell must have been counted in uppercen.


If show = FALSE, a numeric vector giving the values of the reduced sample estimator. If show=TRUE, a list with three components which are vectors of equal length,


Reduced sample estimate of the survival time c.d.f. F(t)F(t)


numerator of the reduced sample estimator


denominator of the reduced sample estimator


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also


Detect Numerical Rounding


Given a numeric vector, determine whether the values have been rounded to a certain number of decimal places.



## Default S3 method:



A numeric vector, or an object containing numeric spatial coordinates.


The function rounding is generic. Its purpose is to determine whether numerical values have been rounded to a certain number of decimal places.

The spatstat family of packages provides methods for rounding for various spatial objects.

For a numeric vector x, the default method rounding.default determines whether the values in x have been rounded to a certain number of decimal places.

  • If the entries of x are not all integers, then rounding(x) returns the smallest number of digits d after the decimal point such that round(x, digits=d) is identical to x. For example if rounding(x) = 2 then the entries of x are rounded to 2 decimal places, and are multiples of 0.01.

  • If all the entries of x are integers, then rounding(x) returns -d, where d is the smallest number of digits before the decimal point such that round(x, digits=-d) is identical to x. For example if rounding(x) = -3 then the entries of x are multiples of 1000. If rounding(x) = 0 then the entries of x are integers but not multiples of 10.

  • If all entries of x are equal to 0, a value of 0 is returned.


An integer.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

round.ppp in package spatstat.geom.


rounding(c(0.1, 0.3, 1.2))
   rounding(c(1940, 1880, 2010))

Compute Integral of Function Against Cumulative Distribution


Computes the Stieltjes integral of a function ff with respect to a function MM.


stieltjes(f, M, ...)



The integrand. A function in the R language.


The cumulative function against which f will be integrated. An object of class "fv" or "stepfun".


Additional arguments passed to f.


This command computes the Stieltjes integral

I=f(x)dM(x)I = \int f(x) dM(x)

of a real-valued function f(x)f(x) with respect to a nondecreasing function M(x)M(x).

One common use of the Stieltjes integral is to find the mean value of a random variable from its cumulative distribution function F(x)F(x). The mean value is the Stieltjes integral of f(x)=xf(x)=x with respect to F(x)F(x).

The argument f should be a function in the R language. It should accept a numeric vector argument x and should return a numeric vector of the same length.

The argument M should be either a step function (object of class "stepfun") or a function value table (object of class "fv" ). Objects of class "stepfun" are returned by ecdf, ewcdf, and other utilities.


A list containing the value of the Stieltjes integral computed using each of the versions of the function M.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


x <- runif(100)
  w <- runif(100)
  H <- ewcdf(x, w)
  stieltjes(function(x) { x^2 }, H)

Transform the Quantiles


Apply a transformation to the quantiles of a vector, or to the quantiles of the pixel values in a pixel image.


transformquantiles(X, uniform = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, ...)



A numeric vector, matrix, array, or a pixel image (object of class "im").


Logical value specifying whether each quantile value should be replaced by the corresponding cumulative probability (called histogram equalisation, transformation to uniformity or probability integral transformation).


Logical value specifying whether to swap the upper and lower quantiles.




The argument X may be a vector, matrix, array, or a pixel image (object of class "im").

The algorithm will first extract the entries or pixel values of X as a vector, and sort the values into ascending order.

If uniform=TRUE, the entries in this vector will be replaced by the corresponding cumulative probabilities (the kth smallest value will be replaced by the number (k-0.5)/n where n is the total number of values).

If reverse=TRUE, the resulting vector will be reversed so that it is in descending order (so that the kth smallest value will be swapped with the kth largest value).

Finally the transformed values will be replaced into the original positions in the vector, matrix, array, or pixel image.

The case uniform=TRUE, reverse=FALSE is called transformation to uniformity, the probability integral transformation, histogram equalisation, or quantile transformation. The resulting values are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1; a histogram of the values in X is flat.


Another object of the same type as X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

To apply an arbitrary function f to the pixel values in an image, use the idiom X[] <- f(X[]).


X <- c(3, 5, 1, 2, 4)
  transformquantiles(X, reverse=TRUE)
  transformquantiles(X, uniform=TRUE)
  transformquantiles(X, uniform=TRUE, reverse=TRUE)

Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries


Determine whether entries in a vector (or rows in a matrix or data frame) are duplicated, choose a unique representative for each set of duplicates, and map the duplicates to the unique representative.



## Default S3 method:

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'

## S3 method for class 'matrix'



A vector, data frame or matrix, or another type of data.


The function uniquemap is generic, with methods for point patterns, data frames, and a default method.

The default method expects a vector. It determines whether any entries of the vector x are duplicated, and constructs a mapping of the indices of x so that all duplicates are mapped to a unique representative index.

The result is an integer vector u such that u[j] = i if the entries x[i] and x[j] are identical and point i has been chosen as the unique representative. The entry u[i] = i means either that point i is unique, or that it has been chosen as the unique representative of its equivalence class.

The method for data.frame determines whether any rows of the data frame x are duplicated, and constructs a mapping of the row indices so that all duplicate rows are mapped to a unique representative row.


An integer vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also


uniquemap.ppp in spatstat.geom


x <- c(3, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3)

  df <- data.frame(A=x, B=42)

  z <- cbind(x, 10-x)

Weighted kernel smoother


An unnormalised version of kernel density estimation where the weights are not required to sum to 1. The weights may be positive, negative or zero.


unnormdensity(x, ..., weights = NULL, defaults)



Numeric vector of data


Optional arguments passed to density.default. Arguments must be named.



Optional numeric vector of weights for the data. The default is equivalent to assuming a weight of 1 for each observation.


Optional, named list of arguments passed to density.default. These will be overridden by arguments in ....


This is an alternative to the standard R kernel density estimation function density.default.

The standard density.default requires the weights to be nonnegative numbers that add up to 1, and returns a probability density (a function that integrates to 1).

This function unnormdensity does not impose any requirement on the weights except that they be finite. Individual weights may be positive, negative or zero. The result is a function that does not necessarily integrate to 1 and may be negative. The result is the convolution of the kernel kk with the weighted data,

f(x)=iwik(xxi)f(x) = \sum_i w_i k(x- x_i)

where xix_i are the data points and wiw_i are the weights.

The argument weights should be a numeric vector of the same length as x, or a single numeric value. The default is to assume a weight of 1 for each observation in x.

The algorithm first selects the kernel bandwidth by applying density.default to the data x with normalised, positive weight vector w = abs(weights)/sum(abs(weights)) and extracting the selected bandwidth. Then the result is computed by applying applying density.default to x twice using the normalised positive and negative parts of the weights.

Note that the arguments ... must be passed by name, i.e. in the form (name=value). Arguments that do not match an argument of density.default will be ignored silently.


Object of class "density" as described in density.default.


If weights is not specified, the default is to assign a weight wi=1w_i=1 to each observation xix_i.

This is not the same behaviour as in density.default which effectively assumes a weight of 1/n1/n for each observation xix_i where n=length(x).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also



d <- unnormdensity(1:3, weights=c(-1,0,1), bw=0.3)
  if(interactive()) plot(d)

Weighted Median, Quantiles or Variance


Compute the median, quantiles or variance of a set of numbers which have weights associated with them.


weighted.median(x, w, na.rm = TRUE, type=2, collapse=TRUE)

weighted.quantile(x, w, probs=seq(0,1,0.25), na.rm = TRUE, type=4, collapse=TRUE)

weighted.var(x, w, na.rm = TRUE)



Data values. A vector of numeric values, for which the median or quantiles are required.


Weights. A vector of nonnegative numbers, of the same length as x.


Probabilities for which the quantiles should be computed. A numeric vector of values between 0 and 1.


Logical. Whether to ignore NA values.


Integer specifying the rule for calculating the median or quantile, corresponding to the rules available for quantile. The only valid choices are type=1, 2 or 4. See Details.


Research use only.


The ith observation x[i] is treated as having a weight proportional to w[i].

The weighted median is a value m such that the total weight of data less than or equal to m is equal to half the total weight. More generally, the weighted quantile with probability p is a value q such that the total weight of data less than or equal to q is equal to p times the total weight.

If there is no such value, then

  • if type=1, the next largest value is returned (this is the right-continuous inverse of the left-continuous cumulative distribution function);

  • if type=2, the average of the two surrounding values is returned (the average of the right-continuous and left-continuous inverses);

  • if type=4, linear interpolation is performed.

Note that the default rule for weighted.median is type=2, consistent with the traditional definition of the median, while the default for weighted.quantile is type=4.


A numeric value or vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

quantile, median.


x <- 1:20
  w <- runif(20)
  weighted.median(x, w)
  weighted.quantile(x, w)
  weighted.var(x, w)

Weighted Histogram


Computes the weighted histogram of a set of observations with a given set of weights.


whist(x, breaks, weights = NULL, method=c("C", "interpreted"))



Numeric vector of observed values.


Vector of breakpoints for the histogram.


Numeric vector of weights for the observed values.


Developer use only. A character string specifying whether to use internal C code (method="C", the default) or interpreted R code (method="interpreted").


This low-level function computes (but does not plot) the weighted histogram of a vector of observations x using a given vector of weights.

The arguments x and weights should be numeric vectors of equal length. They may include NA or infinite values.

The argument breaks should be a numeric vector whose entries are strictly increasing. These values define the boundaries between the successive histogram cells. The breaks do not have to span the range of the observations.

There are N-1 histogram cells, where N = length(breaks). An observation x[i] falls in the jth cell if breaks[j] <= x[i] < breaks[j+1] (for j < N-1) or breaks[j] <= x[i] <= breaks[j+1] (for j = N-1). The weighted histogram value h[j] for the jth cell is the sum of weights[i] for all observations x[i] that fall in the cell.

Note that, in contrast to the function hist, the function whist does not require the breakpoints to span the range of the observations x. Values of x that fall outside the range of breaks are handled separately; their total weight is returned as an attribute of the histogram.


A numeric vector of length N-1 containing the histogram values, where N = length(breaks).

The return value also has attributes "low" and "high" giving the total weight of all observations that are less than the lowest breakpoint, or greater than the highest breakpoint, respectively.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

with thanks to Peter Dalgaard.


x <- rnorm(100)
  b <- seq(-1,1,length=21)
  w <- runif(100)