. See also theR-universe documentation.Package: RandomFields 3.3.14
RandomFields: Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields
Methods for the inference on and the simulation of Gaussian fields are provided. Furthermore, methods for the simulation of extreme value random fields are provided. Main geostatistical parts are based among others on the books by Christian Lantuejoul <doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04808-5>.
RandomFields.pdf |RandomFields.html✨
RandomFields/json (API)
# Install 'RandomFields' in R: |
install.packages('RandomFields', repos = c('', '')) |
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 3 years agofrom:41d603eb8a. Checks:1 OK, 5 WARNING, 1 NOTE. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-win-x86_64 | WARNING | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-mac-x86_64 | WARNING | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-mac-aarch64 | WARNING | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-win-x86_64 | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-mac-x86_64 | WARNING | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-mac-aarch64 | WARNING | Mar 05 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields | RandomFields-package RandomFields |
Simulation methods for Brown-Resnick processes | BRmethods RPbrmixed RPbrorig RPbrshifted RPloggaussnormed |
Brown-Resnick process | Brown-Resnick Brown-Resnick process RPbrownresnick |
Calcium content in soil samples | ca20 ca20.df |
Documentation of some further changings | Changings changings coord_units new_coord_units tbmdim variab_units |
Circulant Embedding methods | Circulant Cutoff Intrinsic RPcirculant RPcutoff RPintrinsic |
Random coin method | Average Coins RPaverage RPcoins |
Coercion to class 'RFsp' objects | conventional2RFspDataFrame |
Coordinate systems | coordinate system Coordinate systems coordinate systems coordinates zenit |
Distribution families (RR commands) | RR RRmodel RRmodels |
Extremal t process | extremal t extremal t process RPopitz |
Extremal Gaussian process | extremal Gaussian extremal Gaussian process RPschlather |
Details on fitting Gaussian random fields, including Box-Cox transformation | fitgauss |
Methods for Gaussian Random Fields | Gaussian |
Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems in R2 | GSPSJ06 |
Bayesian Spatial Modelling | Bayesian bayesian Bayesian Modelling Hierarchical Hierarchical Modelling |
Hyperplane method | Hyperplane Hyperplanes RPhyperplane |
Method to simulate the Nugget effect | Nugget RPnugget |
Internal functions | checkExamples Dependencies FinalizeExample maintainers.machine plotWithCircles rfGenerateConstants rfGenerateMaths rfGenerateModels rfGenerateTest RM_DEFAULT ScreenDevice showManpages StartExample |
Covariance models for multivariate and vector-valued fields | jss14 |
Documentation of major changings | MajorRevisions |
Transformation of coordinate systems | %% %%,ANY,RMmodel-method %%,RMmodel,ANY-method *,character,RMmodel-method *,RMmodel,character-method +,character,RMmodel-method +,data.frame,RMmodel-method +,factor,RMmodel-method +,RMmodel,character-method +,RMmodel,factor-method +,RMmodel,list-method - -,character,RMmodel-method -,RMmodel,character-method / /,character,RMmodel-method /,RMmodel,character-method abs abs,RMmodel-method acosh acosh,RMmodel-method asin asin,RMmodel-method asinh asinh,RMmodel-method atan atan,RMmodel-method atan2 atan2,ANY,RMmodel-method atan2,RMmodel,ANY-method atanh atanh,RMmodel-method c cbrt ceiling ceiling,RMmodel-method cos cos,RMmodel-method cosh cosh,RMmodel-method erf erfc exp exp,RMmodel-method exp2 expm1 expm1,RMmodel-method floor floor,RMmodel-method gamma hypot lgamma lgamma,RMmodel-method log log,RMmodel-method log1p log1p,RMmodel-method log2 log2,RMmodel-method math.c max min R. R.acos R.acosh R.asin R.asinh R.atan R.atan2 R.atanh R.c R.cbrt R.ceil R.const R.cos R.cosh R.div R.erf R.erfc R.exp R.exp2 R.expm1 R.fabs R.fdim R.floor R.fmax R.fmin R.fmod R.gamma R.hypot R.ilogb R.lgamma R.log R.log1p R.log2 R.lon R.minus R.models R.mult R.nextafter R.nexttoward R.p R.pow R.remainder R.round R.sin R.sinh R.sqrt R.tan R.tanh R.trunc RFcalc round round,RMmodel,missing-method sin sin,RMmodel-method sinh sinh,RMmodel-method sqrt sqrt,RMmodel-method tan tan,RMmodel-method tanh tanh,RMmodel-method trunc trunc,RMmodel-method ^ ^,ANY,RMmodel-method ^,character,RMmodel-method ^,RMmodel,ANY-method ^,RMmodel,character-method |
Simulation of Max-Stable Random Fields | Maxstable maxstable RPmaxstable |
Simulation examples of advanced Max-Stable Random Fields | maxstableAdvanced RPmaxstableAdvanced |
Obsolete functions Version 2 | CondSimu Covariance CovarianceFct CovMatrix DeleteAllRegisters DeleteRegister DoSimulateRF EmpiricalVariogram fitvario fractal.dim GaussRF hurst InitGaussRF InitMaxStableRF InitSimulateRF Kriging MaxStableRF RFparameters Variogram |
Obsolete functions Version 3 | RFempiricalcovariance RFempiricalmadogram RFempiricalvariogram RMstrokorbBall RMstrokorbMono RMstrokorbPoly |
Auxiliary and other Models | Auxiliary Models Auxiliary RMmodels AuxiliaryModels Other models RMmodelsAuxiliary |
Papers involving 'RandomFields' and co-authored by M. Schlather | papers |
Methods for function 'plot' in package 'RandomFields' | contour.RFspatialGridDataFrame persp,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method plot,RFgridDataFrame,data.frame-method plot,RFgridDataFrame,matrix-method plot,RFgridDataFrame,missing-method plot,RFgridDataFrame,RFgridDataFrame-method plot,RFgridDataFrame,RFpointsDataFrame-method plot,RFpointsDataFrame,data.frame-method plot,RFpointsDataFrame,matrix-method plot,RFpointsDataFrame,missing-method plot,RFpointsDataFrame,RFgridDataFrame-method plot,RFpointsDataFrame,RFpointsDataFrame-method plot,RFspatialGridDataFrame,data.frame-method plot,RFspatialGridDataFrame,matrix-method plot,RFspatialGridDataFrame,missing-method plot,RFspatialGridDataFrame,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method plot,RFspatialGridDataFrame,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method plot,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,data.frame-method plot,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,matrix-method plot,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,missing-method plot,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method plot,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method plot-method RFplotSimulation RFplotSimulation1D |
Information about the implemented covariance models | GetModelList GetModelNames PrintModelList |
Linear part of 'RMmodel' | RFboxcox |
(Cross-)Covariance function | RFcov |
Covariance matrix | RFcovmatrix |
Fitting model parameters to spatial data (regionalised variables) and to linear (mixed) models | print.crossvalidate print.summary.crossvalidate RFcrossvalidate RFcrossvalidate.default summary.crossvalidate |
Evaluating distribution families | RFddistr RFdistr RFpdistr RFqdistr RFrdistr |
Class 'RFempVariog' | coerce,RFempVariog,list-method persp,RFempVariog-method plot,RFempVariog,missing-method print,RFempVariog-method print.RF_empVariog RFempVariog-class RFplotEmpVariogram show,RFempVariog-method summary,RFempVariog-method summary.RF_empVariog |
Evaluate Covariance and Variogram Functions | RFfctn |
Fitting model parameters to spatial data (regionalised variables) and to linear (mixed) models | RFfit RFfit.default |
Class 'RFfit' | .RFfit .RF_fit AIC,RFfit-method AIC.RF_fit AICc.RFfit AICc.RF_fit anova,RFfit-method anova.RF_fit BIC,RFfit-method BIC.RF_fit coerce,RFfit,RFempVariog-method contour.RFempVariog contour.RFfit logLik.RFfit logLik.RF_fit persp,RFfit-method plot,RFfit,missing-method print,RFfit-method print.RFfit print.RF_fit residuals,RFfit-method RFfit-class RFhessian RF_fit-class show,RFfit-method summary,RFfit-method summary,RFfit-methodt summary.RF_fit [,RFfit,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RFfit,ANY,ANY-method [,RFfit-method |
Optimisers for fitting model parameters to spatial data | RFfitOptimiser RFfitoptimiser |
RFformula - syntax to design random field models with trend or linear mixed models | RFformula RMformula |
Advanced RFformula | RFformulaAdvanced |
RFfractaldimension | RFfractaldim |
Evaluation operators (RF commands) | RF RFfunction RFfunctions RFmodel RFmodels |
Simulation Techniques | RFgetMethodNames |
Internally stored model | RFgetModel |
Information on RMmodels | RFgetModelInfo RFgetModelInfo_model RFgetModelInfo_register |
Names of implemented covariance and variogram models | RFgetModelNames |
Class 'RFgridDataFrame' | as.array.RFgridDataFrame as.matrix.RFgridDataFrame as.vector.RFgridDataFrame cbind.RFgridDataFrame coerce,RFgridDataFrame,RFpointsDataFrame,ANY-method coerce,RFgridDataFrame,RFpointsDataFrame-method dimensions,RFgridDataFrame-method hist.RFgridDataFrame print.RFgridDataFrame range.RFgridDataFrame RFgridDataFrame RFgridDataFrame-class RFspDataFrame2conventional,RFgridDataFrame-method RFspDataFrame2dataArray,RFgridDataFrame-method show,RFgridDataFrame-method variance,RFgridDataFrame-method [,RFgridDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RFgridDataFrame,ANY,ANY-method [,RFgridDataFrame-method [<-,RFgridDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RFgridDataFrame-method |
Graphical User Interface For Fitting Covariance Models And Variograms | RFgui |
Hurst coefficient | RFhurst |
Interpolation methods | kriging RFinterpolate |
Linear part of 'RMmodel' | RFlinearpart |
Likelihood and estimation of linear models | RFlikelihood RFloglikelihood |
Empirical (Cross-)Madogram | RFmadogram |
RFoldstyle | RFoldstyle |
Setting control arguments | RFOPTIONS RFoptions |
Setting control arguments of 'RandomFields' - advanced examples | RFoptionsAdvanced |
Graphical parameters for plots | RFpar |
Class 'RFpointsDataFrame' | as.array.RFpointsDataFrame as.matrix.RFpointsDataFrame as.vector.RFpointsDataFrame cbind.RFpointsDataFrame coerce,RFpointsDataFrame,RFgridDataFrame,ANY-method coerce,RFpointsDataFrame,RFgridDataFrame-method dimensions,RFpointsDataFrame-method hist.RFpointsDataFrame print.RFpointsDataFrame range.RFpointsDataFrame RFpointsDataFrame RFpointsDataFrame-class RFspDataFrame2conventional,RFpointsDataFrame-method show,RFpointsDataFrame-method variance,RFpointsDataFrame-method [,RFpointsDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RFpointsDataFrame,ANY,ANY-method [,RFpointsDataFrame-method [<-,RFpointsDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RFpointsDataFrame-method |
Empirical Pseudomadogram | RFpseudomadogram |
Pseudovariogram | RFpseudovariogram |
Likelihood ratio test | print.RFratiotest RFratiotest |
Simulation of Random Fields | RFsimulate |
Further Examples for the Simulation of Random Fields | RFsimulate.more.examples |
Sophisticated Examples for the Simulation of Random Fields | RFsimulate.sophisticated.examples |
Simulation of Random Fields - Advanced | RFsimulateAdvanced |
Class 'RFsp' | dimensions,RFdataFrame-method dimensions,RFsp-method dimensions,RFspatialDataFrame-method RFdataFrame RFdataFrame-class RFsp-class RFspatialDataFrame RFspatialDataFrame-class RFspDataFrame2conventional RFspDataFrame2conventional,RFsp-method RFspDataFrame2dataArray RFspDataFrame2dataArray,RFsp-method summary,RFsp-method variance,RFsp-method [,RFsp,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RFsp,ANY,ANY-method [,RFsp-method [<-,RFsp,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RFsp,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RFsp-method |
Class "RFspatialGridDataFrame" | as.array.RFspatialGridDataFrame as.matrix.RFspatialGridDataFrame as.vector.RFspatialGridDataFrame cbind.RFspatialGridDataFrame coerce,RFspatialGridDataFrame,data.frame-method coerce,RFspatialGridDataFrame,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,ANY-method coerce,RFspatialGridDataFrame,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method coerce,SpatialGridDataFrame,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method dimensions,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method GridTopology2gridVectors,GridTopology-method GridTopology2gridVectors,matrix-method hist.RFspatialGridDataFrame print.RFspatialGridDataFrame range.RFspatialGridDataFrame RFspatialGridDataFrame RFspatialGridDataFrame-class RFspDataFrame2conventional,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method RFspDataFrame2dataArray,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method show,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method variance,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method [,RFspatialGridDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RFspatialGridDataFrame,ANY,ANY-method [,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method [<-,RFspatialGridDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method |
Class "RFspatialPointsDataFrame" | as.array.RFspatialPointsDataFrame as.matrix.RFspatialPointsDataFrame as.vector.RFspatialPointsDataFrame cbind.RFspatialPointsDataFrame coerce,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,data.frame-method coerce,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,RFspatialGridDataFrame,ANY-method coerce,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,RFspatialGridDataFrame-method coerce,SpatialPointsDataFrame,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method dimensions,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method hist.RFspatialPointsDataFrame print.RFspatialPointsDataFrame range.RFspatialPointsDataFrame RFspatialPointsDataFrame RFspatialPointsDataFrame-class RFspDataFrame2conventional,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method show,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method variance,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method [,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,ANY,ANY-method [,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method [<-,RFspatialPointsDataFrame,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RFspatialPointsDataFrame-method |
Empirical (Cross-)Variogram | RFvariogram |
Anisotropy matrix given by angle | RMangle |
Askey model | RMaskey RMtent truncated power function |
Space-time moving average model | RMave |
RMball | RMball |
Model bridging stationary and intrinsically stationary processes | RMbcw |
Covariance Model for binary field based on a Gaussian field | RMbernoulli |
Bessel Family Covariance Model | RMbessel RMjbessel |
Bivariate Cauchy Model | RMbicauchy |
Gneiting-Wendland Covariance Models | RMbigneiting RMbiwendland |
Bivariate stable Model | RMbistable |
Full Bivariate Whittle Matern Model | RMbiwm |
Scale model for a few areas of different scales and/or differentiabilities | RMblend |
Transformation from Brown-Resnick to Bernoulli | RMbr2bg |
Transformation from Brown-Resnick to Gauss | RMbr2eg |
Tail correlation function of the Brown-Resnick process | error function model powered error function RMbrownresnick |
Bubble model for arbitrary areas of scales | RMbubble |
Cauchy Family Covariance Model | RMcauchy |
Modifications of the Cauchy Family Covariance Model | RMcauchytbm |
Schoenberg's representation for the classes psi_d and psi_{Inf} in d=2 | Choquet's representation RMchoquet Schoenberg's representation |
Circular Covariance Model | RMcircular |
Covariance Matrix Constant in Space | RMconstant |
Non-stationary covariance model corresponding to a variogram model | RMcov RMCOV_X |
Model for covariates | RMcovariate RM_COVARIATE |
Cox Isham Covariance Model | RMcoxisham |
Cubic Covariance Model | RMcubic |
Curlfree Covariance Model | RMcurlfree |
Gneiting's modification towards finite range | RMcutoff |
Dagum Covariance Model Family | RMdagum |
Exponentially Damped Cosine | RMdampedcos |
Declaration of dummy variables for statistical inference | RMdeclare RM_DECLARE |
Bivariate Delay Effect | RMdelay |
Gradient of a field | derivative gradient RMderiv |
Modified De Wijsian Variogram Model | RMdewijsian |
Divfree Covariance Model | RMdivfree |
Special models for rotation like fields | RMeaxxa RMetaxxa |
Generalized Cauchy Family Covariance Model | RMepscauchy |
Exponential Covariance Model | RMexp |
Exponential operator | RMexponential |
Variogram Model of Fractal Brownian Motion | RMfbm |
Fixed Covariance Matrix | RMfixcov |
Fixed Effect Model | RMfixed |
Variogram Model Similar to Fractal Brownian Motion | RMflatpower |
Fractionally Differenced Process Model | RMfractdiff |
Fractal Gaussian Model Family | RMfractgauss |
Gaussian Covariance Model | RMgauss |
Generalized Cauchy Family Covariance Model | RMgencauchy |
Generalized Fractal Brownian Motion Variogram Model | RMgenfbm |
Gneiting-Wendland Covariance Models | RMgengneiting RMwendland |
Non-Separable Space-Time model | RMgennsst |
Gneiting Covariance Model | RMgneiting |
Gneiting Covariance Model Used as Tapering Function | RMgneitingdiff |
Generalized Hyperbolic Covariance Model | RMhyperbolic |
Iaco-Cesare model | RMiaco |
Identical Model | RMid |
Identical Model | RMidmodel |
Internal models | RMintern RMmixed RMmult_inverse RMnull RMptsGivenShape RMr3binner RMselect RMsetparam RMshape.ave RMshape.stp RMSpower RMstandardShape RMstatShape RO# RO> ROmissing RPmppplus RPmult RPplus RPS RPtrend RRarcsqrt RRsetDistr |
Integral exponential operator | RMintexp |
Intrinsic Embedding Covariance Model | RMintrinsic |
Identical Model | RMkolmogorov |
Local-Global Distinguisher Family Covariance Model | RMlgd |
Locally Positive Definite Function Given by the Fractal Brownian Motion | RMlsfbm |
Ma operator | RMma |
Ma-Stein operator | RMmastein |
Matrix operator | coregionalisation coregionalization RMmatrix |
Covariance and Variogram Models in 'RandomFields' (RM commands) | RMmodel RMmodels [,RMmodel,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RMmodel,ANY,ANY-method |
Class 'RMmodel' | *,logical,RMmodel-method *,numeric,RMmodel-method *,RMmodel,logical-method *,RMmodel,numeric-method *,RMmodel,RMmodel-method +,logical,RMmodel-method +,numeric,RMmodel-method +,RMmodel,logical-method +,RMmodel,numeric-method +,RMmodel,RMmodel-method -,logical,RMmodel-method -,numeric,RMmodel-method -,RMmodel,logical-method -,RMmodel,numeric-method -,RMmodel,RMmodel-method /,logical,RMmodel-method /,numeric,RMmodel-method /,RMmodel,logical-method /,RMmodel,numeric-method /,RMmodel,RMmodel-method c,RMmodel-method image,RMmodel-method lines,RMmodel-method lines.RMmodel persp,RMmodel-method plot,RMmodel,missing-method points,RMmodel-method points.RMmodel print.RMmodel RFplotModel RMmodel-class show,RMmodel-method str.RMmodel [,RMmodel,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RMmodel-method [<-,RMmodel,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RMmodel-method ^,logical,RMmodel-method ^,numeric,RMmodel-method ^,RMmodel,logical-method ^,RMmodel,numeric-method ^,RMmodel,RMmodel-method |
Class CLASS_FIT | anova,RMmodelFit-method anova.RM_modelFit print,RMmodelFit-method print.RMmodelFit print.RM_modelFit RMmodelFit-class RM_modelFit-class show,RMmodelFit-method summary,RMmodelFit-method summary.RM_modelFit [,RMmodelFit,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RMmodelFit,ANY,ANY-method [,RMmodelFit-method [<-,RMmodelFit,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RMmodelFit,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RMmodelFit-method |
Class 'RMmodelgenerator' | print.RMmodelgenerator RMmodelgenerator-class show,RMmodelgenerator-method [,RMmodelgenerator,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,RMmodelgenerator,ANY,ANY-method [,RMmodelgenerator-method [<-,RMmodelgenerator,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RMmodelgenerator,ANY,ANY-method [<-,RMmodelgenerator-method |
Overview over classes of 'RMmodels' | RM |
Advanced features of the models | Advanced RMmodels RMmodelsAdvanced |
Multivariate models | Multivariate RMmodels RMmodelsMultivariate |
Non-stationary features of the models | non-stationary non-stationary RMmodels Nonstationary RMmodels RMmodelsNonstationary |
Space-time Covariance Models | RMmodelsSpaceTime RMmodelsSpacetime space-time |
Mixture of shape functions | ++ RMmppplus |
multivariate quasi-arithmetic mean | RMmqam |
Multiplication of Random Field Models | * RMmult RM_MULT |
The Multiquadric Family Covariance Model on the Sphere | Inverse multiquadric multiquadric family Poisson spline RMmultiquad |
Natural scale | RMnatsc |
Non-stationary Whittle-Matern Covariance Model | RMnonstwm |
Non-Separable Space-Time model | RMnsst |
Nugget Effect Covariance Model | RMnugget RM_NUGGET |
Parsimonious Multivariate Whittle Matern Model | RMparswm RMparswmX |
Penta Covariance Model | RMpenta |
Addition of Random Field Models | + RMplus RM_PLUS |
RMpolygon | RMpolygon |
Creating polynomial models | RMpolynome |
Power operator for Variograms and Covariance functions | RMpower |
Plain scalar product | RMprod |
Quasi-arithmetic mean | RMqam |
Variant of the exponential model | RMqexp |
Rational function | RMrational |
Rotation matrices | RMrotat RMrotation |
Scaling operator | RMS |
Scaling operator - comments for advanced applications | RMSadvanced |
Scale model for arbitrary areas of scales | RMscale |
Covariance Model for binary field based on Gaussian field | RMschlather |
Schur product | RMschur |
Random sign | RMsign RRsign |
The Sinepower Covariance Model on the Sphere | RMsinepower sine power function |
The Spherical Covariance Model | RMspheric |
Stable Family / Powered Exponential Model | powered exponential RMpoweredexp RMpoweredexponential RMstable |
Stein's non-separable space-time model | RMstein |
Single temporal process | RMstp |
Plain scalar product | RMsum |
Turning Bands Method | RMtbm |
Transformation of coordinate systems | RFearth2cartesian RFearth2dist RMtrafo |
Trend Model | RMtrend RM_TREND trend |
Truncating the Support of a Shape Function | RMtruncsupport |
User-Defined Function | RMuser RM_USER |
Vector Covariance Model | RMvector |
Wave Covariance Model / Cardinal Sine | RMcardinalsine RMwave |
Whittle-Matern Covariance Model | RMhandcock RMkbessel RMmatern RMwhittle Sobolev whittle-matern |
Simulation of Binary Random Fields | RPbernoulli |
Simulation of Chi2 Random Fields | RPchi2 |
Simulation of Gaussian Random Fields | RPgauss |
Simulation of Poisson Random Fields | RPpoisson |
Models for classes of random fields (RP commands) | RP RPmodel RPmodels RPprocess RPprocesses |
Simulation of T Random Fields | RPt |
Degenerate Distributions | RRdeterm |
Definition of Distribution Families | RM_DISTR RRdistr |
Vector Of Independent Gaussian Random Variables | RRgauss |
Location and Scale Modification of A Distribution | RRloc |
Random Sample From The Modulus Of A Function | RRmcmc |
Random scaling used with balls | RRrectangular |
Random scaling used with balls | RRspheric |
Uniform Distribution in Higher Dimensions | RRunif |
Models for stationary max-stable random fields | S02 |
On some covariance models based on normal scale mixtures | S10 |
Systematic co-occurrence of tail correlation functions among max-stable processes | SBS14 |
Methods relying on square roots of the covariance matrix | RPsequential Sequential |
(Mixed) Moving Maxima | M2 M3 mixed moving maxima moving maxima RPsmith |
Soil data of North Bavaria, Germany | soil |
Transformation of an 'sp' object to an 'RFsp' object | sp2RF |
Methods that are specific to certain covariance models | RPspecific Specific |
Spectral turning bands method | RPspectral Spectral |
Covariance models valid on a sphere | Earth models earth models RMmodelsSphere sphere Spherical models spherical models |
Methods relying on square roots of the covariance matrix | Direct RPdirect |
Covariance Models for Random Vector Fields | SS12 |
Tail correlation function of the Brown-Resnick process | RMm2r RMm3b RMmps RMstrokorb |
Covariance models valid for max-stable random fields | RMmodelsTailCorrelation Tail correlation functions tail correlation functions tcf |
Turning Bands method | RPtbm Tbm |
Trend Modelling | RMmodelsTrend trend modelling |
Pressure and temperature forecast errors over the Pacific Northwest | GKS11 weather |