Package 'spatstat.explore'

Title: Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Functionality for exploratory data analysis and nonparametric analysis of spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns, in the 'spatstat' family of packages. (Excludes analysis of spatial data on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'.) Methods include quadrat counts, K-functions and their simulation envelopes, nearest neighbour distance and empty space statistics, Fry plots, pair correlation function, kernel smoothed intensity, relative risk estimation with cross-validated bandwidth selection, mark correlation functions, segregation indices, mark dependence diagnostics, and kernel estimates of covariate effects. Formal hypothesis tests of random pattern (chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Monte Carlo, Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford, Dao-Genton, two-stage Monte Carlo) and tests for covariate effects (Cox-Berman-Waller-Lawson, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, ANOVA) are also supported.
Authors: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Kasper Klitgaard Berthelsen [ctb], Warick Brown [cph], Achmad Choiruddin [ctb], Jean-Francois Coeurjolly [ctb], Ottmar Cronie [ctb], Tilman Davies [ctb, cph], Julian Gilbey [ctb], Jonatan Gonzalez [ctb], Yongtao Guan [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], Kassel Hingee [ctb, cph], Abdollah Jalilian [ctb], Frederic Lavancier [ctb], Marie-Colette van Lieshout [ctb, cph], Greg McSwiggan [ctb], Robin K Milne [cph], Tuomas Rajala [ctb], Suman Rakshit [ctb, cph], Dominic Schuhmacher [ctb], Rasmus Plenge Waagepetersen [ctb], Hangsheng Wang [ctb]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 3.3-4.002
Built: 2025-02-04 01:24:31 UTC

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The spatstat.explore Package


The spatstat.explore package belongs to the spatstat family of packages. It contains the core functionality for statistical analysis and modelling of spatial data.


spatstat is a family of R packages for the statistical analysis of spatial data. Its main focus is the analysis of spatial patterns of points in two-dimensional space.

The original spatstat package has now been split into several sub-packages.

This sub-package spatstat.explore contains the user-level functions that perform exploratory data analysis and nonparametric data analysis of spatial data.

(The main exception is that functions for linear networks are in the separate sub-package spatstat.linnet.)

Structure of the spatstat family

The orginal spatstat package grew to be very large. It has now been divided into several sub-packages:

  • spatstat.utils containing basic utilities

  • spatstat.sparse containing linear algebra utilities

  • containing datasets

  • spatstat.univar containing functions for estimating probability distributions of random variables

  • spatstat.geom containing geometrical objects and geometrical operations

  • spatstat.explore containing the functionality for exploratory data analysis and nonparametric analysis of spatial data.

  • spatstat.model containing the functionality for statistical modelling, model-fitting, formal statistical inference and informal model diagnostics.

  • spatstat.linnet containing functions for spatial data on a linear network

  • spatstat, which simply loads the other sub-packages listed above, and provides documentation.

When you install spatstat, these sub-packages are also installed. Then if you load the spatstat package by typing library(spatstat), the other sub-packages listed above will automatically be loaded or imported.

For an overview of all the functions available in the sub-packages of spatstat, see the help file for "spatstat-package" in the spatstat package.

Additionally there are several extension packages:

  • spatstat.gui for interactive graphics

  • spatstat.local for local likelihood (including geographically weighted regression)

  • spatstat.Knet for additional, computationally efficient code for linear networks

  • spatstat.sphere (under development) for spatial data on a sphere, including spatial data on the earth's surface

The extension packages must be installed separately and loaded explicitly if needed. They also have separate documentation.

Overview of Functionality in spatstat.explore

The spatstat family of packages is designed to support a complete statistical analysis of spatial data. It supports

  • creation, manipulation and plotting of point patterns;

  • exploratory data analysis;

  • spatial random sampling;

  • simulation of point process models;

  • parametric model-fitting;

  • non-parametric smoothing and regression;

  • formal inference (hypothesis tests, confidence intervals);

  • model diagnostics.

For an overview, see the help file for "spatstat-package" in the spatstat package.

Following is a list of the functionality provided in the spatstat.explore package only.

To simulate a random point pattern:

Functions for generating random point patterns are now contained in the spatstat.random package.

To interrogate a point pattern:

density.ppp kernel estimation of point pattern intensity
densityHeat.ppp diffusion kernel estimation of point pattern intensity
Smooth.ppp kernel smoothing of marks of point pattern
sharpen.ppp data sharpening

Manipulation of pixel images:

An object of class "im" represents a pixel image.

blur apply Gaussian blur to image apply Gaussian blur to image line transect of image
pixelcentres extract centres of pixels
rnoise random pixel noise

Line segment patterns

An object of class "psp" represents a pattern of straight line segments.

density.psp kernel smoothing of line segments
rpoisline generate a realisation of the Poisson line process inside a window


An object of class "tess" represents a tessellation.

rpoislinetess generate tessellation using Poisson line process

Three-dimensional point patterns

An object of class "pp3" represents a three-dimensional point pattern in a rectangular box. The box is represented by an object of class "box3".

runifpoint3 generate uniform random points in 3-D
rpoispp3 generate Poisson random points in 3-D
envelope.pp3 generate simulation envelopes for 3-D pattern

Multi-dimensional space-time point patterns

An object of class "ppx" represents a point pattern in multi-dimensional space and/or time.

runifpointx generate uniform random points
rpoisppx generate Poisson random points

Classical exploratory tools:

clarkevans Clark and Evans aggregation index
fryplot Fry plot
miplot Morisita Index plot


density.ppp kernel smoothed density/intensity
relrisk kernel estimate of relative risk
Smooth.ppp spatial interpolation of marks
bw.diggle cross-validated bandwidth selection for density.ppp
bw.ppl likelihood cross-validated bandwidth selection for density.ppp
bw.CvL Cronie-Van Lieshout bandwidth selection for density estimation
bw.scott Scott's rule of thumb for density estimation
bw.abram.ppp Abramson's rule for adaptive bandwidths
bw.relrisk cross-validated bandwidth selection for relrisk
bw.smoothppp cross-validated bandwidth selection for Smooth.ppp
bw.frac bandwidth selection using window geometry
bw.stoyan Stoyan's rule of thumb for bandwidth for pcf

Modern exploratory tools:

clusterset Allard-Fraley feature detection
nnclean Byers-Raftery feature detection
sharpen.ppp Choi-Hall data sharpening
rhohat Kernel estimate of covariate effect
rho2hat Kernel estimate of effect of two covariates
spatialcdf Spatial cumulative distribution function
roc Receiver operating characteristic curve
sdr Sufficient Data Reduction
thresholdSelect optimal thresholding of a predictor

Summary statistics for a point pattern:

Fest empty space function FF
Gest nearest neighbour distribution function GG
Jest JJ-function J=(1G)/(1F)J = (1-G)/(1-F)
Kest Ripley's KK-function
Lest Besag LL-function
Tstat Third order TT-function
allstats all four functions FF, GG, JJ, KK
pcf pair correlation function
Kinhom KK for inhomogeneous point patterns
Linhom LL for inhomogeneous point patterns
pcfinhom pair correlation for inhomogeneous patterns
Finhom FF for inhomogeneous point patterns
Ginhom GG for inhomogeneous point patterns
Jinhom JJ for inhomogeneous point patterns
localL Getis-Franklin neighbourhood density function
localK neighbourhood K-function
localpcf local pair correlation function
localKinhom local KK for inhomogeneous point patterns
localLinhom local LL for inhomogeneous point patterns
localpcfinhom local pair correlation for inhomogeneous patterns
Ksector Directional KK-function
Kscaled locally scaled KK-function
Kest.fft fast KK-function using FFT for large datasets
Kmeasure reduced second moment measure
envelope simulation envelopes for a summary function
varblock variances and confidence intervals
for a summary function
lohboot bootstrap for a summary function

Related facilities:

plot.fv plot a summary function
eval.fv evaluate any expression involving summary functions
harmonise.fv make functions compatible
eval.fasp evaluate any expression involving an array of functions
with.fv evaluate an expression for a summary function
Smooth.fv apply smoothing to a summary function
deriv.fv calculate derivative of a summary function
pool.fv pool several estimates of a summary function
density.ppp kernel smoothed density
densityHeat.ppp diffusion kernel smoothed density
Smooth.ppp spatial interpolation of marks
relrisk kernel estimate of relative risk
sharpen.ppp data sharpening
rknn theoretical distribution of nearest neighbour distance

Summary statistics for a multitype point pattern: A multitype point pattern is represented by an object X of class "ppp" such that marks(X) is a factor.

relrisk kernel estimation of relative risk
scan.test spatial scan test of elevated risk
Gcross,Gdot,Gmulti multitype nearest neighbour distributions Gij,GiG_{ij}, G_{i\bullet}
Kcross,Kdot, Kmulti multitype KK-functions Kij,KiK_{ij}, K_{i\bullet}
Lcross,Ldot multitype LL-functions Lij,LiL_{ij}, L_{i\bullet}
Jcross,Jdot,Jmulti multitype JJ-functions Jij,JiJ_{ij}, J_{i\bullet}
pcfcross multitype pair correlation function gijg_{ij}
pcfdot multitype pair correlation function gig_{i\bullet}
pcfmulti general pair correlation function
markconnect marked connection function pijp_{ij}
alltypes estimates of the above for all i,ji,j pairs
Iest multitype II-function
Kcross.inhom,Kdot.inhom inhomogeneous counterparts of Kcross, Kdot
Lcross.inhom,Ldot.inhom inhomogeneous counterparts of Lcross, Ldot
pcfcross.inhom,pcfdot.inhom inhomogeneous counterparts of pcfcross, pcfdot
localKcross,localKdot local counterparts of Kcross, Kdot
localLcross,localLdot local counterparts of Lcross, Ldot
localKcross.inhom,localLcross.inhom local counterparts of Kcross.inhom, Lcross.inhom

Summary statistics for a marked point pattern: A marked point pattern is represented by an object X of class "ppp" with a component X$marks. The entries in the vector X$marks may be numeric, complex, string or any other atomic type. For numeric marks, there are the following functions:

markmean smoothed local average of marks
markvar smoothed local variance of marks
markcorr mark correlation function
markcrosscorr mark cross-correlation function
markvario mark variogram
markmarkscatter mark-mark scatterplot
Kmark mark-weighted KK function
Emark mark independence diagnostic E(r)E(r)
Vmark mark independence diagnostic V(r)V(r)
nnmean nearest neighbour mean index
nnvario nearest neighbour mark variance index

For marks of any type, there are the following:

Gmulti multitype nearest neighbour distribution
Kmulti multitype KK-function
Jmulti multitype JJ-function

Alternatively use cut.ppp to convert a marked point pattern to a multitype point pattern.

Programming tools:

marktable tabulate the marks of neighbours in a point pattern

Summary statistics for a three-dimensional point pattern:

These are for 3-dimensional point pattern objects (class pp3).

F3est empty space function FF
G3est nearest neighbour function GG
K3est KK-function
pcf3est pair correlation function

Related facilities:

envelope.pp3 simulation envelopes

Summary statistics for random sets:

These work for point patterns (class ppp), line segment patterns (class psp) or windows (class owin).

Hest spherical contact distribution HH
Gfox Foxall GG-function
Jfox Foxall JJ-function

Model fitting

Functions for fitting point process models are now contained in the spatstat.model package.


There are many ways to generate a random point pattern, line segment pattern, pixel image or tessellation in spatstat.

Random point patterns: Functions for random generation are now contained in the spatstat.random package.

See also varblock for estimating the variance of a summary statistic by block resampling, and lohboot for another bootstrap technique.

Fitted point process models:

If you have fitted a point process model to a point pattern dataset, the fitted model can be simulated.

Methods for simulating a fitted model are now contained in the spatstat.model package.

Other random patterns: Functions for random generation are now contained in the spatstat.random package.

Simulation-based inference

envelope critical envelope for Monte Carlo test of goodness-of-fit
bits.envelope critical envelope for balanced two-stage Monte Carlo test
qqplot.ppm diagnostic plot for interpoint interaction
scan.test spatial scan statistic/test
studpermu.test studentised permutation test
segregation.test test of segregation of types

Hypothesis tests:

quadrat.test χ2\chi^2 goodness-of-fit test on quadrat counts
clarkevans.test Clark and Evans test
cdf.test Spatial distribution goodness-of-fit test
berman.test Berman's goodness-of-fit tests
envelope critical envelope for Monte Carlo test of goodness-of-fit
scan.test spatial scan statistic/test
dclf.test Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test
mad.test Mean Absolute Deviation test
anova.ppm Analysis of Deviance for point process models

More recently-developed tests:

dg.test Dao-Genton test
bits.test Balanced independent two-stage test
dclf.progress Progress plot for DCLF test
mad.progress Progress plot for MAD test

Model diagnostics:

Classical measures of model sensitivity such as leverage and influence, and classical model diagnostic tools such as residuals, partial residuals, and effect estimates, have been adapted to point process models. These capabilities are now provided in the spatstat.model package.

Resampling and randomisation procedures

You can build your own tests based on randomisation and resampling using the following capabilities:

quadratresample block resampling
rshift random shifting of (subsets of) points
rthin random thinning


This library and its documentation are usable under the terms of the "GNU General Public License", a copy of which is distributed with the package.


Kasper Klitgaard Berthelsen, Ottmar Cronie, Tilman Davies, Julian Gilbey, Yongtao Guan, Ute Hahn, Kassel Hingee, Abdollah Jalilian, Marie-Colette van Lieshout, Greg McSwiggan, Tuomas Rajala, Suman Rakshit, Dominic Schuhmacher, Rasmus Waagepetersen and Hangsheng Wang made substantial contributions of code.

For comments, corrections, bug alerts and suggestions, we thank Monsuru Adepeju, Corey Anderson, Ang Qi Wei, Ryan Arellano, Jens Astrom, Robert Aue, Marcel Austenfeld, Sandro Azaele, Malissa Baddeley, Guy Bayegnak, Colin Beale, Melanie Bell, Thomas Bendtsen, Ricardo Bernhardt, Andrew Bevan, Brad Biggerstaff, Anders Bilgrau, Leanne Bischof, Christophe Biscio, Roger Bivand, Jose M. Blanco Moreno, Florent Bonneu, Jordan Brown, Ian Buller, Julian Burgos, Simon Byers, Ya-Mei Chang, Jianbao Chen, Igor Chernayavsky, Y.C. Chin, Bjarke Christensen, Lucia Cobo Sanchez, Jean-Francois Coeurjolly, Kim Colyvas, Hadrien Commenges, Rochelle Constantine, Robin Corria Ainslie, Richard Cotton, Marcelino de la Cruz, Peter Dalgaard, Mario D'Antuono, Sourav Das, Peter Diggle, Patrick Donnelly, Ian Dryden, Stephen Eglen, Ahmed El-Gabbas, Belarmain Fandohan, Olivier Flores, David Ford, Peter Forbes, Shane Frank, Janet Franklin, Funwi-Gabga Neba, Oscar Garcia, Agnes Gault, Jonas Geldmann, Marc Genton, Shaaban Ghalandarayeshi, Jason Goldstick, Pavel Grabarnik, C. Graf, Ute Hahn, Andrew Hardegen, Martin Bogsted Hansen, Martin Hazelton, Juha Heikkinen, Mandy Hering, Markus Herrmann, Maximilian Hesselbarth, Paul Hewson, Hamidreza Heydarian, Kurt Hornik, Philipp Hunziker, Jack Hywood, Ross Ihaka, Cenk Icos, Aruna Jammalamadaka, Robert John-Chandran, Devin Johnson, Mahdieh Khanmohammadi, Bob Klaver, Lily Kozmian-Ledward, Peter Kovesi, Mike Kuhn, Jeff Laake, Robert Lamb, Frederic Lavancier, Tom Lawrence, Tomas Lazauskas, Jonathan Lee, George Leser, Angela Li, Li Haitao, George Limitsios, Andrew Lister, Nestor Luambua, Ben Madin, Martin Maechler, Kiran Marchikanti, Jeff Marcus, Robert Mark, Peter McCullagh, Monia Mahling, Jorge Mateu Mahiques, Ulf Mehlig, Frederico Mestre, Sebastian Wastl Meyer, Mi Xiangcheng, Lore De Middeleer, Robin Milne, Enrique Miranda, Jesper Moller, Annie Mollie, Ines Moncada, Mehdi Moradi, Virginia Morera Pujol, Erika Mudrak, Gopalan Nair, Nader Najari, Nicoletta Nava, Linda Stougaard Nielsen, Felipe Nunes, Jens Randel Nyengaard, Jens Oehlschlaegel, Thierry Onkelinx, Sean O'Riordan, Evgeni Parilov, Jeff Picka, Nicolas Picard, Tim Pollington, Mike Porter, Sergiy Protsiv, Adrian Raftery, Ben Ramage, Pablo Ramon, Xavier Raynaud, Nicholas Read, Matt Reiter, Ian Renner, Tom Richardson, Brian Ripley, Ted Rosenbaum, Barry Rowlingson, Jason Rudokas, Tyler Rudolph, John Rudge, Christopher Ryan, Farzaneh Safavimanesh, Aila Sarkka, Cody Schank, Katja Schladitz, Sebastian Schutte, Bryan Scott, Olivia Semboli, Francois Semecurbe, Vadim Shcherbakov, Shen Guochun, Shi Peijian, Harold-Jeffrey Ship, Tammy L Silva, Ida-Maria Sintorn, Yong Song, Malte Spiess, Mark Stevenson, Kaspar Stucki, Jan Sulavik, Michael Sumner, P. Surovy, Ben Taylor, Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir, Leigh Torres, Berwin Turlach, Torben Tvedebrink, Kevin Ummer, Medha Uppala, Andrew van Burgel, Tobias Verbeke, Mikko Vihtakari, Alexendre Villers, Fabrice Vinatier, Maximilian Vogtland, Sasha Voss, Sven Wagner, Hao Wang, H. Wendrock, Jan Wild, Carl G. Witthoft, Selene Wong, Maxime Woringer, Luke Yates, Mike Zamboni and Achim Zeileis.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

Subset of spatially sampled function


Extract a subset of the data for a spatially sampled function.


## S3 method for class 'ssf'
x[i, j, ..., drop]



Object of class "ssf".


Subset index applying to the locations where the function is sampled.


Subset index applying to the columns (variables) measured at each location.

..., drop



This is the subset operator for the class "ssf".


Another object of class "ssf".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

ssf, with.ssf


f <- ssf(cells, data.frame(d=nndist(cells), i=1:42))
  f[ ,1]

Adaptive Estimate of Intensity of Point Pattern


Computes an adaptive estimate of the intensity function of a point pattern.


adaptive.density(X, ..., method=c("voronoi","kernel", "nearest"))



Point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp").


Character string specifying the estimation method


Additional arguments passed to densityVoronoi, densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp or nndensity.ppp.


This function is an alternative to density.ppp and density.lpp. It computes an estimate of the intensity function of a point pattern dataset. The result is a pixel image giving the estimated intensity.

If method="voronoi" the data are passed to the function densityVoronoi which estimates the intensity using the Voronoi-Dirichlet tessellation.

If method="kernel" the data are passed to the function densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp which estimates the intensity using a variable-bandwidth kernel estimator. (This is not yet supported when X has class "lpp".)

If method="nearest" the data are passed to the function nndensity.ppp which estimates the intensity using the distance to the k-th nearest data point. (This is not yet supported when X has class "lpp".)


A pixel image (object of class "im" or "linim") whose values are estimates of the intensity of X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected] and Mehdi Moradi [email protected].

See Also

density.ppp, densityVoronoi, densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp, nndensity.ppp, im.object.


plot(adaptive.density(nztrees, 1), main="Voronoi estimate")

Calculate four standard summary functions of a point pattern.


Calculates the FF, GG, JJ, and KK summary functions for an unmarked point pattern. Returns them as a function array (of class "fasp", see fasp.object).


allstats(pp, ..., dataname=NULL, verb=FALSE)



The observed point pattern, for which summary function estimates are required. An object of class "ppp". It must not be marked.


Optional arguments passed to the summary functions Fest, Gest, Jest and Kest.


A character string giving an optional (alternative) name for the point pattern.


A logical value meaning “verbose”. If TRUE, progress reports are printed during calculation.


This computes four standard summary statistics for a point pattern: the empty space function F(r)F(r), nearest neighbour distance distribution function G(r)G(r), van Lieshout-Baddeley function J(r)J(r) and Ripley's function K(r)K(r). The real work is done by Fest, Gest, Jest and Kest respectively. Consult the help files for these functions for further information about the statistical interpretation of FF, GG, JJ and KK.

If verb is TRUE, then “progress reports” (just indications of completion) are printed out when the calculations are finished for each of the four function types.

The overall title of the array of four functions (for plotting by plot.fasp) will be formed from the argument dataname. If this is not given, it defaults to the expression for pp given in the call to allstats.


A list of length 4 containing the FF, GG, JJ and KK functions respectively.

The list can be plotted directly using plot (which dispatches to plot.anylist).

Each list entry retains the format of the output of the relevant estimating routine Fest, Gest, Jest or Kest. Thus each entry in the list is a function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object).

The default formulae for plotting these functions are cbind(km,theo) ~ r for F, G, and J, and cbind(trans,theo) ~ r for K.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

plot.anylist, plot.fv, fv.object, Fest, Gest, Jest, Kest


a <- allstats(swedishpines,dataname="Swedish Pines")
        if(interactive()) {
        plot(a, subset=list("r<=15","r<=15","r<=15","r<=50"))

Calculate Summary Statistic for All Types in a Multitype Point Pattern


Given a marked point pattern, this computes the estimates of a selected summary function (FF,GG, JJ, KK etc) of the pattern, for all possible combinations of marks, and returns these functions in an array.


alltypes(X, fun="K", ...,



The observed point pattern, for which summary function estimates are required. An object of class "ppp" or "lpp".


The summary function. Either an R function, or a character string indicating the summary function required. Options for strings are "F", "G", "J", "K", "L", "pcf", "Gcross", "Jcross", "Kcross", "Lcross", "Gdot", "Jdot", "Kdot", "Ldot".


Arguments passed to the summary function (and to the function envelope if appropriate)


Character string giving an optional (alternative) name to the point pattern, different from what is given in the call. This name, if supplied, may be used by plot.fasp() in forming the title of the plot. If not supplied it defaults to the parsing of the argument supplied as X in the call.


Logical value. If verb is true then terse “progress reports” (just the values of the mark indices) are printed out when the calculations for that combination of marks are completed.


Logical value. If envelope is true, then simulation envelopes of the summary function will also be computed. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether the envelopes in each panel should be based on the same set of simulated patterns (reuse=TRUE) or on different, independent sets of simulated patterns (reuse=FALSE).


This routine is a convenient way to analyse the dependence between types in a multitype point pattern. It computes the estimates of a selected summary function of the pattern, for all possible combinations of marks. It returns these functions in an array (an object of class "fasp") amenable to plotting by plot.fasp().

The argument fun specifies the summary function that will be evaluated for each type of point, or for each pair of types. It may be either an R function or a character string.

Suppose that the points have possible types 1,2,,m1,2,\ldots,m and let XiX_i denote the pattern of points of type ii only.

If fun="F" then this routine calculates, for each possible type ii, an estimate of the Empty Space Function Fi(r)F_i(r) of XiX_i. See Fest for explanation of the empty space function. The estimate is computed by applying Fest to XiX_i with the optional arguments ....

If fun is "Gcross", "Jcross", "Kcross" or "Lcross", the routine calculates, for each pair of types (i,j)(i,j), an estimate of the “i-toj” cross-type function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r), Jij(r)J_{ij}(r), Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) or Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) respectively describing the dependence between XiX_i and XjX_j. See Gcross, Jcross, Kcross or Lcross respectively for explanation of these functions. The estimate is computed by applying the relevant function (Gcross etc) to X using each possible value of the arguments i,j, together with the optional arguments ....

If fun is "pcf" the routine calculates the cross-type pair correlation function pcfcross between each pair of types.

If fun is "Gdot", "Jdot", "Kdot" or "Ldot", the routine calculates, for each type ii, an estimate of the “i-to-any” dot-type function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r), Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) or Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) or Li(r)L_{i\bullet}(r) respectively describing the dependence between XiX_i and XX. See Gdot, Jdot, Kdot or Ldot respectively for explanation of these functions. The estimate is computed by applying the relevant function (Gdot etc) to X using each possible value of the argument i, together with the optional arguments ....

The letters "G", "J", "K" and "L" are interpreted as abbreviations for Gcross, Jcross, Kcross and Lcross respectively, assuming the point pattern is marked. If the point pattern is unmarked, the appropriate function Fest, Jest, Kest or Lest is invoked instead.

If envelope=TRUE, then as well as computing the value of the summary function for each combination of types, the algorithm also computes simulation envelopes of the summary function for each combination of types. The arguments ... are passed to the function envelope to control the number of simulations, the random process generating the simulations, the construction of envelopes, and so on.

When envelope=TRUE it is possible that errors could occur because the simulated point patterns do not satisfy the requirements of the summary function (for example, because the simulated pattern is empty and fun requires at least one point). If the number of such errors exceeds the maximum permitted number maxnerr, then the envelope algorithm will give up, and will return the empirical summary function for the data point pattern, fun(X), in place of the envelope.


A function array (an object of class "fasp", see fasp.object). This can be plotted using plot.fasp.

If the pattern is not marked, the resulting “array” has dimensions 1×11 \times 1. Otherwise the following is true:

If fun="F", the function array has dimensions m×1m \times 1 where mm is the number of different marks in the point pattern. The entry at position [i,1] in this array is the result of applying Fest to the points of type i only.

If fun is "Gdot", "Jdot", "Kdot" or "Ldot", the function array again has dimensions m×1m \times 1. The entry at position [i,1] in this array is the result of Gdot(X, i), Jdot(X, i) Kdot(X, i) or Ldot(X, i) respectively.

If fun is "Gcross", "Jcross", "Kcross" or "Lcross" (or their abbreviations "G", "J", "K" or "L"), the function array has dimensions m×mm \times m. The [i,j] entry of the function array (for iji \neq j) is the result of applying the function Gcross, Jcross, Kcross orLcross to the pair of types (i,j). The diagonal [i,i] entry of the function array is the result of applying the univariate function Gest, Jest, Kest or Lest to the points of type i only.

If envelope=FALSE, then each function entry fns[[i]] retains the format of the output of the relevant estimating routine Fest, Gest, Jest, Kest, Lest, Gcross, Jcross ,Kcross, Lcross, Gdot, Jdot, Kdot or Ldot The default formulae for plotting these functions are cbind(km,theo) ~ r for F, G, and J functions, and cbind(trans,theo) ~ r for K and L functions.

If envelope=TRUE, then each function entry fns[[i]] has the same format as the output of the envelope command.


Sizeable amounts of memory may be needed during the calculation.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].

See Also

plot.fasp, fasp.object, Fest, Gest, Jest, Kest, Lest, Gcross, Jcross, Kcross, Lcross, Gdot, Jdot, Kdot, envelope.


# bramblecanes (3 marks).
   bram <- bramblecanes
   bF <- alltypes(bram,"F",verb=TRUE)
   if(interactive()) {
   # Swedishpines (unmarked).
  swed <- swedishpines

   plot(alltypes(amacrine, "pcf"), ylim=c(0,1.3))

   # envelopes
   bKE <- alltypes(bram,"K",envelope=TRUE,nsim=19)
   # global version:
     bFE <- alltypes(bram,"F",envelope=TRUE,nsim=19,global=TRUE)

   # extract one entry

Coerce Envelope to Data Frame


Converts an envelope object to a data frame.


## S3 method for class 'envelope', ..., simfuns=FALSE)



Envelope object (class "envelope").




Logical value indicating whether the result should include the values of the simulated functions that were used to build the envelope.


This is a method for the generic function for the class of envelopes (see envelope.

The result is a data frame with columns containing the values of the function argument (usually named r), the function estimate for the original point pattern data (obs), the upper and lower envelope limits (hi and lo), and possibly additional columns.

If simfuns=TRUE, the result also includes columns of values of the simulated functions that were used to compute the envelope. This is possible only when the envelope was computed with the argument savefuns=TRUE in the call to envelope.


A data frame.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


E <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, savefuns=TRUE)
  tail(, simfuns=TRUE))

Convert Function Value Table to Function


Converts an object of class "fv" to an R language function.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
as.function(x, ..., value=".y", extrapolate=FALSE)



Object of class "fv" or "rhohat".




Optional. Character string or character vector selecting one or more of the columns of x for use as the function value. See Details.


Logical, indicating whether to extrapolate the function outside the domain of x. See Details.


A function value table (object of class "fv") is a convenient way of storing and plotting several different estimates of the same function. Objects of this class are returned by many commands in spatstat, such as Kest, which returns an estimate of Ripley's KK-function for a point pattern dataset.

Sometimes it is useful to convert the function value table to a function in the R language. This is done by as.function.fv. It converts an object x of class "fv" to an R function f.

If f <- as.function(x) then f is an R function that accepts a numeric argument and returns a corresponding value for the summary function by linear interpolation between the values in the table x.

Argument values lying outside the range of the table yield an NA value (if extrapolate=FALSE) or the function value at the nearest endpoint of the range (if extrapolate = TRUE). To apply different rules to the left and right extremes, use extrapolate=c(TRUE,FALSE) and so on.

Typically the table x contains several columns of function values corresponding to different edge corrections. Auxiliary information for the table identifies one of these columns as the recommended value. By default, the values of the function f <- as.function(x) are taken from this column of recommended values. This default can be changed using the argument value, which can be a character string or character vector of names of columns of x. Alternatively value can be one of the abbreviations used by fvnames.

If value specifies a single column of the table, then the result is a function f(r) with a single numeric argument r (with the same name as the orginal argument of the function table).

If value specifies several columns of the table, then the result is a function f(r,what) where r is the numeric argument and what is a character string identifying the column of values to be used.

The formal arguments of the resulting function are f(r, what=value), which means that in a call to this function f, the permissible values of what are the entries of the original vector value; the default value of what is the first entry of value.

The command as.function.fv is a method for the generic command as.function.


A function(r) or function(r,what) where r is the name of the original argument of the function table.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

as.function.rhohat, fv, fv.object, fvnames, plot.fv, Kest


K <- Kest(cells)
  f <- as.function(K)
  g <- as.function(K, value=c("iso", "trans"))
  g(0.1, "trans")

Convert Function Table to Function


Converts an object of class "rhohat" to an R language function.


## S3 method for class 'rhohat'
as.function(x, ..., value=".y", extrapolate=TRUE)



Object of class "rhohat", produced by the function rhohat.




Optional. Character string or character vector selecting one or more of the columns of x for use as the function value. See Details.


Logical, indicating whether to extrapolate the function outside the domain of x. See Details.


An object of class "rhohat" is essentially a data frame of estimated values of the function rho(x)rho(x) as described in the help file for rhohat.

Sometimes it is useful to convert the function value table to a function in the R language. This is done by as.function.rhohat. It converts an object x of class "rhohat" to an R function f.

The command as.function.rhohat is a method for the generic command as.function for the class "rhohat".

If f <- as.function(x) then f is an R function that accepts a numeric argument and returns a corresponding value for the summary function by linear interpolation between the values in the table x.

Argument values lying outside the range of the table yield an NA value (if extrapolate=FALSE) or the function value at the nearest endpoint of the range (if extrapolate = TRUE). To apply different rules to the left and right extremes, use extrapolate=c(TRUE,FALSE) and so on.

Typically the table x contains several columns of function values corresponding to different edge corrections. Auxiliary information for the table identifies one of these columns as the recommended value. By default, the values of the function f <- as.function(x) are taken from this column of recommended values. This default can be changed using the argument value, which can be a character string or character vector of names of columns of x. Alternatively value can be one of the abbreviations used by fvnames.

If value specifies a single column of the table, then the result is a function f(r) with a single numeric argument r (with the same name as the orginal argument of the function table).

If value specifies several columns of the table, then the result is a function f(r,what) where r is the numeric argument and what is a character string identifying the column of values to be used.

The formal arguments of the resulting function are f(r, what=value), which means that in a call to this function f, the permissible values of what are the entries of the original vector value; the default value of what is the first entry of value.


A function(r) or function(r,what) where r is the name of the original argument of the function table.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

rhohat, methods.rhohat, as.function.fv.


g <- rhohat(cells, "x")
  f <- as.function(g)

Convert Data To Class fv


Converts data into a function table (an object of class "fv").



  ## S3 method for class 'fv'

  ## S3 method for class 'data.frame'

  ## S3 method for class 'matrix'

  ## S3 method for class 'fasp'

  ## S3 method for class 'bw.optim'



Data which will be converted into a function table


This command converts data x, that could be interpreted as the values of a function, into a function value table (object of the class "fv" as described in fv.object). This object can then be plotted easily using plot.fv.

The dataset x may be any of the following:

  • an object of class "fv";

  • a matrix or data frame with at least two columns;

  • an object of class "fasp", representing an array of "fv" objects.

  • an object of class "minconfit", giving the results of a minimum contrast fit by the command mincontrast. The

  • an object of class "kppm", representing a fitted Cox or cluster point process model, obtained from the model-fitting command kppm;

  • an object of class "dppm", representing a fitted determinantal point process model, obtained from the model-fitting command dppm;

  • an object of class "bw.optim", representing an optimal choice of smoothing bandwidth by a cross-validation method, obtained from commands like bw.diggle.

The function as.fv is generic, with methods for each of the classes listed above. The behaviour is as follows:

  • If x is an object of class "fv", it is returned unchanged.

  • If x is a matrix or data frame, the first column is interpreted as the function argument, and subsequent columns are interpreted as values of the function computed by different methods.

  • If x is an object of class "fasp" representing an array of "fv" objects, these are combined into a single "fv" object.

  • If x is an object of class "minconfit", or an object of class "kppm" or "dppm", the result is a function table containing the observed summary function and the best fit summary function.

  • If x is an object of class "bw.optim", the result is a function table of the optimisation criterion as a function of the smoothing bandwidth.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


r <- seq(0, 1, length=101)
  x <- data.frame(r=r, y=r^2)

Convert Data To Class owin


Converts data specifying an observation window in any of several formats, into an object of class "owin".


## S3 method for class 'quadrattest'
as.owin(W, ..., fatal=TRUE)



Data specifying an observation window, in any of several formats described under Details below.


Logical value determining what to do if the data cannot be converted to an observation window. See Details.




The class "owin" is a way of specifying the observation window for a point pattern. See owin.object for an overview.

The generic function as.owin converts data in any of several formats into an object of class "owin" for use by the spatstat package. The function as.owin is generic, with methods for different classes of objects, and a default method.

The argument W may be

  • an object of class "owin"

  • a structure with entries xrange, yrange specifying the xx and yy dimensions of a rectangle

  • a structure with entries named xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax (in any order) specifying the xx and yy dimensions of a rectangle. This will accept objects of class bbox in the sf package.

  • a numeric vector of length 4 (interpreted as (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) in that order) specifying the xx and yy dimensions of a rectangle

  • a structure with entries named xl, xu, yl, yu (in any order) specifying the xx and yy dimensions of a rectangle as (xmin, xmax) = (xl, xu) and (ymin, ymax) = (yl, yu). This will accept objects of class spp used in the Venables and Ripley spatial package.

  • an object of class "ppp" representing a point pattern. In this case, the object's window structure will be extracted.

  • an object of class "psp" representing a line segment pattern. In this case, the object's window structure will be extracted.

  • an object of class "tess" representing a tessellation. In this case, the object's window structure will be extracted.

  • an object of class "quad" representing a quadrature scheme. In this case, the window of the data component will be extracted.

  • an object of class "im" representing a pixel image. In this case, a window of type "mask" will be returned, with the same pixel raster coordinates as the image. An image pixel value of NA, signifying that the pixel lies outside the window, is transformed into the logical value FALSE, which is the corresponding convention for window masks.

  • an object of class "ppm", "kppm", "slrm" or "dppm" representing a fitted point process model. In this case, if from="data" (the default), as.owin extracts the original point pattern data to which the model was fitted, and returns the observation window of this point pattern. If from="covariates" then as.owin extracts the covariate images to which the model was fitted, and returns a binary mask window that specifies the pixel locations.

  • an object of class "lpp" representing a point pattern on a linear network. In this case, as.owin extracts the linear network and returns a window containing this network.

  • an object of class "lppm" representing a fitted point process model on a linear network. In this case, as.owin extracts the linear network and returns a window containing this network.

  • A data.frame with exactly three columns. Each row of the data frame corresponds to one pixel. Each row contains the xx and yy coordinates of a pixel, and a logical value indicating whether the pixel lies inside the window.

  • A data.frame with exactly two columns. Each row of the data frame contains the xx and yy coordinates of a pixel that lies inside the window.

  • an object of class "distfun", "nnfun" or "funxy" representing a function of spatial location, defined on a spatial domain. The spatial domain of the function will be extracted.

  • an object of class "rmhmodel" representing a point process model that can be simulated using rmh. The window (spatial domain) of the model will be extracted. The window may be NULL in some circumstances (indicating that the simulation window has not yet been determined). This is not treated as an error, because the argument fatal defaults to FALSE for this method.

  • an object of class "layered" representing a list of spatial objects. See layered. In this case, as.owin will be applied to each of the objects in the list, and the union of these windows will be returned.

  • An object of another suitable class from another package. For full details, see vignette('shapefiles').

If the argument W is not in one of these formats and cannot be converted to a window, then an error will be generated (if fatal=TRUE) or a value of NULL will be returned (if fatal=FALSE).

When W is a data frame, the argument step can be used to specify the pixel grid spacing; otherwise, the spacing will be guessed from the data.


An object of class "owin" (see owin.object) specifying an observation window.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

as.owin, as.owin.rmhmodel, as.owin.lpp.

owin.object, owin.

Additional methods for as.owin may be provided by other packages outside the spatstat family.


te <- quadrat.test(redwood, nx=3)

Convert Data To Tessellation


Converts data specifying a tessellation, in any of several formats, into an object of class "tess".


## S3 method for class 'quadrattest'



Data to be converted to a tessellation.


A tessellation is a collection of disjoint spatial regions (called tiles) that fit together to form a larger spatial region. This command creates an object of class "tess" that represents a tessellation.

This function converts data in any of several formats into an object of class "tess" for use by the spatstat package. The argument X may be

  • an object of class "tess". The object will be stripped of any extraneous attributes and returned.

  • a pixel image (object of class "im") with pixel values that are logical or factor values. Each level of the factor will determine a tile of the tessellation.

  • a window (object of class "owin"). The result will be a tessellation consisting of a single tile.

  • a set of quadrat counts (object of class "quadratcount") returned by the command quadratcount. The quadrats used to generate the counts will be extracted and returned as a tessellation.

  • a quadrat test (object of class "quadrattest") returned by the command quadrat.test. The quadrats used to perform the test will be extracted and returned as a tessellation.

  • a list of windows (objects of class "owin") giving the tiles of the tessellation.

The function as.tess is generic, with methods for various classes, as listed above.


An object of class "tess" specifying a tessellation.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also



h <- quadrat.test(nztrees, nx=4, ny=3)

Area Under ROC Curve


Compute the AUC (area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve) for an observed point pattern.


auc(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
auc(X, covariate, ..., high = TRUE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp") or fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm", "slrm" or "lppm").


Spatial covariate. Either a function(x,y), a pixel image (object of class "im"), or one of the strings "x" or "y" indicating the Cartesian coordinates.


Logical value indicating whether the threshold operation should favour high or low values of the covariate.


Arguments passed to as.mask controlling the pixel resolution for calculations.


This command computes the AUC, the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. The ROC itself is computed by roc.

For a point pattern X and a covariate Z, the AUC is a numerical index that measures the ability of the covariate to separate the spatial domain into areas of high and low density of points. Let xix_i be a randomly-chosen data point from X and UU a randomly-selected location in the study region. The AUC is the probability that Z(xi)>Z(U)Z(x_i) > Z(U) assuming high=TRUE. That is, AUC is the probability that a randomly-selected data point has a higher value of the covariate Z than does a randomly-selected spatial location. The AUC is a number between 0 and 1. A value of 0.5 indicates a complete lack of discriminatory power.


Numeric. For auc.ppp and auc.lpp, the result is a single number giving the AUC value.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Lobo, J.M., Jimenez-Valverde, A. and Real, R. (2007) AUC: a misleading measure of the performance of predictive distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17(2) 145–151.

Nam, B.-H. and D'Agostino, R. (2002) Discrimination index, the area under the ROC curve. Pages 267–279 in Huber-Carol, C., Balakrishnan, N., Nikulin, M.S. and Mesbah, M., Goodness-of-fit tests and model validity, Birkhauser, Basel.

See Also



auc(swedishpines, "x")

Berman's Tests for Point Process Model


Tests the goodness-of-fit of a Poisson point process model using methods of Berman (1986).



## S3 method for class 'ppp'
berman.test(X, covariate,
                         which = c("Z1", "Z2"),
        alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), ...)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp").


The spatial covariate on which the test will be based. An image (object of class "im") or a function.


Character string specifying the choice of test.


Character string specifying the alternative hypothesis.


Additional arguments controlling the pixel resolution (arguments dimyx, eps and rule.eps passed to as.mask) or other undocumented features.


These functions perform a goodness-of-fit test of a Poisson point process model fitted to point pattern data. The observed distribution of the values of a spatial covariate at the data points, and the predicted distribution of the same values under the model, are compared using either of two test statistics Z1Z_1 and Z2Z_2 proposed by Berman (1986). The Z1Z_1 test is also known as the Lawson-Waller test.

The function berman.test is generic, with methods for point patterns ("ppp" or "lpp") and point process models ("ppm" or "lppm").

  • If X is a point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp" or "lpp"), then berman.test(X, ...) performs a goodness-of-fit test of the uniform Poisson point process (Complete Spatial Randomness, CSR) for this dataset.

  • If model is a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "lppm") then berman.test(model, ...) performs a test of goodness-of-fit for this fitted model. In this case, model should be a Poisson point process.

The test is performed by comparing the observed distribution of the values of a spatial covariate at the data points, and the predicted distribution of the same covariate under the model. Thus, you must nominate a spatial covariate for this test.

The argument covariate should be either a function(x,y) or a pixel image (object of class "im" containing the values of a spatial function. If covariate is an image, it should have numeric values, and its domain should cover the observation window of the model. If covariate is a function, it should expect two arguments x and y which are vectors of coordinates, and it should return a numeric vector of the same length as x and y.

First the original data point pattern is extracted from model. The values of the covariate at these data points are collected.

Next the values of the covariate at all locations in the observation window are evaluated. The point process intensity of the fitted model is also evaluated at all locations in the window.

  • If which="Z1", the test statistic Z1Z_1 is computed as follows. The sum SS of the covariate values at all data points is evaluated. The predicted mean μ\mu and variance σ2\sigma^2 of SS are computed from the values of the covariate at all locations in the window. Then we compute Z1=(Sμ)/σZ_1 = (S-\mu)/\sigma. Closely-related tests were proposed independently by Waller et al (1993) and Lawson (1993) so this test is often termed the Lawson-Waller test in epidemiological literature.

  • If which="Z2", the test statistic Z2Z_2 is computed as follows. The values of the covariate at all locations in the observation window, weighted by the point process intensity, are compiled into a cumulative distribution function FF. The probability integral transformation is then applied: the values of the covariate at the original data points are transformed by the predicted cumulative distribution function FF into numbers between 0 and 1. If the model is correct, these numbers are i.i.d. uniform random numbers. The standardised sample mean of these numbers is the statistic Z2Z_2.

In both cases the null distribution of the test statistic is the standard normal distribution, approximately.

The return value is an object of class "htest" containing the results of the hypothesis test. The print method for this class gives an informative summary of the test outcome.


An object of class "htest" (hypothesis test) and also of class "bermantest", containing the results of the test. The return value can be plotted (by plot.bermantest) or printed to give an informative summary of the test.


The meaning of a one-sided test must be carefully scrutinised: see the printed output.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Berman, M. (1986) Testing for spatial association between a point process and another stochastic process. Applied Statistics 35, 54–62.

Lawson, A.B. (1993) On the analysis of mortality events around a prespecified fixed point. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 156 (3) 363–377.

Waller, L., Turnbull, B., Clark, L.C. and Nasca, P. (1992) Chronic Disease Surveillance and testing of clustering of disease and exposure: Application to leukaemia incidence and TCE-contaminated dumpsites in upstate New York. Environmetrics 3, 281–300.

See Also

cdf.test, quadrat.test, ppm


# Berman's data
   X <- copper$SouthPoints
   L <- copper$SouthLines
   D <- distmap(L, eps=1)
   # test of CSR
   berman.test(X, D)
   berman.test(X, D, "Z2")

Combine Function Value Tables


Advanced Use Only. Combine objects of class "fv", or glue extra columns of data onto an existing "fv" object.


## S3 method for class 'fv'

bind.fv(x, y, labl = NULL, desc = NULL, preferred = NULL, clip=FALSE)



Any number of arguments, which are objects of class "fv", or other data. See Details.


An object of class "fv".


Either an object of class "fv", a data frame, or a function. See Details.


Plot labels (see fv) for columns of y. A character vector.


Descriptions (see fv) for columns of y. A character vector.


Character string specifying the column which is to be the new recommended value of the function.


Logical value indicating whether each object must have exactly the same domain, that is, the same sequence of values of the function argument (clip=FALSE, the default) or whether objects with different domains are permissible and will be restricted to a common domain (clip=TRUE).


This documentation is provided for experienced programmers who want to modify the internal behaviour of spatstat.

The function cbind.fv is a method for the generic R function cbind. It combines any number of objects of class "fv" into a single object of class "fv". The objects must be compatible, in the sense that they have identical values of the function argument.

The function bind.fv is a lower level utility which glues additional columns onto an existing object x of class "fv". It has three modes of use:

  • If the additional dataset y is an object of class "fv", then x and y must be compatible as described above. Then the columns of y that contain function values will be appended to the object x.

  • Alternatively if y is a data frame, then y must have the same number of rows as x. All columns of y will be appended to x.

  • Alternatively if y is a function in the R language, then this function will be evaluated at the argument values stored in the object x, and these function values will be appended as a new column to x.

The arguments labl and desc provide plot labels and description strings (as described in fv) for the new columns. If y is an object of class "fv" then labl and desc are optional, and default to the relevant entries in the object y. If y is a data frame then labl and desc should be provided, but there is a default.

For additional flexibility, cbind.fv also accepts arguments which are data frames or functions.


An object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

fv for creating objects of class "fv" from raw data.

collapse.fv for combining several "fv" objects with similar columns.

with.fv for evaluating expressions.

fvnames for extracting and assigning the column names of standard components of "fv" objects.

Undocumented functions for modifying an "fv" object include tweak.fv.entry and rebadge.fv.


K1 <- Kest(cells, correction="border")
   K2 <- Kest(cells, correction="iso")

   # remove column 'theo' to avoid duplication
   K2 <- K2[, names(K2) != "theo"]

   cbind(K1, K2)

   bind.fv(K1, K2, preferred="iso")

   # constrain border estimate to be monotonically increasing
   bm <- cumsum(c(0, pmax(0, diff(K1$border))))
   bind.fv(K1, data.frame(bmono=bm),
               "monotone border-corrected estimate of %s",

   # add a column of values defined by a function
   cbind(K1, upper=function(r) { pi * r^2 + 0.1 })

Global Envelopes for Balanced Independent Two-Stage Test


Computes the global envelopes corresponding to the balanced independent two-stage Monte Carlo test of goodness-of-fit.


bits.envelope(X, ...,
            nsim = 19, nrank = 1,
            alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
            leaveout=1, interpolate = FALSE,
            savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE,
            verbose = TRUE)



Either a point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or "pp3") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "slrm").


Arguments passed to mad.test or envelope to control the conduct of the test. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, rinterval to determine the range of rr values used in the test, and verbose=FALSE to turn off the messages.


Number of simulated patterns to be generated in each stage. Number of simulations in each basic test. There will be nsim repetitions of the basic test, each involving nsim simulated realisations, together with one independent set of nsim realisations, so there will be a total of nsim * (nsim + 1) simulations.


Integer. Rank of the envelope value amongst the nsim simulated values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values will be used.


Character string determining whether the envelope corresponds to a two-sided test (alternative="two.sided", the default) or a one-sided test with a lower critical boundary (alternative="less") or a one-sided test with an upper critical boundary (alternative="greater").


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to interpolate the distribution of the test statistic by kernel smoothing, as described in Dao and Genton (2014, Section 5).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated function values (from the first stage).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated point patterns (from the first stage).


Logical value determining whether to print progress reports.


Computes global simulation envelopes corresponding to the balanced independent two-stage Monte Carlo test of goodness-of-fit described by Baddeley et al (2017). The envelopes are described in Baddeley et al (2019).

If X is a point pattern, the null hypothesis is CSR.

If X is a fitted model, the null hypothesis is that model.

This command is similar to dg.envelope which corresponds to the Dao-Genton test of goodness-of-fit. It was shown in Baddeley et al (2017) that the Dao-Genton test is biased when the significance level is very small (small pp-values are not reliable) and we recommend bits.envelope in this case.


An object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R.K., Nair, G. and Rakshit, S. (2017) On two-stage Monte Carlo tests of composite hypotheses. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 114, 75–87.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2019) Pushing the envelope: extensions of graphical Monte Carlo tests. In preparation.

See Also

dg.envelope, bits.test, mad.test, envelope


ns <- if(interactive()) 19 else 4
  E <- bits.envelope(swedishpines, Lest, nsim=ns)
  Eo <- bits.envelope(swedishpines, Lest, alternative="less", nsim=ns)
  Ei <- bits.envelope(swedishpines, Lest, interpolate=TRUE, nsim=ns)

Balanced Independent Two-Stage Monte Carlo Test


Performs a Balanced Independent Two-Stage Monte Carlo test of goodness-of-fit for spatial pattern.


bits.test(X, ...,
        exponent = 2, nsim=19, 
        alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
        leaveout=1, interpolate = FALSE,
        savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE,
        verbose = TRUE)



Either a point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or "pp3") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm", "lppm" or "slrm").


Arguments passed to dclf.test or mad.test or envelope to control the conduct of the test. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, rinterval to determine the range of rr values used in the test, and use.theory described under Details.


Exponent used in the test statistic. Use exponent=2 for the Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test, and exponent=Inf for the Maximum Absolute Deviation test.


Number of replicates in each stage of the test. A total of nsim * (nsim + 1) simulated point patterns will be generated, and the pp-value will be a multiple of 1/(nsim+1).


Character string specifying the alternative hypothesis. The default (alternative="two.sided") is that the true value of the summary function is not equal to the theoretical value postulated under the null hypothesis. If alternative="less" the alternative hypothesis is that the true value of the summary function is lower than the theoretical value.


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to interpolate the distribution of the test statistic by kernel smoothing, as described in Dao and Genton (2014, Section 5).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated function values (from the first stage).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated point patterns (from the first stage).


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


Performs the Balanced Independent Two-Stage Monte Carlo test proposed by Baddeley et al (2017), an improvement of the Dao-Genton (2014) test.

If X is a point pattern, the null hypothesis is CSR.

If X is a fitted model, the null hypothesis is that model.

The argument use.theory passed to envelope determines whether to compare the summary function for the data to its theoretical value for CSR (use.theory=TRUE) or to the sample mean of simulations from CSR (use.theory=FALSE).

The argument leaveout specifies how to calculate the discrepancy between the summary function for the data and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. The values leaveout=0 and leaveout=1 are both algebraically equivalent (Baddeley et al, 2014, Appendix) to computing the difference observed - reference where the reference is the mean of simulated values. The value leaveout=2 gives the leave-two-out discrepancy proposed by Dao and Genton (2014).


A hypothesis test (object of class "htest" which can be printed to show the outcome of the test.


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

Baddeley, A., Diggle, P.J., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R.K. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84 (3) 477–489.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2017) On two-stage Monte Carlo tests of composite hypotheses. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 114, 75–87.

See Also

Simulation envelopes: bits.envelope.

Other tests: dg.test, dclf.test, mad.test.


ns <- if(interactive()) 19 else 4
 bits.test(cells, nsim=ns)
 bits.test(cells, alternative="less", nsim=ns)
 bits.test(cells, nsim=ns, interpolate=TRUE)

Apply Gaussian Blur to a Pixel Image


Applies a Gaussian blur to a pixel image.


blur(x, sigma = NULL, ...,
     kernel="gaussian", normalise=FALSE, bleed = TRUE, varcov=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'im'
Smooth(X, sigma = NULL, ...,
                    normalise=FALSE, bleed = TRUE, varcov=NULL)


x, X

The pixel image. An object of class "im".


Standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel.




String (partially matched) specifying the smoothing kernel. Current options are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "quartic" or "disc".


Logical flag indicating whether the output values should be divided by the corresponding blurred image of the window itself. See Details.


Logical flag indicating whether to allow blur to extend outside the original domain of the image. See Details.


Variance-covariance matrix of anisotropic Gaussian kernel. Incompatible with sigma.


This command applies a Gaussian blur to the pixel image x. is a method for the generic Smooth for pixel images. It is currently identical to blur, apart from the name of the first argument.

The blurring kernel is the isotropic Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sigma, or the anisotropic Gaussian kernel with variance-covariance matrix varcov. The arguments sigma and varcov are incompatible. Also sigma may be a vector of length 2 giving the standard deviations of two independent Gaussian coordinates, thus equivalent to varcov = diag(sigma^2).

If the pixel values of x include some NA values (meaning that the image domain does not completely fill the rectangular frame) then these NA values are first reset to zero.

The algorithm then computes the convolution xGx \ast G of the (zero-padded) pixel image xx with the specified Gaussian kernel GG.

If normalise=FALSE, then this convolution xGx\ast G is returned. If normalise=TRUE, then the convolution xGx \ast G is normalised by dividing it by the convolution wGw \ast G of the image domain w with the same Gaussian kernel. Normalisation ensures that the result can be interpreted as a weighted average of input pixel values, without edge effects due to the shape of the domain.

If bleed=FALSE, then pixel values outside the original image domain are set to NA. Thus the output is a pixel image with the same domain as the input. If bleed=TRUE, then no such alteration is performed, and the result is a pixel image defined everywhere in the rectangular frame containing the input image.

Computation is performed using the Fast Fourier Transform.


A pixel image with the same pixel array as the input image x.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also for interpolating a pixel image to a finer resolution, density.ppp for blurring a point pattern, Smooth.ppp for interpolating marks attached to points.


Z <-,y) { 4 * x^2 + 3 * y }, letterR)
   opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
   plot(letterR, add=TRUE)
   plot(blur(Z, 0.3, bleed=TRUE))
   plot(letterR, add=TRUE)
   plot(blur(Z, 0.3, bleed=FALSE))
   plot(letterR, add=TRUE)

Diffusion Blur


Blur a Pixel Image by Applying Diffusion


blurHeat(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'im'
blurHeat(X, sigma, ...,
     connect = 8, symmetric = FALSE, k= 1, show = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'im'
SmoothHeat(X, sigma, ...)



Pixel image (object of class "im").


Smoothing bandwidth. A numeric value, a pixel image or a function(x,y).


Ignored by


Grid connectivity: either 4 or 8.


Logical value indicating whether to force the algorithm to use a symmetric random walk.


Integer. Calculations will be performed by repeatedly multiplying the current state by the k-step transition matrix.


Logical value indicating whether to plot successive iterations.


The function blurHeat is generic.

This help file documents the method for pixel images (objects of class "im"). This is currently equivalent to, which is also documented here.

If sigma is a numeric value, then the classical time-dependent heat equation is solved up to time t = sigma^2 starting with the initial condition given by the image X. This has the effect of blurring the input image X.

If sigma is a function or a pixel image, then it is treated as a spatially-variable diffusion rate, and the corresponding heat equation is solved.

This command can be used to calculate the expected value of the diffusion estimator of intensity (densityHeat) when the true intensity is known.


A pixel image on the same raster as X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

densityHeat, blur.


Z <-,y) { sin(10*x) + sin(9*y) }, letterR)
  ZZ <- blurHeat(Z, 0.2)
  plot(solist(original=Z, blurred=ZZ), main="")

Boyce Index


Calculate the discrete or continuous Boyce index for a spatial point pattern dataset.


boyce(X, Z, ..., breaks = NULL, halfwidth = NULL)



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Habitat suitability classes or habitat suitability index. Either a tessellation (object of class "tess") or a spatial covariate such as a pixel image (object of class "im"), a function(x,y) or one of the letters "a", "b" representing the cartesian coordinates.


Additional arguments passed to rhohat.ppp.


The breakpoint values defining discrete bands of values of the covariate Z for which the discrete Boyce index will be calculated. Either a numeric vector of breakpoints for Z, or a single integer specifying the number of evenly-spaced breakpoints. Incompatible with halfwidth.


The half-width hh of the interval [zh,z+h][z-h,z+h] which will be used to calculate the continuous Boyce index B(z)B(z) for each possible value zz of the covariate ZZ.


Given a spatial point pattern X and some kind of explanatory information Z, this function computes either the index originally defined by Boyce et al (2002) or the ‘continuous Boyce index’ defined by Hirzel et al (2006).

Boyce et al (2002) defined an index of habitat suitability in which the study region WW is first divided into separate subregions C1,,CmC_1,\ldots,C_m based on appropriate scientific considerations. Then we count the number njn_j of data points of X that fall in each subregion CjC_j, measure the area aja_j of each subregion CjC_j, and calculate the index

Bj=nj/naj/aB_j = \frac{n_j/n}{a_j/a}

where aa is the total area and nn is the total number of points in X.

Hirzel et al (2006) defined another version of this index which is based on a continuous spatial covariate. For each possible value zz of the covariate ZZ, consider the region C(z)C(z) where the value of the covariate lies between zhz-h and z+hz+h, where hh is the chosen ‘halfwidth’. The ‘continuous Boyce index’ is

B(z)=n(z)/na(z)/aB(z) = \frac{n(z)/n}{a(z)/a}

where n(z)n(z) is the number of points of X falling in C(z)C(z), and a(z)a(z) is the area of C(z)C(z).

If Z is a tessellation (object of class "tess"), the algorithm calculates the original (‘discrete’) Boyce index (Boyce et al, 2002) for each tile of the tessellation. The result is another tessellation, identical to Z except that the mark values are the values of the discrete Boyce index.

If Z is a pixel image whose values are categorical (i.e. factor values), then Z is treated as a tessellation, with one tile for each level of the factor. The discrete Boyce index is then calculated. The result is a tessellation with marks that are the values of the discrete Boyce index.

Otherwise, if Z is a spatial covariate such as a pixel image, a function(x,y) or one of the characters "x" or "y", then exactly one of the arguments breaks or halfwidth must be given.

  • if halfwidth is given, it should be a single positive number. The continuous Boyce index (Hirzel et al, 2006) is computed using the specified halfwidth hh. The result is an object of class "fv" that can be plotted to show B(z)B(z) as a function of zz.

  • if breaks is given, it can be either a numeric vector of possible values of Z defining the breakpoints for the bands of values of Z, or a single integer specifying the number of evenly-spaced breakpoints that should be created. The discrete Boyce index (Boyce et al, 2002) is computed. The result is an object of class "fv" that can be plotted to show the discrete Boyce index as a function of zz.

When Z is a spatial covariate (not factor-valued), the calculation is performed using rhohat.ppp (since the Boyce index is a special case of rhohat). Arguments ... passed to rhohat.ppp control the accuracy of the spatial discretisation and other parameters of the algorithm.


A tessellation (object of class "tess") or a function value table (object of class "fv") as explained above.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Boyce, M.S., Vernier, P.R., Nielsen, S.E. and Schmiegelow, F.K.A. (2002) Evaluating resource selection functions. Ecological modelling 157, 281–300.

Hirzel, A.H., Le Lay, V., Helfer, V., Randin, C. and Guisan, A. (2006) Evaluating the ability of habitat suitability models to predict species presences. Ecological Modelling 199, 142–152.

See Also



online <- interactive()
  ## a simple tessellation
  V <- quadrats(Window(bei), 4, 3)
  if(online) plot(V)

  ## discrete Boyce index for a simple tessellation
  A <- boyce(bei, V)

  if(online) {
   plot(A, do.col=TRUE)

  ## spatial covariate: terrain elevation
  Z <- bei.extra$elev

  ## continuous Boyce index for terrain elevation
  BC <- boyce(bei, Z, halfwidth=10)

  if(online) plot(BC)

  ## discrete Boyce index for terrain elevation steps of height 5 metres
  bk <- c(seq(min(Z), max(Z), by=5), Inf)
  BD <- boyce(bei, Z, breaks=bk)

  if(online) plot(BD)

Abramson's Adaptive Bandwidths For Spatial Point Pattern


Computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths for a spatial point pattern, according to the inverse-square-root rule of Abramson (1982).


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
bw.abram(X, h0, 
         at=c("points", "pixels"),
         hp = h0, pilot = NULL, trim=5, smoother=density.ppp)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp") for which the variable bandwidths should be computed.


A scalar value giving the global smoothing bandwidth in the same units as the coordinates of X. The default is h0=bw.ppl(X).


Additional arguments passed to to control the pixel resolution, or passed to density.ppp or smoother to control the type of smoothing, when computing the pilot estimate.


Character string (partially matched) specifying whether to compute bandwidth values at the points of X (at="points", the default) or to compute bandwidths at every pixel in a fine pixel grid (at="pixels").


Optional. A scalar pilot bandwidth, used for estimation of the pilot density if required. Ignored if pilot is a pixel image (object of class "im"); see below.


Optional. Specification of a pilot density (possibly unnormalised). If pilot=NULL the pilot density is computed by applying fixed-bandwidth density estimation to X using bandwidth hp. If pilot is a point pattern, the pilot density is is computed using a fixed-bandwidth estimate based on pilot and hp. If pilot is a pixel image (object of class "im"), this is taken to be the (possibly unnormalised) pilot density, and hp is ignored.


A trimming value required to curb excessively large bandwidths. See Details. The default is sensible in most cases.


Smoother for the pilot. A function or character string, specifying the function to be used to compute the pilot estimate when pilot is NULL or is a point pattern.


This function computes adaptive smoothing bandwidths using the methods of Abramson (1982) and Hall and Marron (1988).

The function bw.abram is generic. The function bw.abram.ppp documented here is the method for spatial point patterns (objects of class "ppp").

If at="points" (the default) a smoothing bandwidth is computed for each point in the pattern X. Alternatively if at="pixels" a smoothing bandwidth is computed for each spatial location in a pixel grid.

Under the Abramson-Hall-Marron rule, the bandwidth at location uu is

h(u)=h0min[f~(u)1/2γ,trim]h(u) = \mbox{\texttt{h0}} * \mbox{min}[ \frac{\tilde{f}(u)^{-1/2}}{\gamma}, \mbox{\texttt{trim}} ]

where f~(u)\tilde{f}(u) is a pilot estimate of the spatially varying probability density. The variable bandwidths are rescaled by γ\gamma, the geometric mean of the f~(u)1/2\tilde{f}(u)^{-1/2} terms evaluated at the data; this allows the global bandwidth h0 to be considered on the same scale as a corresponding fixed bandwidth. The trimming value trim has the same interpretation as the required ‘clipping’ of the pilot density at some small nominal value (see Hall and Marron, 1988), to necessarily prevent extreme bandwidths (which can occur at very isolated observations).

The pilot density or intensity is determined as follows:

  • If pilot is a pixel image, this is taken as the pilot density or intensity.

  • If pilot is NULL, then the pilot intensity is computed as a fixed-bandwidth kernel intensity estimate using density.ppp applied to the data pattern X using the pilot bandwidth hp.

  • If pilot is a different point pattern on the same spatial domain as X, then the pilot intensity is computed as a fixed-bandwidth kernel intensity estimate using density.ppp applied to pilot using the pilot bandwidth hp.

In each case the pilot density or intensity is renormalised to become a probability density, and then the Abramson rule is applied.

Instead of calculating the pilot as a fixed-bandwidth density estimate, the user can specify another density estimation procedure using the argument smoother. This should be either a function or the character string name of a function. It will replace density.ppp as the function used to calculate the pilot estimate. The pilot estimate will be computed as smoother(X, sigma=hp, ...) if pilot is NULL, or smoother(pilot, sigma=hp, ...) if pilot is a point pattern. If smoother does not recognise the argument name sigma for the smoothing bandwidth, then hp is effectively ignored, as shown in the Examples.


Either a numeric vector of length npoints(X) giving the Abramson bandwidth for each point (when at = "points", the default), or the entire pixel image of the Abramson bandwidths over the relevant spatial domain (when at = "pixels").


Tilman Davies [email protected]. Adapted by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Abramson, I. (1982) On bandwidth variation in kernel estimates — a square root law. Annals of Statistics, 10(4), 1217-1223.

Davies, T.M. and Baddeley, A. (2018) Fast computation of spatially adaptive kernel estimates. Statistics and Computing, 28(4), 937-956.

Davies, T.M., Marshall, J.C., and Hazelton, M.L. (2018) Tutorial on kernel estimation of continuous spatial and spatiotemporal relative risk. Statistics in Medicine, 37(7), 1191-1221.

Hall, P. and Marron, J.S. (1988) Variable window width kernel density estimates of probability densities. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 80, 37-49.

Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall, New York.

See Also



# 'ch' just 58 laryngeal cancer cases
ch <- split(chorley)[[1]]

h <- bw.abram(ch,h0=1,hp=0.7)
if(interactive()) hist(h)

# calculate pilot based on all 1036 observations
h.pool <- bw.abram(ch,h0=1,hp=0.7,pilot=chorley)
if(interactive()) hist(h.pool)

# get full image used for 'h' above
him <- bw.abram(ch,h0=1,hp=0.7,at="pixels")

# use Voronoi-Dirichlet pilot ('hp' is ignored)
hvo <- bw.abram(ch, h0=1, smoother=densityVoronoi)

Cronie and van Lieshout's Criterion for Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density


Uses Cronie and van Lieshout's criterion based on Cambell's formula to select a smoothing bandwidth for the kernel estimation of point process intensity.


bw.CvL(X, ..., srange = NULL, ns = 16, sigma = NULL, warn=TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").




Optional numeric vector of length 2 giving the range of values of bandwidth to be searched.


Optional integer giving the number of values of bandwidth to search.


Optional. Vector of values of the bandwidth to be searched. Overrides the values of ns and srange.


Logical. If TRUE, a warning is issued if the optimal value of the cross-validation criterion occurs at one of the ends of the search interval.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth sigma for the kernel estimator of point process intensity computed by density.ppp.

The bandwidth σ\sigma is chosen to minimise the discrepancy between the area of the observation window and the sum of reciprocal estimated intensity values at the points of the point process

CvL(σ)=(Wi1/λ^(xi))2\mbox{CvL}(\sigma) = (|W| - \sum_i 1/\hat\lambda(x_i))^2

where the sum is taken over all the data points xix_i, and where λ^(xi)\hat\lambda(x_i) is the kernel-smoothing estimate of the intensity at xix_i with smoothing bandwidth σ\sigma.

The value of CvL(σ)\mbox{CvL}(\sigma) is computed directly, using density.ppp, for ns different values of σ\sigma between srange[1] and srange[2].


A single numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the bandwidth selection criterion as a function of sigma.


Ottmar Cronie [email protected] and Marie-Colette van Lieshout [email protected]. Adapted for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Cronie, O and Van Lieshout, M N M (2018) A non-model-based approach to bandwidth selection for kernel estimators of spatial intensity functions, Biometrika, 105, 455-462.

See Also

density.ppp, bw.optim.object.

Alternative methods: bw.diggle, bw.scott, bw.ppl, bw.frac.

For adaptive smoothing bandwidths, use bw.CvL.adaptive.


if(interactive()) {
    b <- bw.CvL(redwood)
    plot(b, main="Cronie and van Lieshout bandwidth criterion for redwoods")
    plot(density(redwood, b))
    plot(density(redwood, bw.CvL))

Select Adaptive Bandwidth for Kernel Estimation Using Cronie-Van Lieshout Criterion


Uses the Cronie-Van Lieshout criterion to select the global smoothing bandwidth for adaptive kernel estimation of point process intensity.


bw.CvL.adaptive(X, ..., 
            hrange = NULL, nh = 16, h=NULL,
            bwPilot = bw.scott.iso(X),
            edge = FALSE, diggle = TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Additional arguments passed to densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp.


Optional numeric vector of length 2 giving the range of values of global bandwidth h to be searched.


Optional integer giving the number of values of bandwidth h to search.


Optional. Vector of values of the bandwidth to be searched. Overrides the values of nh and hrange.


Pilot bandwidth. A scalar value in the same units as the coordinates of X. The smoothing bandwidth for computing an initial estimate of intensity using density.ppp.


Logical value indicating whether to apply edge correction.


Logical. If TRUE, use the Jones-Diggle improved edge correction, which is more accurate but slower to compute than the default correction.


This function selects an appropriate value of global bandwidth h0 for adaptive kernel estimation of the intensity function for the point pattern X.

In adaptive estimation, each point in the point pattern is subjected to a different amount of smoothing, controlled by data-dependent or spatially-varying bandwidths. The global bandwidth h0 is a scale factor which is used to adjust all of the data-dependent bandwidths according to the Abramson (1982) square-root rule.

This function considers each candidate value of bandwidth hh, performs the smoothing steps described above, extracts the adaptively-estimated intensity values λ^(xi)\hat\lambda(x_i) at each data point xix_i, and calculates the Cronie-Van Lieshout criterion

CvL(h)=i=1n1λ^(xi).\mbox{CvL}(h) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac 1 {\hat\lambda(x_i)}.

The value of hh which minimises the squared difference

LP2(h)=(CvL(h)W)2LP2(h) = (CvL(h) - |W|)^2

(where |W| is the area of the window of X) is selected as the optimal global bandwidth.

Bandwidths h are physical distance values expressed in the same units as the coordinates of X.


A single numerical value giving the selected global bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the bandwidth selection criterion as a function of sigma.


Marie-Colette Van Lieshout. Modified by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Abramson, I. (1982) On bandwidth variation in kernel estimates — a square root law. Annals of Statistics, 10(4), 1217-1223.

Cronie, O and Van Lieshout, M N M (2018) A non-model-based approach to bandwidth selection for kernel estimators of spatial intensity functions, Biometrika, 105, 455-462.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2021) Infill asymptotics for adaptive kernel estimators of spatial intensity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 63 (1) 159–181.

See Also


adaptive.density, densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp, bw.abram.ppp, density.ppp.

To select a fixed smoothing bandwidth using the Cronie-Van Lieshout criterion, use bw.CvL.


online <- interactive()
  if(online) {
    h0 <- bw.CvL.adaptive(redwood3)
  } else {
    ## faster computation for package checker
    h0 <- bw.CvL.adaptive(redwood3, nh=8,
                          hrange=c(1/4, 4) * bw.diggle(redwood3))
  plot(as.fv(h0), CvL ~ h)
  if(online) {
    Z <- densityAdaptiveKernel(redwood3, h0)

Bandwidth Selection for Diffusion Smoother by Cronie-van Lieshout Rule


Selects an optimal bandwidth for diffusion smoothing using the Cronie-van Lieshout rule.


bw.CvLHeat(X, ..., srange=NULL, ns=16, sigma=NULL,
         leaveoneout=TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Arguments passed to densityHeat.ppp.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying a range of bandwidths to be considered.


Integer. Number of candidate bandwidths to be considered.


Maximum smoothing bandwidth. A numeric value, or a pixel image, or a function(x,y). Alternatively a numeric vector containing a sequence of candidate bandwidths.


Logical value specifying whether intensity values at data points should be estimated using the leave-one-out rule.


Logical value specifying whether to print progress reports.


This algorithm selects the optimal global bandwidth for kernel estimation of intensity for the dataset X using diffusion smoothing densityHeat.ppp.

If sigma is a numeric value, the algorithm finds the optimal bandwidth tau <= sigma.

If sigma is a pixel image or function, the algorithm finds the optimal fraction 0 < f <= 1 such that smoothing with f * sigma would be optimal.


A numerical value giving the selected bandwidth (if sigma was a numeric value) or the selected fraction of the maximum bandwidth (if sigma was a pixel image or function). The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" which can be plotted.


Adrian Baddeley.

See Also

bw.pplHeat for an alternative method.



online <- interactive()
  if(!online) op <- spatstat.options(npixel=32)
  f <- function(x,y) { dnorm(x, 2.3, 0.1) * dnorm(y, 2.0, 0.2) }
  X <- rpoint(15, f, win=letterR)
  b <- bw.CvLHeat(X, sigma=0.25)
  if(!online) spatstat.options(op)

Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density


Uses cross-validation to select a smoothing bandwidth for the kernel estimation of point process intensity.


bw.diggle(X, ..., correction="good", hmax=NULL, nr=512, warn=TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").




Character string passed to Kest determining the edge correction to be used to calculate the KK function.


Numeric. Maximum value of bandwidth that should be considered.


Integer. Number of steps in the distance value rr to use in computing numerical integrals.


Logical. If TRUE, issue a warning if the minimum of the cross-validation criterion occurs at one of the ends of the search interval.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth sigma for the kernel estimator of point process intensity computed by density.ppp.

The bandwidth σ\sigma is chosen to minimise the mean-square error criterion defined by Diggle (1985). The algorithm uses the method of Berman and Diggle (1989) to compute the quantity

M(σ)=MSE(σ)λ2g(0)M(\sigma) = \frac{\mbox{MSE}(\sigma)}{\lambda^2} - g(0)

as a function of bandwidth σ\sigma, where MSE(σ)\mbox{MSE}(\sigma) is the mean squared error at bandwidth σ\sigma, while λ\lambda is the mean intensity, and gg is the pair correlation function. See Diggle (2003, pages 115-118) for a summary of this method.

The result is a numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" which can be plotted to show the (rescaled) mean-square error as a function of sigma.


A single numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the bandwidth selection criterion as a function of sigma.

Definition of bandwidth

The smoothing parameter sigma returned by bw.diggle (and displayed on the horizontal axis of the plot) corresponds to h/2, where h is the smoothing parameter described in Diggle (2003, pages 116-118) and Berman and Diggle (1989). In those references, the smoothing kernel is the uniform density on the disc of radius h. In density.ppp, the smoothing kernel is the isotropic Gaussian density with standard deviation sigma. When replacing one kernel by another, the usual practice is to adjust the bandwidths so that the kernels have equal variance (cf. Diggle 2003, page 118). This implies that sigma = h/2.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Berman, M. and Diggle, P. (1989) Estimating weighted integrals of the second-order intensity of a spatial point process. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B 51, 81–92.

Diggle, P.J. (1985) A kernel method for smoothing point process data. Applied Statistics (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C) 34 (1985) 138–147.

Diggle, P.J. (2003) Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns, Second edition. Arnold.

See Also

density.ppp, bw.optim.object.

Alternative methods: bw.ppl, bw.scott, bw.CvL, bw.frac.


  b <- bw.diggle(hickory)
  plot(b, ylim=c(-2, 0), main="Cross validation for hickories")
  if(interactive()) {
   plot(density(hickory, b))

Bandwidth Selection Based on Window Geometry


Select a smoothing bandwidth for smoothing a point pattern, based only on the geometry of the spatial window. The bandwidth is a specified quantile of the distance between two independent random points in the window.


bw.frac(X, ..., f=1/4)



A window (object of class "owin") or point pattern (object of class "ppp") or other data which can be converted to a window using as.owin.


Arguments passed to distcdf.


Probability value (between 0 and 1) determining the quantile of the distribution.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth sigma for the kernel estimator of point process intensity computed by density.ppp.

The bandwidth σ\sigma is computed as a quantile of the distance between two independent random points in the window. The default is the lower quartile of this distribution.

If F(r)F(r) is the cumulative distribution function of the distance between two independent random points uniformly distributed in the window, then the value returned is the quantile with probability ff. That is, the bandwidth is the value rr such that F(r)=fF(r) = f.

The cumulative distribution function F(r)F(r) is computed using distcdf. We then we compute the smallest number rr such that F(r)fF(r) \ge f.


A numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.frac" which can be plotted to show the cumulative distribution function and the selected quantile.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

For estimating point process intensity, see density.ppp, bw.diggle, bw.ppl, bw.scott, bw.CvL.

For other smoothing purposes, see bw.stoyan, bw.smoothppp, bw.relrisk.


h <- bw.frac(letterR)
  plot(h, main="bw.frac(letterR)")

Class of Optimized Bandwidths


An object of the class "bw.optim" represents a tuning parameter (usually a smoothing bandwidth) that has been selected automatically. The object can be used as if it were a numerical value, but it can also be plotted to show the optimality criterion.


An object of the class "bw.optim" represents the numerical value of a smoothing bandwidth, a threshold, or a similar tuning parameter, that has been selected by optimising a criterion such as cross-validation.

The object is a numerical value, with some attributes that retain information about how the value was selected.

Attributes include the vector of candidate values that were examined, the corresponding values of the optimality criterion, the name of the parameter, the name of the optimality criterion, and the units in which the parameter is measured.

There are methods for print, plot, summary, and as.fv for the class "bw.optim".

The print method simply prints the numerical value of the parameter. The summary method prints this value, and states how this value was selected.

The plot method produces a plot of the optimisation criterion against the candidate value of the parameter. The and as.fv methods extract this graphical information as a data frame or function table, respectively.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

Functions which produce objects of class bw.optim include bw.CvL, bw.CvL.adaptive, bw.diggle, bw.lppl, bw.pcf, bw.ppl, bw.relrisk, bw.relrisk.lpp, bw.smoothppp and bw.voronoi


Ns <- if(interactive()) 32 else 3
  b <- bw.ppl(redwood, srange=c(0.02, 0.07), ns=Ns)

Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Pair Correlation Function


Uses composite likelihood or generalized least squares cross-validation to select a smoothing bandwidth for the kernel estimation of pair correlation function.


bw.pcf(X, rmax=NULL, lambda=NULL, divisor="r", 
         kernel="epanechnikov", nr=10000, bias.correct=TRUE, 
         cv.method=c("compLik", "leastSQ"), simple=TRUE, srange=NULL,
	 ..., verbose=FALSE, warn=TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Numeric. Maximum value of the spatial lag distance rr for which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. A vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X.


Choice of divisor in the estimation formula: either "r" (the default) or "d". See pcf.ppp.


Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to density; see pcf and pcfinhom.


Integer. Number of subintervals for discretization of [0, rmax] to use in computing numerical integrals.


Logical. Whether to use bias corrected version of the kernel estimate. See Details.


Choice of cross validation method: either "compLik" or "leastSQ" (partially matched).


Logical. Whether to use simple removal of spatial lag distances. See Details.


Optional. Numeric vector of length 2 giving the range of bandwidth values that should be searched to find the optimum bandwidth.


Other arguments, passed to pcf or pcfinhom.


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports during the optimization procedure.


Logical. If TRUE, issue a warning if the optimum value of the cross-validation criterion occurs at one of the ends of the search interval.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth bw for the kernel estimator of the pair correlation function of a point process intensity computed by pcf.ppp (homogeneous case) or pcfinhom (inhomogeneous case).

With cv.method="leastSQ", the bandwidth hh is chosen to minimise an unbiased estimate of the integrated mean-square error criterion M(h)M(h) defined in equation (4) in Guan (2007a). The code implements the fast algorithm of Jalilian and Waagepetersen (2018).

With cv.method="compLik", the bandwidth hh is chosen to maximise a likelihood cross-validation criterion CV(h)CV(h) defined in equation (6) of Guan (2007b).

M(b)=MSE(σ)λ2g(0)M(b) = \frac{\mbox{MSE}(\sigma)}{\lambda^2} - g(0)

The result is a numerical value giving the selected bandwidth.


A single numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the bandwidth selection criterion as a function of sigma.

Definition of bandwidth

The bandwidth bw returned by bw.pcf is the standard deviation of the smoothing kernel, following the standard convention in R. As mentioned in the documentation for density.default and pcf.ppp, this differs from other definitions of bandwidth that can be found in the literature. The scale parameter h, which is called the bandwidth in some literature, is defined differently. For example for the Epanechnikov kernel, h is the half-width of the kernel, and bw=h/sqrt(5).


Rasmus Waagepetersen and Abdollah Jalilian. Adapted for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Guan, Y. (2007a). A composite likelihood cross-validation approach in selecting bandwidth for the estimation of the pair correlation function. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34(2), 336–346.

Guan, Y. (2007b). A least-squares cross-validation bandwidth selection approach in pair correlation function estimations. Statistics & Probability Letters, 77(18), 1722–1729.

Jalilian, A. and Waagepetersen, R. (2018) Fast bandwidth selection for estimation of the pair correlation function. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(10), 2001–2011.

See Also

pcf.ppp, pcfinhom, bw.optim.object


b <- bw.pcf(redwood)
  plot(pcf(redwood, bw=b))

Likelihood Cross Validation Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density


Uses likelihood cross-validation to select a smoothing bandwidth for the kernel estimation of point process intensity.


bw.ppl(X, ..., srange=NULL, ns=16, sigma=NULL, varcov1=NULL,
          weights=NULL, shortcut=TRUE, warn=TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Optional numeric vector of length 2 giving the range of values of bandwidth to be searched.


Optional integer giving the number of values of bandwidth to search.


Optional. Vector of values of the bandwidth to be searched. Overrides the values of ns and srange.


Optional. Variance-covariance matrix matrix of the kernel with bandwidth h=1h=1. See section on Anisotropic Smoothing.


Optional. Numeric vector of weights for the points of X. Argument passed to density.ppp.


Additional arguments passed to density.ppp.


Logical value indicating whether to speed up the calculation by omitting the integral term in the cross-validation criterion.


Logical. If TRUE, issue a warning if the maximum of the cross-validation criterion occurs at one of the ends of the search interval.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth sigma for the kernel estimator of point process intensity computed by density.ppp.

The bandwidth σ\sigma is chosen to maximise the point process likelihood cross-validation criterion

LCV(σ)=ilogλ^i(xi)Wλ^(u)du\mbox{LCV}(\sigma) = \sum_i \log\hat\lambda_{-i}(x_i) - \int_W \hat\lambda(u) \, {\rm d}u

where the sum is taken over all the data points xix_i, where λ^i(xi)\hat\lambda_{-i}(x_i) is the leave-one-out kernel-smoothing estimate of the intensity at xix_i with smoothing bandwidth σ\sigma, and λ^(u)\hat\lambda(u) is the kernel-smoothing estimate of the intensity at a spatial location uu with smoothing bandwidth σ\sigma. See Loader(1999, Section 5.3).

The value of LCV(σ)\mbox{LCV}(\sigma) is computed directly, using density.ppp, for ns different values of σ\sigma between srange[1] and srange[2].

The result is a numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" which can be plotted to show the (rescaled) mean-square error as a function of sigma.

If shortcut=TRUE (the default), the computation is accelerated by omitting the integral term in the equation above. This is valid because the integral is approximately constant.


A numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" which can be plotted.

Anisotropic Smoothing

Anisotropic kernel smoothing is available in density.ppp using the argument varcov to specify the variance-covariance matrix of the anisotropic kernel. In order to choose the matrix varcov, the user can call bw.ppl using the argument varcov1 to specify a ‘template’ matrix. Scalar multiples of varcov1 will be considered and the optimal scale factor will be determined. That is, bw.ppl will try smoothing the data using varcov = h^2 * varcov1 for different values of h. The result of bw.ppl will be the optimal value of h.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Loader, C. (1999) Local Regression and Likelihood. Springer, New York.

See Also

density.ppp, bw.diggle, bw.scott, bw.CvL, bw.frac.


if(interactive()) {
    b <- bw.ppl(redwood)
    plot(b, main="Likelihood cross validation for redwoods")
    plot(density(redwood, b))

Bandwidth Selection for Diffusion Smoother by Likelihood Cross-Validation


Selects an optimal bandwidth for diffusion smoothing by point process likelihood cross-validation.


bw.pplHeat(X, ..., srange=NULL, ns=16, sigma=NULL,
         leaveoneout=TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Arguments passed to densityHeat.ppp.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying a range of bandwidths to be considered.


Integer. Number of candidate bandwidths to be considered.


Maximum smoothing bandwidth. A numeric value, or a pixel image, or a function(x,y). Alternatively a numeric vector containing a sequence of candidate bandwidths.


Logical value specifying whether intensity values at data points should be estimated using the leave-one-out rule.


Logical value specifying whether to print progress reports.


This algorithm selects the optimal global bandwidth for kernel estimation of intensity for the dataset X using diffusion smoothing densityHeat.ppp.

If sigma is a numeric value, the algorithm finds the optimal bandwidth tau <= sigma.

If sigma is a pixel image or function, the algorithm finds the optimal fraction 0 < f <= 1 such that smoothing with f * sigma would be optimal.


A numerical value giving the selected bandwidth (if sigma was a numeric value) or the selected fraction of the maximum bandwidth (if sigma was a pixel image or function). The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" which can be plotted.


Adrian Baddeley and Tilman Davies.

See Also

bw.CvLHeat for an alternative method.



online <- interactive()
  if(!online) op <- spatstat.options(npixel=32)
  f <- function(x,y) { dnorm(x, 2.3, 0.1) * dnorm(y, 2.0, 0.2) }
  X <- rpoint(15, f, win=letterR)
  b <- bw.pplHeat(X, sigma=0.25)
  if(!online) spatstat.options(op)

Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Relative Risk Estimation


Uses cross-validation to select a smoothing bandwidth for the estimation of relative risk.


bw.relrisk(X, ...)

   ## S3 method for class 'ppp'
bw.relrisk(X, method = "likelihood", ...,
           nh = spatstat.options("n.bandwidth"),
           hmin=NULL, hmax=NULL, warn=TRUE)



A multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp" which has factor valued marks).


Character string determining the cross-validation method. Current options are "likelihood", "leastsquares" or "weightedleastsquares".


Number of trial values of smoothing bandwith sigma to consider. The default is 32.

hmin, hmax

Optional. Numeric values. Range of trial values of smoothing bandwith sigma to consider. There is a sensible default.


Logical. If TRUE, issue a warning if the minimum of the cross-validation criterion occurs at one of the ends of the search interval.


Additional arguments passed to density.ppp or to other methods for bw.relrisk.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth for the nonparametric estimation of relative risk using relrisk.

Consider the indicators yijy_{ij} which equal 11 when data point xix_i belongs to type jj, and equal 00 otherwise. For a particular value of smoothing bandwidth, let p^j(u)\hat p_j(u) be the estimated probabilities that a point at location uu will belong to type jj. Then the bandwidth is chosen to minimise either the negative likelihood, the squared error, or the approximately standardised squared error, of the indicators yijy_{ij} relative to the fitted values p^j(xi)\hat p_j(x_i). See Diggle (2003) or Baddeley et al (2015).

The result is a numerical value giving the selected bandwidth sigma. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" allowing it to be printed and plotted. The plot shows the cross-validation criterion as a function of bandwidth.

The range of values for the smoothing bandwidth sigma is set by the arguments hmin, hmax. There is a sensible default, based on multiples of Stoyan's rule of thumb bw.stoyan.

If the optimal bandwidth is achieved at an endpoint of the interval [hmin, hmax], the algorithm will issue a warning (unless warn=FALSE). If this occurs, then it is probably advisable to expand the interval by changing the arguments hmin, hmax.

Computation time depends on the number nh of trial values considered, and also on the range [hmin, hmax] of values considered, because larger values of sigma require calculations involving more pairs of data points.


A single numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the bandwidth selection criterion as a function of sigma.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Diggle, P.J. (2003) Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns, Second edition. Arnold.

Kelsall, J.E. and Diggle, P.J. (1995) Kernel estimation of relative risk. Bernoulli 1, 3–16.

See Also

relrisk, bw.stoyan.



b <- bw.relrisk(urkiola)
  b <- bw.relrisk(urkiola, hmax=20)

Bandwidth Selection for Relative Risk using Diffusion


Performs data-based bandwidth selection for the diffusion estimate of relative risk relriskHeat.ppp using either likelihood cross-validation or least squares


bw.relriskHeatppp(X, ..., method = c("likelihood", "leastsquares"),
            weights = NULL, srange = NULL, ns = 16, sigma = NULL,
            leaveoneout = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



A multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Arguments passed to relriskHeat.ppp.


Character string specifying the cross-validation method. Partially matched to "likelihood" for binary likelihood cross-validation or "leastsquares" for least squares cross-validation.


Optional numeric vector of weights associated with each point of X.


Numeric vector of length 2 specifying a range of bandwidths to be considered.


Integer. Number of candidate bandwidths to be considered.


Maximum smoothing bandwidth. A numeric value, or a pixel image, or a function(x,y). Alternatively a numeric vector containing a sequence of candidate bandwidths.


Logical value specifying whether intensity values at data points should be estimated using the leave-one-out rule.


Logical value specifying whether to print progress reports.


This algorithm selects the optimal global bandwidth for kernel estimation of relative risk for the dataset X using diffusion smoothing relriskHeat.

If sigma is a numeric value, the algorithm finds the optimal bandwidth tau <= sigma.

If sigma is a pixel image or function, the algorithm finds the optimal fraction 0 < f <= 1 such that smoothing with f * sigma would be optimal.


A numerical value giving the selected bandwidth (if sigma was a numeric value) or the selected fraction of the maximum bandwidth (if sigma was a pixel image or function). The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" which can be plotted.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Tilman Davies [email protected] and Suman Rakshit.

See Also



## bovine tuberculosis data
  X <- subset(btb, select=spoligotype)
  if(interactive()) {
    smax <- 40
    ns <- 16
    dimyx <- NULL
  } else {
    ## reduce data and resolution to speed up
    X <- X[c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 7))]
    smax <- 9
    ns <- 8
    dimyx <- 32
  b <- bw.relriskHeatppp(X, sigma=smax, ns=ns, dimyx=dimyx)

Scott's Rule for Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density


Use Scott's rule of thumb to determine the smoothing bandwidth for the kernel estimation of point process intensity.


bw.scott(X, isotropic=FALSE, d=NULL)




A point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp", "pp3" or "ppx").


Logical value indicating whether to compute a single bandwidth for an isotropic Gaussian kernel (isotropic=TRUE) or separate bandwidths for each coordinate axis (isotropic=FALSE, the default).


Advanced use only. An integer value that should be used in Scott's formula instead of the true number of spatial dimensions.


These functions select a bandwidth sigma for the kernel estimator of point process intensity computed by density.ppp or other appropriate functions. They can be applied to a point pattern belonging to any class "ppp", "lpp", "pp3" or "ppx".

The bandwidth σ\sigma is computed by the rule of thumb of Scott (1992, page 152, equation 6.42). The bandwidth is proportional to n1/(d+4)n^{-1/(d+4)} where nn is the number of points and dd is the number of spatial dimensions.

This rule is very fast to compute. It typically produces a larger bandwidth than bw.diggle. It is useful for estimating gradual trend.

If isotropic=FALSE (the default), bw.scott provides a separate bandwidth for each coordinate axis, and the result of the function is a vector, of length equal to the number of coordinates. If isotropic=TRUE, a single bandwidth value is computed and the result is a single numeric value.

bw.scott.iso(X) is equivalent to bw.scott(X, isotropic=TRUE).

The default value of dd is as follows:

class dimension
"ppp" 2
"lpp" 1
"pp3" 3
"ppx" number of spatial coordinates

The use of d=1 for point patterns on a linear network (class "lpp") was proposed by McSwiggan et al (2016) and Rakshit et al (2019).


A numerical value giving the selected bandwidth, or a numerical vector giving the selected bandwidths for each coordinate.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Scott, D.W. (1992) Multivariate Density Estimation. Theory, Practice and Visualization. New York: Wiley.

See Also

density.ppp, bw.diggle, bw.ppl, bw.CvL, bw.frac.


hickory <- split(lansing)[["hickory"]]
  b <- bw.scott(hickory)
  if(interactive()) {
   plot(density(hickory, b))

Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Spatial Smoothing


Uses least-squares cross-validation to select a smoothing bandwidth for spatial smoothing of marks.


bw.smoothppp(X, nh = spatstat.options("n.bandwidth"),
                hmin=NULL, hmax=NULL, warn=TRUE, kernel="gaussian",



A marked point pattern with numeric marks.


Number of trial values of smoothing bandwith sigma to consider. The default is 32.

hmin, hmax

Optional. Numeric values. Range of trial values of smoothing bandwith sigma to consider. There is a sensible default.


Logical. If TRUE, issue a warning if the minimum of the cross-validation criterion occurs at one of the ends of the search interval.


The smoothing kernel. A character string specifying the smoothing kernel (current options are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "quartic" or "disc").


Optional. Variance-covariance matrix matrix of the kernel with bandwidth h=1h=1. See section on Anisotropic Smoothing.


This function selects an appropriate bandwidth for the nonparametric smoothing of mark values using Smooth.ppp.

The argument X must be a marked point pattern with a vector or data frame of marks. All mark values must be numeric.

The bandwidth is selected by least-squares cross-validation. Let yiy_i be the mark value at the iith data point. For a particular choice of smoothing bandwidth, let y^i\hat y_i be the smoothed value at the iith data point. Then the bandwidth is chosen to minimise the squared error of the smoothed values i(yiy^i)2\sum_i (y_i - \hat y_i)^2.

The result of bw.smoothppp is a numerical value giving the selected bandwidth sigma. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" allowing it to be printed and plotted. The plot shows the cross-validation criterion as a function of bandwidth.

The range of values for the smoothing bandwidth sigma is set by the arguments hmin, hmax. There is a sensible default, based on the nearest neighbour distances.

If the optimal bandwidth is achieved at an endpoint of the interval [hmin, hmax], the algorithm will issue a warning (unless warn=FALSE). If this occurs, then it is probably advisable to expand the interval by changing the arguments hmin, hmax.

Computation time depends on the number nh of trial values considered, and also on the range [hmin, hmax] of values considered, because larger values of sigma require calculations involving more pairs of data points.


A single numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the bandwidth selection criterion as a function of sigma.

Anisotropic Smoothing

Anisotropic smoothing is available in Smooth.ppp using the argument varcov to specify the variance-covariance matrix of the anisotropic kernel. In order to choose the matrix varcov, the user can call bw.smoothppp using the argument varcov1 to specify a ‘template’ matrix. Scalar multiples of varcov1 will be considered and the optimal scale factor will be determined. That is, bw.smoothppp will try smoothing the data using varcov = h^2 * varcov1 for different values of h ranging from hmin to hmax. The result of bw.smoothppp will be the optimal value of the standard deviation scale factor h.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Smooth.ppp, bw.optim.object


b <- bw.smoothppp(longleaf)

Stoyan's Rule of Thumb for Bandwidth Selection


Computes a rough estimate of the appropriate bandwidth for kernel smoothing estimators of the pair correlation function and other quantities.


bw.stoyan(X, co=0.15)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Coefficient appearing in the rule of thumb. See Details.


Estimation of the pair correlation function and other quantities by smoothing methods requires a choice of the smoothing bandwidth. Stoyan and Stoyan (1995, equation (15.16), page 285) proposed a rule of thumb for choosing the smoothing bandwidth.

For the Epanechnikov kernel, the rule of thumb is to set the kernel's half-width hh to 0.15/λ0.15/\sqrt{\lambda} where λ\lambda is the estimated intensity of the point pattern, typically computed as the number of points of X divided by the area of the window containing X.

For a general kernel, the corresponding rule is to set the standard deviation of the kernel to σ=0.15/5λ\sigma = 0.15/\sqrt{5\lambda}.

The coefficient 0.150.15 can be tweaked using the argument co.

To ensure the bandwidth is finite, an empty point pattern is treated as if it contained 1 point.


A finite positive numerical value giving the selected bandwidth (the standard deviation of the smoothing kernel).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1995) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

pcf, bw.relrisk



Spatial Distribution Test for Point Pattern or Point Process Model


Performs a test of goodness-of-fit of a point process model. The observed and predicted distributions of the values of a spatial covariate are compared using either the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Cramer-von Mises test or Anderson-Darling test. For non-Poisson models, a Monte Carlo test is used.



## S3 method for class 'ppp'
cdf.test(X, covariate, test=c("ks", "cvm", "ad"), ...,
                       interpolate=TRUE, jitter=TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp").


The spatial covariate on which the test will be based. A function, a pixel image (object of class "im"), a list of pixel images, or one of the characters "x" or "y" indicating the Cartesian coordinates.


Character string identifying the test to be performed: "ks" for Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, "cvm" for Cramer-von Mises test or "ad" for Anderson-Darling test.


Arguments passed to ks.test (from the stats package) or cvm.test or ad.test (from the goftest package) to control the test; and arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution.


Logical flag indicating whether to interpolate pixel images. If interpolate=TRUE, the value of the covariate at each point of X will be approximated by interpolating the nearby pixel values. If interpolate=FALSE, the nearest pixel value will be used.


Logical flag. If jitter=TRUE, values of the covariate will be slightly perturbed at random, to avoid tied values in the test.


These functions perform a goodness-of-fit test of a Poisson or Gibbs point process model fitted to point pattern data. The observed distribution of the values of a spatial covariate at the data points, and the predicted distribution of the same values under the model, are compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Cramer-von Mises test or the Anderson-Darling test. For Gibbs models, a Monte Carlo test is performed using these test statistics.

The function cdf.test is generic, with methods for point patterns ("ppp" or "lpp"), point process models ("ppm" or "lppm") and spatial logistic regression models ("slrm").

  • If X is a point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp"), then cdf.test(X, ...) performs a goodness-of-fit test of the uniform Poisson point process (Complete Spatial Randomness, CSR) for this dataset. For a multitype point pattern, the uniform intensity is assumed to depend on the type of point (sometimes called Complete Spatial Randomness and Independence, CSRI).

  • If model is a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "lppm") then cdf.test(model, ...) performs a test of goodness-of-fit for this fitted model.

  • If model is a fitted spatial logistic regression (object of class "slrm") then cdf.test(model, ...) performs a test of goodness-of-fit for this fitted model.

The test is performed by comparing the observed distribution of the values of a spatial covariate at the data points, and the predicted distribution of the same covariate under the model, using a classical goodness-of-fit test. Thus, you must nominate a spatial covariate for this test.

If X is a point pattern that does not have marks, the argument covariate should be either a function(x,y) or a pixel image (object of class "im" containing the values of a spatial function, or one of the characters "x" or "y" indicating the Cartesian coordinates. If covariate is an image, it should have numeric values, and its domain should cover the observation window of the model. If covariate is a function, it should expect two arguments x and y which are vectors of coordinates, and it should return a numeric vector of the same length as x and y.

If X is a multitype point pattern, the argument covariate can be either a function(x,y,marks), or a pixel image, or a list of pixel images corresponding to each possible mark value, or one of the characters "x" or "y" indicating the Cartesian coordinates.

First the original data point pattern is extracted from model. The values of the covariate at these data points are collected.

The predicted distribution of the values of the covariate under the fitted model is computed as follows. The values of the covariate at all locations in the observation window are evaluated, weighted according to the point process intensity of the fitted model, and compiled into a cumulative distribution function FF using ewcdf.

The probability integral transformation is then applied: the values of the covariate at the original data points are transformed by the predicted cumulative distribution function FF into numbers between 0 and 1. If the model is correct, these numbers are i.i.d. uniform random numbers. The A goodness-of-fit test of the uniform distribution is applied to these numbers using stats::ks.test, goftest::cvm.test or goftest::ad.test.

This test was apparently first described (in the context of spatial data, and using Kolmogorov-Smirnov) by Berman (1986). See also Baddeley et al (2005).

If model is not a Poisson process, then a Monte Carlo test is performed, by generating nsim point patterns which are simulated realisations of the model, re-fitting the model to each simulated point pattern, and calculating the test statistic for each fitted model. The Monte Carlo pp value is determined by comparing the simulated values of the test statistic with the value for the original data.

The return value is an object of class "htest" containing the results of the hypothesis test. The print method for this class gives an informative summary of the test outcome.

The return value also belongs to the class "cdftest" for which there is a plot method plot.cdftest. The plot method displays the empirical cumulative distribution function of the covariate at the data points, and the predicted cumulative distribution function of the covariate under the model, plotted against the value of the covariate.

The argument jitter controls whether covariate values are randomly perturbed, in order to avoid ties. If the original data contains any ties in the covariate (i.e. points with equal values of the covariate), and if jitter=FALSE, then the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test implemented in ks.test will issue a warning that it cannot calculate the exact pp-value. To avoid this, if jitter=TRUE each value of the covariate will be perturbed by adding a small random value. The perturbations are normally distributed with standard deviation equal to one hundredth of the range of values of the covariate. This prevents ties, and the pp-value is still correct. There is a very slight loss of power.


An object of class "htest" containing the results of the test. See ks.test for details. The return value can be printed to give an informative summary of the test.

The value also belongs to the class "cdftest" for which there is a plot method.


The outcome of the test involves a small amount of random variability, because (by default) the coordinates are randomly perturbed to avoid tied values. Hence, if cdf.test is executed twice, the pp-values will not be exactly the same. To avoid this behaviour, set jitter=FALSE.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Turner, R., Moller, J. and Hazelton, M. (2005) Residual analysis for spatial point processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 67, 617–666.

Berman, M. (1986) Testing for spatial association between a point process and another stochastic process. Applied Statistics 35, 54–62.

See Also

plot.cdftest, quadrat.test, berman.test, ks.test, cvm.test, ad.test, ppm


op <- options(useFancyQuotes=FALSE)

   # test of CSR using x coordinate
   cdf.test(nztrees, "x")
   cdf.test(nztrees, "x", "cvm")
   cdf.test(nztrees, "x", "ad")

   # test of CSR using a function of x and y
   fun <- function(x,y){2* x + y}
   cdf.test(nztrees, fun)

   # test of CSR using an image covariate
   funimage <-, W=Window(nztrees))
   cdf.test(nztrees, funimage)

   # multitype point pattern
   cdf.test(amacrine, "x")


Density Estimation for Circular Data


Computes a kernel smoothed estimate of the probability density for angular data.


circdensity(x, sigma = "nrd0", ...,
               bw = NULL,
               weights=NULL, unit = c("degree", "radian"))



Numeric vector, containing angular data.


Smoothing bandwidth, or bandwidth selection rule, passed to density.default.


Alternative to sigma for consistency with other functions.


Additional arguments passed to density.default, such as kernel and weights.


Optional numeric vector of weights for the data in x.


The unit of angle in which x is expressed.


The angular values x are smoothed using (by default) the wrapped Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sigma.


An object of class "density" (produced by density.default) which can be plotted by plot or by rose.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

density.default), rose.


ang <- runif(1000, max=360)
  rose(circdensity(ang, 12))

Clark and Evans Aggregation Index


Computes the Clark and Evans aggregation index RR for a spatial point pattern.


clarkevans(X, correction=c("none", "Donnelly", "cdf"),



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Character vector. The type of edge correction(s) to be applied.


Clipping region for the guard area correction. A window (object of class "owin"). See Details.


The Clark and Evans (1954) aggregation index RR is a crude measure of clustering or ordering of a point pattern. It is the ratio of the observed mean nearest neighbour distance in the pattern to that expected for a Poisson point process of the same intensity. A value R>1R>1 suggests ordering, while R<1R<1 suggests clustering.

Without correction for edge effects, the value of R will be positively biased. Edge effects arise because, for a point of X close to the edge of the window, the true nearest neighbour may actually lie outside the window. Hence observed nearest neighbour distances tend to be larger than the true nearest neighbour distances.

The argument correction specifies an edge correction or several edge corrections to be applied. It is a character vector containing one or more of the options "none", "Donnelly", "guard" and "cdf" (which are recognised by partial matching). These edge corrections are:


No edge correction is applied.


Edge correction of Donnelly (1978), available for rectangular windows only. The theoretical expected value of mean nearest neighbour distance under a Poisson process is adjusted for edge effects by the edge correction of Donnelly (1978). The value of RR is the ratio of the observed mean nearest neighbour distance to this adjusted theoretical mean.


Guard region or buffer area method. The observed mean nearest neighbour distance for the point pattern X is re-defined by averaging only over those points of X that fall inside the sub-window clipregion.


Cumulative Distribution Function method. The nearest neighbour distance distribution function G(r)G(r) of the stationary point process is estimated by Gest using the Kaplan-Meier type edge correction. Then the mean of the distribution is calculated from the cdf.

Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.

If the argument clipregion is given, then the selected edge corrections will be assumed to include correction="guard".

To perform a test based on the Clark-Evans index, see clarkevans.test.


A numeric value, or a numeric vector with named components


RR without edge correction


RR using Donnelly edge correction


RR using guard region


RR using cdf method

(as selected by correction). The value of the Donnelly component will be NA if the window of X is not a rectangle.


John Rudge [email protected] with modifications by Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Clark, P.J. and Evans, F.C. (1954) Distance to nearest neighbour as a measure of spatial relationships in populations Ecology 35, 445–453.

Donnelly, K. (1978) Simulations to determine the variance and edge-effect of total nearest neighbour distance. In I. Hodder (ed.) Simulation studies in archaeology, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, pp 91–95.

See Also

clarkevans.test, hopskel, nndist, Gest


# Example of a clustered pattern

  # Example of an ordered pattern

  # Random pattern
  X <- rpoispp(100)

  # How to specify a clipping region
  clip1 <- owin(c(0.1,0.9),c(0.1,0.9))
  clip2 <- erosion(Window(cells), 0.1)
  clarkevans(cells, clipregion=clip1)
  clarkevans(cells, clipregion=clip2)

Clark and Evans Test


Performs the Clark-Evans test of aggregation for a spatial point pattern.


clarkevans.test(X, ...,
               alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater",
                             "clustered", "regular"),
               method=c("asymptotic", "MonteCarlo"),



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp").




Character string. The type of edge correction to be applied. See clarkevans and Details below.


Clipping region for the guard area correction. A window (object of class "owin"). See clarkevans


String indicating the type of alternative for the hypothesis test. Partially matched.


Character string (partially matched) specifying how to calculate the pp-value of the test. See Details.


Number of Monte Carlo simulations to perform, if a Monte Carlo pp-value is required.


This command uses the Clark and Evans (1954) aggregation index RR as the basis for a crude test of clustering or ordering of a point pattern.

The Clark-Evans aggregation index RR is computed by the separate function clarkevans.

This command clarkevans.text performs a hypothesis test of clustering or ordering of the point pattern X based on the Clark-Evans index RR. The null hypothesis is Complete Spatial Randomness, i.e.\ a uniform Poisson process. The alternative hypothesis is specified by the argument alternative:

  • alternative="less" or alternative="clustered": the alternative hypothesis is that R<1R < 1 corresponding to a clustered point pattern;

  • alternative="greater" or alternative="regular": the alternative hypothesis is that R>1R > 1 corresponding to a regular or ordered point pattern;

  • alternative="two.sided": the alternative hypothesis is that R1R \neq 1 corresponding to a clustered or regular pattern.

The Clark-Evans index RR is first computed for the point pattern dataset X using the edge correction determined by the arguments correction and clipregion. These arguments are documented in the help file for clarkevans.

If method="asymptotic" (the default), the pp-value for the test is computed by standardising RR as proposed by Clark and Evans (1954) and referring the standardised statistic to the standard Normal distribution. For this asymptotic test, the default edge correction is correction="Donnelly" if the window of X is a rectangle, and correction="cdf" otherwise. It is strongly recommended to avoid using correction="none" which would lead to a severely biased test.

If method="MonteCarlo", the pp-value for the test is computed by comparing the observed value of RR to the results obtained from nsim simulated realisations of Complete Spatial Randomness conditional on the observed number of points. This test is theoretically exact for any choice of edge correction, but may have lower power than the asymptotic test. For this Monte Carlo test, the default edge correction is correction="none" for computational efficiency.


An object of class "htest" representing the result of the test.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Clark, P.J. and Evans, F.C. (1954) Distance to nearest neighbour as a measure of spatial relationships in populations. Ecology 35, 445–453.

Donnelly, K. (1978) Simulations to determine the variance and edge-effect of total nearest neighbour distance. In Simulation methods in archaeology, Cambridge University Press, pp 91–95.

See Also

clarkevans, hopskel.test


# Redwood data - clustered
  clarkevans.test(redwood, alternative="clustered")
  clarkevans.test(redwood, correction="cdf", method="MonteCarlo", nsim=39)

Allard-Fraley Estimator of Cluster Feature


Detect high-density features in a spatial point pattern using the (unrestricted) Allard-Fraley estimator.


clusterset(X, what=c("marks", "domain"),
            ..., verbose=TRUE,



A dimensional spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Character string or character vector specifying the type of result. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), the Dirichlet tile areas will be computed exactly using polygonal geometry, so that the optimal choice of tiles will be computed exactly. If TRUE, the Dirichlet tile areas will be approximated using pixel counting, so the optimal choice will be approximate.


Logical. If TRUE, the Allard-Fraley estimator of the domain will be computed exactly using polygonal geometry. If FALSE, the Allard-Fraley estimator of the domain will be approximated by a binary pixel mask. The default is initially set to FALSE.


Optional arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution if exact=FALSE.


Allard and Fraley (1997) developed a technique for recognising features of high density in a spatial point pattern in the presence of random clutter.

This algorithm computes the unrestricted Allard-Fraley estimator. The Dirichlet (Voronoi) tessellation of the point pattern X is computed. The smallest m Dirichlet cells are selected, where the number m is determined by a maximum likelihood criterion.

  • If fast=FALSE (the default), the areas of the tiles of the Dirichlet tessellation will be computed exactly using polygonal geometry. This ensures that the optimal selection of tiles is computed exactly.

  • If fast=TRUE, the Dirichlet tile areas will be approximated by counting pixels. This is faster, and is usually correct (depending on the pixel resolution, which is controlled by the arguments ...).

The type of result depends on the character vector what.

  • If what="marks" the result is the point pattern X with a vector of marks labelling each point with a value yes or no depending on whether the corresponding Dirichlet cell is selected by the Allard-Fraley estimator. In other words each point of X is labelled as either a cluster point or a non-cluster point.

  • If what="domain", the result is the Allard-Fraley estimator of the cluster feature set, which is the union of all the selected Dirichlet cells, represented as a window (object of class "owin").

  • If what=c("marks", "domain") the result is a list containing both of the results described above.

Computation of the Allard-Fraley set estimator depends on the argument exact.

  • If exact=TRUE (the default), the Allard-Fraley set estimator will be computed exactly using polygonal geometry. The result is a polygonal window.

  • If exact=FALSE, the Allard-Fraley set estimator will be approximated by a binary pixel mask. This is faster than the exact computation. The result is a binary mask.


If what="marks", a multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp").

If what="domain", a window (object of class "owin").

If what=c("marks", "domain") (the default), a list consisting of a multitype point pattern and a window.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Allard, D. and Fraley, C. (1997) Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation of features in spatial point processes using Voronoi tessellation. Journal of the American Statistical Association 92, 1485–1493.

See Also

nnclean, sharpen


opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
  W <- grow.rectangle(as.rectangle(letterR), 1)
  X <- superimpose(runifpoint(300, letterR),
                   runifpoint(50, W), W=W)
  plot(W, main="clusterset(X, 'm')")
  plot(clusterset(X, "marks", fast=TRUE), add=TRUE, chars=c(1, 3), cols=1:2)
  plot(letterR, add=TRUE)
  plot(W, main="clusterset(X, 'd')")
  plot(clusterset(X, "domain", exact=FALSE), add=TRUE)
  plot(letterR, add=TRUE)

Collapse Several Function Tables into One


Combines several function tables (objects of class "fv") into a single function table, merging columns that are identical and relabelling columns that are different.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
collapse(object, ..., same = NULL, different = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'anylist'
collapse(object, ..., same = NULL, different = NULL)



An object of class "fv", or a list of such objects.


Additional objects of class "fv".


Character string or character vector specifying a column or columns of function values that are identical in different "fv" objects. These columns will be included only once in the result.


Character string or character vector specifying a column or columns of function values, that are different in different "fv" objects. Each of these columns of data will be included, with labels that distinguish them from each other.


This is a method for the generic function collapse.

It combines the data in several function tables (objects of class "fv", see fv.object) to make a single function table. It is essentially a smart wrapper for cbind.fv.

A typical application is to calculate the same summary statistic (such as the KK function) for different point patterns, and then to use collapse.fv to combine the results into a single object that can easily be plotted. See the Examples.

The arguments object and ... should be function tables (objects of class "fv", see fv.object) that are compatible in the sense that they have the same values of the function argument. (This can be ensured by applying harmonise.fv to them.)

The argument same identifies any columns that are present in some or all of the function tables, and which are known to contain exactly the same values in each table that includes them. This column or columns will be included only once in the result.

The argument different identifies any columns that are present in some or all of the function tables, and which may contain different numerical values in different tables. Each of these columns will be included, with labels to distinguish them.

Columns that are not named in same or different will not be included.

The function argument is always included and does not need to be specified.

The arguments same and different can be NULL, or they can be character vectors containing the names of columns of object. The argument different can be one of the abbreviations recognised by fvnames.


Object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fv.object, cbind.fv


# generate simulated data
  X <- replicate(3, rpoispp(100), simplify=FALSE)
  names(X) <- paste("Simulation", 1:3)
  # compute K function estimates
  Klist <- anylapply(X, Kest)
  # collapse
  K <- collapse(Klist, same="theo", different="iso")

Test Whether Function Arrays Are Compatible


Tests whether two or more function arrays (class "fasp") are compatible.


## S3 method for class 'fasp'
compatible(A, B, ...)


A, B, ...

Two or more function arrays (object of class "fasp").


An object of class "fasp" can be regarded as an array of functions. Such objects are returned by the command alltypes.

This command tests whether such objects are compatible (so that, for example, they could be added or subtracted). It is a method for the generic command compatible.

The function arrays are compatible if the arrays have the same dimensions, and the corresponding elements in each cell of the array are compatible as defined by compatible.fv.


Logical value: TRUE if the objects are compatible, and FALSE if they are not.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also


Test Whether Function Objects Are Compatible


Tests whether two or more function objects (class "fv") are compatible.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
compatible(A, B, ..., samenames=TRUE)


A, B, ...

Two or more function value objects (class "fv").


Logical value indicating whether to check for complete agreement between the column names of the objects (samenames=TRUE, the default) or just to check that the name of the function argument is the same (samenames=FALSE).


An object of class "fv" is essentially a data frame containing several different statistical estimates of the same function. Such objects are returned by Kest and its relatives.

This command tests whether such objects are compatible (so that, for example, they could be added or subtracted). It is a method for the generic command compatible.

The functions are compatible if they have been evaluated at the same sequence of values of the argument r, and if the statistical estimates have the same names.


Logical value: TRUE if the objects are compatible, and FALSE if they are not.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also


Generic Calculation of Cumulative Distribution Function of Distances


A low-level function which calculates the estimated cumulative distribution function of a distance variable.


compileCDF(D, B, r, ..., han.denom=NULL, check=TRUE)



A vector giving the distances from each data point to the target.


A vector giving the distances from each data point to the window boundary, or censoring distances.


An equally spaced, finely spaced sequence of distance values at which the CDF should be estimated.




Denominator for the Hanisch-Chiu-Stoyan estimator. A single number, or a numeric vector with the same length as r.


Logical value specifying whether to check validity of the data, for example, that the vectors D and B have the same length, and contain non-negative numbers.


This low-level function calculates estimates of the cumulative distribution function

F(r)=P(Dr)F(r) = P(D \le r)

of a distance variable DD, given a vector of observed values of DD and other information. Examples of this concept include the empty space distance function computed by Fest and the nearest-neighbour distance distribution function Gest.

This function compileCDF and its siblings compileK and compilepcf are useful for code development and for teaching, because they perform a common task, and do the housekeeping required to make an object of class "fv" that represents the estimated function. However, they are not very efficient.

The argument D should be a numeric vector of shortest distances measured from each ‘query’ point to the ‘target’ set. The argument B should be a numeric vector of shortest distances measured from each ‘query’ point to the boundary of the window of observation. All entries of D and B should be non-negative.

compileCDF calculates estimates of the cumulative distribution function F(r)F(r) using the border method (reduced sample estimator), the Kaplan-Meier estimator and, if han.denom is given, the Hanisch-Chiu-Stoyan estimator. See Chapter 8 of Baddeley, Rubak and Turner (2015).

The result is an object of class "fv" representing the estimated function. Additional columns (such as a column giving the theoretical value) must be added by the user, with the aid of bind.fv.


An object of class "fv" representing the estimated function.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

See Also


bind.fv to add more columns.


## Equivalent to Gest(japanesepines)
  X <- japanesepines
  D <- nndist(X)
  B <- bdist.points(X)
  r <- seq(0, 0.25, by=0.01)
  H <- eroded.areas(Window(X), r)
  G <- compileCDF(D=D, B=B, r=r, han.denom=H)
  G <- rebadge.fv(G, new.fname="G", new.ylab=quote(G(r)))

Generic Calculation of K Function and Pair Correlation Function


Low-level functions which calculate the estimated KK function and estimated pair correlation function (or any similar functions) from a matrix of pairwise distances and optional weights.


compileK(D, r, weights = NULL, denom = 1,
         check = TRUE, ratio = FALSE, fname = "K",

compilepcf(D, r, weights = NULL, denom = 1,
         check = TRUE, endcorrect = TRUE, ratio=FALSE,
	 ..., fname = "g", samplesize=denom)



A square matrix giving the distances between all pairs of points.


An equally spaced, finely spaced sequence of distance values.


Optional numerical weights for the pairwise distances. A numeric matrix with the same dimensions as D. If absent, the weights are taken to equal 1.


Denominator for the estimator. A single number, or a numeric vector with the same length as r. See Details.


Logical value specifying whether to check that D is a valid matrix of pairwise distances.


Logical value indicating whether to store ratio information. See Details.


Optional arguments passed to density.default controlling the kernel smoothing.


Logical value indicating whether to apply End Correction of the pair correlation estimate at r=0.


Character string giving the name of the function being estimated.


The sample size that should be used as the denominator when ratio=TRUE.


These low-level functions construct estimates of the KK function or pair correlation function, or any similar functions, given only the matrix of pairwise distances and optional weights associated with these distances.

These functions are useful for code development and for teaching, because they perform a common task, and do the housekeeping required to make an object of class "fv" that represents the estimated function. However, they are not very efficient.

compileK calculates the weighted estimate of the KK function,

K^(r)=(1/v(r))ij1{dijr}wij\hat K(r) = (1/v(r)) \sum_i \sum_j 1\{ d_{ij} \le r\} w_{ij}

and compilepcf calculates the weighted estimate of the pair correlation function,

g^(r)=(1/v(r))ijκ(dijr)wij\hat g(r) = (1/v(r)) \sum_i \sum_j \kappa( d_{ij} - r ) w_{ij}

where dijd_{ij} is the distance between spatial points ii and jj, with corresponding weight wijw_{ij}, and v(r)v(r) is a specified denominator. Here κ\kappa is a fixed-bandwidth smoothing kernel.

For a point pattern in two dimensions, the usual denominator v(r)v(r) is constant for the KK function, and proportional to rr for the pair correlation function. See the Examples.

The result is an object of class "fv" representing the estimated function. This object has only one column of function values. Additional columns (such as a column giving the theoretical value) must be added by the user, with the aid of bind.fv.

If ratio=TRUE, the result also belongs to class "rat" and has attributes containing the numerator and denominator of the function estimate. (If samplesize is given, the numerator and denominator are rescaled by a common factor so that the denominator is equal to samplesize.) This allows function estimates from several datasets to be pooled using pool.


An object of class "fv" representing the estimated function.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also

Kest, pcf for definitions of the KK function and pair correlation function.

bind.fv to add more columns.

compileCDF for the corresponding low-level utility for estimating a cumulative distribution function.


## Equivalent to Kest(japanesepines) and pcf(japanesepines)
  X <- japanesepines
  D <- pairdist(X)
  Wt <- edge.Ripley(X, D)
  lambda <- intensity(X)
  a <- (npoints(X)-1) * lambda
  r <- seq(0, 0.25, by=0.01)
  K <- compileK(D=D, r=r, weights=Wt, denom=a)
  g <- compilepcf(D=D, r=r, weights=Wt, denom= a * 2 * pi * r)

Covariance and Correlation between Images


Compute the covariance or correlation between (the corresponding pixel values in) several images.

Usage, use = "everything", method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"))



Any number of arguments, each of which is a pixel image (object of class "im"). Alternatively, a single argument which is a list of pixel images.


Argument passed to cov or cor determining how to handle NA values in the data.


Argument passed to cov or cor determining the type of correlation that will be computed.


The arguments ... should be pixel images (objects of class "im"). Their spatial domains must overlap, but need not have the same pixel dimensions.

These functions compute the covariance or correlation between the corresponding pixel values in the images given.

The pixel image domains are intersected, and converted to a common pixel resolution. Then the corresponding pixel values of each image are extracted. Finally the correlation or covariance between the pixel values of each pair of images, at corresponding pixels, is computed.

The result is a symmetric matrix with one row and column for each image. The [i,j] entry is the correlation or covariance between the ith and jth images in the argument list. The row names and column names of the matrix are copied from the argument names if they were given (i.e. if the arguments were given as name=value).

Note that cor and cov are not generic, so you have to type,


A symmetric matrix.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

cor, cov


Progress Plot of Test of Spatial Pattern


Generates a progress plot (envelope representation) of the Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test or the Maximum Absolute Deviation test for a spatial point pattern.


dclf.progress(X, ...)
mad.progress(X, ...)
mctest.progress(X, fun = Lest, ...,
                exponent = 1, nrank = 1,
                interpolate = FALSE, alpha, rmin=0)



Either a point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or other class), a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or other class) or an envelope object (class "envelope").


Arguments passed to mctest.progress or to envelope. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, nsim to specify the number of Monte Carlo simulations, alternative to specify one-sided or two-sided envelopes, and verbose=FALSE to turn off the messages.


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a point pattern.


Positive number. The exponent of the LpL^p distance. See Details.


Integer. The rank of the critical value of the Monte Carlo test, amongst the nsim simulated values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values will become the critical values for the test.


Logical value indicating how to compute the critical value. If interpolate=FALSE (the default), a standard Monte Carlo test is performed, and the critical value is the largest simulated value of the test statistic (if nrank=1) or the nrank-th largest (if nrank is another number). If interpolate=TRUE, kernel density estimation is applied to the simulated values, and the critical value is the upper alpha quantile of this estimated distribution.


Optional. The significance level of the test. Equivalent to nrank/(nsim+1) where nsim is the number of simulations.


Optional. Left endpoint for the interval of rr values on which the test statistic is calculated.


The Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test and the Maximum Absolute Deviation test for a spatial point pattern are described in dclf.test. These tests depend on the choice of an interval of distance values (the argument rinterval). A progress plot or envelope representation of the test (Baddeley et al, 2014) is a plot of the test statistic (and the corresponding critical value) against the length of the interval rinterval.

The command dclf.progress performs dclf.test on X using all possible intervals of the form [0,R][0,R], and returns the resulting values of the test statistic, and the corresponding critical values of the test, as a function of RR.

Similarly mad.progress performs mad.test using all possible intervals and returns the test statistic and critical value.

More generally, mctest.progress performs a test based on the LpL^p discrepancy between the curves. The deviation between two curves is measured by the ppth root of the integral of the ppth power of the absolute value of the difference between the two curves. The exponent pp is given by the argument exponent. The case exponent=2 is the Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test, while exponent=Inf is the MAD test.

If the argument rmin is given, it specifies the left endpoint of the interval defining the test statistic: the tests are performed using intervals [rmin,R][r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}},R] where RrminR \ge r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}}.

The result of each command is an object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the progress plot. The display shows the test statistic (solid black line) and the Monte Carlo acceptance region (grey shading).

The significance level for the Monte Carlo test is nrank/(nsim+1). Note that nsim defaults to 99, so if the values of nrank and nsim are not given, the default is a test with significance level 0.01.

If X is an envelope object, then some of the data stored in X may be re-used:

  • If X is an envelope object containing simulated functions, and fun=NULL, then the code will re-use the simulated functions stored in X.

  • If X is an envelope object containing simulated point patterns, then fun will be applied to the stored point patterns to obtain the simulated functions. If fun is not specified, it defaults to Lest.

  • Otherwise, new simulations will be performed, and fun defaults to Lest.


An object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the progress plot.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Gopal Nair and Robin Milne.


Baddeley, A., Diggle, P., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84 (3) 477–489.

See Also

dclf.test and mad.test for the tests.

See plot.fv for information on plotting objects of class "fv".


plot(dclf.progress(cells, nsim=19))

Significance Trace of Cressie-Loosmore-Ford or Maximum Absolute Deviation Test


Generates a Significance Trace of the Diggle(1986)/ Cressie (1991)/ Loosmore and Ford (2006) test or the Maximum Absolute Deviation test for a spatial point pattern.


dclf.sigtrace(X, ...)
mad.sigtrace(X, ...)
mctest.sigtrace(X, fun=Lest, ...,
                exponent=1, interpolate=FALSE, alpha=0.05,
                confint=TRUE, rmin=0)



Either a point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or other class), a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or other class) or an envelope object (class "envelope").


Arguments passed to envelope or mctest.progress. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, nsim to specify the number of Monte Carlo simulations, alternative to specify a one-sided test, and verbose=FALSE to turn off the messages.


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a point pattern.


Positive number. The exponent of the LpL^p distance. See Details.


Logical value specifying whether to calculate the pp-value by interpolation. If interpolate=FALSE (the default), a standard Monte Carlo test is performed, yielding a pp-value of the form (k+1)/(n+1)(k+1)/(n+1) where nn is the number of simulations and kk is the number of simulated values which are more extreme than the observed value. If interpolate=TRUE, the pp-value is calculated by applying kernel density estimation to the simulated values, and computing the tail probability for this estimated distribution.


Significance level to be plotted (this has no effect on the calculation but is simply plotted as a reference value).


Logical value indicating whether to compute a confidence interval for the ‘true’ pp-value.


Optional. Left endpoint for the interval of rr values on which the test statistic is calculated.


The Diggle (1986)/ Cressie (1991)/Loosmore and Ford (2006) test and the Maximum Absolute Deviation test for a spatial point pattern are described in dclf.test. These tests depend on the choice of an interval of distance values (the argument rinterval). A significance trace (Bowman and Azzalini, 1997; Baddeley et al, 2014, 2015; Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, 2015) of the test is a plot of the pp-value obtained from the test against the length of the interval rinterval.

The command dclf.sigtrace performs dclf.test on X using all possible intervals of the form [0,R][0,R], and returns the resulting pp-values as a function of RR.

Similarly mad.sigtrace performs mad.test using all possible intervals and returns the pp-values.

More generally, mctest.sigtrace performs a test based on the LpL^p discrepancy between the curves. The deviation between two curves is measured by the ppth root of the integral of the ppth power of the absolute value of the difference between the two curves. The exponent pp is given by the argument exponent. The case exponent=2 is the Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test, while exponent=Inf is the MAD test.

If the argument rmin is given, it specifies the left endpoint of the interval defining the test statistic: the tests are performed using intervals [rmin,R][r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}},R] where RrminR \ge r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}}.

The result of each command is an object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the significance trace. The plot shows the Monte Carlo pp-value (solid black line), the critical value 0.05 (dashed red line), and a pointwise 95% confidence band (grey shading) for the ‘true’ (Neyman-Pearson) pp-value. The confidence band is based on the Agresti-Coull (1998) confidence interval for a binomial proportion (when interpolate=FALSE) or the delta method and normal approximation (when interpolate=TRUE).

If X is an envelope object and fun=NULL then the code will re-use the simulated functions stored in X.


An object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the significance trace.


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Agresti, A. and Coull, B.A. (1998) Approximate is better than “Exact” for interval estimation of binomial proportions. American Statistician 52, 119–126.

Baddeley, A., Diggle, P., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84(3) 477–489.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2015) Pushing the envelope: extensions of graphical Monte Carlo tests. Unpublished manuscript.

Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Bowman, A.W. and Azzalini, A. (1997) Applied smoothing techniques for data analysis: the kernel approach with S-Plus illustrations. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

See Also

dclf.test for the tests; dclf.progress for progress plots.

See plot.fv for information on plotting objects of class "fv".

See also dg.sigtrace.


plot(dclf.sigtrace(cells, Lest, nsim=19))

Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford and Maximum Absolute Deviation Tests


Perform the Diggle (1986) / Cressie (1991) / Loosmore and Ford (2006) test or the Maximum Absolute Deviation test for a spatial point pattern.


dclf.test(X, ..., alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                  rinterval = NULL, leaveout=1,
                  scale=NULL, clamp=FALSE, interpolate=FALSE)

mad.test(X, ...,  alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                  rinterval = NULL, leaveout=1,
                  scale=NULL, clamp=FALSE, interpolate=FALSE)



Data for the test. Either a point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or other class), a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or other class), a simulation envelope (object of class "envelope") or a previous result of dclf.test or mad.test.


Arguments passed to envelope. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, nsim to specify the number of Monte Carlo simulations, verbose=FALSE to turn off the messages, savefuns or savepatterns to save the simulation results, and use.theory described under Details.


The alternative hypothesis. A character string. The default is a two-sided alternative. See Details.


Interval of values of the summary function argument r over which the maximum absolute deviation, or the integral, will be computed for the test. A numeric vector of length 2.


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Optional. A function in the R language which determines the relative scale of deviations, as a function of distance rr. Summary function values for distance r will be divided by scale(r) before the test statistic is computed.


Logical value indicating how to compute deviations in a one-sided test. Deviations of the observed summary function from the theoretical summary function are initially evaluated as signed real numbers, with large positive values indicating consistency with the alternative hypothesis. If clamp=FALSE (the default), these values are not changed. If clamp=TRUE, any negative values are replaced by zero.


Logical value specifying whether to calculate the pp-value by interpolation. If interpolate=FALSE (the default), a standard Monte Carlo test is performed, yielding a pp-value of the form (k+1)/(n+1)(k+1)/(n+1) where nn is the number of simulations and kk is the number of simulated values which are more extreme than the observed value. If interpolate=TRUE, the pp-value is calculated by applying kernel density estimation to the simulated values, and computing the tail probability for this estimated distribution.


These functions perform hypothesis tests for goodness-of-fit of a point pattern dataset to a point process model, based on Monte Carlo simulation from the model.

dclf.test performs the test advocated by Loosmore and Ford (2006) which is also described in Diggle (1986), Cressie (1991, page 667, equation (8.5.42)) and Diggle (2003, page 14). See Baddeley et al (2014) for detailed discussion.

mad.test performs the ‘global’ or ‘Maximum Absolute Deviation’ test described by Ripley (1977, 1981). See Baddeley et al (2014).

The type of test depends on the type of argument X.

  • If X is some kind of point pattern, then a test of Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR) will be performed. That is, the null hypothesis is that the point pattern is completely random.

  • If X is a fitted point process model, then a test of goodness-of-fit for the fitted model will be performed. The model object contains the data point pattern to which it was originally fitted. The null hypothesis is that the data point pattern is a realisation of the model.

  • If X is an envelope object generated by envelope, then it should have been generated with savefuns=TRUE or savepatterns=TRUE so that it contains simulation results. These simulations will be treated as realisations from the null hypothesis.

  • Alternatively X could be a previously-performed test of the same kind (i.e. the result of calling dclf.test or mad.test). The simulations used to perform the original test will be re-used to perform the new test (provided these simulations were saved in the original test, by setting savefuns=TRUE or savepatterns=TRUE).

The argument alternative specifies the alternative hypothesis, that is, the direction of deviation that will be considered statistically significant. If alternative="two.sided" (the default), both positive and negative deviations (between the observed summary function and the theoretical function) are significant. If alternative="less", then only negative deviations (where the observed summary function is lower than the theoretical function) are considered. If alternative="greater", then only positive deviations (where the observed summary function is higher than the theoretical function) are considered.

In all cases, the algorithm will first call envelope to generate or extract the simulated summary functions. The number of simulations that will be generated or extracted, is determined by the argument nsim, and defaults to 99. The summary function that will be computed is determined by the argument fun (or the first unnamed argument in the list ...) and defaults to Kest (except when X is an envelope object generated with savefuns=TRUE, when these functions will be taken).

The choice of summary function fun affects the power of the test. It is normally recommended to apply a variance-stabilising transformation (Ripley, 1981). If you are using the KK function, the normal practice is to replace this by the LL function (Besag, 1977) computed by Lest. If you are using the FF or GG functions, the recommended practice is to apply Fisher's variance-stabilising transformation sin1x\sin^{-1}\sqrt x using the argument transform. See the Examples.

The argument rinterval specifies the interval of distance values rr which will contribute to the test statistic (either maximising over this range of values for mad.test, or integrating over this range of values for dclf.test). This affects the power of the test. General advice and experiments in Baddeley et al (2014) suggest that the maximum rr value should be slightly larger than the maximum possible range of interaction between points. The dclf.test is quite sensitive to this choice, while the mad.test is relatively insensitive.

It is also possible to specify a pointwise test (i.e. taking a single, fixed value of distance rr) by specifing rinterval = c(r,r).

The argument use.theory passed to envelope determines whether to compare the summary function for the data to its theoretical value for CSR (use.theory=TRUE) or to the sample mean of simulations from CSR (use.theory=FALSE). The test statistic TT is defined in equations (10.21) and (10.22) respectively on page 394 of Baddeley, Rubak and Turner (2015).

The argument leaveout specifies how to calculate the discrepancy between the summary function for the data and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. The values leaveout=0 and leaveout=1 are both algebraically equivalent (Baddeley et al, 2014, Appendix) to computing the difference observed - reference where the reference is the mean of simulated values. The value leaveout=2 gives the leave-two-out discrepancy proposed by Dao and Genton (2014).


An object of class "htest". Printing this object gives a report on the result of the test. The pp-value is contained in the component p.value.

Handling Ties

If the observed value of the test statistic is equal to one or more of the simulated values (called a tied value), then the tied values will be assigned a random ordering, and a message will be printed.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Andrew Hardegen and Suman Rakshit.


Baddeley, A., Diggle, P.J., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R.K. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84(3) 477–489.

Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Besag, J. (1977) Discussion of Dr Ripley's paper. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 193–195.

Cressie, N.A.C. (1991) Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

Diggle, P. J. (1986). Displaced amacrine cells in the retina of a rabbit : analysis of a bivariate spatial point pattern. J. Neuroscience Methods 18, 115–125.

Diggle, P.J. (2003) Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns, Second edition. Arnold.

Loosmore, N.B. and Ford, E.D. (2006) Statistical inference using the G or K point pattern spatial statistics. Ecology 87, 1925–1931.

Ripley, B.D. (1977) Modelling spatial patterns (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 172 – 212.

Ripley, B.D. (1981) Spatial statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

envelope, dclf.progress


dclf.test(cells, Lest, nsim=39)
  m <- mad.test(cells, Lest, verbose=FALSE, rinterval=c(0, 0.1), nsim=19)
  # extract the p-value
  # variance stabilised G function
  dclf.test(cells, Gest, transform=expression(asin(sqrt(.))),
                   verbose=FALSE, nsim=19)

  ## one-sided test
  ml <- mad.test(cells, Lest, verbose=FALSE, nsim=19, alternative="less")

  ## scaled
  mad.test(cells, Kest, verbose=FALSE, nsim=19,
           rinterval=c(0.05, 0.2),
           scale=function(r) { r })

Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point Pattern


Compute a kernel smoothed intensity function from a point pattern.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
density(x, sigma=NULL, ...,
        weights=NULL, edge=TRUE, varcov=NULL,
        at="pixels", leaveoneout=TRUE,
        adjust=1, diggle=FALSE,
        se=FALSE, wtype=c("value", "multiplicity"),
        positive=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, sameas)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


The smoothing bandwidth (the amount of smoothing). The standard deviation of the isotropic smoothing kernel. Either a numerical value, or a function that computes an appropriate value of sigma.


Optional weights to be attached to the points. A numeric vector, numeric matrix, an expression, or a pixel image.


Additional arguments passed to pixellate.ppp and as.mask to determine the pixel resolution, or passed to sigma if it is a function.


Logical value indicating whether to apply edge correction.


Variance-covariance matrix of anisotropic smoothing kernel. Incompatible with sigma.


String specifying whether to compute the intensity values at a grid of pixel locations (at="pixels") or only at the points of x (at="points").


Logical value indicating whether to compute a leave-one-out estimator. Applicable only when at="points".


Optional. Adjustment factor for the smoothing parameter.


Logical. If TRUE, use the Jones-Diggle improved edge correction, which is more accurate but slower to compute than the default correction.


The smoothing kernel. A character string specifying the smoothing kernel (current options are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "quartic" or "disc"), or a pixel image (object of class "im") containing values of the kernel, or a function(x,y) which yields values of the kernel.


Logical value. If scalekernel=TRUE, then the kernel will be rescaled to the bandwidth determined by sigma and varcov: this is the default behaviour when kernel is a character string. If scalekernel=FALSE, then sigma and varcov will be ignored: this is the default behaviour when kernel is a function or a pixel image.


Logical value indicating whether to compute standard errors as well.


Character string (partially matched) specifying how the weights should be interpreted for the calculation of standard error. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to force all density values to be positive numbers. Default is FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether to issue warnings about numerical problems and conditions.


Optional. The result of a previous evaluation of density.ppp. Smoothing will be performed using the same kernel and bandwidth that were used to produce sameas. Namely the values of the arguments kernel, sigma, varcov, scalekernel and adjust will be overwritten by the values that were used to produce sameas.


This is a method for the generic function density.

It computes a fixed-bandwidth kernel estimate (Diggle, 1985) of the intensity function of the point process that generated the point pattern x.

The amount of smoothing is controlled by sigma if it is specified.

By default, smoothing is performed using a Gaussian kernel. The resulting density estimate is the convolution of the isotropic Gaussian kernel, of standard deviation sigma, with point masses at each of the data points in x.

Anisotropic kernels, and non-Gaussian kernels, are also supported. Each point has unit weight, unless the argument weights is given.

If edge=TRUE (the default), the intensity estimate is corrected for edge effect bias.

If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a pixel image giving the estimated intensity at each pixel in a grid. If at="points", the result is a numeric vector giving the estimated intensity at each of the original data points in x.


By default, the result is a pixel image (object of class "im"). Pixel values are estimated intensity values, expressed in “points per unit area”.

If at="points", the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in x. Values are estimated intensity values at the points of x.

In either case, the return value has attributes "sigma" and "varcov" which report the smoothing bandwidth that was used.

If weights is a matrix with more than one column, then the result is a list of images (if at="pixels") or a matrix of numerical values (if at="points").

If se=TRUE, the result is a list with two elements named estimate and SE, each of the format described above.

Amount of smoothing

The amount of smoothing is determined by the arguments sigma, varcov and adjust.

  • if sigma is a single numerical value, this is taken as the standard deviation of the isotropic Gaussian kernel.

  • alternatively sigma may be a function that computes an appropriate bandwidth from the data point pattern by calling sigma(x). To perform automatic bandwidth selection using cross-validation, it is recommended to use the functions bw.diggle, bw.CvL, bw.scott or bw.ppl.

  • The smoothing kernel may be made anisotropic by giving the variance-covariance matrix varcov. The arguments sigma and varcov are incompatible.

  • Alternatively sigma may be a vector of length 2 giving the standard deviations of the xx and yy coordinates, thus equivalent to varcov = diag(rep(sigma^2, 2)).

  • if neither sigma nor varcov is specified, an isotropic Gaussian kernel will be used, with a default value of sigma calculated by a simple rule of thumb that depends only on the size of the window.

  • The argument adjust makes it easy for the user to change the bandwidth specified by any of the rules above. The value of sigma will be multiplied by the factor adjust. The matrix varcov will be multiplied by adjust^2. To double the smoothing bandwidth, set adjust=2.

  • An infinite bandwidth, sigma=Inf or adjust=Inf, is permitted, and yields an intensity estimate which is constant over the spatial domain.

Edge correction

If edge=TRUE, the intensity estimate is corrected for edge effect bias in one of two ways:

  • If diggle=FALSE (the default) the intensity estimate is correted by dividing it by the convolution of the Gaussian kernel with the window of observation. This is the approach originally described in Diggle (1985). Thus the intensity value at a point uu is

    λ^(u)=e(u)ik(xiu)wi\hat\lambda(u) = e(u) \sum_i k(x_i - u) w_i

    where kk is the Gaussian smoothing kernel, e(u)e(u) is an edge correction factor, and wiw_i are the weights.

  • If diggle=TRUE then the code uses the improved edge correction described by Jones (1993) and Diggle (2010, equation 18.9). This has been shown to have better performance (Jones, 1993) but is slightly slower to compute. The intensity value at a point uu is

    λ^(u)=ik(xiu)wie(xi)\hat\lambda(u) = \sum_i k(x_i - u) w_i e(x_i)

    where again kk is the Gaussian smoothing kernel, e(xi)e(x_i) is an edge correction factor, and wiw_i are the weights.

In both cases, the edge correction term e(u)e(u) is the reciprocal of the kernel mass inside the window:

1e(u)=Wk(vu)dv\frac{1}{e(u)} = \int_W k(v-u) \, {\rm d}v

where WW is the observation window.

Smoothing kernel

By default, smoothing is performed using a Gaussian kernel.

The choice of smoothing kernel is determined by the argument kernel. This should be a character string giving the name of a recognised two-dimensional kernel (current options are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "quartic" or "disc"), or a pixel image (object of class "im") containing values of the kernel, or a function(x,y) which yields values of the kernel. The default is a Gaussian kernel.

If scalekernel=TRUE then the kernel values will be rescaled according to the arguments sigma, varcov and adjust as explained above, effectively treating kernel as the template kernel with standard deviation equal to 1. This is the default behaviour when kernel is a character string. If scalekernel=FALSE, the kernel values will not be altered, and the arguments sigma, varcov and adjust are ignored. This is the default behaviour when kernel is a pixel image or a function.

Desired output

If at="pixels" (the default), intensity values are computed at every location uu in a fine grid, and are returned as a pixel image. The point pattern is first discretised using pixellate.ppp, then the intensity is computed using the Fast Fourier Transform. Accuracy depends on the pixel resolution and the discretisation rule. The pixel resolution is controlled by the arguments ... passed to as.mask (specify the number of pixels by dimyx or the pixel size by eps). The discretisation rule is controlled by the arguments ... passed to pixellate.ppp (the default rule is that each point is allocated to the nearest pixel centre; this can be modified using the arguments fractional and preserve).

If at="points", the intensity values are computed to high accuracy at the points of x only. Computation is performed by directly evaluating and summing the kernel contributions without discretising the data. The result is a numeric vector giving the density values. The intensity value at a point xix_i is (if diggle=FALSE)

λ^(xi)=e(xi)jk(xjxi)wj\hat\lambda(x_i) = e(x_i) \sum_j k(x_j - x_i) w_j

or (if diggle=TRUE)

λ^(xi)=jk(xjxi)wje(xj)\hat\lambda(x_i) = \sum_j k(x_j - x_i) w_j e(x_j)

If leaveoneout=TRUE (the default), then the sum in the equation is taken over all jj not equal to ii, so that the intensity value at a data point is the sum of kernel contributions from all other data points. If leaveoneout=FALSE then the sum is taken over all jj, so that the intensity value at a data point includes a contribution from the same point.


If weights is a matrix with more than one column, then the calculation is effectively repeated for each column of weights. The result is a list of images (if at="pixels") or a matrix of numerical values (if at="points").

The argument weights can also be an expression. It will be evaluated in the data frame to obtain a vector or matrix of weights. The expression may involve the symbols x and y representing the Cartesian coordinates, the symbol marks representing the mark values if there is only one column of marks, and the names of the columns of marks if there are several columns.

The argument weights can also be a pixel image (object of class "im"). numerical weights for the data points will be extracted from this image (by looking up the pixel values at the locations of the data points in x).

Standard error

If se=TRUE, the standard error of the estimate will also be calculated. The calculation assumes a Poisson point process.

If weights are given, then the calculation of standard error depends on the interpretation of the weights. This is controlled by the argument wtype.

  • If wtype="value" (the default), the weights are interpreted as numerical values observed at the data locations. Roughly speaking, standard errors are proportional to the absolute values of the weights.

  • If wtype="multiplicity" the weights are interpreted as multiplicities so that a weight of 2 is equivalent to having a pair of duplicated points at the data location. Roughly speaking, standard errors are proportional to the square roots of the weights. Negative weights are not permitted.

The default rule is now wtype="value" but previous versions of density.ppp (in spatstat.explore versions 3.1-0 and earlier) effectively used wtype="multiplicity".

The meaning of density.ppp

This function is often misunderstood.

The result of density.ppp is not a spatial smoothing of the marks or weights attached to the point pattern. To perform spatial interpolation of values that were observed at the points of a point pattern, use Smooth.ppp.

The result of density.ppp is not a probability density. It is an estimate of the intensity function of the point process that generated the point pattern data. Intensity is the expected number of random points per unit area. The units of intensity are “points per unit area”. Intensity is usually a function of spatial location, and it is this function which is estimated by density.ppp. The integral of the intensity function over a spatial region gives the expected number of points falling in this region.

Inspecting an estimate of the intensity function is usually the first step in exploring a spatial point pattern dataset. For more explanation, see Baddeley, Rubak and Turner (2015) or Diggle (2003, 2010).

If you have two (or more) types of points, and you want a probability map or relative risk surface (the spatially-varying probability of a given type), use relrisk.

Technical issue: Negative Values

Negative and zero values of the density estimate are possible when at="pixels" because of numerical errors in finite-precision arithmetic.

By default, density.ppp does not try to repair such errors. This would take more computation time and is not always needed. (Also it would not be appropriate if weights include negative values.)

To ensure that the resulting density values are always positive, set positive=TRUE.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Bithell, J.F. (1990) An application of density estimation to geographical epidemiology. Statistics in Medicine 9, 691–701.

Diggle, P.J. (1985) A kernel method for smoothing point process data. Applied Statistics (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C) 34 (1985) 138–147.

Diggle, P.J. (2003) Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns, Second edition. Arnold.

Diggle, P.J. (2010) Nonparametric methods. Chapter 18, pp. 299–316 in A.E. Gelfand, P.J. Diggle, M. Fuentes and P. Guttorp (eds.) Handbook of Spatial Statistics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Jones, M.C. (1993) Simple boundary corrections for kernel density estimation. Statistics and Computing 3, 135–146.

See Also

To select the bandwidth sigma automatically by cross-validation, use bw.diggle, bw.CvL, bw.scott or bw.ppl.

To perform spatial interpolation of values that were observed at the points of a point pattern, use Smooth.ppp.

For adaptive nonparametric estimation, see adaptive.density. For data sharpening, see sharpen.ppp.

To compute a relative risk surface or probability map for two (or more) types of points, use relrisk.

For information about the data structures, see ppp.object, im.object.


if(interactive()) {
    opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
    plot(density(cells, 0.05))
    plot(density(cells, 0.05, diggle=TRUE))
    v <- diag(c(0.05, 0.07)^2)
    plot(density(cells, varcov=v))
  # automatic bandwidth selection
  plot(density(cells, sigma=bw.diggle(cells)))
  # equivalent:
  plot(density(cells, bw.diggle))
  # evaluate intensity at points
  density(cells, 0.05, at="points")

  # non-Gaussian kernel
  plot(density(cells, sigma=0.4, kernel="epanechnikov"))

  if(interactive()) {
    # see effect of changing pixel resolution
    opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
    plot(density(cells, sigma=0.4))
    plot(density(cells, sigma=0.4, eps=0.05))

  # relative risk calculation by hand (see relrisk.ppp)
  lung <- split(chorley)$lung
  larynx <- split(chorley)$larynx
  D <- density(lung, sigma=2)
  plot(density(larynx, sigma=2, weights=1/D))

Kernel Smoothing of Line Segment Pattern


Compute a kernel smoothed intensity function from a line segment pattern.


## S3 method for class 'psp'
density(x, sigma, ..., weights=NULL, edge=TRUE,
                   method=c("FFT", "C", "interpreted"),



Line segment pattern (object of class "psp") to be smoothed.


Standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel.


Extra arguments, including arguments passed to as.mask to determine the resolution of the resulting image.


Optional. Numerical weights for each line segment. A numeric vector, of length equal to the number of segments in x.


Logical flag indicating whether to apply edge correction.


Character string (partially matched) specifying the method of computation. Option "FFT" is the fastest, while "C" is the most accurate.


Optional. An object specifying the locations where density values should be computed. Either a window (object of class "owin") or a point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp").


This is the method for the generic function density for the class "psp" (line segment patterns).

A kernel estimate of the intensity of the line segment pattern is computed. The result is the convolution of the isotropic Gaussian kernel, of standard deviation sigma, with the line segments. The result is computed as follows:

  • if method="FFT" (the default), the line segments are discretised using pixellate.psp, then the Fast Fourier Transform is used to calculate the convolution. This method is the fastest, but is slightly less accurate. Accuracy can be improved by increasing pixel resolution.

  • if method="C" the exact value of the convolution at the centre of each pixel is computed analytically using C code;

  • if method="interpreted", the exact value of the convolution at the centre of each pixel is computed analytically using R code. This method is the slowest.

If edge=TRUE this result is adjusted for edge effects by dividing it by the convolution of the same Gaussian kernel with the observation window.

If weights are given, then the contribution from line segment i is multiplied by the value of weights[i].

If the argument at is given, then it specifies the locations where density values should be computed.

  • If at is a window, then the window is converted to a binary mask using the arguments ..., and density values are computed at the centre of each pixel in this mask. The result is a pixel image.

  • If at is a point pattern, then density values are computed at each point location, and the result is a numeric vector.


A pixel image (object of class "im") or a numeric vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

psp.object, im.object, density


L <- psp(runif(20),runif(20),runif(20),runif(20), window=owin())
  D <- density(L, sigma=0.03)
  plot(D, main="density(L)")
  plot(L, add=TRUE)

Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Split Point Pattern


Compute a kernel smoothed intensity function for each of the components of a split point pattern, or each of the point patterns in a list.


## S3 method for class 'splitppp'
density(x, ..., weights=NULL, se=FALSE)

  ## S3 method for class 'ppplist'
density(x, ..., weights=NULL, se=FALSE)



Split point pattern (object of class "splitppp" created by split.ppp) to be smoothed. Alternatively a list of point patterns, of class "ppplist".


Arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing, pixel resolution, edge correction etc.


Numerical weights for the points. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to compute standard errors as well.


This is a method for the generic function density.

The argument x should be a list of point patterns, and should belong to one of the classes "ppplist" or "splitppp".

Typically x is obtained by applying the function split.ppp to a point pattern y by calling split(y). This splits the points of y into several sub-patterns.

A kernel estimate of the intensity function of each of the point patterns is computed using density.ppp.

The return value is usually a list, each of whose entries is a pixel image (object of class "im"). The return value also belongs to the class "solist" and can be plotted or printed.

If the argument at="points" is given, the result is a list of numeric vectors giving the intensity values at the data points.

If se=TRUE, the result is a list with two elements named estimate and SE, each of the format described above.

The argument weights specifies numerical case weights for the data points. Normally it should be a list, with the same length as x. The entry weights[[i]] will determine the case weights for the pattern x[[i]], and may be given in any format acceptable to density.ppp. For example, weights[[i]] can be a numeric vector of length equal to npoints(x[[i]]), a single numeric value, a numeric matrix, a pixel image (object of class "im"), an expression, or a function of class "funxy".

For convenience, weights can also be a single expression, or a single pixel image (object of class "im"), or a single function of class "funxy".


A list of pixel images (objects of class "im") which can be plotted or printed; or a list of numeric vectors giving the values at specified points.

If se=TRUE, the result is a list with two elements named estimate and SE, each of the format described above.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

ppp.object, im.object


Z <- density(split(amacrine), 0.05)

Adaptive Kernel Estimate of Intensity of Point Pattern


Computes an adaptive estimate of the intensity function of a point pattern using a variable-bandwidth smoothing kernel.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
densityAdaptiveKernel(X, bw, ...,
       at=c("pixels", "points"),
       edge=TRUE, ngroups)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Numeric vector of smoothing bandwidths for each point in X, or a pixel image giving the smoothing bandwidth at each spatial location, or a spatial function of class "funxy" giving the smoothing bandwidth at each location. The default is to compute bandwidths using bw.abram.ppp.


Arguments passed to bw.abram.ppp to compute the smoothing bandwidths if bw is missing, or passed to as.mask to control the spatial resolution of the result.


Optional vector of numeric weights for the points of X.


String specifying whether to compute the intensity values at a grid of pixel locations (at="pixels") or only at the points of x (at="points").


Logical value indicating whether to perform edge correction.


Number of groups into which the bandwidth values should be partitioned and discretised.


This function computes a spatially-adaptive kernel estimate of the spatially-varying intensity from the point pattern X using the partitioning technique of Davies and Baddeley (2018).

The function densityAdaptiveKernel is generic. This file documents the method for point patterns, densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp.

The argument bw specifies the smoothing bandwidths to be applied to each of the points in X. It may be a numeric vector of bandwidth values, or a pixel image or function yielding the bandwidth values.

If the points of X are x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n and the corresponding bandwidths are σ1,,σn\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_n then the adaptive kernel estimate of intensity at a location uu is

λ^(u)=i=1nk(u,xi,σi)\hat\lambda(u) = \sum_{i=1}^n k(u, x_i, \sigma_i)

where k(u,v,σ)k(u, v, \sigma) is the value at uu of the (possibly edge-corrected) smoothing kernel with bandwidth σ\sigma induced by a data point at vv.

Exact computation of the estimate above can be time-consuming: it takes nn times longer than fixed-bandwidth smoothing.

The partitioning method of Davies and Baddeley (2018) accelerates this computation by partitioning the range of bandwidths into ngroups intervals, correspondingly subdividing the points of the pattern X into ngroups sub-patterns according to bandwidth, and applying fixed-bandwidth smoothing to each sub-pattern.

The default value of ngroups is the integer part of the square root of the number of points in X, so that the computation time is only about n\sqrt{n} times slower than fixed-bandwidth smoothing. Any positive value of ngroups can be specified by the user. Specifying ngroups=Inf enforces exact computation of the estimate without partitioning. Specifying ngroups=1 is the same as fixed-bandwidth smoothing with bandwidth sigma=median(bw).


If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a pixel image. If at="points", the result is a numeric vector with one entry for each data point in X.

Bandwidths and Bandwidth Selection

The function densityAdaptiveKernel computes one adaptive estimate of the intensity, determined by the smoothing bandwidth values bw.

Typically the bandwidth values are computed by first computing a pilot estimate of the intensity, then using bw.abram.ppp to compute the vector of bandwidths according to Abramson's rule. This involves specifying a global bandwidth h0.

The default bandwidths may work well in many contexts, but for optimal bandwidth selection, this calculation should be performed repeatedly with different values of h0 to optimise the value of h0. This can be computationally demanding; we recommend the function multiscale.density in the sparr package which supports much faster bandwidth selection, using the FFT method of Davies and Baddeley (2018).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Tilman Davies.


Davies, T.M. and Baddeley, A. (2018) Fast computation of spatially adaptive kernel estimates. Statistics and Computing, 28(4), 937-956.

Hall, P. and Marron, J.S. (1988) Variable window width kernel density estimates of probability densities. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 80, 37-49.

Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall, New York.

See Also

bw.abram.ppp, density.ppp, adaptive.density, densityVoronoi, im.object.

See the function bivariate.density in the sparr package for a more flexible implementation, and multiscale.density for an implementation that is more efficient for bandwidth selection.


Z <- densityAdaptiveKernel(redwood, h0=0.1)
  plot(Z, main="Adaptive kernel estimate")
  points(redwood, col="white")

Adaptive Kernel Estimate of Intensity for Split Point Pattern


Computes an adaptive estimate of the intensity function (using a variable-bandwidth smoothing kernel) for each of the components of a split point pattern, or each of the point patterns in a list.


## S3 method for class 'splitppp'
densityAdaptiveKernel(X, bw=NULL, ..., weights=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'ppplist'
densityAdaptiveKernel(X, bw=NULL, ..., weights=NULL)



Split point pattern (object of class "splitppp" created by split.ppp) to be smoothed. Alternatively a list of point patterns, of class "ppplist".


Smoothing bandwidths. See Details.


Additional arguments passed to densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp. These may include arguments that will be passed to bw.abram.ppp to compute the smoothing bandwidths if bw is missing, and arguments passed to as.mask to control the spatial resolution of the result.


Numerical weights for the points. See Details.


This function computes a spatially-adaptive kernel estimate of the spatially-varying intensity for each of the point patterns in the list X, using densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp.

The argument bw specifies smoothing bandwidths for the data points. Normally it should be a list, with the same length as x. The entry bw[[i]] will determine the smoothing bandwidths for the pattern x[[i]], and may be given in any format acceptable to densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp. For example, bw[[i]] can be a numeric vector of length equal to npoints(x[[i]]), a single numeric value, a pixel image (object of class "im"), an expression, or a function of class "funxy". For convenience, bw can also be a single expression, or a single pixel image, or a single function. If bw is missing or NULL, the default is to compute bandwidths using bw.abram.ppp.

The argument weights specifies numerical case weights for the data points. Normally it should be a list, with the same length as x. The entry weights[[i]] will determine the case weights for the pattern x[[i]], and may be given in any format acceptable to density.ppp. For example, weights[[i]] can be a numeric vector of length equal to npoints(x[[i]]), a single numeric value, a numeric matrix, a pixel image (object of class "im"), an expression, or a function of class "funxy". For convenience, weights can also be a single expression, or a single pixel image (object of class "im"), or a single function of class "funxy". If weights is missing or NULL, all weights are assumed to be equal to 1.


A list of pixel images (objects of class "im") which can be plotted or printed; or a list of numeric vectors giving the values at specified points.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp, bw.abram.ppp.


X <- amacrine
  if(!interactive()) X <- X[c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE)]
  Z <- densityAdaptiveKernel(split(X), h0=0.15)
  plot(Z, main="Adaptive kernel estimate")

Kernel Estimate of Intensity as a Spatial Function


Compute a kernel estimate of intensity for a point pattern, and return the result as a function of spatial location.


densityfun(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
densityfun(X, sigma = NULL, ...,
                        weights = NULL, edge = TRUE, diggle = FALSE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Smoothing bandwidth, or bandwidth selection function, passed to density.ppp.


Additional arguments passed to density.ppp.


Optional vector of weights associated with the points of X.

edge, diggle

Logical arguments controlling the edge correction. Arguments passed to density.ppp.


The commands densityfun and density both perform kernel estimation of the intensity of a point pattern. The difference is that density returns a pixel image, containing the estimated intensity values at a grid of locations, while densityfun returns a function(x,y) which can be used to compute the intensity estimate at any spatial locations with coordinates x,y. For purposes such as model-fitting it is more accurate to use densityfun.


A function with arguments x,y,drop. The function also belongs to the class "densityfun" which has methods for print and It also belongs to the class "funxy" which has methods for plot, contour and persp.

Using the result of densityfun

If f <- densityfun(X), where X is a two-dimensional point pattern, the resulting object f is a function in the R language.

By calling this function, the user can evaluate the estimated intensity at any desired spatial locations.

Additionally f belongs to other classes which allow it to be printed and plotted easily.

The function f has arguments x,y,drop.

  • The arguments x,y of f specify the query locations. They can be numeric vectors of coordinates. Alternatively x can be a point pattern (or data acceptable to as.ppp) and y is omitted. The result of f(x,y) is a numeric vector giving the values of the intensity.

  • The argument drop of f specifies how to handle query locations which are outside the window of the original data. If drop=TRUE (the default), such locations are ignored. If drop=FALSE, a value of NA is returned for each such location.

Note that the smoothing parameters, such as the bandwidth sigma, are assigned when densityfun is executed. Smoothing parameters are fixed inside the function f and cannot be changed by arguments of f.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also


To interpolate values observed at the points, use Smoothfun.


f <- densityfun(swedishpines)
  f(42, 60)
  X <- runifpoint(2, Window(swedishpines))

Diffusion Estimate of Point Pattern Intensity


Computes a diffusion estimate of intensity for a point pattern.


densityHeat(x, sigma, ...)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp" or another class).


Smoothing bandwidth. Usually a single number giving the equivalent standard deviation of the smoother.


Additional arguments depending on the method.


The generic function densityHeat computes an estimate of point process intensity using a diffusion kernel method.

Further details depend on the class of point pattern x. See the help file for the appropriate method.


Depends on the class of x.


Adrian Baddeley and Tilman Davies.

See Also

For two-dimensional point patterns (objects of class "ppp"), the diffusion kernel estimator is densityHeat.ppp. The usual kernel estimator is density.ppp, and the tessellation-based estimator is adaptive.density.

Diffusion Estimate of Point Pattern Intensity


Computes the diffusion estimate of the intensity of a point pattern.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
densityHeat(x, sigma, ..., weights=NULL,
          connect=8, symmetric=FALSE,
          sigmaX=NULL, k=1, show=FALSE, se=FALSE,
          at=c("pixels", "points"),
          leaveoneout = TRUE,
          extrapolate = FALSE, coarsen = TRUE,
          verbose=TRUE, internal=NULL)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Smoothing bandwidth. A single number giving the equivalent standard deviation of the smoother. Alternatively, a pixel image (class "im") or a function(x,y) giving the spatially-varying bandwidth.


Arguments passed to pixellate.ppp controlling the pixel resolution.


Optional numeric vector of weights associated with each point of x.


Grid connectivity: either 4 or 8.


Logical value indicating whether to force the algorithm to use a symmetric random walk.


Numeric vector of bandwidths, one associated with each data point in x. See Details.


Integer. Calculations will be performed by repeatedly multiplying the current state by the k-step transition matrix.


Logical value indicating whether to plot successive iterations.


Logical value indicating whether to compute standard errors.


Character string specifying whether to compute values at a grid of pixels (at="pixels", the default) or at the data points of x (at="points").


Logical value specifying whether to compute a leave-one-out estimate at each data point, when at="points".


Logical value specifying whether to use Richardson extrapolation to improve the accuracy of the computation.


Logical value, controlling the calculation performed when extrapolate=TRUE. See Details.


Logical value specifying whether to print progress reports.


Developer use only.


This command computes a diffusion kernel estimate of point process intensity from the observed point pattern x.

The function densityHeat is generic, with methods for point patterns in two dimensions (class "ppp") and point patterns on a linear network (class "lpp"). The function densityHeat.ppp described here is the method for class "ppp". Given a two-dimensional point pattern x, it computes a diffusion kernel estimate of the intensity of the point process which generated x.

Diffusion kernel estimates were developed by Botev et al (2010), Barry and McIntyre (2011) and Baddeley et al (2022).

Barry and McIntyre (2011) proposed an estimator for point process intensity based on a random walk on the pixel grid inside the observation window. Baddeley et al (2022) showed that the Barry-McIntyre method is a special case of the diffusion estimator proposed by Botev et al (2010).

The original Barry-McIntyre algorithm assumes a symmetric random walk (i.e. each possible transition has the same probability pp) and requires a square pixel grid (i.e. equal spacing in the xx and yy directions). Their original algorithm is used if symmetric=TRUE. Use the ... arguments to ensure a square grid: for example, the argument eps specifies a square grid with spacing eps units.

The more general algorithm used here (Baddeley et al, 2022) does not require a square grid of pixels. If the pixel grid is not square, and if symmetric=FALSE (the default), then the random walk is not symmetric, in the sense that the probabilities of different jumps will be different, in order to ensure that the smoothing is isotropic.

This implementation also includes two generalizations to the case of adaptive smoothing (Baddeley et al, 2022).

In the first version of adaptive smoothing, the bandwidth is spatially-varying. The argument sigma should be a pixel image (class "im") or a function(x,y) specifying the bandwidth at each spatial location. The smoothing is performed by solving the heat equation with spatially-varying parameters.

In the second version of adaptive smoothing, each data point in x is smoothed using a separate bandwidth. The argument sigmaX should be a numeric vector specifying the bandwidth for each point of x. The smoothing is performed using the lagged arrival algorithm. The argument sigma can be omitted.

If extrapolate=FALSE (the default), calculations are performed using the Euler scheme for the heat equation. If extrapolate=TRUE, the accuracy of the result will be improved by applying Richardson extrapolation (Baddeley et al, 2022, Section 4). After computing the intensity estimate using the Euler scheme on the desired pixel grid, another estimate is computed using the same method on another pixel grid, and the two estimates are combined by Richardson extrapolation to obtain a more accurate result. The second grid is coarser than the original grid if coarsen=TRUE (the default), and finer than the original grid if coarsen=FALSE. Setting extrapolate=TRUE increases computation time by 35% if coarsen=TRUE and by 400% if coarsen=FALSE.


Pixel image (object of class "im") giving the estimated intensity of the point process.

If se=TRUE, the result has an attribute "se" which is another pixel image giving the estimated standard error.

If at="points" then the result is a numeric vector with one entry for each point of x.


Adrian Baddeley and Tilman Davies.


Baddeley, A., Davies, T., Rakshit, S., Nair, G. and McSwiggan, G. (2022) Diffusion smoothing for spatial point patterns. Statistical Science 37 (1) 123–142.

Barry, R.P. and McIntyre, J. (2011) Estimating animal densities and home range in regions with irregular boundaries and holes: a lattice-based alternative to the kernel density estimator. Ecological Modelling 222, 1666–1672.

Botev, Z.I., Grotowski, J.F. and Kroese, D.P. (2010) Kernel density estimation via diffusion. Annals of Statistics 38, 2916–2957.

See Also

density.ppp for the usual kernel estimator, and adaptive.density for the tessellation-based estimator.


online <- interactive()
   if(!online) op <- spatstat.options(npixel=32)

   X <- runifpoint(25, letterR)
   Z <- densityHeat(X, 0.2)
   if(online) {
     plot(Z, main="Diffusion estimator")
     plot(X, add=TRUE, pch=16)
     integral(Z) # should equal 25

   Z <- densityHeat(X, 0.2, se=TRUE)
   Zse <- attr(Z, "se")
   if(online) plot(solist(estimate=Z, SE=Zse), main="")

   Zex <- densityHeat(X, 0.2, extrapolate=TRUE)

   ZS <- densityHeat(X, 0.2, symmetric=TRUE, eps=0.125)
   if(online) {
     plot(ZS, main="fixed bandwidth")
     plot(X, add=TRUE, pch=16)

   sig <- function(x,y) { (x-1.5)/10 }
   ZZ <- densityHeat(X, sig)
   if(online) {
     plot(ZZ, main="adaptive (I)")
     plot(X, add=TRUE, pch=16)

   sigX <- sig(X$x, X$y)
   AA <- densityHeat(X, sigmaX=sigX)
   if(online) {
     plot(AA, main="adaptive (II)")
     plot(X, add=TRUE, pch=16)
   if(!online) spatstat.options(op)

Intensity Estimate of Point Pattern Using Voronoi-Dirichlet Tessellation


Computes an adaptive estimate of the intensity function of a point pattern using the Dirichlet-Voronoi tessellation.


densityVoronoi(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
densityVoronoi(X, f = 1, ...,
                          nrep = 1, verbose=TRUE)



Point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp").


Fraction (between 0 and 1 inclusive) of the data points that will be used to build a tessellation for the intensity estimate.


Arguments passed to determining the pixel resolution of the result.


Logical value specifying the choice of estimation method. See Details.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), the data points are independently randomly thinned, so the number of data points that are retained is random. If TRUE, the number of data points retained is fixed. See Details.


Number of independent repetitions of the randomised procedure.


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


This function is an alternative to density.ppp. It computes an estimate of the intensity function of a point pattern dataset. The result is a pixel image giving the estimated intensity.

If f=1 (the default), the Voronoi estimate (Barr and Schoenberg, 2010) is computed: the point pattern X is used to construct a Voronoi/Dirichlet tessellation (see dirichlet); the areas of the Dirichlet tiles are computed; the estimated intensity in each tile is the reciprocal of the tile area. The result is a pixel image of intensity estimates which are constant on each tile of the tessellation.

If f=0, the intensity estimate at every location is equal to the average intensity (number of points divided by window area). The result is a pixel image of intensity estimates which are constant.

If f is strictly between 0 and 1, the estimation method is applied to a random subset of X. This randomised procedure is repeated nrep times, and the results are averaged. The subset is selected as follows:

  • if fixed=FALSE, the dataset X is randomly thinned by deleting or retaining each point independently, with probability f of retaining a point.

  • if fixed=TRUE, a random sample of fixed size m is taken from the dataset X, where m is the largest integer less than or equal to f*n and n is the number of points in X.

Then the intensity estimate is calculated as follows:

  • if counting = FALSE (the default), the thinned pattern is used to construct a Dirichlet tessellation and form the Voronoi estimate (Barr and Schoenberg, 2010) which is then adjusted by a factor 1/f or n/m as appropriate. to obtain an estimate of the intensity of X in the tile.

  • if counting = TRUE, the randomly selected subset A is used to construct a Dirichlet tessellation, while the complementary subset B (consisting of points that were not selected in the sample) is used for counting to calculate a quadrat count estimate of intensity. For each tile of the Dirichlet tessellation formed by A, we count the number of points of B falling in the tile, and divide by the area of the same tile, to obtain an estimate of the intensity of the pattern B in the tile. This estimate is adjusted by 1/(1-f) or n/(n-m) as appropriate to obtain an estimate of the intensity of X in the tile.

Ogata et al. (2003) and Ogata (2004) estimated intensity using the Dirichlet-Voronoi tessellation in a modelling context. Baddeley (2007) proposed intensity estimation by subsampling with 0 < f < 1, and used the technique described above with fixed=TRUE and counting=TRUE. Barr and Schoenberg (2010) described and analysed the Voronoi estimator (corresponding to f=1). Moradi et al (2019) developed the subsampling technique with fixed=FALSE and counting=FALSE and called it the smoothed Voronoi estimator.


A pixel image (object of class "im") whose values are estimates of the intensity of X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected] and Mehdi Moradi [email protected].


Baddeley, A. (2007) Validation of statistical models for spatial point patterns. In J.G. Babu and E.D. Feigelson (eds.) SCMA IV: Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy IV, volume 317 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, San Francisco, California USA, 2007. Pages 22–38.

Barr, C., and Schoenberg, F.P. (2010). On the Voronoi estimator for the intensity of an inhomogeneous planar Poisson process. Biometrika 97 (4), 977–984.

Moradi, M., Cronie, 0., Rubak, E., Lachieze-Rey, R., Mateu, J. and Baddeley, A. (2019) Resample-smoothing of Voronoi intensity estimators. Statistics and Computing 29 (5) 995–1010.

Ogata, Y. (2004) Space-time model for regional seismicity and detection of crustal stress changes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, 2004.

Ogata, Y., Katsura, K. and Tanemura, M. (2003). Modelling heterogeneous space-time occurrences of earthquakes and its residual analysis. Applied Statistics 52 499–509.

See Also

adaptive.density, density.ppp, dirichlet, im.object.


plot(densityVoronoi(nztrees, 1, f=1), main="Voronoi estimate")
  nr <- if(interactive()) 100 else 5
  plot(densityVoronoi(nztrees, f=0.5, nrep=nr), main="smoothed Voronoi estimate")

Calculate Derivative of Function Values


Applies numerical differentiation to the values in selected columns of a function value table.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
deriv(expr, which = "*", ...,
          method=c("spline", "numeric"),



Function values to be differentiated. A function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object).


Character vector identifying which columns of the table should be differentiated. Either a vector containing names of columns, or one of the wildcard strings "*" or "." explained below.


Extra arguments passed to smooth.spline to control the differentiation algorithm, if method="spline".


Differentiation method. A character string, partially matched to either "spline" or "numeric".


Optional vector of xx values where the derivative is allowed to be discontinuous.


Logical value indicating whether the function expr is periodic.


Logical value indicating whether the resulting derivative should be a periodic function.


This command performs numerical differentiation on the function values in a function value table (object of class "fv"). The differentiation is performed either by smooth.spline or by a naive numerical difference algorithm.

The command deriv is generic. This is the method for objects of class "fv".

Differentiation is applied to every column (or to each of the selected columns) of function values in turn, using the function argument as the xx coordinate and the selected column as the yy coordinate. The original function values are then replaced by the corresponding derivatives.

The optional argument which specifies which of the columns of function values in expr will be differentiated. The default (indicated by the wildcard which="*") is to differentiate all function values, i.e.\ all columns except the function argument. Alternatively which="." designates the subset of function values that are displayed in the default plot. Alternatively which can be a character vector containing the names of columns of expr.

If the argument kinks is given, it should be a numeric vector giving the discontinuity points of the function: the value or values of the function argument at which the function is not differentiable. Differentiation will be performed separately on intervals between the discontinuity points.

If periodic=TRUE then the function expr is taken to be periodic, with period equal to the range of the function argument in expr. The resulting derivative is periodic.

If periodic=FALSE but Dperiodic=TRUE, then the derivative is assumed to be periodic. This would be appropriate if expr is the cumulative distribution function of an angular variable, for example.


Another function value table (object of class "fv") of the same format.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

with.fv, fv.object, smooth.spline


G <- Gest(cells)
   plot(deriv(G, which=".", spar=0.5))
   A <- pairorient(redwood, 0.05, 0.15)
   DA <- deriv(A, spar=0.6, Dperiodic=TRUE)

Global Envelopes for Dao-Genton Test


Computes the global envelopes corresponding to the Dao-Genton test of goodness-of-fit.


dg.envelope(X, ...,
            nsim = 19, nsimsub=nsim-1, nrank = 1,
            alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
            leaveout=1, interpolate = FALSE,
            savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE,
            verbose = TRUE)



Either a point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or "pp3") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "slrm").


Arguments passed to mad.test or envelope to control the conduct of the test. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, rinterval to determine the range of rr values used in the test, and verbose=FALSE to turn off the messages.


Number of simulated patterns to be generated in the primary experiment.


Number of simulations in each basic test. There will be nsim repetitions of the basic test, each involving nsimsub simulated realisations, so there will be a total of nsim * (nsimsub + 1) simulations.


Integer. Rank of the envelope value amongst the nsim simulated values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values will be used.


Character string determining whether the envelope corresponds to a two-sided test (alternative="two.sided", the default) or a one-sided test with a lower critical boundary (alternative="less") or a one-sided test with an upper critical boundary (alternative="greater").


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to interpolate the distribution of the test statistic by kernel smoothing, as described in Dao and Genton (2014, Section 5).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated function values (from the first stage).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated point patterns (from the first stage).


Logical value determining whether to print progress reports.


Computes global simulation envelopes corresponding to the Dao-Genton (2014) adjusted Monte Carlo goodness-of-fit test. The envelopes were developed in Baddeley et al (2015) and described in Baddeley, Rubak and Turner (2015).

If X is a point pattern, the null hypothesis is CSR.

If X is a fitted model, the null hypothesis is that model.

The Dao-Genton test is biased when the significance level is very small (small pp-values are not reliable) and we recommend bits.envelope in this case.


An object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2015) Pushing the envelope: extensions of graphical Monte Carlo tests. Unpublished manuscript.

Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

See Also

dg.test, mad.test, envelope


ns <- if(interactive()) 19 else 4
  E <- dg.envelope(swedishpines, Lest, nsim=ns)
  Eo <- dg.envelope(swedishpines, Lest, alternative="less", nsim=ns)
  Ei <- dg.envelope(swedishpines, Lest, interpolate=TRUE, nsim=ns)

Progress Plot of Dao-Genton Test of Spatial Pattern


Generates a progress plot (envelope representation) of the Dao-Genton test for a spatial point pattern.


dg.progress(X, fun = Lest, ...,
            exponent = 2, nsim = 19, nsimsub = nsim - 1,
            nrank = 1, alpha, leaveout=1, interpolate = FALSE, rmin=0,
            savefuns = FALSE, savepatterns = FALSE, verbose=TRUE)



Either a point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or other class), a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or other class) or an envelope object (class "envelope").


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a point pattern.


Arguments passed to envelope. Useful arguments include alternative to specify one-sided or two-sided envelopes.


Positive number. The exponent of the LpL^p distance. See Details.


Number of repetitions of the basic test.


Number of simulations in each basic test. There will be nsim repetitions of the basic test, each involving nsimsub simulated realisations, so there will be a total of nsim * (nsimsub + 1) simulations.


Integer. The rank of the critical value of the Monte Carlo test, amongst the nsim simulated values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values will become the critical values for the test.


Optional. The significance level of the test. Equivalent to nrank/(nsim+1) where nsim is the number of simulations.


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Logical value indicating how to compute the critical value. If interpolate=FALSE (the default), a standard Monte Carlo test is performed, and the critical value is the largest simulated value of the test statistic (if nrank=1) or the nrank-th largest (if nrank is another number). If interpolate=TRUE, kernel density estimation is applied to the simulated values, and the critical value is the upper alpha quantile of this estimated distribution.


Optional. Left endpoint for the interval of rr values on which the test statistic is calculated.


Logical value indicating whether to save the simulated function values (from the first stage).


Logical value indicating whether to save the simulated point patterns (from the first stage).


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


The Dao and Genton (2014) test for a spatial point pattern is described in dg.test. This test depends on the choice of an interval of distance values (the argument rinterval). A progress plot or envelope representation of the test (Baddeley et al, 2014, 2015; Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, 2015) is a plot of the test statistic (and the corresponding critical value) against the length of the interval rinterval.

The command dg.progress effectively performs dg.test on X using all possible intervals of the form [0,R][0,R], and returns the resulting values of the test statistic, and the corresponding critical values of the test, as a function of RR.

The result is an object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the progress plot. The display shows the test statistic (solid black line) and the test acceptance region (grey shading). If X is an envelope object, then some of the data stored in X may be re-used:

  • If X is an envelope object containing simulated functions, and fun=NULL, then the code will re-use the simulated functions stored in X.

  • If X is an envelope object containing simulated point patterns, then fun will be applied to the stored point patterns to obtain the simulated functions. If fun is not specified, it defaults to Lest.

  • Otherwise, new simulations will be performed, and fun defaults to Lest.

If the argument rmin is given, it specifies the left endpoint of the interval defining the test statistic: the tests are performed using intervals [rmin,R][r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}},R] where RrminR \ge r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}}.

The argument leaveout specifies how to calculate the discrepancy between the summary function for the data and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. The values leaveout=0 and leaveout=1 are both algebraically equivalent (Baddeley et al, 2014, Appendix) to computing the difference observed - reference where the reference is the mean of simulated values. The value leaveout=2 gives the leave-two-out discrepancy proposed by Dao and Genton (2014).


An object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the progress plot.


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Diggle, P., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84 (3) 477–489.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2015) Pushing the envelope: extensions of graphical Monte Carlo tests. Unpublished manuscript.

Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

See Also

dg.test, dclf.progress


ns <- if(interactive()) 19 else 5
   plot(dg.progress(cells, nsim=ns))

Significance Trace of Dao-Genton Test


Generates a Significance Trace of the Dao and Genton (2014) test for a spatial point pattern.


dg.sigtrace(X, fun = Lest, ...,
              exponent = 2, nsim = 19, nsimsub = nsim - 1,
              alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
              rmin=0, leaveout=1,
              interpolate = FALSE, confint = TRUE, alpha = 0.05,
              savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)



Either a point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or other class), a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or other class) or an envelope object (class "envelope").


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a point pattern.


Arguments passed to envelope.


Positive number. Exponent used in the test statistic. Use exponent=2 for the Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test, and exponent=Inf for the Maximum Absolute Deviation test. See Details.


Number of repetitions of the basic test.


Number of simulations in each basic test. There will be nsim repetitions of the basic test, each involving nsimsub simulated realisations, so there will be a total of nsim * (nsimsub + 1) simulations.


Character string specifying the alternative hypothesis. The default (alternative="two.sided") is that the true value of the summary function is not equal to the theoretical value postulated under the null hypothesis. If alternative="less" the alternative hypothesis is that the true value of the summary function is lower than the theoretical value.


Optional. Left endpoint for the interval of rr values on which the test statistic is calculated.


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to interpolate the distribution of the test statistic by kernel smoothing, as described in Dao and Genton (2014, Section 5).


Logical value indicating whether to compute a confidence interval for the ‘true’ pp-value.


Significance level to be plotted (this has no effect on the calculation but is simply plotted as a reference value).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated function values (from the first stage).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated point patterns (from the first stage).


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports.


The Dao and Genton (2014) test for a spatial point pattern is described in dg.test. This test depends on the choice of an interval of distance values (the argument rinterval). A significance trace (Bowman and Azzalini, 1997; Baddeley et al, 2014, 2015; Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, 2015) of the test is a plot of the pp-value obtained from the test against the length of the interval rinterval.

The command dg.sigtrace effectively performs dg.test on X using all possible intervals of the form [0,R][0,R], and returns the resulting pp-values as a function of RR.

The result is an object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the significance trace. The plot shows the Dao-Genton adjusted pp-value (solid black line), the critical value 0.05 (dashed red line), and a pointwise 95% confidence band (grey shading) for the ‘true’ (Neyman-Pearson) pp-value. The confidence band is based on the Agresti-Coull (1998) confidence interval for a binomial proportion.

If X is an envelope object and fun=NULL then the code will re-use the simulated functions stored in X.

If the argument rmin is given, it specifies the left endpoint of the interval defining the test statistic: the tests are performed using intervals [rmin,R][r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}},R] where RrminR \ge r_{\mbox{\scriptsize min}}.

The argument leaveout specifies how to calculate the discrepancy between the summary function for the data and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. The values leaveout=0 and leaveout=1 are both algebraically equivalent (Baddeley et al, 2014, Appendix) to computing the difference observed - reference where the reference is the mean of simulated values. The value leaveout=2 gives the leave-two-out discrepancy proposed by Dao and Genton (2014).


An object of class "fv" that can be plotted to obtain the significance trace.


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Agresti, A. and Coull, B.A. (1998) Approximate is better than “Exact” for interval estimation of binomial proportions. American Statistician 52, 119–126.

Baddeley, A., Diggle, P., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84(3) 477–489.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2015) Pushing the envelope: extensions of graphical Monte Carlo tests. Unpublished manuscript.

Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Bowman, A.W. and Azzalini, A. (1997) Applied smoothing techniques for data analysis: the kernel approach with S-Plus illustrations. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

See Also

dg.test for the Dao-Genton test, dclf.sigtrace for significance traces of other tests.


ns <- if(interactive()) 19 else 5
  plot(dg.sigtrace(cells, nsim=ns))

Dao-Genton Adjusted Goodness-Of-Fit Test


Performs the Dao and Genton (2014) adjusted goodness-of-fit test of spatial pattern.


dg.test(X, ...,
        exponent = 2, nsim=19, nsimsub=nsim-1,
        alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
        reuse = TRUE, leaveout=1, interpolate = FALSE,
        savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE,
        verbose = TRUE)



Either a point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp", "lpp" or "pp3") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm", "lppm" or "slrm").


Arguments passed to dclf.test or mad.test or envelope to control the conduct of the test. Useful arguments include fun to determine the summary function, rinterval to determine the range of rr values used in the test, and use.theory described under Details.


Exponent used in the test statistic. Use exponent=2 for the Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford test, and exponent=Inf for the Maximum Absolute Deviation test.


Number of repetitions of the basic test.


Number of simulations in each basic test. There will be nsim repetitions of the basic test, each involving nsimsub simulated realisations, so there will be a total of nsim * (nsimsub + 1) simulations.


Character string specifying the alternative hypothesis. The default (alternative="two.sided") is that the true value of the summary function is not equal to the theoretical value postulated under the null hypothesis. If alternative="less" the alternative hypothesis is that the true value of the summary function is lower than the theoretical value.


Logical value indicating whether to re-use the first stage simulations at the second stage, as described by Dao and Genton (2014).


Optional integer 0, 1 or 2 indicating how to calculate the deviation between the observed summary function and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to interpolate the distribution of the test statistic by kernel smoothing, as described in Dao and Genton (2014, Section 5).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated function values (from the first stage).


Logical flag indicating whether to save the simulated point patterns (from the first stage).


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


Performs the Dao-Genton (2014) adjusted Monte Carlo goodness-of-fit test, in the equivalent form described by Baddeley et al (2014).

If X is a point pattern, the null hypothesis is CSR.

If X is a fitted model, the null hypothesis is that model.

The argument use.theory passed to envelope determines whether to compare the summary function for the data to its theoretical value for CSR (use.theory=TRUE) or to the sample mean of simulations from CSR (use.theory=FALSE).

The argument leaveout specifies how to calculate the discrepancy between the summary function for the data and the nominal reference value, when the reference value must be estimated by simulation. The values leaveout=0 and leaveout=1 are both algebraically equivalent (Baddeley et al, 2014, Appendix) to computing the difference observed - reference where the reference is the mean of simulated values. The value leaveout=2 gives the leave-two-out discrepancy proposed by Dao and Genton (2014).

The Dao-Genton test is biased when the significance level is very small (small pp-values are not reliable) and we recommend bits.test in this case.


A hypothesis test (object of class "htest" which can be printed to show the outcome of the test.


Adrian Baddeley, Andrew Hardegen, Tom Lawrence, Robin Milne, Gopalan Nair and Suman Rakshit. Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Dao, N.A. and Genton, M. (2014) A Monte Carlo adjusted goodness-of-fit test for parametric models describing spatial point patterns. Journal of Graphical and Computational Statistics 23, 497–517.

Baddeley, A., Diggle, P.J., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R.K. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84 (3) 477–489.

Baddeley, A., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, L., Milne, R.K., Nair, G.M. and Rakshit, S. (2017) On two-stage Monte Carlo tests of composite hypotheses. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 114, 75–87.

See Also

bits.test, dclf.test, mad.test


ns <- if(interactive()) 19 else 4
 dg.test(cells, nsim=ns)
 dg.test(cells, alternative="less", nsim=ns)
 dg.test(cells, nsim=ns, interpolate=TRUE)

Estimate Dimension of Central Subspace


Given the kernel matrix that characterises a central subspace, this function estimates the dimension of the subspace.





Kernel of subspace. A symmetric, non-negative definite, numeric matrix, typically obtained from sdr.


This function computes the maximum descent estimate of the dimension of the central subspace with a given kernel matrix M.

The matrix M should be the kernel matrix of a central subspace, which can be obtained from sdr. It must be a symmetric, non-negative-definite, numeric matrix.

The algorithm finds the eigenvalues λ1λn\lambda_1 \ge \ldots \ge \lambda_n of MM, and then determines the index kk for which λk/λk1\lambda_k/\lambda_{k-1} is greatest.


A single integer giving the estimated dimension.


Matlab original by Yongtao Guan, translated to R by Suman Rakshit.


Guan, Y. and Wang, H. (2010) Sufficient dimension reduction for spatial point processes directed by Gaussian random fields. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72, 367–387.

See Also

sdr, subspaceDistance

Distribution Function of Interpoint Distance


Computes the cumulative distribution function of the distance between two independent random points in a given window or windows.


distcdf(W, V=W, ..., dW=1, dV=dW, nr=1024,
          regularise=TRUE, savedenom=FALSE, delta=NULL)



A window (object of class "owin") containing the first random point.


Optional. Another window containing the second random point. Defaults to W.


Arguments passed to as.mask to determine the pixel resolution for the calculation.

dV, dW

Optional. Probability densities (not necessarily normalised) for the first and second random points respectively. Data in any format acceptable to, for example, a function(x,y) or a pixel image or a numeric value. The default corresponds to a uniform distribution over the window.


Integer. The number of values of interpoint distance rr for which the CDF will be computed. Should be a large value. Alternatively if nr=NULL, a good default value will be chosen, depending on the pixel resolution.


Logical value indicating whether to smooth the results for very small distances, to avoid discretisation artefacts.


Logical value indicating whether to save the denominator of the double integral as an attribute of the result.


Optional. A positive number. The maximum permitted spacing between values of the function argument.


This command computes the Cumulative Distribution Function CDF(r)=Prob(Tr)CDF(r) = Prob(T \le r) of the Euclidean distance T=X1X2T = \|X_1 - X_2\| between two independent random points X1X_1 and X2X_2.

In the simplest case, the command distcdf(W), the random points are assumed to be uniformly distributed in the same window W.

Alternatively the two random points may be uniformly distributed in two different windows W and V.

In the most general case the first point X1X_1 is random in the window W with a probability density proportional to dW, and the second point X2X_2 is random in a different window V with probability density proportional to dV. The values of dW and dV must be finite and nonnegative.

The calculation is performed by numerical integration of the set covariance function setcov for uniformly distributed points, and by computing the covariance function imcov in the general case. The accuracy of the result depends on the pixel resolution used to represent the windows: this is controlled by the arguments ... which are passed to as.mask. For example use eps=0.1 to specify pixels of size 0.1 units.

The arguments W or V may also be point patterns (objects of class "ppp"). The result is the cumulative distribution function of the distance from a randomly selected point in the point pattern, to a randomly selected point in the other point pattern or window.

If regularise=TRUE (the default), values of the cumulative distribution function for very short distances are smoothed to avoid discretisation artefacts. Smoothing is applied to all distances shorter than the width of 10 pixels.

Numerical accuracy of some calculations requires very fine spacing of the values of the function argument r. If the argument delta is given, then after the cumulative distribution function has been calculated, it will be interpolated onto a finer grid of r values with spacing less than or equal to delta.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

setcov, as.mask.


# The unit disc
 B <- disc()

Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object


Given a spatial object such as a point pattern, in any number of dimensions, this function extracts the spatial domain in which the object is defined.


## S3 method for class 'quadrattest'
domain(X, ...)



A spatial object such as a point pattern (in any number of dimensions), line segment pattern or pixel image.


Extra arguments. They are ignored by all the methods listed here.


The function domain is generic.

For a spatial object X in any number of dimensions, domain(X) extracts the spatial domain in which X is defined.

For a two-dimensional object X, typically domain(X) is the same as Window(X).

Exceptions occur for methods related to linear networks.


A spatial object representing the domain of X. Typically a window (object of class "owin"), a three-dimensional box ("box3"), a multidimensional box ("boxx") or a linear network ("linnet").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

domain, domain.quadratcount, domain.ppm, domain.rmhmodel, domain.lpp. Window, Frame.


domain(quadrat.test(redwood, 2, 2))

Ripley's Isotropic Edge Correction


Computes Ripley's isotropic edge correction weights for a point pattern.


edge.Ripley(X, r, W = Window(X), method = c("C", "interpreted"),
            maxweight = 100, internal=list())




Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Window for which the edge correction is required.


Vector or matrix of interpoint distances for which the edge correction should be computed.


Choice of algorithm. Either "interpreted" or "C". This is needed only for debugging purposes.


Maximum permitted value of the edge correction weight.


For developer use only.


The function edge.Ripley computes Ripley's (1977) isotropic edge correction weight, which is used in estimating the KK function and in many other contexts.

The function rmax.Ripley computes the maximum value of distance rr for which the isotropic edge correction estimate of K(r)K(r) is valid.

For a single point xx in a window WW, and a distance r>0r > 0, the isotropic edge correction weight is

e(u,r)=2πrlength(c(u,r)W)e(u, r) = \frac{2\pi r}{\mbox{length}(c(u,r) \cap W)}

where c(u,r)c(u,r) is the circle of radius rr centred at the point uu. The denominator is the length of the overlap between this circle and the window WW.

The function edge.Ripley computes this edge correction weight for each point in the point pattern X and for each corresponding distance value in the vector or matrix r.

If r is a vector, with one entry for each point in X, then the result is a vector containing the edge correction weights e(X[i], r[i]) for each i.

If r is a matrix, with one row for each point in X, then the result is a matrix whose i,j entry gives the edge correction weight e(X[i], r[i,j]). For example edge.Ripley(X, pairdist(X)) computes all the edge corrections required for the KK-function.

If any value of the edge correction weight exceeds maxwt, it is set to maxwt.

The function rmax.Ripley computes the smallest distance rr such that it is possible to draw a circle of radius rr, centred at a point of W, such that the circle does not intersect the interior of W.


A numeric vector or matrix.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Ripley, B.D. (1977) Modelling spatial patterns (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 172 – 212.

See Also

edge.Trans, rmax.Trans, Kest


v <- edge.Ripley(cells, pairdist(cells))


Translation Edge Correction


Computes Ohser and Stoyan's translation edge correction weights for a point pattern.


edge.Trans(X, Y = X, W = Window(X),
      exact = FALSE, paired = FALSE,
      trim = spatstat.options("maxedgewt"),
      dx=NULL, dy=NULL,
      give.rmax=FALSE, gW=NULL)

rmax.Trans(W, g=setcov(W))


X, Y

Point patterns (objects of class "ppp").


Window for which the edge correction is required.


Logical. If TRUE, a slow algorithm will be used to compute the exact value. If FALSE, a fast algorithm will be used to compute the approximate value.


Logical value indicating whether X and Y are paired. If TRUE, compute the edge correction for corresponding points X[i], Y[i] for all i. If FALSE, compute the edge correction for each possible pair of points X[i], Y[j] for all i and j.




Maximum permitted value of the edge correction weight.

dx, dy

Alternative data giving the xx and yy coordinates of the vector differences between the points. Incompatible with X and Y. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, also compute the value of rmax.Trans(W) and return it as an attribute of the result.

g, gW

Optional. Set covariance of W, if it has already been computed. Not required if W is a rectangle.


The function edge.Trans computes Ohser and Stoyan's translation edge correction weight, which is used in estimating the KK function and in many other contexts.

The function rmax.Trans computes the maximum value of distance rr for which the translation edge correction estimate of K(r)K(r) is valid.

For a pair of points xx and yy in a window WW, the translation edge correction weight is

e(u,r)=area(W)area(W(W+yx))e(u, r) = \frac{\mbox{area}(W)}{\mbox{area}(W \cap (W + y - x))}

where W+yxW + y - x is the result of shifting the window WW by the vector yxy - x. The denominator is the area of the overlap between this shifted window and the original window.

The function edge.Trans computes this edge correction weight. If paired=TRUE, then X and Y should contain the same number of points. The result is a vector containing the edge correction weights e(X[i], Y[i]) for each i.

If paired=FALSE, then the result is a matrix whose i,j entry gives the edge correction weight e(X[i], Y[j]).

Computation is exact if the window is a rectangle. Otherwise,

  • if exact=TRUE, the edge correction weights are computed exactly using overlap.owin, which can be quite slow.

  • if exact=FALSE (the default), the weights are computed rapidly by evaluating the set covariance function setcov using the Fast Fourier Transform.

If any value of the edge correction weight exceeds trim, it is set to trim.

The arguments dx and dy can be provided as an alternative to X and Y. If paired=TRUE then dx,dy should be vectors of equal length such that the vector difference of the iith pair is c(dx[i], dy[i]). If paired=FALSE then dx,dy should be matrices of the same dimensions, such that the vector difference between X[i] and Y[j] is c(dx[i,j], dy[i,j]). The argument W is needed.

The value of rmax.Trans is the shortest distance from the origin (0,0)(0,0) to the boundary of the support of the set covariance function of W. It is computed by pixel approximation using setcov, unless W is a rectangle, when rmax.Trans(W) is the length of the shortest side of the rectangle.


Numeric vector or matrix.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Ohser, J. (1983) On estimators for the reduced second moment measure of point processes. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics, 14, 63 – 71.

See Also

rmax.Trans, edge.Ripley, setcov, Kest


v <- edge.Trans(cells)

Diagnostics for random marking


Estimate the summary functions E(r)E(r) and V(r)V(r) for a marked point pattern, proposed by Schlather et al (2004) as diagnostics for dependence between the points and the marks.


Emark(X, r=NULL,
         correction=c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         method="density", ..., normalise=FALSE)
Vmark(X, r=NULL,
         correction=c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         method="density", ..., normalise=FALSE)



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or something acceptable to as.ppp. The pattern should have numeric marks.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the function E(r)E(r) or V(r)V(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "isotropic", "Ripley" or "translate". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied.


A character vector indicating the user's choice of density estimation technique to be used. Options are "density", "loess", "sm" and "smrep".


Arguments passed to the density estimation routine (density, loess or sm.density) selected by method.


IfTRUE, normalise the estimate of E(r)E(r) or V(r)V(r) so that it would have value equal to 1 if the marks are independent of the points.


For a marked point process, Schlather et al (2004) defined the functions E(r)E(r) and V(r)V(r) to be the conditional mean and conditional variance of the mark attached to a typical random point, given that there exists another random point at a distance rr away from it.

More formally,

E(r)=E0u[M(0)]E(r) = E_{0u}[M(0)]


V(r)=E0u[(M(0)E(u))2]V(r) = E_{0u}[(M(0)-E(u))^2]

where E0uE_{0u} denotes the conditional expectation given that there are points of the process at the locations 00 and uu separated by a distance rr, and where M(0)M(0) denotes the mark attached to the point 00.

These functions may serve as diagnostics for dependence between the points and the marks. If the points and marks are independent, then E(r)E(r) and V(r)V(r) should be constant (not depending on rr). See Schlather et al (2004).

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern with numeric marks.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which kf(r)k_f(r) is estimated.

This algorithm assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape.

Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kest. The edge corrections implemented here are


Ripley's isotropic correction (see Ripley, 1988; Ohser, 1983). This is implemented only for rectangular and polygonal windows (not for binary masks).


Translation correction (Ohser, 1983). Implemented for all window geometries, but slow for complex windows.

Note that the estimator assumes the process is stationary (spatially homogeneous).

The numerator and denominator of the mark correlation function (in the expression above) are estimated using density estimation techniques. The user can choose between


which uses the standard kernel density estimation routine density, and works only for evenly-spaced r values;


which uses the function loess in the package modreg;


which uses the function sm.density in the package sm and is extremely slow;


which uses the function sm.density in the package sm and is relatively fast, but may require manual control of the smoothing parameter hmult.


If marks(X) is a numeric vector, the result is an object of class "fv" (see fv.object). If marks(X) is a data frame, the result is a list of objects of class "fv", one for each column of marks.

An object of class "fv" is essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function E(r)E(r) or V(r)V(r) has been estimated


the theoretical, constant value of E(r)E(r) or V(r)V(r) when the marks attached to different points are independent

together with a column or columns named "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function E(r)E(r) or V(r)V(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Schlather, M. and Ribeiro, P. and Diggle, P. (2004) Detecting dependence between marks and locations of marked point processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B 66 (2004) 79-83.

See Also

Mark correlation markcorr, mark variogram markvario for numeric marks.

Mark connection function markconnect and multitype K-functions Kcross, Kdot for factor-valued marks.


    E <- Emark(spruces, method="density", kernel="epanechnikov")

    V <- Vmark(finpines)

Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function


Computes simulation envelopes of a summary function.


envelope(Y, fun, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ppp'
envelope(Y, fun=Kest, nsim=99, nrank=1, ...,
  funargs=list(), funYargs=funargs,
  simulate=NULL,  fix.n=FALSE, fix.marks=FALSE,
  verbose=TRUE, clipdata=TRUE,
  transform=NULL, global=FALSE, ginterval=NULL, use.theory=NULL, 
  alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  scale=NULL, clamp=FALSE, 
  savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE,
  nsim2=nsim, VARIANCE=FALSE, nSD=2, Yname=NULL,
  maxnerr=nsim, rejectNA=FALSE, silent=FALSE,
  do.pwrong=FALSE, envir.simul=NULL)



Object containing point pattern data. A point pattern (object of class "ppp") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "slrm").


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a point pattern.


Number of simulated point patterns to be generated when computing the envelopes.


Integer. Rank of the envelope value amongst the nsim simulated values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values will be used.


Extra arguments passed to fun.


A list, containing extra arguments to be passed to fun.


Optional. A list, containing extra arguments to be passed to fun when applied to the original data Y only.


Optional. Specifies how to generate the simulated point patterns. If simulate is an expression in the R language, then this expression will be evaluated nsim times, to obtain nsim point patterns which are taken as the simulated patterns from which the envelopes are computed. If simulate is a function, then this function will be repeatedly applied to the data pattern Y to obtain nsim simulated patterns. If simulate is a list of point patterns, then the entries in this list will be treated as the simulated patterns from which the envelopes are computed. Alternatively simulate may be an object produced by the envelope command: see Details.


Logical. If TRUE, simulated patterns will have the same number of points as the original data pattern. This option is currently not available for envelope.kppm.


Logical. If TRUE, simulated patterns will have the same number of points and the same marks as the original data pattern. In a multitype point pattern this means that the simulated patterns will have the same number of points of each type as the original data. This option is currently not available for envelope.kppm.


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports during the simulations.


Logical flag indicating whether the data point pattern should be clipped to the same window as the simulated patterns, before the summary function for the data is computed. This should usually be TRUE to ensure that the data and simulations are properly comparable.


Optional. A transformation to be applied to the function values, before the envelopes are computed. An expression object (see Details).


Logical flag indicating whether envelopes should be pointwise (global=FALSE) or simultaneous (global=TRUE).


Optional. A vector of length 2 specifying the interval of rr values for the simultaneous critical envelopes. Only relevant if global=TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether to use the theoretical value, computed by fun, as the reference value for simultaneous envelopes. Applicable only when global=TRUE. Default is use.theory=TRUE if Y is a point pattern, or a point process model equivalent to Complete Spatial Randomness, and use.theory=FALSE otherwise.


Character string determining whether the envelope corresponds to a two-sided test (side="two.sided", the default) or a one-sided test with a lower critical boundary (side="less") or a one-sided test with an upper critical boundary (side="greater").


Optional. Scaling function for global envelopes. A function in the R language which determines the relative scale of deviations, as a function of distance rr, when computing the global envelopes. Applicable only when global=TRUE. Summary function values for distance r will be divided by scale(r) before the maximum deviation is computed. The resulting global envelopes will have width proportional to scale(r).


Logical value indicating how to compute envelopes when alternative="less" or alternative="greater". Deviations of the observed summary function from the theoretical summary function are initially evaluated as signed real numbers, with large positive values indicating consistency with the alternative hypothesis. If clamp=FALSE (the default), these values are not changed. If clamp=TRUE, any negative values are replaced by zero.


Logical flag indicating whether to save all the simulated function values.


Logical flag indicating whether to save all the simulated point patterns.


Number of extra simulated point patterns to be generated if it is necessary to use simulation to estimate the theoretical mean of the summary function. Only relevant when global=TRUE and the simulations are not based on CSR.


Logical. If TRUE, critical envelopes will be calculated as sample mean plus or minus nSD times sample standard deviation.


Number of estimated standard deviations used to determine the critical envelopes, if VARIANCE=TRUE.


Character string that should be used as the name of the data point pattern Y when printing or plotting the results.


Maximum number of rejected patterns. If fun yields a fatal error when applied to a simulated point pattern (for example, because the pattern is empty and fun requires at least one point), the pattern will be rejected and a new random point pattern will be generated. If this happens more than maxnerr times, the algorithm will give up.


Logical value specifying whether to reject a simulated pattern if the resulting values of fun are all equal to NA, NaN or infinite. If FALSE (the default), then simulated patterns are only rejected when fun gives a fatal error.


Logical value specifying whether to print a report each time a simulated pattern is rejected.


Logical. If TRUE, the algorithm will also estimate the true significance level of the “wrong” test (the test that declares the summary function for the data to be significant if it lies outside the pointwise critical boundary at any point). This estimate is printed when the result is printed.


Environment in which to evaluate the expression simulate, if not the current environment.


The envelope command performs simulations and computes envelopes of a summary statistic based on the simulations. The result is an object that can be plotted to display the envelopes. The envelopes can be used to assess the goodness-of-fit of a point process model to point pattern data.

For the most basic use, if you have a point pattern X and you want to test Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR), type plot(envelope(X, Kest,nsim=39)) to see the KK function for X plotted together with the envelopes of the KK function for 39 simulations of CSR.

The envelope function is generic, with methods for the classes "ppp", "ppm", "kppm" and "slrm" described here. There are also methods for the classes "pp3", "lpp" and "lppm" which are described separately under envelope.pp3 and envelope.lpp. Envelopes can also be computed from other envelopes, using envelope.envelope.

To create simulation envelopes, the command envelope(Y, ...) first generates nsim random point patterns in one of the following ways.

  • If Y is a point pattern (an object of class "ppp") and simulate=NULL, then we generate nsim simulations of Complete Spatial Randomness (i.e. nsim simulated point patterns each being a realisation of the uniform Poisson point process) with the same intensity as the pattern Y. (If Y is a multitype point pattern, then the simulated patterns are also given independent random marks; the probability distribution of the random marks is determined by the relative frequencies of marks in Y.)

  • If Y is a fitted point process model (an object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "slrm") and simulate=NULL, then this routine generates nsim simulated realisations of that model.

  • If simulate is supplied, then it determines how the simulated point patterns are generated. It may be either

    • an expression in the R language, typically containing a call to a random generator. This expression will be evaluated nsim times to yield nsim point patterns. For example if simulate=expression(runifpoint(100)) then each simulated pattern consists of exactly 100 independent uniform random points.

    • a function in the R language, typically containing a call to a random generator. This function will be applied repeatedly to the original data pattern Y to yield nsim point patterns. For example if simulate=rlabel then each simulated pattern was generated by evaluating rlabel(Y) and consists of a randomly-relabelled version of Y.

    • a list of point patterns. The entries in this list will be taken as the simulated patterns.

    • an object of class "envelope". This should have been produced by calling envelope with the argument savepatterns=TRUE. The simulated point patterns that were saved in this object will be extracted and used as the simulated patterns for the new envelope computation. This makes it possible to plot envelopes for two different summary functions based on exactly the same set of simulated point patterns.

The summary statistic fun is applied to each of these simulated patterns. Typically fun is one of the functions Kest, Gest, Fest, Jest, pcf, Kcross, Kdot, Gcross, Gdot, Jcross, Jdot, Kmulti, Gmulti, Jmulti or Kinhom. It may also be a character string containing the name of one of these functions.

The statistic fun can also be a user-supplied function; if so, then it must have arguments X and r like those in the functions listed above, and it must return an object of class "fv".

Upper and lower critical envelopes are computed in one of the following ways:


by default, envelopes are calculated pointwise (i.e. for each value of the distance argument rr), by sorting the nsim simulated values, and taking the m-th lowest and m-th highest values, where m = nrank. For example if nrank=1, the upper and lower envelopes are the pointwise maximum and minimum of the simulated values.

The pointwise envelopes are not “confidence bands” for the true value of the function! Rather, they specify the critical points for a Monte Carlo test (Ripley, 1981). The test is constructed by choosing a fixed value of rr, and rejecting the null hypothesis if the observed function value lies outside the envelope at this value of rr. This test has exact significance level alpha = 2 * nrank/(1 + nsim).


if global=TRUE, then the envelopes are determined as follows. First we calculate the theoretical mean value of the summary statistic (if we are testing CSR, the theoretical value is supplied by fun; otherwise we perform a separate set of nsim2 simulations, compute the average of all these simulated values, and take this average as an estimate of the theoretical mean value). Then, for each simulation, we compare the simulated curve to the theoretical curve, and compute the maximum absolute difference between them (over the interval of rr values specified by ginterval). This gives a deviation value did_i for each of the nsim simulations. Finally we take the m-th largest of the deviation values, where m=nrank, and call this dcrit. Then the simultaneous envelopes are of the form lo = expected - dcrit and hi = expected + dcrit where expected is either the theoretical mean value theo (if we are testing CSR) or the estimated theoretical value mmean (if we are testing another model). The simultaneous critical envelopes have constant width 2 * dcrit.

The simultaneous critical envelopes allow us to perform a different Monte Carlo test (Ripley, 1981). The test rejects the null hypothesis if the graph of the observed function lies outside the envelope at any value of rr. This test has exact significance level alpha = nrank/(1 + nsim).

This test can also be performed using mad.test.

based on sample moments:

if VARIANCE=TRUE, the algorithm calculates the (pointwise) sample mean and sample variance of the simulated functions. Then the envelopes are computed as mean plus or minus nSD standard deviations. These envelopes do not have an exact significance interpretation. They are a naive approximation to the critical points of the Neyman-Pearson test assuming the summary statistic is approximately Normally distributed.

The return value is an object of class "fv" containing the summary function for the data point pattern, the upper and lower simulation envelopes, and the theoretical expected value (exact or estimated) of the summary function for the model being tested. It can be plotted using plot.envelope.

If VARIANCE=TRUE then the return value also includes the sample mean, sample variance and other quantities.

Arguments can be passed to the function fun through .... This means that you simply specify these arguments in the call to envelope, and they will be passed to fun. In particular, the argument correction determines the edge correction to be used to calculate the summary statistic. See the section on Edge Corrections, and the Examples.

Arguments can also be passed to the function fun through the list funargs. This mechanism is typically used if an argument of fun has the same name as an argument of envelope. The list funargs should contain entries of the form name=value, where each name is the name of an argument of fun.

There is also an option, rarely used, in which different function arguments are used when computing the summary function for the data Y and for the simulated patterns. If funYargs is given, it will be used when the summary function for the data Y is computed, while funargs will be used when computing the summary function for the simulated patterns. This option is only needed in rare cases: usually the basic principle requires that the data and simulated patterns must be treated equally, so that funargs and funYargs should be identical.

If Y is a fitted cluster point process model (object of class "kppm"), and simulate=NULL, then the model is simulated directly using simulate.kppm.

If Y is a fitted Gibbs point process model (object of class "ppm"), and simulate=NULL, then the model is simulated by running the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm rmh. Complete control over this algorithm is provided by the arguments start and control which are passed to rmh.

For simultaneous critical envelopes (global=TRUE) the following options are also useful:


determines the interval of rr values over which the deviation between curves is calculated. It should be a numeric vector of length 2. There is a sensible default (namely, the recommended plotting interval for fun(X), or the range of r values if r is explicitly specified).


specifies a transformation of the summary function fun that will be carried out before the deviations are computed. Such transforms are useful if global=TRUE or VARIANCE=TRUE. The transform must be an expression object using the symbol . to represent the function value (and possibly other symbols recognised by with.fv). For example, the conventional way to normalise the KK function (Ripley, 1981) is to transform it to the LL function L(r)=K(r)/πL(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/\pi} and this is implemented by setting transform=expression(sqrt(./pi)).

It is also possible to extract the summary functions for each of the individual simulated point patterns, by setting savefuns=TRUE. Then the return value also has an attribute "simfuns" containing all the summary functions for the individual simulated patterns. It is an "fv" object containing functions named sim1, sim2, ... representing the nsim summary functions.

It is also possible to save the simulated point patterns themselves, by setting savepatterns=TRUE. Then the return value also has an attribute "simpatterns" which is a list of length nsim containing all the simulated point patterns.

See plot.envelope and plot.fv for information about how to plot the envelopes.

Different envelopes can be recomputed from the same data using envelope.envelope. Envelopes can be combined using pool.envelope.


An object of class "envelope" and "fv", see fv.object, which can be printed and plotted directly.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the summary function fun has been estimated


values of the summary function for the data point pattern


lower envelope of simulations


upper envelope of simulations

and either


theoretical value of the summary function under CSR (Complete Spatial Randomness, a uniform Poisson point process) if the simulations were generated according to CSR


estimated theoretical value of the summary function, computed by averaging simulated values, if the simulations were not generated according to CSR.

Additionally, if savepatterns=TRUE, the return value has an attribute "simpatterns" which is a list containing the nsim simulated patterns. If savefuns=TRUE, the return value has an attribute "simfuns" which is an object of class "fv" containing the summary functions computed for each of the nsim simulated patterns.

Errors and warnings

An error may be generated if one of the simulations produces a point pattern that is empty, or is otherwise unacceptable to the function fun.

The upper envelope may be NA (plotted as plus or minus infinity) if some of the function values computed for the simulated point patterns are NA. Whether this occurs will depend on the function fun, but it usually happens when the simulated point pattern does not contain enough points to compute a meaningful value.

Confidence intervals

Simulation envelopes do not compute confidence intervals; they generate significance bands. If you really need a confidence interval for the true summary function of the point process, use lohboot. See also varblock.

Edge corrections

It is common to apply a correction for edge effects when calculating a summary function such as the KK function. Typically the user has a choice between several possible edge corrections. In a call to envelope, the user can specify the edge correction to be applied in fun, using the argument correction. See the Examples below.

Summary functions in spatstat

Summary functions that are available in spatstat, such as Kest, Gest and pcf, have a standard argument called correction which specifies the name of one or more edge corrections.

The list of available edge corrections is different for each summary function, and may also depend on the kind of window in which the point pattern is recorded. In the case of Kest (the default and most frequently used value of fun) the best edge correction is Ripley's isotropic correction if the window is rectangular or polygonal, and the translation correction if the window is a binary mask. See the help files for the individual functions for more information.

All the summary functions in spatstat recognise the option correction="best" which gives the “best” (most accurate) available edge correction for that function.

In a call to envelope, if fun is one of the summary functions provided in spatstat, then the default is correction="best". This means that by default, the envelope will be computed using the “best” available edge correction.

The user can override this default by specifying the argument correction. For example the computation can be accelerated by choosing another edge correction which is less accurate than the “best” one, but faster to compute.

User-written summary functions

If fun is a function written by the user, then envelope has to guess what to do.

If fun has an argument called correction, or has ... arguments, then envelope assumes that the function can handle a correction argument. To compute the envelope, fun will be called with a correction argument. The default is correction="best", unless overridden in the call to envelope.

Otherwise, if fun does not have an argument called correction and does not have ... arguments, then envelope assumes that the function cannot handle a correction argument. To compute the envelope, fun is called without a correction argument.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Diggle, P.J., Hardegen, A., Lawrence, T., Milne, R.K. and Nair, G. (2014) On tests of spatial pattern based on simulation envelopes. Ecological Monographs 84 (3) 477–489.

Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Arnold, 2003.

Ripley, B.D. (1981) Spatial statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

dclf.test, mad.test for envelope-based tests.

fv.object, plot.envelope, plot.fv, envelope.envelope, pool.envelope for handling envelopes. There are also methods for print and summary.

Kest, Gest, Fest, Jest, pcf, ppp, ppm, default.expand


X <- simdat
 online <- interactive()
 Nsim <- if(online) 19 else 3

 # Envelope of K function under CSR
 plot(envelope(X, nsim=Nsim))

 # Translation edge correction (this is also FASTER):
 if(online) {
   plot(envelope(X, correction="translate"))
 } else {
  E <- envelope(X, nsim=Nsim, correction="translate")

# Global envelopes
 if(online) {
   plot(envelope(X, Lest, global=TRUE))
   plot(envelope(X, Kest,  global=TRUE, scale=function(r) { r }))
 } else {
  E <- envelope(X, Lest, nsim=Nsim, global=TRUE)
  E <- envelope(X, Kest, nsim=Nsim, global=TRUE, scale=function(r) { r })

 # Envelope of G function under CSR
 if(online) {
   plot(envelope(X, Gest))
 } else {
  E <- envelope(X, Gest, correction="rs", nsim=Nsim)

 # Envelope of L function under CSR
 #  L(r) = sqrt(K(r)/pi)
 if(online) {
  E <- envelope(X, Kest)
 } else {
  E <- envelope(X, Kest, correction="border", nsim=Nsim)
 plot(E, sqrt(./pi) ~ r)

 # Simultaneous critical envelope for L function
 # (alternatively, use Lest)
 if(online) {
  plot(envelope(X, Kest, transform=expression(sqrt(./pi)), global=TRUE))
 } else {
  E <- envelope(X, Kest, nsim=Nsim, correction="border",
               transform=expression(sqrt(./pi)), global=TRUE)

 ## One-sided envelope
 if(online) {
  plot(envelope(X, Lest, alternative="less"))
 } else {
  E <- envelope(X, Lest, nsim=Nsim, alternative="less")
 # How to pass arguments needed to compute the summary functions:
 # We want envelopes for Jcross(X, "A", "B") 
 # where "A" and "B" are types of points in the dataset 'demopat'

 if(online) {
 plot(envelope(demopat, Jcross, i="A", j="B"))
 } else {
 plot(envelope(demopat, Jcross, correction="rs", i="A", j="B", nsim=Nsim))
 # Use of `simulate' expression
 if(online) {
 plot(envelope(cells, Gest, simulate=expression(runifpoint(42))))
 plot(envelope(cells, Gest, simulate=expression(rMaternI(100,0.02))))
 } else {
  plot(envelope(cells, Gest, correction="rs", simulate=expression(runifpoint(42)), nsim=Nsim))
    plot(envelope(cells, Gest, correction="rs", simulate=expression(rMaternI(100, 0.02)),
nsim=Nsim, global=TRUE))

 # Use of `simulate' function
 if(online) {
   plot(envelope(amacrine, Kcross, simulate=rlabel))
 } else {
   plot(envelope(amacrine, Kcross, simulate=rlabel, nsim=Nsim))

 # Envelope under random toroidal shifts
 if(online) {
 plot(envelope(amacrine, Kcross, i="on", j="off",
               simulate=expression(rshift(amacrine, radius=0.25)))) 

 # Envelope under random shifts with erosion
 if(online) {
 plot(envelope(amacrine, Kcross, i="on", j="off",
              simulate=expression(rshift(amacrine, radius=0.1, edge="erode"))))

 # Note that the principle of symmetry, essential to the validity of
 # simulation envelopes, requires that both the observed and
 # simulated patterns be subjected to the same method of intensity
 # estimation. In the following example it would be incorrect to set the
 # argument 'lambda=red.dens' in the envelope command, because this
 # would mean that the inhomogeneous K functions of the simulated
 # patterns would be computed using the intensity function estimated
 # from the original redwood data, violating the symmetry.  There is
 # still a concern about the fact that the simulations are generated
 # from a model that was fitted to the data; this is only a problem in
 # small datasets.

 if(online) {
 red.dens <- density(redwood, sigma=bw.diggle, positive=TRUE)
 plot(envelope(redwood, Kinhom, sigma=bw.diggle,

 # Precomputed list of point patterns
 if(online) {
  nX <- npoints(X)
  PatList <- list()
  for(i in 1:Nsim) PatList[[i]] <- runifpoint(nX)
  E <- envelope(X, Kest, nsim=19, simulate=PatList)
 } else {
  PatList <- list()
  for(i in 1:Nsim) PatList[[i]] <- runifpoint(10)
 E <- envelope(X, Kest, nsim=Nsim, simulate=PatList)

 # re-using the same point patterns
 EK <- envelope(X, Kest, nsim=Nsim, savepatterns=TRUE)
 EG <- envelope(X, Gest, nsim=Nsim, simulate=EK)

Recompute Envelopes


Given a simulation envelope (object of class "envelope"), compute another envelope from the same simulation data using different parameters.


## S3 method for class 'envelope'
envelope(Y, fun = NULL, ...,
                            transform=NULL, global=FALSE, VARIANCE=FALSE)



A simulation envelope (object of class "envelope").


Optional. Summary function to be applied to the simulated point patterns.

..., transform, global, VARIANCE

Parameters controlling the type of envelope that is re-computed. See envelope.


This function can be used to re-compute a simulation envelope from previously simulated data, using different parameter settings for the envelope: for example, a different significance level, or a global envelope instead of a pointwise envelope.

The function envelope is generic. This is the method for the class "envelope".

The argument Y should be a simulation envelope (object of class "envelope") produced by any of the methods for envelope. Additionally, Y must contain either

  • the simulated point patterns that were used to create the original envelope (so Y should have been created by calling envelope with savepatterns=TRUE);

  • the summary functions of the simulated point patterns that were used to create the original envelope (so Y should have been created by calling envelope with savefuns=TRUE).

If the argument fun is given, it should be a summary function that can be applied to the simulated point patterns that were used to create Y. The envelope of the summary function fun for these point patterns will be computed using the parameters specified in ....

If fun is not given, then:

  • If Y contains the summary functions that were used to compute the original envelope, then the new envelope will be computed from these original summary functions.

  • Otherwise, if Y contains the simulated point patterns. then the KK function Kest will be applied to each of these simulated point patterns, and the new envelope will be based on the KK functions.

The new envelope will be computed using the parameters specified in ....

See envelope for a full list of envelope parameters. Frequently-used parameters include nrank and nsim (to change the number of simulations used and the significance level of the envelope), global (to change from pointwise to global envelopes) and VARIANCE (to compute the envelopes from the sample moments instead of the ranks).


An envelope (object of class "envelope".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also



E <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=19, savefuns=TRUE, savepatterns=TRUE)
  E2 <- envelope(E, nrank=2)
  Eg <- envelope(E, global=TRUE)
  EG <- envelope(E, Gest)
  EL <- envelope(E, transform=expression(sqrt(./pi)))

Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function for 3D Point Pattern


Computes simulation envelopes of a summary function for a three-dimensional point pattern.


## S3 method for class 'pp3'
envelope(Y, fun=K3est, nsim=99, nrank=1, ..., 
  funargs=list(), funYargs=funargs, simulate=NULL, verbose=TRUE, 
  alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
  scale=NULL, clamp=FALSE, 
  savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE,
  nsim2=nsim, VARIANCE=FALSE, nSD=2, Yname=NULL,
  maxnerr=nsim, rejectNA=FALSE, silent=FALSE, 
  do.pwrong=FALSE, envir.simul=NULL)



A three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a 3D point pattern.


Number of simulated point patterns to be generated when computing the envelopes.


Integer. Rank of the envelope value amongst the nsim simulated values. A rank of 1 means that the minimum and maximum simulated values will be used.


Extra arguments passed to fun.


A list, containing extra arguments to be passed to fun.


Optional. A list, containing extra arguments to be passed to fun when applied to the original data Y only.


Optional. Specifies how to generate the simulated point patterns. If simulate is an expression in the R language, then this expression will be evaluated nsim times, to obtain nsim point patterns which are taken as the simulated patterns from which the envelopes are computed. If simulate is a function, then this function will be repeatedly applied to the data pattern Y to obtain nsim simulated patterns. If simulate is a list of point patterns, then the entries in this list will be treated as the simulated patterns from which the envelopes are computed. Alternatively simulate may be an object produced by the envelope command: see Details.


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports during the simulations.


Optional. A transformation to be applied to the function values, before the envelopes are computed. An expression object (see Details).


Logical flag indicating whether envelopes should be pointwise (global=FALSE) or simultaneous (global=TRUE).


Optional. A vector of length 2 specifying the interval of rr values for the simultaneous critical envelopes. Only relevant if global=TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether to use the theoretical value, computed by fun, as the reference value for simultaneous envelopes. Applicable only when global=TRUE.


Character string determining whether the envelope corresponds to a two-sided test (side="two.sided", the default) or a one-sided test with a lower critical boundary (side="less") or a one-sided test with an upper critical boundary (side="greater").


Optional. Scaling function for global envelopes. A function in the R language which determines the relative scale of deviations, as a function of distance rr, when computing the global envelopes. Applicable only when global=TRUE. Summary function values for distance r will be divided by scale(r) before the maximum deviation is computed. The resulting global envelopes will have width proportional to scale(r).


Logical value indicating how to compute envelopes when alternative="less" or alternative="greater". Deviations of the observed summary function from the theoretical summary function are initially evaluated as signed real numbers, with large positive values indicating consistency with the alternative hypothesis. If clamp=FALSE (the default), these values are not changed. If clamp=TRUE, any negative values are replaced by zero.


Logical flag indicating whether to save all the simulated function values.


Logical flag indicating whether to save all the simulated point patterns.


Number of extra simulated point patterns to be generated if it is necessary to use simulation to estimate the theoretical mean of the summary function. Only relevant when global=TRUE and the simulations are not based on CSR.


Logical. If TRUE, critical envelopes will be calculated as sample mean plus or minus nSD times sample standard deviation.


Number of estimated standard deviations used to determine the critical envelopes, if VARIANCE=TRUE.


Character string that should be used as the name of the data point pattern Y when printing or plotting the results.


Maximum number of rejected patterns. If fun yields a fatal error when applied to a simulated point pattern (for example, because the pattern is empty and fun requires at least one point), the pattern will be rejected and a new random point pattern will be generated. If this happens more than maxnerr times, the algorithm will give up.


Logical value specifying whether to reject a simulated pattern if the resulting values of fun are all equal to NA, NaN or infinite. If FALSE (the default), then simulated patterns are only rejected when fun gives a fatal error.


Logical value specifying whether to print a report each time a simulated pattern is rejected.


Logical. If TRUE, the algorithm will also estimate the true significance level of the “wrong” test (the test that declares the summary function for the data to be significant if it lies outside the pointwise critical boundary at any point). This estimate is printed when the result is printed.


Environment in which to evaluate the expression simulate, if not the current environment.


The envelope command performs simulations and computes envelopes of a summary statistic based on the simulations. The result is an object that can be plotted to display the envelopes. The envelopes can be used to assess the goodness-of-fit of a point process model to point pattern data.

The envelope function is generic, with methods for the classes "ppp", "ppm" and "kppm" described in the help file for envelope. This function envelope.pp3 is the method for three-dimensional point patterns (objects of class "pp3").

For the most basic use, if you have a 3D point pattern X and you want to test Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR), type plot(envelope(X, K3est,nsim=39)) to see the three-dimensional KK function for X plotted together with the envelopes of the three-dimensional KK function for 39 simulations of CSR.

To create simulation envelopes, the command envelope(Y, ...) first generates nsim random point patterns in one of the following ways.

  • If simulate=NULL, then we generate nsim simulations of Complete Spatial Randomness (i.e. nsim simulated point patterns each being a realisation of the uniform Poisson point process) with the same intensity as the pattern Y.

  • If simulate is supplied, then it determines how the simulated point patterns are generated. See envelope for details.

The summary statistic fun is applied to each of these simulated patterns. Typically fun is one of the functions K3est, G3est, F3est or pcf3est. It may also be a character string containing the name of one of these functions.

For further information, see the documentation for envelope.


A function value table (object of class "fv") which can be plotted directly. See envelope for further details.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A.J, Moyeed, R.A., Howard, C.V. and Boyde, A. (1993) Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Applied Statistics 42, 641–668.

See Also

pp3, rpoispp3, K3est, G3est, F3est, pcf3est.


X <- rpoispp3(20, box3())
 if(interactive()) {
 plot(envelope(X, nsim=39))

Array of Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function


Compute an array of simulation envelopes using a summary function that returns an array of curves.


envelopeArray(X, fun, ..., dataname = NULL, verb = FALSE, reuse = TRUE)



Object containing point pattern data. A point pattern (object of class "ppp", "lpp", "pp3" or "ppx") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "lppm").


Function that computes the desired summary statistic for a point pattern. The result of fun should be a function array (object of class "fasp").


Arguments passed to envelope to control the simulations, or passed to fun when evaluating the function.


Optional character string name for the data.


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


Logical value indicating whether the envelopes in each panel should be based on the same set of simulated patterns (reuse=TRUE, the default) or on different, independent sets of simulated patterns (reuse=FALSE).


This command is the counterpart of envelope when the function fun that is evaluated on each simulated point pattern will return an object of class "fasp" representing an array of summary functions.

Simulated point patterns are generated according to the rules described for envelope. In brief, if X is a point pattern, the algorithm generates simulated point patterns of the same kind, according to complete spatial randomness. If X is a fitted model, the algorithm generates simulated point patterns according to this model.

For each simulated point pattern Y, the function fun is invoked. The result Z <- fun(Y, ...) should be an object of class "fasp" representing an array of summary functions. The dimensions of the array Z should be the same for each simulated pattern Y.

This algorithm finds the simulation envelope of the summary functions in each cell of the array.


An object of class "fasp" representing an array of envelopes.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

envelope, alltypes.


if(interactive()) {
    Nsim <- 19
    X <- finpines
    co <- "best"
  } else {
    ## smaller task to reduce check time
    Nsim <- 3
    X <- finpines[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
    co <- "none"
  A <- envelopeArray(X, markcrosscorr, nsim=Nsim, correction=co)

Evaluate Expression Involving Function Arrays


Evaluates any expression involving one or more function arrays (fasp objects) and returns another function array.


eval.fasp(expr, envir, dotonly=TRUE)



An expression involving the names of objects of class "fasp".


Optional. The environment in which to evaluate the expression, or a named list containing "fasp" objects to be used in the expression.


Logical. Passed to eval.fv.


This is a wrapper to make it easier to perform pointwise calculations with the arrays of summary functions used in spatial statistics.

A function array (object of class "fasp") can be regarded as a matrix whose entries are functions. Objects of this kind are returned by the command alltypes.

Suppose X is an object of class "fasp". Then eval.fasp(X+3) effectively adds 3 to the value of every function in the array X, and returns the resulting object.

Suppose X and Y are two objects of class "fasp" which are compatible (for example the arrays must have the same dimensions). Then eval.fasp(X + Y) will add the corresponding functions in each cell of the arrays X and Y, and return the resulting array of functions.

Suppose X is an object of class "fasp" and f is an object of class "fv". Then eval.fasp(X + f) will add the function f to the functions in each cell of the array X, and return the resulting array of functions.

In general, expr can be any expression involving (a) the names of objects of class "fasp" or "fv", (b) scalar constants, and (c) functions which are vectorised. See the Examples.

First eval.fasp determines which of the variable names in the expression expr refer to objects of class "fasp". The expression is then evaluated for each cell of the array using eval.fv.

The expression expr must be vectorised. There must be at least one object of class "fasp" in the expression. All such objects must be compatible.


Another object of class "fasp".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fasp.object, Kest


K <- alltypes(amacrine, "K")

  # expressions involving a fasp object
  eval.fasp(K + 3)
  L <- eval.fasp(sqrt(K/pi))

  # expression involving two fasp objects
  D <- eval.fasp(K - L)

  # subtracting the unmarked K function from the cross-type K functions
  K0 <- Kest(unmark(amacrine))
  DK <- eval.fasp(K - K0)

  ## Use of 'envir'
  S <- eval.fasp(1-G, list(G=alltypes(amacrine, 'G')))

Evaluate Expression Involving Functions


Evaluates any expression involving one or more function value (fv) objects, and returns another object of the same kind.


eval.fv(expr, envir, dotonly=TRUE, equiv=NULL, relabel=TRUE)



An expression.


Optional. The environment in which to evaluate the expression, or a named list containing "fv" objects to be used in the expression.


Logical. See Details.


Mapping between column names of different objects that are deemed to be equivalent. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to compute appropriate labels for the resulting function. This should normally be TRUE (the default). See Details.


This is a wrapper to make it easier to perform pointwise calculations with the summary functions used in spatial statistics.

An object of class "fv" is essentially a data frame containing several different statistical estimates of the same function. Such objects are returned by Kest and its relatives.

For example, suppose X is an object of class "fv" containing several different estimates of the Ripley's K function K(r)K(r), evaluated at a sequence of values of rr. Then eval.fv(X+3) effectively adds 3 to each function estimate in X, and returns the resulting object.

Suppose X and Y are two objects of class "fv" which are compatible (in particular they have the same vector of rr values). Then + Y) will add the corresponding function values in X and Y, and return the resulting function.

In general, expr can be any expression involving (a) the names of objects of class "fv", (b) scalar constants, and (c) functions which are vectorised. See the Examples.

First eval.fv determines which of the variable names in the expression expr refer to objects of class "fv". Each such name is replaced by a vector containing the function values. The expression is then evaluated. The result should be a vector; it is taken as the new vector of function values.

The expression expr must be vectorised. There must be at least one object of class "fv" in the expression. If the objects are not compatible, they will be made compatible by harmonise.fv.

If dotonly=TRUE (the default), the expression will be evaluated only for those columns of an "fv" object that contain values of the function itself (rather than values of the derivative of the function, the hazard rate, etc). If dotonly=FALSE, the expression will be evaluated for all columns.

For example the result of Fest includes several columns containing estimates of the empty space function F(r)F(r), but also includes an estimate of the hazard h(r)h(r) of F(r)F(r). Transformations that are valid for FF may not be valid for hh. Accordingly, hh would normally be omitted from the calculation.

The columns of an object x that represent the function itself are identified by its “dot” names, fvnames(x, "."). They are the columns normally plotted by plot.fv and identified by the symbol "." in plot formulas in plot.fv.

The argument equiv can be used to specify that two different column names in different function objects are mathematically equivalent or cognate. It should be a list of name=value pairs, or a named vector of character strings, indicating the pairing of equivalent names. (Without this argument, these columns would be discarded.) See the Examples.

The argument relabel should normally be TRUE (the default). It determines whether to compute appropriate mathematical labels and descriptions for the resulting function object (used when the object is printed or plotted). If relabel=FALSE then this does not occur, and the mathematical labels and descriptions in the result are taken from the function object that appears first in the expression. This reduces computation time slightly (for advanced use only).


Another object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fv.object, Kest


# manipulating the K function
  X <- runifrect(42)
  Ks <- Kest(X)

  eval.fv(Ks + 3)
  Ls <- eval.fv(sqrt(Ks/pi))

  # manipulating two K functions
  Y <- runifrect(20)
  Kr <- Kest(Y)

  Kdif <- eval.fv(Ks - Kr)
  Z <- eval.fv(sqrt(Ks/pi) - sqrt(Kr/pi))

  ## Use of 'envir'
  U <- eval.fv(sqrt(K), list(K=Ks))

  ## Use of 'equiv'
  Fc <- Fest(cells)
  Gc <- Gest(cells)
  # Hanisch and Chiu-Stoyan estimators are cognate
  Dc <- eval.fv(Fc - Gc, equiv=list(cs="han"))

Extract Subset of Function Array


Extract a subset of a function array (an object of class "fasp").


## S3 method for class 'fasp'
x[I, J, drop=TRUE,...]



A function array. An object of class "fasp".


any valid expression for a subset of the row indices of the array.


any valid expression for a subset of the column indices of the array.


Logical. When the selected subset consists of only one cell of the array, if drop=FALSE the result is still returned as a 1×11 \times 1 array of functions (class "fasp") while if drop=TRUE it is returned as a function (class "fv").




A function array can be regarded as a matrix whose entries are functions. See fasp.object for an explanation of function arrays.

This routine extracts a sub-array according to the usual conventions for matrix indexing.


A function array (of class "fasp"). Exceptionally, if the array has only one cell, and if drop=TRUE, then the result is a function value table (class "fv").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]

See Also



online <- interactive()
 # Lansing woods data - multitype points with 6 types
 X <- lansing

 if(!online) {
   # subsample data (from 2251 to 450 points) to shorten check time

 a <- alltypes(X, 'K')

 # extract first three marks only
 b <- a[1:3,1:3]
 if(online) {plot(b)}
 # subset of array pertaining to hickories
 h <- a["hickory", ]
 if(online) {plot(h)}

Extract or Replace Subset of Function Values


Extract or replace a subset of an object of class "fv".


## S3 method for class 'fv'
x[i, j, ..., drop=FALSE]

  ## S3 replacement method for class 'fv'
x[i, j] <- value

  ## S3 replacement method for class 'fv'
x$name <- value



a function value object, of class "fv" (see fv.object). Essentially a data frame.


any appropriate subset index. Selects a subset of the rows of the data frame, i.e. a subset of the domain of the function(s) represented by x.


any appropriate subset index for the columns of the data frame. Selects some of the functions present in x.


the name of a column of the data frame.




Logical. If TRUE, the result is a data frame or vector containing the selected rows and columns of data. If FALSE (the default), the result is another object of class "fv".


Replacement value for the column or columns selected by name or j.


These functions extract a designated subset of an object of class "fv", or replace the designated subset with other data, or delete the designated subset.

The subset is specified by the row index i and column index j, or by the column name name. Either i or j may be missing, or both may be missing.

The function [.fv is a method for the generic operator [ for the class "fv". It extracts the designated subset of x, and returns it as another object of class "fv" (if drop=FALSE) or as a data frame or vector (if drop=TRUE).

The function [<-.fv is a method for the generic operator [<- for the class "fv". If value is NULL, the designated subset of x will be deleted from x. Otherwise, the designated subset of x will be replaced by the data contained in value. The return value is the modified object x.

The function $<-.fv is a method for the generic operator $<- for the class "fv". If value is NULL, the designated column of x will be deleted from x. Otherwise, the designated column of x will be replaced by the data contained in value. The return value is the modified object x.


The result of [.fv with drop=TRUE is a data frame or vector.

Otherwise, the result is another object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also



K <- Kest(cells)

 # discard the estimates of K(r) for r  > 0.1
 Ksub <- K[K$r <= 0.1, ]

 # extract the border method estimates
 bor <- K[ , "border", drop=TRUE]
 # or equivalently
 bor <- K$border

 # remove the border-method estimates
 K$border <- NULL

Empty Space Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern


Estimates the empty space function F3(r)F_3(r) from a three-dimensional point pattern.


F3est(X, ..., rmax = NULL, nrval = 128, vside = NULL,
              correction = c("rs", "km", "cs"),
              sphere = c("fudge", "ideal", "digital"))



Three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").




Optional. Maximum value of argument rr for which F3(r)F_3(r) will be estimated.


Optional. Number of values of rr for which F3(r)F_3(r) will be estimated. A large value of nrval is required to avoid discretisation effects.


Optional. Side length of the voxels in the discrete approximation.


Optional. Character vector specifying the edge correction(s) to be applied. See Details.


Optional. Character string specifying how to calculate the theoretical value of F3(r)F_3(r) for a Poisson process. See Details.


For a stationary point process Φ\Phi in three-dimensional space, the empty space function is

F3(r)=P(d(0,Φ)r)F_3(r) = P(d(0,\Phi) \le r)

where d(0,Φ)d(0,\Phi) denotes the distance from a fixed origin 00 to the nearest point of Φ\Phi.

The three-dimensional point pattern X is assumed to be a partial realisation of a stationary point process Φ\Phi. The empty space function of Φ\Phi can then be estimated using techniques described in the References.

The box containing the point pattern is discretised into cubic voxels of side length vside. The distance function d(u,Φ)d(u,\Phi) is computed for every voxel centre point uu using a three-dimensional version of the distance transform algorithm (Borgefors, 1986). The empirical cumulative distribution function of these values, with appropriate edge corrections, is the estimate of F3(r)F_3(r).

The available edge corrections are:


the reduced sample (aka minus sampling, border correction) estimator (Baddeley et al, 1993)


the three-dimensional version of the Kaplan-Meier estimator (Baddeley and Gill, 1997)


the three-dimensional generalisation of the Chiu-Stoyan or Hanisch estimator (Chiu and Stoyan, 1998).

Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.

The result includes a column theo giving the theoretical value of F3(r)F_3(r) for a uniform Poisson process (Complete Spatial Randomness). This value depends on the volume of the sphere of radius r measured in the discretised distance metric. The argument sphere determines how this will be calculated.

  • If sphere="ideal" the calculation will use the volume of an ideal sphere of radius rr namely (4/3)πr3(4/3) \pi r^3. This is not recommended because the theoretical values of F3(r)F_3(r) are inaccurate.

  • If sphere="fudge" then the volume of the ideal sphere will be multiplied by 0.78, which gives the approximate volume of the sphere in the discretised distance metric.

  • If sphere="digital" then the volume of the sphere in the discretised distance metric is computed exactly using another distance transform. This takes longer to compute, but is exact.


A function value table (object of class "fv") that can be plotted, printed or coerced to a data frame containing the function values.


A small value of vside and a large value of nrval are required for reasonable accuracy.

The default value of vside ensures that the total number of voxels is 2^22 or about 4 million. To change the default number of voxels, see spatstat.options("nvoxel").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rana Moyeed.


Baddeley, A.J, Moyeed, R.A., Howard, C.V. and Boyde, A. Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Applied Statistics 42 (1993) 641–668.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. (1997) Kaplan-Meier estimators of interpoint distance distributions for spatial point processes. Annals of Statistics 25, 263–292.

Borgefors, G. (1986) Distance transformations in digital images. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 34, 344–371.

Chiu, S.N. and Stoyan, D. (1998) Estimators of distance distributions for spatial patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 52, 239–246.

See Also

pp3 to create a three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").

G3est, K3est, pcf3est for other summary functions of a three-dimensional point pattern.

Fest to estimate the empty space function of point patterns in two dimensions.


X <- rpoispp3(42)
  Z <- F3est(X)
  if(interactive()) plot(Z)

Function Arrays for Spatial Patterns


A class "fasp" to represent a “matrix” of functions, amenable to plotting as a matrix of plot panels.


An object of this class is a convenient way of storing (and later plotting, editing, etc) a set of functions fi,j(r)f_{i,j}(r) of a real argument rr, defined for each possible pair (i,j)(i,j) of indices 1i,jn1 \le i,j \le n. We may think of this as a matrix or array of functions fi,jf_{i,j}.

Function arrays are particularly useful in the analysis of a multitype point pattern (a point pattern in which the points are identified as belonging to separate types). We may want to compute a summary function for the points of type ii only, for each of the possible types ii. This produces a 1×m1 \times m array of functions. Alternatively we may compute a summary function for each possible pair of types (i,j)(i,j). This produces an m×mm \times m array of functions.

For multitype point patterns the command alltypes will compute arrays of summary functions for each possible type or for each possible pair of types. The function alltypes returns an object of class "fasp".

An object of class "fasp" is a list containing at least the following components:


A list of data frames, each representing one of the functions.


A matrix representing the spatial arrangement of the functions. If which[i,j] = k then the function represented by fns[[k]] should be plotted in the panel at position (i,j)(i,j). If which[i,j] = NA then nothing is plotted in that position.


A list of character strings, providing suitable plotting titles for the functions.


A list of default formulae for plotting each of the functions.


A character string, giving a default title for the array when it is plotted.

Functions available

There are methods for plot, print and "[" for this class.

The plot method displays the entire array of functions. The method [.fasp selects a sub-array using the natural indices i,j.

The command eval.fasp can be used to apply a transformation to each function in the array, and to combine two arrays.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

alltypes, plot.fasp, [.fasp, eval.fasp


GG <- alltypes(amacrine, 'G')


  # select the row corresponding to cells of type "on"
  Gon <- GG["on", ]

  # extract the G function for i = "on", j = "off"
  Gonoff <- GG["on", "off", drop=TRUE]

  # Fisher variance stabilising transformation
  GGfish <- eval.fasp(asin(sqrt(GG)))

Estimate the Empty Space Function or its Hazard Rate


Estimates the empty space function F(r)F(r) or its hazard rate h(r)h(r) from a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape.


Fest(X, ..., eps, r=NULL, breaks=NULL,
     correction=c("rs", "km", "cs"),

Fhazard(X, ...)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of F(r)F(r) will be computed. An object of class ppp, or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().


Extra arguments, passed from Fhazard to Fest. Extra arguments to Fest are ignored.


Optional. A positive number. The resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see below). There is a sensible default.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which F(r)F(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


Optional. The edge correction(s) to be used to estimate F(r)F(r). A vector of character strings selected from "none", "rs", "km", "cs" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Optional. Calculations will be restricted to this subset of the window. See Details.


Fest computes an estimate of the empty space function F(r)F(r), and Fhazard computes an estimate of its hazard rate h(r)h(r).

The empty space function (also called the “spherical contact distribution” or the “point-to-nearest-event” distribution) of a stationary point process XX is the cumulative distribution function FF of the distance from a fixed point in space to the nearest point of XX.

An estimate of FF derived from a spatial point pattern dataset can be used in exploratory data analysis and formal inference about the pattern (Cressie, 1991; Diggle, 1983; Ripley, 1988). In exploratory analyses, the estimate of FF is a useful statistic summarising the sizes of gaps in the pattern. For inferential purposes, the estimate of FF is usually compared to the true value of FF for a completely random (Poisson) point process, which is

F(r)=1eλπr2F(r) = 1 - e^{ - \lambda \pi r^2}

where λ\lambda is the intensity (expected number of points per unit area). Deviations between the empirical and theoretical FF curves may suggest spatial clustering or spatial regularity.

This algorithm estimates the empty space function FF from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X) may have arbitrary shape.

The argument X is interpreted as a point pattern object (of class "ppp", see ppp.object) and can be supplied in any of the formats recognised by as.ppp.

The algorithm uses two discrete approximations which are controlled by the parameter eps and by the spacing of values of r respectively. (See below for details.) First-time users are strongly advised not to specify these arguments.

The estimation of FF is hampered by edge effects arising from the unobservability of points of the random pattern outside the window. An edge correction is needed to reduce bias (Baddeley, 1998; Ripley, 1988). The edge corrections implemented here are the border method or "reduced sample" estimator, the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator (Baddeley and Gill, 1997) and the Chiu-Stoyan estimator (Chiu and Stoyan, 1998).

Our implementation makes essential use of the distance transform algorithm of image processing (Borgefors, 1986). A fine grid of pixels is created in the observation window. The Euclidean distance between two pixels is approximated by the length of the shortest path joining them in the grid, where a path is a sequence of steps between adjacent pixels, and horizontal, vertical and diagonal steps have length 11, 11 and 2\sqrt 2 respectively in pixel units. If the pixel grid is sufficiently fine then this is an accurate approximation.

The parameter eps is the pixel width of the rectangular raster used to compute the distance transform (see below). It must not be too large: the absolute error in distance values due to discretisation is bounded by eps.

If eps is not specified, the function checks whether the window Window(X) contains pixel raster information. If so, then eps is set equal to the pixel width of the raster; otherwise, eps defaults to 1/100 of the width of the observation window.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which F(r)F(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The estimators are computed from histogram counts. This introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the spacing of successive r values must be very fine (ideally not greater than eps/4).

The algorithm also returns an estimate of the hazard rate function, h(r)h(r) of F(r)F(r). The hazard rate is defined by

h(r)=ddrlog(1F(r))h(r) = - \frac{d}{dr} \log(1 - F(r))

The hazard rate of FF has been proposed as a useful exploratory statistic (Baddeley and Gill, 1994). The estimate of h(r)h(r) given here is a discrete approximation to the hazard rate of the Kaplan-Meier estimator of FF. Note that FF is absolutely continuous (for any stationary point process XX), so the hazard function always exists (Baddeley and Gill, 1997).

If the argument domain is given, the estimate of F(r)F(r) will be based only on the empty space distances measured from locations inside domain (although their nearest data points may lie outside domain). This is useful in bootstrap techniques. The argument domain should be a window (object of class "owin") or something acceptable to as.owin. It must be a subset of the window of the point pattern X.

The naive empirical distribution of distances from each location in the window to the nearest point of the data pattern, is a biased estimate of FF. However this is also returned by the algorithm (if correction="none"), as it is sometimes useful in other contexts. Care should be taken not to use the uncorrected empirical FF as if it were an unbiased estimator of FF.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

The result of Fest is essentially a data frame containing up to seven columns:


the values of the argument rr at which the function F(r)F(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of F(r)F(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of F(r)F(r)


the hazard rate λ(r)\lambda(r) of F(r)F(r) by the spatial Kaplan-Meier method


the Chiu-Stoyan estimator of F(r)F(r)


the uncorrected estimate of F(r)F(r), i.e. the empirical distribution of the distance from a random point in the window to the nearest point of the data pattern X


the theoretical value of F(r)F(r) for a stationary Poisson process of the same estimated intensity.

The result of Fhazard contains only three columns


the values of the argument rr at which the hazard rate h(r)h(r) has been estimated


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimate of the hazard rate h(r)h(r)


the theoretical value of h(r)h(r) for a stationary Poisson process of the same estimated intensity.


The reduced sample (border method) estimator of FF is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a valid distribution function; it may not be a nondecreasing function of rr. Its range is always within [0,1][0,1].

The spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of FF is always nondecreasing but its maximum value may be less than 11.

The estimate of hazard rate h(r)h(r) returned by the algorithm is an approximately unbiased estimate for the integral of h()h() over the corresponding histogram cell. It may exhibit oscillations due to discretisation effects. We recommend modest smoothing, such as kernel smoothing with kernel width equal to the width of a histogram cell, using Smooth.fv.


Sizeable amounts of memory may be needed during the calculation.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A.J. Spatial sampling and censoring. In O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. van Lieshout (eds) Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation. Chapman and Hall, 1998. Chapter 2, pages 37-78.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. The empty space hazard of a spatial pattern. Research Report 1994/3, Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia, May 1994.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. Kaplan-Meier estimators of interpoint distance distributions for spatial point processes. Annals of Statistics 25 (1997) 263-292.

Borgefors, G. Distance transformations in digital images. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 34 (1986) 344-371.

Chiu, S.N. and Stoyan, D. (1998) Estimators of distance distributions for spatial patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 52, 239–246.

Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

See Also

Gest, Jest, Kest,, reduced.sample, kaplan.meier


Fc <- Fest(cells, 0.01)

   # Tip: don't use F for the left hand side!
   # That's an abbreviation for FALSE


   # P-P style plot
   plot(Fc, cbind(km, theo) ~ theo)

   # The empirical F is above the Poisson F
   # indicating an inhibited pattern

   if(interactive()) {
   plot(Fc, . ~ theo)
   plot(Fc, asin(sqrt(.)) ~ asin(sqrt(theo)))

Inhomogeneous Empty Space Function


Estimates the inhomogeneous empty space function of a non-stationary point pattern.


Finhom(X, lambda = NULL, lmin = NULL, ...,
        sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL,
        r = NULL, breaks = NULL, ratio = FALSE,
        update = TRUE, warn.bias=TRUE, savelambda=FALSE)



The observed data point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous FF function will be computed. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp()


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution, or passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous KK function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of the estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Logical. If lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm" or "kppm") and update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without fitting it to X.


Logical value specifying whether to issue a warning when the inhomogeneity correction factor takes extreme values, which can often lead to biased results. This usually occurs when insufficient smoothing is used to estimate the intensity.


Logical value specifying whether to save the values of lmin and lambda as attributes of the result.


This command computes estimates of the inhomogeneous FF-function (van Lieshout, 2010) of a point pattern. It is the counterpart, for inhomogeneous spatial point patterns, of the empty space function FF for homogeneous point patterns computed by Fest.

The argument X should be a point pattern (object of class "ppp").

The inhomogeneous FF function is computed using the border correction, equation (6) in Van Lieshout (2010).

The argument lambda should supply the (estimated) values of the intensity function λ\lambda of the point process. It may be either

a numeric vector

containing the values of the intensity function at the points of the pattern X.

a pixel image

(object of class "im") assumed to contain the values of the intensity function at all locations in the window.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm" or "kppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)

a function

which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.


if lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

If lambda is a numeric vector, then its length should be equal to the number of points in the pattern X. The value lambda[i] is assumed to be the the (estimated) value of the intensity λ(xi)\lambda(x_i) for the point xix_i of the pattern XX. Each value must be a positive number; NA's are not allowed.

If lambda is a pixel image, the domain of the image should cover the entire window of the point pattern. If it does not (which may occur near the boundary because of discretisation error), then the missing pixel values will be obtained by applying a Gaussian blur to lambda using blur, then looking up the values of this blurred image for the missing locations. (A warning will be issued in this case.)

If lambda is a function, then it will be evaluated in the form lambda(x,y) where x and y are vectors of coordinates of the points of X. It should return a numeric vector with length equal to the number of points in X.

If lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother. The estimate lambda[i] for the point X[i] is computed by removing X[i] from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point X[i]. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.


Original code by Marie-Colette van Lieshout. C implementation and R adaptation by Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1996) A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 344–361.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2010) A J-function for inhomogeneous point processes. Statistica Neerlandica 65, 183–201.

See Also

Ginhom, Jinhom, Fest


online <- interactive()
  if(online) {
    plot(Finhom(swedishpines, sigma=10))
    plot(Finhom(swedishpines, sigma=bw.diggle, adjust=2))
  } else {
    ## use a coarse grid for faster computation and package testing
    plot(Finhom(swedishpines, sigma=10, dimyx=32))

Inhomogeneous Marked F-Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the multitype FF function, effectively the cumulative distribution function of the distance from a fixed point to the nearest point in subset JJ, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Fmulti.inhom(X, J,
              lambda = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL, lambdamin = NULL,
              r = NULL)

  FmultiInhom(X, J,
              lambda = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL, lambdamin = NULL,
              r = NULL)



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp".


A subset index specifying the subset of points to which distances are measured. Any kind of subset index acceptable to [.ppp.


Intensity estimates for each point of X. A numeric vector of length equal to npoints(X). Incompatible with lambdaJ.


Intensity estimates for each point of X[J]. A numeric vector of length equal to npoints(X[J]). Incompatible with lambda.


A lower bound for the intensity, or at least a lower bound for the values in lambdaJ or lambda[J].


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution for the computation.


Vector of distance values at which the inhomogeneous GG function should be estimated. There is a sensible default.


See Cronie and Van Lieshout (2015).

The functions FmultiInhom and Fmulti.inhom are identical.


Object of class "fv" containing the estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype FF function.


Ottmar Cronie and Marie-Colette van Lieshout. Rewritten for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also



X <- amacrine
  J <- (marks(X) == "off")
  online <- interactive()
  eps <- if(online) NULL else 0.025
  if(online && require(spatstat.model)) {
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x, eps=eps)
    lambdaX <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lambdaOff <- predict(mod, eps=eps)[["off"]]
    lmin <- min(lambdaOff) * 0.9
  } else {
    ## faster computation for package checker only
    lambdaX <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9

  plot(FmultiInhom(X, J, lambda=lambdaX, lambdamin=lmin, eps=eps))

Extract or Change the Plot Formula for a Function Value Table


Extract or change the default plotting formula for an object of class "fv" (function value table).


## S3 method for class 'fv'
formula(x, ...)

formula(x, ...) <- value

## S3 replacement method for class 'fv'
formula(x, ...) <- value



An object of class "fv", containing the values of several estimates of a function.


Arguments passed to other methods.


New value of the formula. Either a formula or a character string.


A function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object) is a convenient way of storing and plotting several different estimates of the same function.

The default behaviour of plot(x) for a function value table x is determined by a formula associated with x called its plot formula. See plot.fv for explanation about these formulae.

The function formula.fv is a method for the generic command formula. It extracts the plot formula associated with the object.

The function formula<- is generic. It changes the formula associated with an object.

The function formula<-.fv is the method for formula<- for the class "fv". It changes the plot formula associated with the object.


The result of formula.fv is a character string containing the plot formula. The result of formula<-.fv is a new object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fv, plot.fv, formula.


K <- Kest(cells)
   formula(K) <- (iso ~ r)

Fry Plot of Point Pattern


Displays the Fry plot (Patterson plot) of a spatial point pattern.


fryplot(X, ..., width=NULL, from=NULL, to=NULL, axes=FALSE)
frypoints(X, from=NULL, to=NULL, dmax=Inf)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp") or something acceptable to as.ppp.


Optional arguments to control the appearance of the plot.


Optional parameter indicating the width of a box for a zoomed-in view of the Fry plot near the origin.

from, to

Optional. Subset indices specifying which points of X will be considered when forming the vectors (drawn from each point of from, to each point of to.)


Logical value indicating whether to draw axes, crossing at the origin.


Maximum distance between points. Pairs at greater distances do not contribute to the result. The default means there is no maximum distance.


The function fryplot generates a Fry plot (or Patterson plot); frypoints returns the points of the Fry plot as a point pattern dataset.

Fry (1979) and Hanna and Fry (1979) introduced a manual graphical method for investigating features of a spatial point pattern of mineral deposits. A transparent sheet, marked with an origin or centre point, is placed over the point pattern. The transparent sheet is shifted so that the origin lies over one of the data points, and the positions of all the other data points are copied onto the transparent sheet. This procedure is repeated for each data point in turn. The resulting plot (the Fry plot) is a pattern of n(n1)n(n-1) points, where nn is the original number of data points. This procedure was previously proposed by Patterson (1934, 1935) for studying inter-atomic distances in crystals, and is also known as a Patterson plot.

The function fryplot generates the Fry/Patterson plot. Standard graphical parameters such as main, pch, lwd, col, bg, cex can be used to control the appearance of the plot. To zoom in (to view only a subset of the Fry plot at higher magnification), use the argument width to specify the width of a rectangular field of view centred at the origin, or the standard graphical arguments xlim and ylim to specify another rectangular field of view. (The actual field of view may be slightly larger, depending on the graphics device.)

The function frypoints returns the points of the Fry plot as a point pattern object. There may be a large number of points in this pattern, so this function should be used only if further analysis of the Fry plot is required.

Fry plots are particularly useful for recognising anisotropy in regular point patterns. A void around the origin in the Fry plot suggests regularity (inhibition between points) and the shape of the void gives a clue to anisotropy in the pattern. Fry plots are also useful for detecting periodicity or rounding of the spatial coordinates.

In mathematical terms, the Fry plot of a point pattern X is simply a plot of the vectors X[i] - X[j] connecting all pairs of distinct points in X.

The Fry plot is related to the KK function (see Kest) and the reduced second moment measure (see Kmeasure). For example, the number of points in the Fry plot lying within a circle of given radius is an unnormalised and uncorrected version of the KK function. The Fry plot has a similar appearance to the plot of the reduced second moment measure Kmeasure when the smoothing parameter sigma is very small.

The Fry plot does not adjust for the effect of the size and shape of the sampling window. The density of points in the Fry plot tapers off near the edges of the plot. This is an edge effect, a consequence of the bounded sampling window. In geological applications this is usually not important, because interest is focused on the behaviour near the origin where edge effects can be ignored. To correct for the edge effect, use Kmeasure or Kest or its relatives.


fryplot returns NULL. frypoints returns a point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Fry, N. (1979) Random point distributions and strain measurement in rocks. Tectonophysics 60, 89–105.

Hanna, S.S. and Fry, N. (1979) A comparison of methods of strain determination in rocks from southwest Dyfed (Pembrokeshire) and adjacent areas. Journal of Structural Geology 1, 155–162.

Patterson, A.L. (1934) A Fourier series method for the determination of the component of inter-atomic distances in crystals. Physics Reviews 46, 372–376.

Patterson, A.L. (1935) A direct method for the determination of the components of inter-atomic distances in crystals. Zeitschrift fuer Krystallographie 90, 517–554.

See Also

Kmeasure, Kest


## unmarked data
Y <- frypoints(cells)

## numerical marks
fryplot(longleaf, width=4, axes=TRUE)

## multitype points
fryplot(amacrine, width=0.2,
                  from=(marks(amacrine) == "on"),
                  chars=c(3,16), cols=2:3,
                  main="Fry plot centred at an On-cell")

Create a Function Value Table


Advanced Use Only. This low-level function creates an object of class "fv" from raw numerical data.


fv(x, argu = "r", ylab = NULL, valu, fmla = NULL, alim = NULL,
   labl = names(x), desc = NULL, unitname = NULL, fname = NULL, yexp = ylab)



A data frame with at least 2 columns containing the values of the function argument and the corresponding values of (one or more versions of) the function.


String. The name of the column of x that contains the values of the function argument.


Either NULL, or an R language expression representing the mathematical name of the function. See Details.


String. The name of the column of x that should be taken as containing the function values, in cases where a single column is required.


Either NULL, or a formula specifying the default plotting behaviour. See Details.


Optional. The default range of values of the function argument for which the function will be plotted. Numeric vector of length 2.


Optional. Plot labels for the columns of x. A vector of strings, with one entry for each column of x.


Optional. Descriptions of the columns of x. A vector of strings, with one entry for each column of x.


Optional. Name of the unit (usually a unit of length) in which the function argument is expressed. Either a single character string, or a vector of two character strings giving the singular and plural forms, respectively.


Optional. The name of the function itself. A character string.


Optional. Alternative form of ylab more suitable for annotating an axis of the plot. See Details.


This documentation is provided for experienced programmers who want to modify the internal behaviour of spatstat. Other users please see fv.object.

The low-level function fv is used to create an object of class "fv" from raw numerical data.

The data frame x contains the numerical data. It should have one column (typically but not necessarily named "r") giving the values of the function argument for which the function has been evaluated; and at least one other column, containing the corresponding values of the function.

Typically there is more than one column of function values. These columns typically give the values of different versions or estimates of the same function, for example, different estimates of the KK function obtained using different edge corrections. However they may also contain the values of related functions such as the derivative or hazard rate.

argu specifies the name of the column of x that contains the values of the function argument (typically argu="r" but this is not compulsory).

valu specifies the name of another column that contains the ‘recommended’ estimate of the function. It will be used to provide function values in those situations where a single column of data is required. For example, envelope computes its simulation envelopes using the recommended value of the summary function.

fmla specifies the default plotting behaviour. It should be a formula, or a string that can be converted to a formula. Variables in the formula are names of columns of x. See plot.fv for the interpretation of this formula.

alim specifies the recommended range of the function argument. This is used in situations where statistical theory or statistical practice indicates that the computed estimates of the function are not trustworthy outside a certain range of values of the function argument. By default, plot.fv will restrict the plot to this range.

fname is a string giving the name of the function itself. For example, the KK function would have fname="K".

ylab is a mathematical expression for the function value, used when labelling an axis of the plot, or when printing a description of the function. It should be an R language object. For example the KK function's mathematical name K(r)K(r) is rendered by ylab=quote(K(r)).

If yexp is present, then ylab will be used only for printing, and yexp will be used for annotating axes in a plot. (Otherwise yexp defaults to ylab). For example the cross-type KK function K1,2(r)K_{1,2}(r) is rendered by something like ylab=quote(Kcross[1,2](r)) and yexp=quote(Kcross[list(1,2)](r)) to get the most satisfactory behaviour.

(A useful tip: use substitute instead of quote to insert values of variables into an expression, e.g. substitute(Kcross[i,j](r), list(i=42,j=97)) yields the same as quote(Kcross[42, 97](r)).)

labl is a character vector specifying plot labels for each column of x. These labels will appear on the plot axes (in non-default plots), legends and printed output. Entries in labl may contain the string "%s" which will be replaced by fname. For example the border-corrected estimate of the KK function has label "%s[bord](r)" which becomes "K[bord](r)".

desc is a character vector containing intelligible explanations of each column of x. Entries in desc may contain the string "%s" which will be replaced by ylab. For example the border correction estimate of the KK function has description "border correction estimate of %s".


An object of class "fv", see fv.object.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].

See Also

See plot.fv for plotting an "fv" object.

See as.function.fv to convert an "fv" object to an R function.

Use cbind.fv to combine several "fv" objects. Use bind.fv to glue additional columns onto an existing "fv" object.

Simple calculations such as arithmetic and mathematical operations can be computed directly. The range of yy values of a function f can be computed by typing range(f). These operations are dispatched to Summary.fv, Math.fv and Ops.fv.

Use eval.fv or with.fv for more complicated calculations.

The functions fvnames, fvnames<- allow the user to use standard abbreviations to refer to columns of an "fv" object.

Undocumented functions for modifying an "fv" object include tweak.fv.entry and rebadge.fv.


df <- data.frame(r=seq(0,5,by=0.1))
  df <- transform(df, a=pi*r^2, b=3*r^2)
  X <- fv(df, "r", quote(A(r)),
              "a", cbind(a, b) ~ r,
              labl=c("r", "%s[true](r)", "%s[approx](r)"),
              desc=c("radius of circle",
                     "true area %s",
                     "rough area %s"),

Function Value Table


A class "fv" to support the convenient plotting of several estimates of the same function.


An object of this class is a convenient way of storing and plotting several different estimates of the same function.

It is a data frame with extra attributes indicating the recommended way of plotting the function, and other information.

There are methods for print and plot for this class.

Objects of class "fv" are returned by Fest, Gest,Jest, and Kest along with many other functions.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Objects of class "fv" are returned by Fest, Gest,Jest, and Kest along with many other functions.

See plot.fv for plotting an "fv" object.

See as.function.fv to convert an "fv" object to an R function.

Use cbind.fv to combine several "fv" objects. Use bind.fv to glue additional columns onto an existing "fv" object.

Undocumented functions for modifying an "fv" object include fvnames, fvnames<-, tweak.fv.entry and rebadge.fv.


K <- Kest(cells)

    K  # prints a sensible summary


Abbreviations for Groups of Columns in Function Value Table


Groups of columns in a function value table (object of class "fv") identified by standard abbreviations.


fvnames(X, a = ".")

fvnames(X, a = ".") <- value



Function value table (object of class "fv"). See fv.object.


One of the standard abbreviations listed below.


Character vector containing names of columns of X.


An object of class "fv" represents a table of values of a function, usually a summary function for spatial data such as the KK-function, for which several different statistical estimators may be available. The different estimates are stored as columns of the table.

Auxiliary information carried in the object X specifies some columns or groups of columns of this table that should be used for particular purposes. For convenience these groups can be referred to by standard abbreviations which are recognised by various functions in the spatstat package, such as plot.fv.

These abbreviations are:

".x" the function argument
".y" the recommended value of the function
"." all function values to be plotted by default
(in order of plotting)
".s" the upper and lower limits of shading
(for envelopes and confidence intervals)
".a" all function values (in column order)

The command fvnames(X, a) expands the abbreviation a and returns a character vector containing the names of the columns.

The assignment fvnames(X, a) <- value changes the definition of the abbreviation a to the character string value (which should be the name of another column of X). The column names of X are not changed.

Note that fvnames(x, ".") lists the columns of values that will be plotted by default, in the order that they would be plotted, not in order of the column position. The order in which curves are plotted affects the colours and line styles associated with the curves.


For fvnames, a character vector.

For fvnames<-, the updated object.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fv.object, plot.fv


K <- Kest(cells)
   fvnames(K, ".y")
   fvnames(K, ".y") <- "trans"

Nearest Neighbour Distance Distribution Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern


Estimates the nearest-neighbour distance distribution function G3(r)G_3(r) from a three-dimensional point pattern.


G3est(X, ..., rmax = NULL, nrval = 128, correction = c("rs", "km", "Hanisch"))



Three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").




Optional. Maximum value of argument rr for which G3(r)G_3(r) will be estimated.


Optional. Number of values of rr for which G3(r)G_3(r) will be estimated. A large value of nrval is required to avoid discretisation effects.


Optional. Character vector specifying the edge correction(s) to be applied. See Details.


For a stationary point process Φ\Phi in three-dimensional space, the nearest-neighbour function is

G3(r)=P(d(x,Φ)rxΦ)G_3(r) = P(d^\ast(x,\Phi) \le r \mid x \in \Phi)

the cumulative distribution function of the distance d(x,Φ)d^\ast(x,\Phi) from a typical point xx in Φ\Phi to its nearest neighbour, i.e. to the nearest other point of Φ\Phi.

The three-dimensional point pattern X is assumed to be a partial realisation of a stationary point process Φ\Phi. The nearest neighbour function of Φ\Phi can then be estimated using techniques described in the References. For each data point, the distance to the nearest neighbour is computed. The empirical cumulative distribution function of these values, with appropriate edge corrections, is the estimate of G3(r)G_3(r).

The available edge corrections are:


the reduced sample (aka minus sampling, border correction) estimator (Baddeley et al, 1993)


the three-dimensional version of the Kaplan-Meier estimator (Baddeley and Gill, 1997)


the three-dimensional generalisation of the Hanisch estimator (Hanisch, 1984).

Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


A function value table (object of class "fv") that can be plotted, printed or coerced to a data frame containing the function values.


A large value of nrval is required in order to avoid discretisation effects (due to the use of histograms in the calculation).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rana Moyeed.


Baddeley, A.J, Moyeed, R.A., Howard, C.V. and Boyde, A. (1993) Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Applied Statistics 42, 641–668.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. (1997) Kaplan-Meier estimators of interpoint distance distributions for spatial point processes. Annals of Statistics 25, 263–292.

Hanisch, K.-H. (1984) Some remarks on estimators of the distribution function of nearest neighbour distance in stationary spatial point patterns. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics 15, 409–412.

See Also

pp3 to create a three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").

F3est, K3est, pcf3est for other summary functions of a three-dimensional point pattern.

Gest to estimate the empty space function of point patterns in two dimensions.


X <- rpoispp3(42)
  Z <- G3est(X)
  if(interactive()) plot(Z)

Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-j)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the distribution of the distance from a point of type ii to the nearest point of type jj.


Gcross(X, i, j, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ..., correction=c("rs", "km", "han"))



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the cross type distance distribution function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the distribution function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional. Character string specifying the edge correction(s) to be used. Options are "none", "rs", "km", "hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


This function Gcross and its companions Gdot and Gmulti are generalisations of the function Gest to multitype point patterns.

A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a finite number of possible “colours” or “types”. In the spatstat package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point determines the type of that point.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor. The arguments i and j will be interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. (Warning: this means that an integer value i=3 will be interpreted as the number 3, not the 3rd smallest level).

The “cross-type” (type ii to type jj) nearest neighbour distance distribution function of a multitype point process is the cumulative distribution function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) of the distance from a typical random point of the process with type ii the nearest point of type jj.

An estimate of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) is a useful summary statistic in exploratory data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the process of type ii points were independent of the process of type jj points, then Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) would equal Fj(r)F_j(r), the empty space function of the type jj points. For a multitype Poisson point process where the type ii points have intensity λi\lambda_i, we have

Gij(r)=1eλjπr2G_{ij}(r) = 1 - e^{ - \lambda_j \pi r^2}

Deviations between the empirical and theoretical GijG_{ij} curves may suggest dependence between the points of types ii and jj.

This algorithm estimates the distribution function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Gest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimators are computed from histogram counts. In the case of the Kaplan-Meier estimator this introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the successive entries of r must be finely spaced.

The algorithm also returns an estimate of the hazard rate function, λ(r)\lambda(r), of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r). This estimate should be used with caution as Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) is not necessarily differentiable.

The naive empirical distribution of distances from each point of the pattern X to the nearest other point of the pattern, is a biased estimate of GijG_{ij}. However this is also returned by the algorithm, as it is sometimes useful in other contexts. Care should be taken not to use the uncorrected empirical GijG_{ij} as if it were an unbiased estimator of GijG_{ij}.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r)


the Hanisch-style estimator of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r)


the hazard rate λ(r)\lambda(r) of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) by the spatial Kaplan-Meier method


the uncorrected estimate of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r), i.e. the empirical distribution of the distances from each point of type ii to the nearest point of type jj


the theoretical value of Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) for a marked Poisson process with the same estimated intensity (see below).


The arguments i and j are always interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. They are converted to character strings if they are not already character strings. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.

The function GijG_{ij} does not necessarily have a density.

The reduced sample estimator of GijG_{ij} is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a valid distribution function; it may not be a nondecreasing function of rr. Its range is always within [0,1][0,1].

The spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of GijG_{ij} is always nondecreasing but its maximum value may be less than 11.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Diggle, P. J. (1986). Displaced amacrine cells in the retina of a rabbit : analysis of a bivariate spatial point pattern. J. Neurosci. Meth. 18, 115–125.

Harkness, R.D and Isham, V. (1983) A bivariate spatial point pattern of ants' nests. Applied Statistics 32, 293–303

Lotwick, H. W. and Silverman, B. W. (1982). Methods for analysing spatial processes of several types of points. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 406–413.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Gdot, Gest, Gmulti


# amacrine cells data
    G01 <- Gcross(amacrine)

    # equivalent to:
      G01 <- Gcross(amacrine, "off", "on")


    # empty space function of `on' points
    if(interactive()) {
       F1 <- Fest(split(amacrine)$on, r = G01$r)
       lines(F1$r, F1$km, lty=3)

    # synthetic example    
    pp <- runifpoispp(30)
    pp <- pp %mark% factor(sample(0:1, npoints(pp), replace=TRUE))
    G <- Gcross(pp, "0", "1")   # note: "0" not 0

Inhomogeneous Multitype G Cross Function


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the cross GG function, which is the distribution of the distance from a point of type ii to the nearest point of type jj, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Gcross.inhom(X, i, j,
              lambda = NULL, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL,
              lambdamin = NULL,
              r = NULL,
              ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL,
              ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous cross type GG function Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the point process. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type i points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type j. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type j points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution for the computation.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous GG function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


Optional. The total measure of the mark set. A positive number.


Logical value indicating whether to save ratio information.


This is a generalisation of the function Gcross to include an adjustment for spatially inhomogeneous intensity, in a manner similar to the function Ginhom.

The argument lambdaI supplies the values of the intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. It may be either

a pixel image

(object of class "im") which gives the values of the type i intensity at all locations in the window containing X;

a numeric vector

containing the values of the type i intensity evaluated only at the data points of type i. The length of this vector must equal the number of type i points in X.

a function

of the form function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)


if lambdaI is omitted then it will be estimated using a leave-one-out kernel smoother.

If lambdaI is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

Similarly the argument lambdaJ should contain estimated values of the intensity of the points of type jj. It may be either a pixel image, a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X, a function, or omitted.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object) containing estimates of the inhomogeneous cross type GG function.


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also

Gcross, Ginhom, Gcross.inhom, Gmulti.inhom.


X <- rescale(amacrine)
  if(interactive() && require(spatstat.model)) {
    ## how to do it normally
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x)
    lam <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lmin <- min(predict(mod)[["off"]]) * 0.9
  } else {
    ## for package testing 
    lam <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9
  GC <- Gcross.inhom(X, "on", "off", lambda=lam, lambdamin=lmin)

Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-any)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the distribution of the distance from a point of type ii to the nearest other point of any type.


Gdot(X, i, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ..., correction=c("km", "rs", "han"))



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the distance distribution function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the distribution function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional. Character string specifying the edge correction(s) to be used. Options are "none", "rs", "km", "hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


This function Gdot and its companions Gcross and Gmulti are generalisations of the function Gest to multitype point patterns.

A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a finite number of possible “colours” or “types”. In the spatstat package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point determines the type of that point.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor. The argument will be interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. (Warning: this means that an integer value i=3 will be interpreted as the number 3, not the 3rd smallest level.)

The “dot-type” (type ii to any type) nearest neighbour distance distribution function of a multitype point process is the cumulative distribution function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) of the distance from a typical random point of the process with type ii the nearest other point of the process, regardless of type.

An estimate of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) is a useful summary statistic in exploratory data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the type ii points were independent of all other points, then Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) would equal Gii(r)G_{ii}(r), the nearest neighbour distance distribution function of the type ii points alone. For a multitype Poisson point process with total intensity λ\lambda, we have

Gi(r)=1eλπr2G_{i\bullet}(r) = 1 - e^{ - \lambda \pi r^2}

Deviations between the empirical and theoretical GiG_{i\bullet} curves may suggest dependence of the type ii points on the other points.

This algorithm estimates the distribution function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Gest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimators are computed from histogram counts. In the case of the Kaplan-Meier estimator this introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the successive entries of r must be finely spaced.

The algorithm also returns an estimate of the hazard rate function, λ(r)\lambda(r), of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r). This estimate should be used with caution as Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) is not necessarily differentiable.

The naive empirical distribution of distances from each point of the pattern X to the nearest other point of the pattern, is a biased estimate of GiG_{i\bullet}. However this is also returned by the algorithm, as it is sometimes useful in other contexts. Care should be taken not to use the uncorrected empirical GiG_{i\bullet} as if it were an unbiased estimator of GiG_{i\bullet}.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r)


the Hanisch-style estimator of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r)


the hazard rate λ(r)\lambda(r) of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) by the spatial Kaplan-Meier method


the uncorrected estimate of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r), i.e. the empirical distribution of the distances from each point of type ii to the nearest other point of any type.


the theoretical value of Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) for a marked Poisson process with the same estimated intensity (see below).


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.

The function GiG_{i\bullet} does not necessarily have a density.

The reduced sample estimator of GiG_{i\bullet} is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a valid distribution function; it may not be a nondecreasing function of rr. Its range is always within [0,1][0,1].

The spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of GiG_{i\bullet} is always nondecreasing but its maximum value may be less than 11.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Diggle, P. J. (1986). Displaced amacrine cells in the retina of a rabbit : analysis of a bivariate spatial point pattern. J. Neurosci. Meth. 18, 115–125.

Harkness, R.D and Isham, V. (1983) A bivariate spatial point pattern of ants' nests. Applied Statistics 32, 293–303

Lotwick, H. W. and Silverman, B. W. (1982). Methods for analysing spatial processes of several types of points. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 406–413.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Gcross, Gest, Gmulti


# amacrine cells data
    G0. <- Gdot(amacrine, "off") 

    # synthetic example    
    pp <- runifpoispp(30)
    pp <- pp %mark% factor(sample(0:1, npoints(pp), replace=TRUE))
    G <- Gdot(pp, "0")
    G <- Gdot(pp, 0) # equivalent

Inhomogeneous Multitype G Dot Function


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the dot GG function, which is the distribution of the distance from a point of type ii to the nearest other point of any type, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Gdot.inhom(X, i,
              lambdaI = NULL, lambdadot = NULL, lambdamin = NULL,
              r = NULL, ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL, ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous dot type GG function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type i points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the entire point process, Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.




vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous dot type GG function Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


Optional. The total measure of the mark set. A positive number.


Logical value indicating whether to save ratio information.


This is a generalisation of the function Gdot to include an adjustment for spatially inhomogeneous intensity, in a manner similar to the function Ginhom.

The argument lambdaI supplies the values of the intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. It may be either

a pixel image

(object of class "im") which gives the values of the type i intensity at all locations in the window containing X;

a numeric vector

containing the values of the type i intensity evaluated only at the data points of type i. The length of this vector must equal the number of type i points in X.

a function

of the form function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)


if lambdaI is omitted then it will be estimated using a leave-one-out kernel smoother.

If lambdaI is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

Similarly the argument lambdadot should contain estimated values of the intensity of the entire point process. It may be either a pixel image, a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X, a function, or omitted.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object) containing estimates of the inhomogeneous dot type GG function.


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also

Gdot, Ginhom, Gcross.inhom, Gmulti.inhom.


X <- rescale(amacrine)
  if(interactive() && require(spatstat.model)) {
    ## how to do it normally
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x)
    lam <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lmin <- min(predict(mod)[["off"]]) * 0.9
  } else {
    ## for package testing 
    lam <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9
  lamI <- lam[marks(X) == "on"]
  GD <- Gdot.inhom(X, "on", lambdaI=lamI, lambdadot=lam, lambdamin=lmin)

Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G


Estimates the nearest neighbour distance distribution function G(r)G(r) from a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape.


Gest(X, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ...,
     correction=c("rs", "km", "han"),



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of G(r)G(r) will be computed. An object of class ppp, or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which G(r)G(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional. The edge correction(s) to be used to estimate G(r)G(r). A vector of character strings selected from "none", "rs", "km", "Hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Optional. Calculations will be restricted to this subset of the window. See Details.


The nearest neighbour distance distribution function (also called the “event-to-event” or “inter-event” distribution) of a point process XX is the cumulative distribution function GG of the distance from a typical random point of XX to the nearest other point of XX.

An estimate of GG derived from a spatial point pattern dataset can be used in exploratory data analysis and formal inference about the pattern (Cressie, 1991; Diggle, 1983; Ripley, 1988). In exploratory analyses, the estimate of GG is a useful statistic summarising one aspect of the “clustering” of points. For inferential purposes, the estimate of GG is usually compared to the true value of GG for a completely random (Poisson) point process, which is

G(r)=1eλπr2G(r) = 1 - e^{ - \lambda \pi r^2}

where λ\lambda is the intensity (expected number of points per unit area). Deviations between the empirical and theoretical GG curves may suggest spatial clustering or spatial regularity.

This algorithm estimates the nearest neighbour distance distribution function GG from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape.

The argument X is interpreted as a point pattern object (of class "ppp", see ppp.object) and can be supplied in any of the formats recognised by as.ppp().

The estimation of GG is hampered by edge effects arising from the unobservability of points of the random pattern outside the window. An edge correction is needed to reduce bias (Baddeley, 1998; Ripley, 1988). The edge corrections implemented here are the border method or “reduced sample” estimator, the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator (Baddeley and Gill, 1997) and the Hanisch estimator (Hanisch, 1984).

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which G(r)G(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The estimators are computed from histogram counts. This introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the successive entries of r must be finely spaced.

The algorithm also returns an estimate of the hazard rate function, λ(r)\lambda(r), of G(r)G(r). The hazard rate is defined as the derivative

λ(r)=ddrlog(1G(r))\lambda(r) = - \frac{d}{dr} \log (1 - G(r))

This estimate should be used with caution as GG is not necessarily differentiable.

If the argument domain is given, the estimate of G(r)G(r) will be based only on the nearest neighbour distances measured from points falling inside domain (although their nearest neighbours may lie outside domain). This is useful in bootstrap techniques. The argument domain should be a window (object of class "owin") or something acceptable to as.owin. It must be a subset of the window of the point pattern X.

The naive empirical distribution of distances from each point of the pattern X to the nearest other point of the pattern, is a biased estimate of GG. However it is sometimes useful. It can be returned by the algorithm, by selecting correction="none". Care should be taken not to use the uncorrected empirical GG as if it were an unbiased estimator of GG.

To simply compute the nearest neighbour distance for each point in the pattern, use nndist. To determine which point is the nearest neighbour of a given point, use nnwhich.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing some or all of the following columns:


the values of the argument rr at which the function G(r)G(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of G(r)G(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of G(r)G(r)


the hazard rate λ(r)\lambda(r) of G(r)G(r) by the spatial Kaplan-Meier method


the uncorrected estimate of G(r)G(r), i.e. the empirical distribution of the distances from each point in the pattern X to the nearest other point of the pattern


the Hanisch correction estimator of G(r)G(r)


the theoretical value of G(r)G(r) for a stationary Poisson process of the same estimated intensity.


The function GG does not necessarily have a density. Any valid c.d.f. may appear as the nearest neighbour distance distribution function of a stationary point process.

The reduced sample estimator of GG is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a valid distribution function; it may not be a nondecreasing function of rr. Its range is always within [0,1][0,1].

The spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of GG is always nondecreasing but its maximum value may be less than 11.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A.J. Spatial sampling and censoring. In O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. van Lieshout (eds) Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation. Chapman and Hall, 1998. Chapter 2, pages 37-78.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. Kaplan-Meier estimators of interpoint distance distributions for spatial point processes. Annals of Statistics 25 (1997) 263-292.

Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Hanisch, K.-H. (1984) Some remarks on estimators of the distribution function of nearest-neighbour distance in stationary spatial point patterns. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics 15, 409–412.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

See Also

nndist, nnwhich, Fest, Jest, Kest,, reduced.sample, kaplan.meier


G <- Gest(cells)

  # P-P style plot
  plot(G, cbind(km,theo) ~ theo)

  # the empirical G is below the Poisson G,
  # indicating an inhibited pattern

  if(interactive()) {
     plot(G, . ~ r)
     plot(G, . ~ theo)
     plot(G, asin(sqrt(.)) ~ asin(sqrt(theo)))

Foxall's Distance Functions


Given a point pattern X and a spatial object Y, compute estimates of Foxall's GG and JJ functions.


Gfox(X, Y, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction=c("km", "rs", "han"), W, ...)
Jfox(X, Y, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction=c("km", "rs", "han"), W, ...,



A point pattern (object of class "ppp") from which distances will be measured.


An object of class "ppp", "psp" or "owin" to which distances will be measured. Alternatively a pixel image (class "im") with logical values.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which Gfox(r)Gfox(r) or Jfox(r)Jfox(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


Optional. The edge correction(s) to be used to estimate Gfox(r)Gfox(r) or Jfox(r)Jfox(r). A vector of character strings selected from "none", "rs", "km", "cs" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Optional. A window (object of class "owin") to be taken as the window of observation. The distribution function will be estimated from data inside W. The default is W=Frame(Y) when Y is a window, and W=Window(Y) otherwise.


Extra arguments affecting the discretisation of distances. These arguments are ignored by Gfox, but Jfox passes them to Hest to determine the discretisation of the spatial domain.


Logical value indicating whether a warning should be issued by Jfox when the window of X had to be trimmed in order to be a subset of the frame of Y.


Given a point pattern X and another spatial object Y, these functions compute two nonparametric measures of association between X and Y, introduced by Foxall (Foxall and Baddeley, 2002).

Let the random variable RR be the distance from a typical point of X to the object Y. Foxall's GG-function is the cumulative distribution function of RR:

G(r)=P(Rr)G(r) = P(R \le r)

Let the random variable SS be the distance from a fixed point in space to the object Y. The cumulative distribution function of SS is the (unconditional) spherical contact distribution function

H(r)=P(Sr)H(r) = P(S \le r)

which is computed by Hest.

Foxall's JJ-function is the ratio

J(r)=1G(r)1H(r)J(r) = \frac{1-G(r)}{1-H(r)}

For further interpretation, see Foxall and Baddeley (2002).

Accuracy of Jfox depends on the pixel resolution, which is controlled by the arguments eps, dimyx and xy passed to as.mask. For example, use eps=0.1 to specify square pixels of side 0.1 units, and dimyx=256 to specify a 256 by 256 grid of pixels.


A function value table (object of class "fv") which can be printed, plotted, or converted to a data frame of values.


Rob Foxall and Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Foxall, R. and Baddeley, A. (2002) Nonparametric measures of association between a spatial point process and a random set, with geological applications. Applied Statistics 51, 165–182.

See Also

Gest, Hest, Jest, Fest


X <- copper$SouthPoints
  Y <- copper$SouthLines
  G <- Gfox(X,Y)
  J <- Jfox(X,Y, correction="km")

Inhomogeneous Nearest Neighbour Function


Estimates the inhomogeneous nearest neighbour function GG of a non-stationary point pattern.


Ginhom(X, lambda = NULL, lmin = NULL, ...,
        sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL,
        r = NULL, breaks = NULL, ratio = FALSE,
        update = TRUE, warn.bias=TRUE, savelambda=FALSE)



The observed data point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous GG function will be computed. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp()


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution, or passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous KK function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of the estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Logical. If lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm" or "kppm") and update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without fitting it to X.


Logical value specifying whether to issue a warning when the inhomogeneity correction factor takes extreme values, which can often lead to biased results. This usually occurs when insufficient smoothing is used to estimate the intensity.


Logical value specifying whether to save the values of lmin and lambda as attributes of the result.


This command computes estimates of the inhomogeneous GG-function (van Lieshout, 2010) of a point pattern. It is the counterpart, for inhomogeneous spatial point patterns, of the nearest-neighbour distance distribution function GG for homogeneous point patterns computed by Gest.

The argument X should be a point pattern (object of class "ppp").

The inhomogeneous GG function is computed using the border correction, equation (7) in Van Lieshout (2010).

The argument lambda should supply the (estimated) values of the intensity function λ\lambda of the point process. It may be either

a numeric vector

containing the values of the intensity function at the points of the pattern X.

a pixel image

(object of class "im") assumed to contain the values of the intensity function at all locations in the window.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm" or "kppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)

a function

which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.


if lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

If lambda is a numeric vector, then its length should be equal to the number of points in the pattern X. The value lambda[i] is assumed to be the the (estimated) value of the intensity λ(xi)\lambda(x_i) for the point xix_i of the pattern XX. Each value must be a positive number; NA's are not allowed.

If lambda is a pixel image, the domain of the image should cover the entire window of the point pattern. If it does not (which may occur near the boundary because of discretisation error), then the missing pixel values will be obtained by applying a Gaussian blur to lambda using blur, then looking up the values of this blurred image for the missing locations. (A warning will be issued in this case.)

If lambda is a function, then it will be evaluated in the form lambda(x,y) where x and y are vectors of coordinates of the points of X. It should return a numeric vector with length equal to the number of points in X.

If lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother. The estimate lambda[i] for the point X[i] is computed by removing X[i] from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point X[i]. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.


Original code by Marie-Colette van Lieshout. C implementation and R adaptation by Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1996) A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 344–361.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2010) A J-function for inhomogeneous point processes. Statistica Neerlandica 65, 183–201.

See Also

Finhom, Jinhom, Gest


plot(Ginhom(swedishpines, sigma=10))

    plot(Ginhom(swedishpines, sigma=bw.diggle, adjust=2))

Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the distribution of the distance from a typical point in subset I to the nearest point of subset JJ.


Gmulti(X, I, J, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ...,
        disjoint=NULL, correction=c("rs", "km", "han"))



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype distance distribution function GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) will be computed. It must be a marked point pattern. See under Details.


Subset of points of X from which distances are measured.


Subset of points in X to which distances are measured.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the distribution function GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional flag indicating whether the subsets I and J are disjoint. If missing, this value will be computed by inspecting the vectors I and J.


Optional. Character string specifying the edge correction(s) to be used. Options are "none", "rs", "km", "hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


The function Gmulti generalises Gest (for unmarked point patterns) and Gdot and Gcross (for multitype point patterns) to arbitrary marked point patterns.

Suppose XIX_I, XJX_J are subsets, possibly overlapping, of a marked point process. This function computes an estimate of the cumulative distribution function GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) of the distance from a typical point of XIX_I to the nearest distinct point of XJX_J.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp.

The arguments I and J specify two subsets of the point pattern. They may be any type of subset indices, for example, logical vectors of length equal to npoints(X), or integer vectors with entries in the range 1 to npoints(X), or negative integer vectors.

Alternatively, I and J may be functions that will be applied to the point pattern X to obtain index vectors. If I is a function, then evaluating I(X) should yield a valid subset index. This option is useful when generating simulation envelopes using envelope.

This algorithm estimates the distribution function GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Gest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimators are computed from histogram counts. In the case of the Kaplan-Meier estimator this introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the successive entries of r must be finely spaced.

The algorithm also returns an estimate of the hazard rate function, λ(r)\lambda(r), of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r). This estimate should be used with caution as GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) is not necessarily differentiable.

The naive empirical distribution of distances from each point of the pattern X to the nearest other point of the pattern, is a biased estimate of GIJG_{IJ}. However this is also returned by the algorithm, as it is sometimes useful in other contexts. Care should be taken not to use the uncorrected empirical GIJG_{IJ} as if it were an unbiased estimator of GIJG_{IJ}.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r)


the Hanisch-style estimator of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r)


the hazard rate λ(r)\lambda(r) of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) by the spatial Kaplan-Meier method


the uncorrected estimate of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r), i.e. the empirical distribution of the distances from each point of type ii to the nearest point of type jj


the theoretical value of GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) for a marked Poisson process with the same estimated intensity


The function GIJG_{IJ} does not necessarily have a density.

The reduced sample estimator of GIJG_{IJ} is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a valid distribution function; it may not be a nondecreasing function of rr. Its range is always within [0,1][0,1].

The spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of GIJG_{IJ} is always nondecreasing but its maximum value may be less than 11.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Diggle, P. J. (1986). Displaced amacrine cells in the retina of a rabbit : analysis of a bivariate spatial point pattern. J. Neurosci. Meth. 18, 115–125.

Harkness, R.D and Isham, V. (1983) A bivariate spatial point pattern of ants' nests. Applied Statistics 32, 293–303

Lotwick, H. W. and Silverman, B. W. (1982). Methods for analysing spatial processes of several types of points. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 406–413.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Gcross, Gdot, Gest


trees <- longleaf
     # Longleaf Pine data: marks represent diameter
    Gm <- Gmulti(trees, marks(trees) <= 15, marks(trees) >= 25)

Inhomogeneous Marked G-Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the multitype GG function, effectively the cumulative distribution function of the distance from a point in subset II to the nearest point in subset JJ, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Gmulti.inhom(X, I, J,
             lambda = NULL, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL,
             lambdamin = NULL, ...,
             r = NULL,
             ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL,
             ratio = FALSE)

  GmultiInhom(X, I, J,
             lambda = NULL, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL,
             lambdamin = NULL, ...,
             r = NULL,
             ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL,
             ratio = FALSE)



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp".


A subset index specifying the subset of points from which distances are measured. Any kind of subset index acceptable to [.ppp.


A subset index specifying the subset of points to which distances are measured. Any kind of subset index acceptable to [.ppp.


Intensity estimates for each point of X. A numeric vector of length equal to npoints(X). Incompatible with lambdaI,lambdaJ.


Intensity estimates for each point of X[I]. A numeric vector of length equal to npoints(X[I]). Incompatible with lambda.


Intensity estimates for each point of X[J]. A numeric vector of length equal to npoints(X[J]). Incompatible with lambda.


A lower bound for the intensity, or at least a lower bound for the values in lambdaJ or lambda[J].




Vector of distance values at which the inhomogeneous GG function should be estimated. There is a sensible default.


Optional. The total measure of the mark set. A positive number.


Logical value indicating whether to save ratio information.


See Cronie and Van Lieshout (2015).

The functions GmultiInhom and Gmulti.inhom are identical.


Object of class "fv" containing the estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype GG function.


Ottmar Cronie and Marie-Colette van Lieshout. Rewritten for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also

Ginhom, Gmulti


X <- rescale(amacrine)
  I <- (marks(X) == "on")
  J <- (marks(X) == "off")
  if(interactive() && require(spatstat.model)) {
    ## how to do it normally
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x)
    lam <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lmin <- min(predict(mod)[["off"]]) * 0.9
  } else {
    ## for package testing
    lam <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9
  plot(GmultiInhom(X, I, J, lambda=lam, lambdamin=lmin))
  # equivalent
  plot(GmultiInhom(X, I, J, lambdaI=lam[I], lambdaJ=lam[J], lambdamin=lmin),

Make Function Tables Compatible


Convert several objects of class "fv" to the same values of the function argument.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
harmonise(..., strict=FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'fv'
harmonize(..., strict=FALSE)



Any number of function tables (objects of class "fv").


Logical. If TRUE, a column of data will be deleted if columns of the same name do not appear in every object.


A function value table (object of class "fv") is essentially a data frame giving the values of a function f(x)f(x) (or several alternative estimates of this value) at equally-spaced values of the function argument xx.

The command harmonise is generic. This is the method for objects of class "fv".

This command makes any number of "fv" objects compatible, in the loose sense that they have the same sequence of values of xx. They can then be combined by cbind.fv, but not necessarily by eval.fv.

All arguments ... must be function value tables (objects of class "fv"). The result will be a list, of length equal to the number of arguments ..., containing new versions of each of these functions, converted to a common sequence of xx values. If the arguments were named (name=value) then the return value also carries these names.

The range of xx values in the resulting functions will be the intersection of the ranges of xx values in the original functions. The spacing of xx values in the resulting functions will be the finest (narrowest) of the spacings of the xx values in the original functions. Function values are interpolated using approxfun.

If strict=TRUE, each column of data will be retained only if a column of the same name appears in all of the arguments .... This ensures that the resulting objects are strictly compatible in the sense of compatible.fv, and can be combined using eval.fv or collapse.fv.

If strict=FALSE (the default), this does not occur, and then the resulting objects are not guaranteed to be compatible in the sense of compatible.fv.


A list, of length equal to the number of arguments ..., whose entries are objects of class "fv". If the arguments were named (name=value) then the return value also carries these names.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

fv.object, cbind.fv, eval.fv, compatible.fv


H <- harmonise(K=Kest(cells), G=Gest(cells))

Spherical Contact Distribution Function


Estimates the spherical contact distribution function of a random set.


Hest(X, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ...,
     correction=c("km", "rs", "han"),



The observed random set. An object of class "ppp", "psp" or "owin". Alternatively a pixel image (class "im") with logical values.


Optional. Vector of values for the argument rr at which H(r)H(r) should be evaluated. Users are advised not to specify this argument; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Arguments passed to as.mask to control the discretisation.


Optional. A window (object of class "owin") to be taken as the window of observation. The contact distribution function will be estimated from values of the contact distance inside W. The default is W=Frame(X) when X is a window, and W=Window(X) otherwise.


Optional. The edge correction(s) to be used to estimate H(r)H(r). A vector of character strings selected from "none", "rs", "km", "han" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Logical value indicating whether to compute the conditional or unconditional distribution. See Details.


The spherical contact distribution function of a stationary random set XX is the cumulative distribution function HH of the distance from a fixed point in space to the nearest point of XX, given that the point lies outside XX. That is, H(r)H(r) equals the probability that X lies closer than rr units away from the fixed point xx, given that X does not cover xx.

Let D=d(x,X)D = d(x,X) be the shortest distance from an arbitrary point xx to the set X. Then the spherical contact distribution function is

H(r)=P(DrD>0)H(r) = P(D \le r \mid D > 0)

For a point process, the spherical contact distribution function is the same as the empty space function FF discussed in Fest.

The argument X may be a point pattern (object of class "ppp"), a line segment pattern (object of class "psp") or a window (object of class "owin"). It is assumed to be a realisation of a stationary random set.

The algorithm first calls distmap to compute the distance transform of X, then computes the Kaplan-Meier and reduced-sample estimates of the cumulative distribution following Hansen et al (1999). If conditional=TRUE (the default) the algorithm returns an estimate of the spherical contact function H(r)H(r) as defined above. If conditional=FALSE, it instead returns an estimate of the cumulative distribution function H(r)=P(Dr)H^\ast(r) = P(D \le r) which includes a jump at r=0r=0 if X has nonzero area.

Accuracy depends on the pixel resolution, which is controlled by the arguments eps, dimyx and xy passed to as.mask. For example, use eps=0.1 to specify square pixels of side 0.1 units, and dimyx=256 to specify a 256 by 256 grid of pixels.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing up to six columns:


the values of the argument rr at which the function H(r)H(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of H(r)H(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of H(r)H(r)


the hazard rate λ(r)\lambda(r) of H(r)H(r) by the spatial Kaplan-Meier method


the spatial Hanisch-Chiu-Stoyan estimator of H(r)H(r)


the uncorrected estimate of H(r)H(r), i.e. the empirical distribution of the distance from a fixed point in the window to the nearest point of X


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected] with contributions from Kassel Hingee.


Baddeley, A.J. Spatial sampling and censoring. In O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. van Lieshout (eds) Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation. Chapman and Hall, 1998. Chapter 2, pages 37-78.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. The empty space hazard of a spatial pattern. Research Report 1994/3, Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia, May 1994.

Hansen, M.B., Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. First contact distributions for spatial patterns: regularity and estimation. Advances in Applied Probability 31 (1999) 15-33.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

See Also



X <- runifpoint(42)
   H <- Hest(X)
   Y <- rpoisline(10)
   H <- Hest(Y)
   H <- Hest(Y, dimyx=256)
   X <- heather$coarse
   H <- Hest(X, conditional=FALSE)

   P <- owin(poly=list(x=c(5.3, 8.5, 8.3, 3.7, 1.3, 3.7),
                       y=c(9.7, 10.0, 13.6, 14.4, 10.7, 7.2)))
   plot(P, add=TRUE, col="red")
   H <- Hest(X, W=P)
   Z <-, Frame(X))
   Z[X] <- TRUE
   Z <- Z[P, drop=FALSE]
   H <- Hest(Z)

Hopkins-Skellam Test


Perform the Hopkins-Skellam test of Complete Spatial Randomness, or simply calculate the test statistic.



hopskel.test(X, ...,
             alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater",
                           "clustered", "regular"),
             method=c("asymptotic", "MonteCarlo"),



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


String indicating the type of alternative for the hypothesis test. Partially matched.


Method of performing the test. Partially matched.


Number of Monte Carlo simulations to perform, if a Monte Carlo p-value is required.




Hopkins and Skellam (1954) proposed a test of Complete Spatial Randomness based on comparing nearest-neighbour distances with point-event distances.

If the point pattern X contains n points, we first compute the nearest-neighbour distances P1,,PnP_1, \ldots, P_n so that PiP_i is the distance from the iith data point to the nearest other data point. Then we generate another completely random pattern U with the same number n of points, and compute for each point of U the distance to the nearest point of X, giving distances I1,,InI_1, \ldots, I_n. The test statistic is

A=iPi2iIi2A = \frac{\sum_i P_i^2}{\sum_i I_i^2}

The null distribution of AA is roughly an FF distribution with shape parameters (2n,2n)(2n,2n). (This is equivalent to using the test statistic H=A/(1+A)H=A/(1+A) and referring HH to the Beta distribution with parameters (n,n)(n,n)).

The function hopskel calculates the Hopkins-Skellam test statistic AA, and returns its numeric value. This can be used as a simple summary of spatial pattern: the value H=1H=1 is consistent with Complete Spatial Randomness, while values H<1H < 1 are consistent with spatial clustering, and values H>1H > 1 are consistent with spatial regularity.

The function hopskel.test performs the test. If method="asymptotic" (the default), the test statistic HH is referred to the FF distribution. If method="MonteCarlo", a Monte Carlo test is performed using nsim simulated point patterns.


The value of hopskel is a single number.

The value of hopskel.test is an object of class "htest" representing the outcome of the test. It can be printed.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Hopkins, B. and Skellam, J.G. (1954) A new method of determining the type of distribution of plant individuals. Annals of Botany 18, 213–227.

See Also

clarkevans, clarkevans.test, nndist, nncross


  hopskel.test(redwood, alternative="clustered")

Heat Kernel for a Two-Dimensional Rectangle


Calculate values of the heat kernel in a rectangle with insulated edges.


hotbox(Xsource, Xquery, sigma,
       ..., W=NULL, squared=FALSE, nmax=20)



Point pattern of sources of heat. Object of class "ppp" or convertible to a point pattern using as.ppp(Xsource, W).


Locations where the heat kernel value is required. An object of class "ppp" specifying query location points, or an object of class "im" or "owin" specifying a grid of query points.


Bandwidth for kernel. A single number.


Extra arguments (passed to as.mask) controlling the pixel resolution of the result, when Xquery is a window or an image.


Window (object of class "owin") used to define the spatial domain when Xsource is not of class "ppp".


Logical value indicating whether to take the square of each heat kernel value, before summing over the source points.


Number of terms to be used from the infinite-sum expression for the heat kernel. A single integer.


This function computes the sum of heat kernels associated with each of the source points, evaluating them at each query location.

The window for evaluation of the heat kernel must be a rectangle.

The heat kernel in any region can be expressed as an infinite sum of terms associated with the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. The heat kernel in a rectangle is the product of heat kernels for one-dimensional intervals on the horizontal and vertical axes. This function uses hotrod to compute the one-dimensional heat kernels, truncating the infinite sum to the first nmax terms, and then calculates the two-dimensional heat kernel from each source point to each query location. If squared=TRUE these values are squared. Finally the values are summed over all source points to obtain a single value for each query location.


If Xquery is a point pattern, the result is a numeric vector with one entry for each query point.

If Xquery is an image or window, the result is a pixel image.


Adrian Baddeley and Greg McSwiggan.


Baddeley, A., Davies, T., Rakshit, S., Nair, G. and McSwiggan, G. (2021) Diffusion smoothing for spatial point patterns. Statistical Science, in press.

See Also



X <- runifpoint(10)

  Y <- runifpoint(5)
  hotbox(X, Y, 0.1)

  plot(hotbox(X, Window(X), 0.1))
  points(X, pch=16)

Inverse-distance weighted smoothing of observations at irregular points


Performs spatial smoothing of numeric values observed at a set of irregular locations using inverse-distance weighting.


idw(X, power=2, at=c("pixels", "points"), ..., se=FALSE)



A marked point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Numeric. Power of distance used in the weighting.


Character string specifying whether to compute the intensity values at a grid of pixel locations (at="pixels") or only at the points of X (at="points"). String is partially matched.


Arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution of the result.


Logical value specifying whether to calculate a standard error.


This function performs spatial smoothing of numeric values observed at a set of irregular locations.

Smoothing is performed by inverse distance weighting. If the observed values are v1,,vnv_1,\ldots,v_n at locations x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n respectively, then the smoothed value at a location uu is

g(u)=iwiviiwig(u) = \frac{\sum_i w_i v_i}{\sum_i w_i}

where the weights are the inverse pp-th powers of distance,

wi=1d(u,xi)pw_i = \frac 1 {d(u,x_i)^p}

where d(u,xi)=uxid(u,x_i) = ||u - x_i|| is the Euclidean distance from uu to xix_i.

The argument X must be a marked point pattern (object of class "ppp", see ppp.object). The points of the pattern are taken to be the observation locations xix_i, and the marks of the pattern are taken to be the numeric values viv_i observed at these locations.

The marks are allowed to be a data frame. Then the smoothing procedure is applied to each column of marks.

If at="pixels" (the default), the smoothed mark value is calculated at a grid of pixels, and the result is a pixel image. The arguments ... control the pixel resolution. See as.mask.

If at="points", the smoothed mark values are calculated at the data points only, using a leave-one-out rule (the mark value at a data point is excluded when calculating the smoothed value for that point).

An estimate of standard error is also calculated, if se=TRUE. The calculation assumes that the data point locations are fixed, that is, the standard error only takes into account the variability in the mark values, and not the variability due to randomness of the data point locations.

An alternative to inverse-distance weighting is kernel smoothing, which is performed by Smooth.ppp.


If X has a single column of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a pixel image (object of class "im"). Pixel values are values of the interpolated function.

  • If at="points", the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X. Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of X.

If X has a data frame of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a named list of pixel images (object of class "im"). There is one image for each column of marks. This list also belongs to the class "solist", for which there is a plot method.

  • If at="points", the result is a data frame with one row for each point of X, and one column for each column of marks. Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of X.

If se=TRUE, then the result is a list with two entries named estimate and SE, which each have the format described above.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]. Variance calculation by Andrew P Wheeler with modifications by Adrian Baddeley.


Shepard, D. (1968) A two-dimensional interpolation function for irregularly-spaced data. Proceedings of the 1968 ACM National Conference, 1968, pages 517–524. DOI: 10.1145/800186.810616

See Also

density.ppp, ppp.object, im.object.

See Smooth.ppp for kernel smoothing, SpatialMedian.ppp for median smoothing and nnmark for nearest-neighbour interpolation.

To perform other kinds of interpolation, see also the akima package.


# data frame of marks: trees marked by diameter and height
   idw(finpines, at="points")[1:5,]
   plot(idw(finpines, se=TRUE)$SE)
   idw(finpines, at="points", se=TRUE)$SE[1:5, ]

Estimate the I-function


Estimates the summary function I(r)I(r) for a multitype point pattern.


Iest(X, ..., eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction=NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of I(r)I(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().




the resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see below). There is a sensible default.


Optional. Numeric vector of values for the argument rr at which I(r)I(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on r.


This argument is for internal use only.


Optional. Vector of character strings specifying the edge correction(s) to be used by Jest.


The II function summarises the dependence between types in a multitype point process (Van Lieshout and Baddeley, 1999) It is based on the concept of the JJ function for an unmarked point process (Van Lieshout and Baddeley, 1996). See Jest for information about the JJ function.

The II function is defined as

I(r)=i=1mpiJii(r)J(r)% I(r) = \sum_{i=1}^m p_i J_{ii}(r) % - J_{\bullet\bullet}(r)

where JJ_{\bullet\bullet} is the JJ function for the entire point process ignoring the marks, while JiiJ_{ii} is the JJ function for the process consisting of points of type ii only, and pip_i is the proportion of points which are of type ii.

The II function is designed to measure dependence between points of different types, even if the points are not Poisson. Let XX be a stationary multitype point process, and write XiX_i for the process of points of type ii. If the processes XiX_i are independent of each other, then the II-function is identically equal to 00. Deviations I(r)<1I(r) < 1 or I(r)>1I(r) > 1 typically indicate negative and positive association, respectively, between types. See Van Lieshout and Baddeley (1999) for further information.

An estimate of II derived from a multitype spatial point pattern dataset can be used in exploratory data analysis and formal inference about the pattern. The estimate of I(r)I(r) is compared against the constant function 00. Deviations I(r)<1I(r) < 1 or I(r)>1I(r) > 1 may suggest negative and positive association, respectively.

This algorithm estimates the II-function from the multitype point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial marked point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window.

The argument X is interpreted as a point pattern object (of class "ppp", see ppp.object) and can be supplied in any of the formats recognised by as.ppp(). It must be a multitype point pattern (it must have a marks vector which is a factor).

The function Jest is called to compute estimates of the JJ functions in the formula above. In fact three different estimates are computed using different edge corrections. See Jest for information.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function II has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of I(r)I(r) computed from the border-corrected estimates of JJ functions


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of I(r)I(r) computed from the Kaplan-Meier estimates of JJ functions


the Hanisch-style estimator of I(r)I(r) computed from the Hanisch-style estimates of JJ functions


the uncorrected estimate of I(r)I(r) computed from the uncorrected estimates of JJ


the theoretical value of I(r)I(r) for a stationary Poisson process: identically equal to 00


Sizeable amounts of memory may be needed during the calculation.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1996) A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 344–361.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also



Ic <- Iest(amacrine)
   plot(Ic, main="Amacrine Cells data")
   # values are below I= 0, suggesting negative association
   # between 'on' and 'off' cells.

Increments of a Function


Compute the change in the value of a function f when the function argument increases by delta.


increment.fv(f, delta)



Object of class "fv" representing a function.


Numeric. The increase in the value of the function argument.


This command computes the new function

g(x)=f(x+h)f(xh)g(x) = f(x+h) - f(x-h)

where h = delta/2. The value of g(x)g(x) is the change in the value of ff over an interval of length delta centred at xx.


Another object of class "fv" compatible with X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

Rolf Turner [email protected]

and Ege Rubak [email protected]

See Also

fv.object, deriv.fv


plot(increment.fv(Kest(cells), 0.05))

Compute Integral of Function Object


Compute the integral of a function over a specified range.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
integral(f, domain = NULL, ...)



A function value table (object of class "fv").


Optional. Range of values of the argument xx over which the density f(x)f(x) should be integrated. A numeric vector of length 2 giving the minimum and maximum values of xx. Infinite limits are permitted.




This is a method for the generic function integral. It computes the numerical integral

I=f(x)dxI = \int f(x) dx

of the function object f. If domain is specified, the integral is restricted to the interval of xx values given by the domain.

The result is a numeric value or numeric vector containing one entry for each column of function values in f.

Integrals are calculated numerically using the trapezoidal rule restricted to the domain given.


A single numerical value, or a numeric vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

fv.object, integral



g <- pcf(redwood, divisor="d")
  integral(g, domain=c(0, 0.1))

Multitype J Function (i-to-j)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the multitype JJ function summarising the interpoint dependence between points of type ii and of type jj.


Jcross(X, i, j, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ..., correction=NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype JJ function Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


A positive number. The resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see below). There is a sensible default.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the function Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional. Character string specifying the edge correction(s) to be used. Options are "none", "rs", "km", "Hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


This function Jcross and its companions Jdot and Jmulti are generalisations of the function Jest to multitype point patterns.

A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a finite number of possible “colours” or “types”. In the spatstat package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point determines the type of that point.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor. The argument i will be interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. (Warning: this means that an integer value i=3 will be interpreted as the number 3, not the 3rd smallest level).

The “type ii to type jj” multitype JJ function of a stationary multitype point process XX was introduced by Van lieshout and Baddeley (1999). It is defined by

Jij(r)=1Gij(r)1Fj(r)J_{ij}(r) = \frac{1 - G_{ij}(r)}{1 - F_{j}(r)}

where Gij(r)G_{ij}(r) is the distribution function of the distance from a type ii point to the nearest point of type jj, and Fj(r)F_{j}(r) is the distribution function of the distance from a fixed point in space to the nearest point of type jj in the pattern.

An estimate of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) is a useful summary statistic in exploratory data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the subprocess of type ii points is independent of the subprocess of points of type jj, then Jij(r)1J_{ij}(r) \equiv 1. Hence deviations of the empirical estimate of JijJ_{ij} from the value 1 may suggest dependence between types.

This algorithm estimates Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Jest, using the Kaplan-Meier and border corrections. The main work is done by Gmulti and Fest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns


the recommended estimator of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r), currently the Kaplan-Meier estimator.


the values of the argument rr at which the function Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) has been estimated


the Kaplan-Meier estimator of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r)


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r)


the Hanisch-style estimator of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r)


the “uncorrected” estimator of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) formed by taking the ratio of uncorrected empirical estimators of 1Gij(r)1 - G_{ij}(r) and 1Fj(r)1 - F_{j}(r), see Gdot and Fest.


the theoretical value of Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely 1.

The result also has two attributes "G" and "F" which are respectively the outputs of Gcross and Fest for the point pattern.


The arguments i and j are always interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. They are converted to character strings if they are not already character strings. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1996) A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 344–361.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Jdot, Jest, Jmulti


# Lansing woods data: 6 types of trees
    woods <- lansing
    Jhm <- Jcross(woods, "hickory", "maple")
    # diagnostic plot for independence between hickories and maples

    # synthetic example with two types "a" and "b"
    pp <- runifpoint(30) %mark% factor(sample(c("a","b"), 30, replace=TRUE))
    J <- Jcross(pp)

Inhomogeneous Multitype J function (i-to-j)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function summarising the interpoint dependence between points of type ii and of type jj.


Jcross.inhom(X, i, j,
               lambda = NULL, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL,
               lambdamin = NULL,
               r = NULL, ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL, ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype JJ function Jij(r)J_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the point process. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type i points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type j. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type j points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution for the computation.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous JJ function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


Optional. The total measure of the mark set. A positive number.


Logical value indicating whether to save ratio information.


This function is the counterpart of Jcross for inhomogeneous patterns. It is computed as a special case of Jmulti.inhom.


Object of class "fv" containing the estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function.


Jonatan Gonzalez and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also

Jdot.inhom, Jmulti.inhom, Jcross.


X <- rescale(amacrine)
  if(interactive() && require(spatstat.model)) {
    ## how to do it normally
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x)
    lam <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lmin <- min(predict(mod)[["off"]]) * 0.9
    dd <- NULL
  } else {
    ## for package testing
    lam <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9
    dd <- 32
  JC <- Jcross.inhom(X, "on", "off", lambda=lam, lambdamin=lmin, dimyx=dd)

Multitype J Function (i-to-any)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the multitype JJ function summarising the interpoint dependence between the type ii points and the points of any type.


Jdot(X, i, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ..., correction=NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype JJ function Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


A positive number. The resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see below). There is a sensible default.


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the function Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional. Character string specifying the edge correction(s) to be used. Options are "none", "rs", "km", "Hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


This function Jdot and its companions Jcross and Jmulti are generalisations of the function Jest to multitype point patterns.

A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a finite number of possible “colours” or “types”. In the spatstat package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point determines the type of that point.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor. The argument i will be interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. (Warning: this means that an integer value i=3 will be interpreted as the number 3, not the 3rd smallest level.)

The “type ii to any type” multitype JJ function of a stationary multitype point process XX was introduced by Van lieshout and Baddeley (1999). It is defined by

Ji(r)=1Gi(r)1F(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) = \frac{1 - G_{i\bullet}(r)}{1 - F_{\bullet}(r)}

where Gi(r)G_{i\bullet}(r) is the distribution function of the distance from a type ii point to the nearest other point of the pattern, and F(r)F_{\bullet}(r) is the distribution function of the distance from a fixed point in space to the nearest point of the pattern.

An estimate of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) is a useful summary statistic in exploratory data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the pattern is a marked Poisson point process, then Ji(r)1J_{i\bullet}(r) \equiv 1. If the subprocess of type ii points is independent of the subprocess of points of all types not equal to ii, then Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) equals Jii(r)J_{ii}(r), the ordinary JJ function (see Jest and Van Lieshout and Baddeley (1996)) of the points of type ii. Hence deviations from zero of the empirical estimate of JiJiiJ_{i\bullet} - J_{ii} may suggest dependence between types.

This algorithm estimates Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Jest, using the Kaplan-Meier and border corrections. The main work is done by Gmulti and Fest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns


the recommended estimator of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r), currently the Kaplan-Meier estimator.


the values of the argument rr at which the function Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) has been estimated


the Kaplan-Meier estimator of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r)


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r)


the Hanisch-style estimator of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r)


the “uncorrected” estimator of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) formed by taking the ratio of uncorrected empirical estimators of 1Gi(r)1 - G_{i\bullet}(r) and 1F(r)1 - F_{\bullet}(r), see Gdot and Fest.


the theoretical value of Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely 1.

The result also has two attributes "G" and "F" which are respectively the outputs of Gdot and Fest for the point pattern.


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1996) A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 344–361.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Jcross, Jest, Jmulti


# Lansing woods data: 6 types of trees
   woods <- lansing

    Jh. <- Jdot(woods, "hickory")
    # diagnostic plot for independence between hickories and other trees
    Jhh <- Jest(split(woods)$hickory)
    plot(Jhh, add=TRUE, legendpos="bottom")

    # synthetic example with two marks "a" and "b"
    pp <- runifpoint(30) %mark% factor(sample(c("a","b"), 30, replace=TRUE))
    J <- Jdot(pp, "a")

Inhomogeneous Multitype J function (i-to-any)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function summarising the interpoint dependence between points of type ii and points of any type.


Jdot.inhom(X, i, 
             lambdaI = NULL, lambdadot = NULL,
             lambdamin = NULL,
             r = NULL, ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL, ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function Ji(r)J_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type i points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the point process. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution for the computation.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous KK function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


Optional. The total measure of the mark set. A positive number.


Logical value indicating whether to save ratio information.


This function is the counterpart of Jdot for inhomogeneous patterns. It is computed as a special case of Jmulti.inhom.


Object of class "fv" containing the estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function.


Jonatan Gonzalez and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also

Jdot.inhom, Jmulti.inhom, Jdot.


X <- rescale(amacrine)
  if(interactive() && require(spatstat.model)) {
    ## how to do it normally
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x)
    lam <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lmin <- min(predict(mod)[["off"]]) * 0.9
    dd <- NULL
  } else {
    ## for package testing 
    lam <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9
    dd <- 32
  lamI <- lam[marks(X) == "on"]
  JD <- Jdot.inhom(X, "on", lambdaI=lamI, lambdadot=lam, lambdamin=lmin,

Estimate the J-function


Estimates the summary function J(r)J(r) for a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape.


Jest(X, ..., eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction=NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of J(r)J(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().




the resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see below). There is a sensible default.


vector of values for the argument rr at which J(r)J(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on r.


This argument is for internal use only.


Optional. Character string specifying the choice of edge correction(s) in Fest and Gest. See Details.


The JJ function (Van Lieshout and Baddeley, 1996) of a stationary point process is defined as

J(r)=1G(r)1F(r)J(r) = \frac{1-G(r)}{1-F(r)}

where G(r)G(r) is the nearest neighbour distance distribution function of the point process (see Gest) and F(r)F(r) is its empty space function (see Fest).

For a completely random (uniform Poisson) point process, the JJ-function is identically equal to 11. Deviations J(r)<1J(r) < 1 or J(r)>1J(r) > 1 typically indicate spatial clustering or spatial regularity, respectively. The JJ-function is one of the few characteristics that can be computed explicitly for a wide range of point processes. See Van Lieshout and Baddeley (1996), Baddeley et al (2000), Thonnes and Van Lieshout (1999) for further information.

An estimate of JJ derived from a spatial point pattern dataset can be used in exploratory data analysis and formal inference about the pattern. The estimate of J(r)J(r) is compared against the constant function 11. Deviations J(r)<1J(r) < 1 or J(r)>1J(r) > 1 may suggest spatial clustering or spatial regularity, respectively.

This algorithm estimates the JJ-function from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape.

The argument X is interpreted as a point pattern object (of class "ppp", see ppp.object) and can be supplied in any of the formats recognised by as.ppp().

The functions Fest and Gest are called to compute estimates of F(r)F(r) and G(r)G(r) respectively. These estimates are then combined by simply taking the ratio J(r)=(1G(r))/(1F(r))J(r) = (1-G(r))/(1-F(r)).

In fact several different estimates are computed using different edge corrections (Baddeley, 1998).

The Kaplan-Meier estimate (returned as km) is the ratio J = (1-G)/(1-F) of the Kaplan-Meier estimates of 1F1-F and 1G1-G computed by Fest and Gest respectively. This is computed if correction=NULL or if correction includes "km".

The Hanisch-style estimate (returned as han) is the ratio J = (1-G)/(1-F) where F is the Chiu-Stoyan estimate of FF and G is the Hanisch estimate of GG. This is computed if correction=NULL or if correction includes "cs" or "han".

The reduced-sample or border corrected estimate (returned as rs) is the same ratio J = (1-G)/(1-F) of the border corrected estimates. This is computed if correction=NULL or if correction includes "rs" or "border".

These edge-corrected estimators are slightly biased for JJ, since they are ratios of approximately unbiased estimators. The logarithm of the Kaplan-Meier estimate is exactly unbiased for logJ\log J.

The uncorrected estimate (returned as un and computed only if correction includes "none") is the ratio J = (1-G)/(1-F) of the uncorrected (“raw”) estimates of the survival functions of FF and GG, which are the empirical distribution functions of the empty space distances Fest(X,...)$raw and of the nearest neighbour distances Gest(X,...)$raw. The uncorrected estimates of FF and GG are severely biased. However the uncorrected estimate of JJ is approximately unbiased (if the process is close to Poisson); it is insensitive to edge effects, and should be used when edge effects are severe (see Baddeley et al, 2000).

The algorithm for Fest uses two discrete approximations which are controlled by the parameter eps and by the spacing of values of r respectively. See Fest for details. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify these arguments.

Note that the value returned by Jest includes the output of Fest and Gest as attributes (see the last example below). If the user is intending to compute the F,G and J functions for the point pattern, it is only necessary to call Jest.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function JJ has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of J(r)J(r) computed from the border-corrected estimates of FF and GG


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of J(r)J(r) computed from the Kaplan-Meier estimates of FF and GG


the Hanisch-style estimator of J(r)J(r) computed from the Hanisch estimate of GG and the Chiu-Stoyan estimate of FF


the uncorrected estimate of J(r)J(r) computed from the uncorrected estimates of FF and GG


the theoretical value of J(r)J(r) for a stationary Poisson process: identically equal to 11

The data frame also has attributes


the output of Fest for this point pattern, containing three estimates of the empty space function F(r)F(r) and an estimate of its hazard function


the output of Gest for this point pattern, containing three estimates of the nearest neighbour distance distribution function G(r)G(r) and an estimate of its hazard function


Sizeable amounts of memory may be needed during the calculation.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A.J. Spatial sampling and censoring. In O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. van Lieshout (eds) Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation. Chapman and Hall, 1998. Chapter 2, pages 37–78.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. The empty space hazard of a spatial pattern. Research Report 1994/3, Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia, May 1994.

Baddeley, A.J. and Gill, R.D. Kaplan-Meier estimators of interpoint distance distributions for spatial point processes. Annals of Statistics 25 (1997) 263–292.

Baddeley, A., Kerscher, M., Schladitz, K. and Scott, B.T. Estimating the J function without edge correction. Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2000) 315–328.

Borgefors, G. Distance transformations in digital images. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 34 (1986) 344–371.

Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

Thonnes, E. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M, A comparative study on the power of Van Lieshout and Baddeley's J-function. Biometrical Journal 41 (1999) 721–734.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50 (1996) 344–361.

See Also

Jinhom, Fest, Gest, Kest,, reduced.sample, kaplan.meier


J <- Jest(cells, 0.01)
   plot(J, main="cells data")
   # values are far above J = 1, indicating regular pattern

   J <- Jest(redwood, 0.01, legendpos="center")
   plot(J, main="redwood data")
   # values are below J = 1, indicating clustered pattern

Inhomogeneous J-function


Estimates the inhomogeneous JJ function of a non-stationary point pattern.


Jinhom(X, lambda = NULL, lmin = NULL, ...,
        sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL,
        r = NULL, breaks = NULL, ratio=FALSE, 
        update = TRUE, warn.bias=TRUE, savelambda=FALSE)



The observed data point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous JJ function will be computed. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp()


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution, or passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous KK function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of the estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Logical. If lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm" or "kppm") and update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without fitting it to X.


Logical value specifying whether to issue a warning when the inhomogeneity correction factor takes extreme values, which can often lead to biased results. This usually occurs when insufficient smoothing is used to estimate the intensity.


Logical value specifying whether to save the values of lmin and lambda as attributes of the result.


This command computes estimates of the inhomogeneous JJ-function (Van Lieshout, 2010) of a point pattern. It is the counterpart, for inhomogeneous spatial point patterns, of the JJ function for homogeneous point patterns computed by Jest.

The argument X should be a point pattern (object of class "ppp").

The inhomogeneous JJ function is computed as Jinhom(r)=(1Ginhom(r))/(1Finhom(r))Jinhom(r) = (1 - Ginhom(r))/(1-Finhom(r)) where Ginhom,FinhomGinhom, Finhom are the inhomogeneous GG and FF functions computed using the border correction (equations (7) and (6) respectively in Van Lieshout, 2010).

The argument lambda should supply the (estimated) values of the intensity function λ\lambda of the point process. It may be either

a numeric vector

containing the values of the intensity function at the points of the pattern X.

a pixel image

(object of class "im") assumed to contain the values of the intensity function at all locations in the window.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm" or "kppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)

a function

which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.


if lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

If lambda is a numeric vector, then its length should be equal to the number of points in the pattern X. The value lambda[i] is assumed to be the the (estimated) value of the intensity λ(xi)\lambda(x_i) for the point xix_i of the pattern XX. Each value must be a positive number; NA's are not allowed.

If lambda is a pixel image, the domain of the image should cover the entire window of the point pattern. If it does not (which may occur near the boundary because of discretisation error), then the missing pixel values will be obtained by applying a Gaussian blur to lambda using blur, then looking up the values of this blurred image for the missing locations. (A warning will be issued in this case.)

If lambda is a function, then it will be evaluated in the form lambda(x,y) where x and y are vectors of coordinates of the points of X. It should return a numeric vector with length equal to the number of points in X.

If lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother. The estimate lambda[i] for the point X[i] is computed by removing X[i] from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point X[i]. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.


Original code by Marie-Colette van Lieshout. C implementation and R adaptation by Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1996) A nonparametric measure of spatial interaction in point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 50, 344–361.

van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2010) A J-function for inhomogeneous point processes. Statistica Neerlandica 65, 183–201.

See Also

Ginhom, Finhom, Jest


online <- interactive()
  if(online) {
    plot(Jinhom(swedishpines, sigma=10))
    plot(Jinhom(swedishpines, sigma=bw.diggle, adjust=2))
  } else {
    ## use a coarse grid for faster computation and package testing
    plot(Jinhom(swedishpines, sigma=10, dimyx=32))

Marked J Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the multitype JJ function summarising dependence between the points in subset II and those in subset JJ.


Jmulti(X, I, J, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, ..., disjoint=NULL,



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype distance distribution function JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) will be computed. It must be a marked point pattern. See under Details.


Subset of points of X from which distances are measured. See Details.


Subset of points in X to which distances are measured. See Details.


A positive number. The pixel resolution of the discrete approximation to Euclidean distance (see Jest). There is a sensible default.


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the distribution function JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.




Optional flag indicating whether the subsets I and J are disjoint. If missing, this value will be computed by inspecting the vectors I and J.


Optional. Character string specifying the edge correction(s) to be used. Options are "none", "rs", "km", "Hanisch" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


The function Jmulti generalises Jest (for unmarked point patterns) and Jdot and Jcross (for multitype point patterns) to arbitrary marked point patterns.

Suppose XIX_I, XJX_J are subsets, possibly overlapping, of a marked point process. Define

JIJ(r)=1GIJ(r)1FJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) = \frac{1 - G_{IJ}(r)}{1 - F_J(r)}

where FJ(r)F_J(r) is the cumulative distribution function of the distance from a fixed location to the nearest point of XJX_J, and GIJ(r)G_{IJ}(r) is the distribution function of the distance from a typical point of XIX_I to the nearest distinct point of XJX_J.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp.

The arguments I and J specify two subsets of the point pattern. They may be any type of subset indices, for example, logical vectors of length equal to npoints(X), or integer vectors with entries in the range 1 to npoints(X), or negative integer vectors.

Alternatively, I and J may be functions that will be applied to the point pattern X to obtain index vectors. If I is a function, then evaluating I(X) should yield a valid subset index. This option is useful when generating simulation envelopes using envelope.

It is assumed that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Jest.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances. The reduced-sample and Kaplan-Meier estimators are computed from histogram counts. In the case of the Kaplan-Meier estimator this introduces a discretisation error which is controlled by the fineness of the breakpoints.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window. Furthermore, the successive entries of r must be finely spaced.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing six numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) has been estimated


the “reduced sample” or “border correction” estimator of JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r)


the spatial Kaplan-Meier estimator of JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r)


the Hanisch-style estimator of JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r)


the uncorrected estimate of JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r), formed by taking the ratio of uncorrected empirical estimators of 1GIJ(r)1 - G_{IJ}(r) and 1FJ(r)1 - F_{J}(r), see Gdot and Fest.


the theoretical value of JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) for a marked Poisson process with the same estimated intensity, namely 1.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Jcross, Jdot, Jest


trees <- longleaf
     # Longleaf Pine data: marks represent diameter
    Jm <- Jmulti(trees, marks(trees) <= 15, marks(trees) >= 25)

Inhomogeneous Marked J-Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the multitype JJ function.


Jmulti.inhom(X, I, J,
             lambda = NULL, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL,
             lambdamin = NULL,
             r = NULL,
             ReferenceMeasureMarkSetI = NULL,
             ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function JIJ(r)J_{IJ}(r) will be computed. It must be a marked point pattern. See under Details.


Subset index specifying the points of X from which distances are measured, for the inhomogeneous GG function.


Subset index specifying the points in X to which distances are measured, for the inhomogeneous GG and FF functions.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process X[I]. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X[I], a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location,


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process X[J]. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X[J], a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. The minimum possible value of the intensity over the spatial domain. A positive numerical value.


Extra arguments passed to as.mask to control the pixel resolution for the computation.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous KK function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


Optional. The total measure of the mark set. A positive number.


Logical value indicating whether to save ratio information.


This function is the counterpart of Jmulti for inhomogeneous patterns. It is computed by evaluating the inhomogeneous GG function GmultiInhom and the inhomogeneous FF function FmultiInhom and computing the ratio J=(1G)/(1F)J = (1-G)/(1-F).


Object of class "fv" containing the estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype JJ function.


Jonatan Gonzalez and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Cronie, O. and Van Lieshout, M.N.M. (2015) Summary statistics for inhomogeneous marked point processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/s10463-015-0515-z

See Also

Jcross.inhom, Jdot.inhom for special cases.

GmultiInhom, FmultiInhom, Jmulti.


X <- rescale(amacrine)
  I <- (marks(X) == "on")
  J <- (marks(X) == "off")
  if(interactive() && require(spatstat.model)) {
    ## how to do it normally
    mod <- ppm(X ~ marks * x)
    lam <- fitted(mod, dataonly=TRUE)
    lmin <- min(predict(mod)[["off"]]) * 0.9
    dd <- NULL
  } else {
    ## for package testing
    lam <- intensity(X)[as.integer(marks(X))]
    lmin <- intensity(X)[2] * 0.9
    dd <- 32
  JM <- Jmulti.inhom(X, I, J, lambda=lam, lambdamin=lmin, dimyx=dd)

K-function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern


Estimates the KK-function from a three-dimensional point pattern.


K3est(X, ...,
        rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
        correction = c("translation", "isotropic"),



Three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").




Optional. Maximum value of argument rr for which K3(r)K_3(r) will be estimated.


Optional. Number of values of rr for which K3(r)K_3(r) will be estimated. A large value of nrval is required to avoid discretisation effects.


Optional. Character vector specifying the edge correction(s) to be applied. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


For a stationary point process Φ\Phi in three-dimensional space, the three-dimensional KK function is

K3(r)=1λE(N(Φ,x,r)xΦ)K_3(r) = \frac 1 \lambda E(N(\Phi, x, r) \mid x \in \Phi)

where λ\lambda is the intensity of the process (the expected number of points per unit volume) and N(Φ,x,r)N(\Phi,x,r) is the number of points of Φ\Phi, other than xx itself, which fall within a distance rr of xx. This is the three-dimensional generalisation of Ripley's KK function for two-dimensional point processes (Ripley, 1977).

The three-dimensional point pattern X is assumed to be a partial realisation of a stationary point process Φ\Phi. The distance between each pair of distinct points is computed. The empirical cumulative distribution function of these values, with appropriate edge corrections, is renormalised to give the estimate of K3(r)K_3(r).

The available edge corrections are:


the Ohser translation correction estimator (Ohser, 1983; Baddeley et al, 1993)


the three-dimensional counterpart of Ripley's isotropic edge correction (Ripley, 1977; Baddeley et al, 1993).

Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


A function value table (object of class "fv") that can be plotted, printed or coerced to a data frame containing the function values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rana Moyeed.


Baddeley, A.J, Moyeed, R.A., Howard, C.V. and Boyde, A. (1993) Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Applied Statistics 42, 641–668.

Ohser, J. (1983) On estimators for the reduced second moment measure of point processes. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics, 14, 63 – 71.

Ripley, B.D. (1977) Modelling spatial patterns (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 172 – 212.

See Also

pp3 to create a three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").

pcf3est, F3est, G3est for other summary functions of a three-dimensional point pattern.

Kest to estimate the KK-function of point patterns in two dimensions or other spaces.


X <- rpoispp3(42)
  Z <- K3est(X)
  if(interactive()) plot(Z)

Multitype K Function (Cross-type)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the multitype KK function which counts the expected number of points of type jj within a given distance of a point of type ii.


Kcross(X, i, j, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction,
       ..., ratio=FALSE, from, to )



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the cross type KK function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the distribution function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "periodic", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.




Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.

from, to

An alternative way to specify i and j respectively.


This function Kcross and its companions Kdot and Kmulti are generalisations of the function Kest to multitype point patterns.

A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a finite number of possible “colours” or “types”. In the spatstat package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point determines the type of that point.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor.

The arguments i and j will be interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. If i and j are missing, they default to the first and second level of the marks factor, respectively.

The “cross-type” (type ii to type jj) KK function of a stationary multitype point process XX is defined so that λjKij(r)\lambda_j K_{ij}(r) equals the expected number of additional random points of type jj within a distance rr of a typical point of type ii in the process XX. Here λj\lambda_j is the intensity of the type jj points, i.e. the expected number of points of type jj per unit area. The function KijK_{ij} is determined by the second order moment properties of XX.

An estimate of Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) is a useful summary statistic in exploratory data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the process of type ii points were independent of the process of type jj points, then Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) would equal πr2\pi r^2. Deviations between the empirical KijK_{ij} curve and the theoretical curve πr2\pi r^2 may suggest dependence between the points of types ii and jj.

This algorithm estimates the distribution function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kest, using the border correction.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.

The pair correlation function can also be applied to the result of Kcross; see pcf.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.

If ratio=TRUE then the return value also has two attributes called "numerator" and "denominator" which are "fv" objects containing the numerators and denominators of each estimate of K(r)K(r).


The arguments i and j are always interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. They are converted to character strings if they are not already character strings. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Harkness, R.D and Isham, V. (1983) A bivariate spatial point pattern of ants' nests. Applied Statistics 32, 293–303

Lotwick, H. W. and Silverman, B. W. (1982). Methods for analysing spatial processes of several types of points. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 406–413.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

See Also

Kdot, Kest, Kmulti, pcf


# amacrine cells data
    K01 <- Kcross(amacrine, "off", "on") 


    # synthetic example: point pattern with marks 0 and 1
     pp <- runifpoispp(50)
     pp <- pp %mark% factor(sample(0:1, npoints(pp), replace=TRUE))
     K <- Kcross(pp, "0", "1")
     K <- Kcross(pp, 0, 1) # equivalent

Inhomogeneous Cross K Function


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the cross KK function, which counts the expected number of points of type jj within a given distance of a point of type ii, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Kcross.inhom(X, i, j, lambdaI=NULL, lambdaJ=NULL, ...,  r=NULL, breaks=NULL,
         correction = c("border", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL,
         lambdaX=NULL, update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous cross type KK function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type i points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type j. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type j points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Numeric vector giving the values of the argument rr at which the cross K function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for advanced use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley" ,"translate", "translation", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.




Standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel, used in computing leave-one-out kernel estimates of lambdaI, lambdaJ if they are omitted.


Variance-covariance matrix of anisotropic Gaussian kernel, used in computing leave-one-out kernel estimates of lambdaI, lambdaJ if they are omitted. Incompatible with sigma.


Optional. A matrix containing estimates of the product of the intensities lambdaI and lambdaJ for each pair of points of types i and j respectively.


Optional. Values of the intensity for all points of X. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location. If present, this argument overrides both lambdaI and lambdaJ.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambdaI, lambdaJ or lambdaX is a fitted point process model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


This is a generalisation of the function Kcross to include an adjustment for spatially inhomogeneous intensity, in a manner similar to the function Kinhom.

The inhomogeneous cross-type KK function is described by Moller and Waagepetersen (2003, pages 48-49 and 51-53).

Briefly, given a multitype point process, suppose the sub-process of points of type jj has intensity function λj(u)\lambda_j(u) at spatial locations uu. Suppose we place a mass of 1/λj(ζ)1/\lambda_j(\zeta) at each point ζ\zeta of type jj. Then the expected total mass per unit area is 1. The inhomogeneous “cross-type” KK function Kijinhom(r)K_{ij}^{\mbox{inhom}}(r) equals the expected total mass within a radius rr of a point of the process of type ii.

If the process of type ii points were independent of the process of type jj points, then Kijinhom(r)K_{ij}^{\mbox{inhom}}(r) would equal πr2\pi r^2. Deviations between the empirical KijK_{ij} curve and the theoretical curve πr2\pi r^2 suggest dependence between the points of types ii and jj.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor.

The arguments i and j will be interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. (Warning: this means that an integer value i=3 will be interpreted as the number 3, not the 3rd smallest level). If i and j are missing, they default to the first and second level of the marks factor, respectively.

The argument lambdaI supplies the values of the intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. It may be either

a pixel image

(object of class "im") which gives the values of the type i intensity at all locations in the window containing X;

a numeric vector

containing the values of the type i intensity evaluated only at the data points of type i. The length of this vector must equal the number of type i points in X.

a function

which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)


if lambdaI is omitted then it will be estimated using a leave-one-out kernel smoother.

If lambdaI is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother, as described in Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000). The estimate of lambdaI for a given point is computed by removing the point from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point in question. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.

Similarly lambdaJ should contain estimated values of the intensity of the sub-process of points of type j. It may be either a pixel image, a function, a numeric vector, or omitted.

Alternatively if the argument lambdaX is given, then it specifies the intensity values for all points of X, and the arguments lambdaI, lambdaJ will be ignored.

The optional argument lambdaIJ is for advanced use only. It is a matrix containing estimated values of the products of these two intensities for each pair of data points of types i and j respectively.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.

The argument correction chooses the edge correction as explained e.g. in Kest.

The pair correlation function can also be applied to the result of Kcross.inhom; see pcf.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


The arguments i and j are always interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. They are converted to character strings if they are not already character strings. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2000) Non- and semiparametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 54, 329–350.

Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes Chapman and Hall/CRC Boca Raton, 2003.

See Also

Kcross, Kinhom, Kdot.inhom, Kmulti.inhom, pcf


# Lansing Woods data
    woods <- lansing
    ma <- split(woods)$maple
    wh <- split(woods)$whiteoak

    # method (1): estimate intensities by nonparametric smoothing
    lambdaM <- density.ppp(ma, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    lambdaW <- density.ppp(wh, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    K <- Kcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple", lambdaW, lambdaM)

    # method (2): leave-one-out
    K <- Kcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple", sigma=0.15)

    # method (3): fit parametric intensity model
    if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    fit <- ppm(woods ~marks * polynom(x,y,2))
    # alternative (a): use fitted model as 'lambda' argument
    online <- interactive()
    K <- Kcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple",
                      lambdaI=fit, lambdaJ=fit,
                      update=online, leaveoneout=online)
    K <- Kcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple",
                      update=online, leaveoneout=online)
    # alternative (b): evaluate fitted intensities at data points
    # (these are the intensities of the sub-processes of each type)
    inten <- fitted(fit, dataonly=TRUE, leaveoneout=FALSE)
    # split according to types of points
    lambda <- split(inten, marks(woods))
    K <- Kcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple",
              lambda$whiteoak, lambda$maple)
    # synthetic example: type A points have intensity 50,
    #                    type B points have intensity 100 * x
    lamB <-,y){50 + 100 * x}, owin())
    X <- superimpose(A=runifpoispp(50), B=rpoispp(lamB))
    K <- Kcross.inhom(X, "A", "B",, Window(X)), lambdaJ=lamB)

Multitype K Function (i-to-any)


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the multitype KK function which counts the expected number of other points of the process within a given distance of a point of type ii.


Kdot(X, i, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction, ..., ratio=FALSE, from)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype KK function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the distribution function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "periodic", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.




Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


An alternative way to specify i.


This function Kdot and its companions Kcross and Kmulti are generalisations of the function Kest to multitype point patterns.

A multitype point pattern is a spatial pattern of points classified into a finite number of possible “colours” or “types”. In the spatstat package, a multitype pattern is represented as a single point pattern object in which the points carry marks, and the mark value attached to each point determines the type of that point.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor.

The argument i will be interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. If i is missing, it defaults to the first level of the marks factor, i = levels(X$marks)[1].

The “type ii to any type” multitype KK function of a stationary multitype point process XX is defined so that λKi(r)\lambda K_{i\bullet}(r) equals the expected number of additional random points within a distance rr of a typical point of type ii in the process XX. Here λ\lambda is the intensity of the process, i.e. the expected number of points of XX per unit area. The function KiK_{i\bullet} is determined by the second order moment properties of XX.

An estimate of Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) is a useful summary statistic in exploratory data analysis of a multitype point pattern. If the subprocess of type ii points were independent of the subprocess of points of all types not equal to ii, then Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) would equal πr2\pi r^2. Deviations between the empirical KiK_{i\bullet} curve and the theoretical curve πr2\pi r^2 may suggest dependence between types.

This algorithm estimates the distribution function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) from the point pattern X. It assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kest, using the chosen edge correction(s).

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.

The pair correlation function can also be applied to the result of Kdot; see pcf.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.

If ratio=TRUE then the return value also has two attributes called "numerator" and "denominator" which are "fv" objects containing the numerators and denominators of each estimate of K(r)K(r).


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.

The reduced sample estimator of KiK_{i\bullet} is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a valid distribution function; it may not be a nondecreasing function of rr.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Harkness, R.D and Isham, V. (1983) A bivariate spatial point pattern of ants' nests. Applied Statistics 32, 293–303

Lotwick, H. W. and Silverman, B. W. (1982). Methods for analysing spatial processes of several types of points. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 406–413.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

See Also

Kdot, Kest, Kmulti, pcf


# Lansing woods data: 6 types of trees
    woods <- lansing


    Kh. <- Kdot(woods, "hickory") 
    # diagnostic plot for independence between hickories and other trees

    # synthetic example with two marks "a" and "b"
      pp <- runifpoispp(50)
      pp <- pp %mark% factor(sample(c("a","b"), npoints(pp), replace=TRUE))
      K <- Kdot(pp, "a")

Inhomogeneous Multitype K Dot Function


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the dot KK function, which counts the expected number of points of any type within a given distance of a point of type ii, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Kdot.inhom(X, i, lambdaI=NULL, lambdadot=NULL, ..., r=NULL, breaks=NULL,
         correction = c("border", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL, lambdaIdot=NULL,
         lambdaX=NULL, update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous dot type KK function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the type i points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the entire point process, Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.




Optional. Numeric vector giving the values of the argument rr at which the dot K function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel, used in computing leave-one-out kernel estimates of lambdaI, lambdadot if they are omitted.


Variance-covariance matrix of anisotropic Gaussian kernel, used in computing leave-one-out kernel estimates of lambdaI, lambdadot if they are omitted. Incompatible with sigma.


Optional. A matrix containing estimates of the product of the intensities lambdaI and lambdadot for each pair of points, the first point of type i and the second of any type.


Optional. Values of the intensity for all points of X. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location. If present, this argument overrides both lambdaI and lambdadot.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambdaI, lambdadot or lambdaX is a fitted point process model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


This is a generalisation of the function Kdot to include an adjustment for spatially inhomogeneous intensity, in a manner similar to the function Kinhom.

Briefly, given a multitype point process, consider the points without their types, and suppose this unmarked point process has intensity function λ(u)\lambda(u) at spatial locations uu. Suppose we place a mass of 1/λ(ζ)1/\lambda(\zeta) at each point ζ\zeta of the process. Then the expected total mass per unit area is 1. The inhomogeneous “dot-type” KK function Kiinhom(r)K_{i\bullet}^{\mbox{inhom}}(r) equals the expected total mass within a radius rr of a point of the process of type ii, discounting this point itself.

If the process of type ii points were independent of the points of other types, then Kiinhom(r)K_{i\bullet}^{\mbox{inhom}}(r) would equal πr2\pi r^2. Deviations between the empirical KiK_{i\bullet} curve and the theoretical curve πr2\pi r^2 suggest dependence between the points of types ii and jj for jij\neq i.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern, and the mark vector X$marks must be a factor.

The argument i will be interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. (Warning: this means that an integer value i=3 will be interpreted as the number 3, not the 3rd smallest level). If i is missing, it defaults to the first level of the marks factor, i = levels(X$marks)[1].

The argument lambdaI supplies the values of the intensity of the sub-process of points of type i. It may be either

a pixel image

(object of class "im") which gives the values of the type i intensity at all locations in the window containing X;

a numeric vector

containing the values of the type i intensity evaluated only at the data points of type i. The length of this vector must equal the number of type i points in X.

a function

of the form function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)


if lambdaI is omitted then it will be estimated using a leave-one-out kernel smoother.

If lambdaI is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother, as described in Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000). The estimate of lambdaI for a given point is computed by removing the point from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point in question. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.

Similarly the argument lambdadot should contain estimated values of the intensity of the entire point process. It may be either a pixel image, a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X, a function, or omitted.

Alternatively if the argument lambdaX is given, then it specifies the intensity values for all points of X, and the arguments lambdaI, lambdadot will be ignored. (The two arguments lambdaI, lambdadot allow the user to specify two different methods for calculating the intensities of the two kinds of points, while lambdaX ensures that the same method is used for both kinds of points.)

For advanced use only, the optional argument lambdaIdot is a matrix containing estimated values of the products of these two intensities for each pair of points, the first point of type i and the second of any type.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. The values of rr must be increasing nonnegative numbers and the maximum rr value must not exceed the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.

The argument correction chooses the edge correction as explained e.g. in Kest.

The pair correlation function can also be applied to the result of Kdot.inhom; see pcf.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes Chapman and Hall/CRC Boca Raton, 2003.

See Also

Kdot, Kinhom, Kcross.inhom, Kmulti.inhom, pcf


# Lansing Woods data
    woods <- lansing
    woods <- woods[seq(1,npoints(woods), by=10)]
    ma <- split(woods)$maple
    lg <- unmark(woods)

    # Estimate intensities by nonparametric smoothing
    lambdaM <- density.ppp(ma, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    lambdadot <- density.ppp(lg, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    K <- Kdot.inhom(woods, "maple", lambdaI=lambdaM,

    # Equivalent
    K <- Kdot.inhom(woods, "maple", sigma=0.15)

    # Fit model
    if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    fit <- ppm(woods ~ marks * polynom(x,y,2))
    K <- Kdot.inhom(woods, "maple", lambdaX=fit,
                    update=FALSE, leaveoneout=FALSE)
    # synthetic example: type A points have intensity 50,
    #                    type B points have intensity 50 + 100 * x
    lamB <-,y){50 + 100 * x}, owin())
    lamdot <-,y) { 100 + 100 * x}, owin())
    X <- superimpose(A=runifpoispp(50), B=rpoispp(lamB))
    K <- Kdot.inhom(X, "B",  lambdaI=lamB,     lambdadot=lamdot)



Estimates Ripley's reduced second moment function K(r)K(r) from a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape.


Kest(X, ..., r=NULL, rmax=NULL, breaks=NULL, 
     correction=c("border", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
    nlarge=3000, domain=NULL, var.approx=FALSE, ratio=FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of K(r)K(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().




Optional. Vector of values for the argument rr at which K(r)K(r) should be evaluated. Users are advised not to specify this argument; there is a sensible default. If necessary, specify rmax.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


Optional. A character vector containing any selection of the options "none", "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "rigid", "none", "periodic", "good" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Optional. Efficiency threshold. If the number of points exceeds nlarge, then only the border correction will be computed (by default), using a fast algorithm.


Optional. Calculations will be restricted to this subset of the window. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the approximate variance of K^(r)\hat K(r) under CSR will also be computed.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


The KK function (variously called “Ripley's K-function” and the “reduced second moment function”) of a stationary point process XX is defined so that λK(r)\lambda K(r) equals the expected number of additional random points within a distance rr of a typical random point of XX. Here λ\lambda is the intensity of the process, i.e. the expected number of points of XX per unit area. The KK function is determined by the second order moment properties of XX.

An estimate of KK derived from a spatial point pattern dataset can be used in exploratory data analysis and formal inference about the pattern (Cressie, 1991; Diggle, 1983; Ripley, 1977, 1988). In exploratory analyses, the estimate of KK is a useful statistic summarising aspects of inter-point “dependence” and “clustering”. For inferential purposes, the estimate of KK is usually compared to the true value of KK for a completely random (Poisson) point process, which is K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2. Deviations between the empirical and theoretical KK curves may suggest spatial clustering or spatial regularity.

This routine Kest estimates the KK function of a stationary point process, given observation of the process inside a known, bounded window. The argument X is interpreted as a point pattern object (of class "ppp", see ppp.object) and can be supplied in any of the formats recognised by as.ppp().

The estimation of KK is hampered by edge effects arising from the unobservability of points of the random pattern outside the window. An edge correction is needed to reduce bias (Baddeley, 1998; Ripley, 1988). The corrections implemented here are


the border method or “reduced sample” estimator (see Ripley, 1988). This is the least efficient (statistically) and the fastest to compute. It can be computed for a window of arbitrary shape.


Ripley's isotropic correction (see Ripley, 1988; Ohser, 1983). This is implemented for rectangular and polygonal windows (not for binary masks).


Translation correction (Ohser, 1983). Implemented for all window geometries, but slow for complex windows.


Rigid motion correction (Ohser and Stoyan, 1981). Implemented for all window geometries, but slow for complex windows.


Uncorrected estimate. An estimate of the K function without edge correction. (i.e. setting eij=1e_{ij} = 1 in the equation below. This estimate is biased and should not be used for data analysis, unless you have an extremely large point pattern (more than 100,000 points).


Periodic (toroidal) edge correction. Defined only for rectangular windows.


Selects the best edge correction that is available for the geometry of the window. Currently this is Ripley's isotropic correction for a rectangular or polygonal window, and the translation correction for masks.


Selects the best edge correction that can be computed in a reasonable time. This is the same as "best" for datasets with fewer than 3000 points; otherwise the selected edge correction is "border", unless there are more than 100,000 points, when it is "none".

The estimates of K(r)K(r) are of the form

K^(r)=an(n1)ijI(dijr)eij\hat K(r) = \frac a {n (n-1) } \sum_i \sum_j I(d_{ij}\le r) e_{ij}

where aa is the area of the window, nn is the number of data points, and the sum is taken over all ordered pairs of points ii and jj in X. Here dijd_{ij} is the distance between the two points, and I(dijr)I(d_{ij} \le r) is the indicator that equals 1 if the distance is less than or equal to rr. The term eije_{ij} is the edge correction weight (which depends on the choice of edge correction listed above).

Note that this estimator assumes the process is stationary (spatially homogeneous). For inhomogeneous point patterns, see Kinhom.

If the point pattern X contains more than about 3000 points, the isotropic and translation edge corrections can be computationally prohibitive. The computations for the border method are much faster, and are statistically efficient when there are large numbers of points. Accordingly, if the number of points in X exceeds the threshold nlarge, then only the border correction will be computed. Setting nlarge=Inf or correction="best" will prevent this from happening. Setting nlarge=0 is equivalent to selecting only the border correction with correction="border".

If X contains more than about 100,000 points, even the border correction is time-consuming. You may want to consider setting correction="none" in this case. There is an even faster algorithm for the uncorrected estimate.

Approximations to the variance of K^(r)\hat K(r) are available, for the case of the isotropic edge correction estimator, assuming complete spatial randomness (Ripley, 1988; Lotwick and Silverman, 1982; Diggle, 2003, pp 51-53). If var.approx=TRUE, then the result of Kest also has a column named rip giving values of Ripley's (1988) approximation to var(K^(r))\mbox{var}(\hat K(r)), and (if the window is a rectangle) a column named ls giving values of Lotwick and Silverman's (1982) approximation.

If the argument domain is given, the calculations will be restricted to a subset of the data. In the formula for K(r)K(r) above, the first point ii will be restricted to lie inside domain. The result is an approximately unbiased estimate of K(r)K(r) based on pairs of points in which the first point lies inside domain and the second point is unrestricted. This is useful in bootstrap techniques. The argument domain should be a window (object of class "owin") or something acceptable to as.owin. It must be a subset of the window of the point pattern X.

The estimator Kest ignores marks. Its counterparts for multitype point patterns are Kcross, Kdot, and for general marked point patterns see Kmulti.

Some writers, particularly Stoyan (1994, 1995) advocate the use of the “pair correlation function”

g(r)=K(r)2πrg(r) = \frac{K'(r)}{2\pi r}

where K(r)K'(r) is the derivative of K(r)K(r). See pcf on how to estimate this function.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function K(r)K(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.

If var.approx=TRUE then the return value also has columns rip and ls containing approximations to the variance of K^(r)\hat K(r) under CSR.

If ratio=TRUE then the return value also has two attributes called "numerator" and "denominator" which are "fv" objects containing the numerators and denominators of each estimate of K(r)K(r).

Envelopes, significance bands and confidence intervals

To compute simulation envelopes for the KK-function under CSR, use envelope.

To compute a confidence interval for the true KK-function, use varblock or lohboot.


The estimator of K(r)K(r) is approximately unbiased for each fixed rr, for point processes which do not have very strong interaction. (For point processes with a strong clustering interaction, the estimator is negatively biased; for point processes with a strong inhibitive interaction, the estimator is positively biased.)

Bias increases with rr and depends on the window geometry. For a rectangular window it is prudent to restrict the rr values to a maximum of 1/41/4 of the smaller side length of the rectangle (Ripley, 1977, 1988; Diggle, 1983). Bias may become appreciable for point patterns consisting of fewer than 15 points.

While K(r)K(r) is always a non-decreasing function, the estimator of KK is not guaranteed to be non-decreasing. This is rarely a problem in practice, except for the border correction estimators when the number of points is small.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A.J. Spatial sampling and censoring. In O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen, W.S. Kendall and M.N.M. van Lieshout (eds) Stochastic Geometry: Likelihood and Computation. Chapman and Hall, 1998. Chapter 2, pages 37–78.

Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Ohser, J. (1983) On estimators for the reduced second moment measure of point processes. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics, 14, 63 – 71.

Ohser, J. and Stoyan, D. (1981) On the second-order and orientation analysis of planar stationary point processes. Biometrical Journal 23, 523–533.

Ripley, B.D. (1977) Modelling spatial patterns (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 172 – 212.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (1995) Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

localK to extract individual summands in the KK function.

pcf for the pair correlation.

Fest, Gest, Jest for alternative summary functions.

Kcross, Kdot, Kinhom, Kmulti for counterparts of the KK function for multitype point patterns.

reduced.sample for the calculation of reduced sample estimators.


X <- runifpoint(50)
 K <- Kest(X)
 K <- Kest(cells, correction="isotropic")
 plot(K, main="K function for cells")
 # plot the L function
 plot(K, sqrt(iso/pi) ~ r)
 plot(K, sqrt(./pi) ~ r, ylab="L(r)", main="L function for cells")

K-function using FFT


Estimates the reduced second moment function K(r)K(r) from a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape, using the Fast Fourier Transform.


Kest.fft(X, sigma, r=NULL, ..., breaks=NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of K(r)K(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().


Standard deviation of the isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel.


Optional. Vector of values for the argument rr at which K(r)K(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


Arguments passed to as.mask determining the spatial resolution for the FFT calculation.


This argument is for internal use only.


This is an alternative to the function Kest for estimating the KK function. It may be useful for very large patterns of points.

Whereas Kest computes the distance between each pair of points analytically, this function discretises the point pattern onto a rectangular pixel raster and applies Fast Fourier Transform techniques to estimate K(t)K(t). The hard work is done by the function Kmeasure.

The result is an approximation whose accuracy depends on the resolution of the pixel raster. The resolution is controlled by the arguments ..., or by setting the parameter npixel in spatstat.options.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the estimates of K(r)K(r) for these values of rr


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 for a stationary Poisson process


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Ohser, J. (1983) On estimators for the reduced second moment measure of point processes. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics, 14, 63 – 71.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (1995) Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Kest, Kmeasure, spatstat.options


pp <- runifpoint(10000)
 Kpp <- Kest.fft(pp, 0.01)

Inhomogeneous K-function


Estimates the inhomogeneous KK function of a non-stationary point pattern.


Kinhom(X, lambda=NULL, ..., r = NULL, breaks = NULL,
    correction=c("border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "translate"),
    nlarge = 1000,
    lambda2=NULL, reciplambda=NULL, reciplambda2=NULL,
    sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL,



The observed data point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous KK function will be computed. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp()


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Extra arguments. Ignored if lambda is present. Passed to density.ppp if lambda is omitted.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous KK function should be evaluated. Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Logical. Whether to renormalise the estimate. See Details.


Integer (usually either 1 or 2). Normalisation power. See Details.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


Optional. Efficiency threshold. If the number of points exceeds nlarge, then only the border correction will be computed, using a fast algorithm.


Advanced use only. Matrix containing estimates of the products λ(xi)λ(xj)\lambda(x_i)\lambda(x_j) of the intensities at each pair of data points xix_i and xjx_j.


Alternative to lambda. Values of the estimated reciprocal 1/λ1/\lambda of the intensity function. Either a vector giving the reciprocal intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the reciprocal intensity values at all locations, or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the reciprocal intensity value at any location.


Advanced use only. Alternative to lambda2. A matrix giving values of the estimated reciprocal products 1/λ(xi)λ(xj)1/\lambda(x_i)\lambda(x_j) of the intensities at each pair of data points xix_i and xjx_j.


Do not use this argument.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


This computes a generalisation of the KK function for inhomogeneous point patterns, proposed by Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000).

The “ordinary” KK function (variously known as the reduced second order moment function and Ripley's KK function), is described under Kest. It is defined only for stationary point processes.

The inhomogeneous KK function Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) is a direct generalisation to nonstationary point processes. Suppose xx is a point process with non-constant intensity λ(u)\lambda(u) at each location uu. Define Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) to be the expected value, given that uu is a point of xx, of the sum of all terms 1/λ(xj)1/\lambda(x_j) over all points xjx_j in the process separated from uu by a distance less than rr. This reduces to the ordinary KK function if λ()\lambda() is constant. If xx is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity function λ(u)\lambda(u), then Kinhom(r)=πr2K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) = \pi r^2.

Given a point pattern dataset, the inhomogeneous KK function can be estimated essentially by summing the values 1/(λ(xi)λ(xj))1/(\lambda(x_i)\lambda(x_j)) for all pairs of points xi,xjx_i, x_j separated by a distance less than rr.

This allows us to inspect a point pattern for evidence of interpoint interactions after allowing for spatial inhomogeneity of the pattern. Values Kinhom(r)>πr2K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) > \pi r^2 are suggestive of clustering.

The argument lambda should supply the (estimated) values of the intensity function λ\lambda. It may be either

a numeric vector

containing the values of the intensity function at the points of the pattern X.

a pixel image

(object of class "im") assumed to contain the values of the intensity function at all locations in the window.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)

a function

which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.


if lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

If lambda is a numeric vector, then its length should be equal to the number of points in the pattern X. The value lambda[i] is assumed to be the the (estimated) value of the intensity λ(xi)\lambda(x_i) for the point xix_i of the pattern XX. Each value must be a positive number; NA's are not allowed.

If lambda is a pixel image, the domain of the image should cover the entire window of the point pattern. If it does not (which may occur near the boundary because of discretisation error), then the missing pixel values will be obtained by applying a Gaussian blur to lambda using blur, then looking up the values of this blurred image for the missing locations. (A warning will be issued in this case.)

If lambda is a function, then it will be evaluated in the form lambda(x,y) where x and y are vectors of coordinates of the points of X. It should return a numeric vector with length equal to the number of points in X.

If lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother, as described in Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000). The estimate lambda[i] for the point X[i] is computed by removing X[i] from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point X[i]. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.

Edge corrections are used to correct bias in the estimation of KinhomK_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}. Each edge-corrected estimate of Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) is of the form

K^inhom(r)=(1/A)ij1{dijr}e(xi,xj,r)λ(xi)λ(xj)\widehat K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) = (1/A) \sum_i \sum_j \frac{1\{d_{ij} \le r\} e(x_i,x_j,r)}{\lambda(x_i)\lambda(x_j)}

where A is a constant denominator, dijd_{ij} is the distance between points xix_i and xjx_j, and e(xi,xj,r)e(x_i,x_j,r) is an edge correction factor. For the ‘border’ correction,

e(xi,xj,r)=1(bi>r)j1(bj>r)/λ(xj)e(x_i,x_j,r) = \frac{1(b_i > r)}{\sum_j 1(b_j > r)/\lambda(x_j)}

where bib_i is the distance from xix_i to the boundary of the window. For the ‘modified border’ correction,

e(xi,xj,r)=1(bi>r)area(Wr)e(x_i,x_j,r) = \frac{1(b_i > r)}{\mbox{area}(W \ominus r)}

where WrW \ominus r is the eroded window obtained by trimming a margin of width rr from the border of the original window. For the ‘translation’ correction,

e(xi,xj,r)=1area(W(W+(xjxi)))e(x_i,x_j,r) = \frac 1 {\mbox{area}(W \cap (W + (x_j - x_i)))}

and for the ‘isotropic’ correction,

e(xi,xj,r)=1area(W)g(xi,xj)e(x_i,x_j,r) = \frac 1 {\mbox{area}(W) g(x_i,x_j)}

where g(xi,xj)g(x_i,x_j) is the fraction of the circumference of the circle with centre xix_i and radius xixj||x_i - x_j|| which lies inside the window.

If renormalise=TRUE (the default), then the estimates described above are multiplied by cnormpowerc^{\mbox{normpower}} where c=area(W)/(1/λ(xi)).c = \mbox{area}(W)/\sum (1/\lambda(x_i)). This rescaling reduces the variability and bias of the estimate in small samples and in cases of very strong inhomogeneity. The default value of normpower is 1 (for consistency with previous versions of spatstat) but the most sensible value is 2, which would correspond to rescaling the lambda values so that (1/λ(xi))=area(W).\sum (1/\lambda(x_i)) = \mbox{area}(W).

If the point pattern X contains more than about 1000 points, the isotropic and translation edge corrections can be computationally prohibitive. The computations for the border method are much faster, and are statistically efficient when there are large numbers of points. Accordingly, if the number of points in X exceeds the threshold nlarge, then only the border correction will be computed. Setting nlarge=Inf or correction="best" will prevent this from happening. Setting nlarge=0 is equivalent to selecting only the border correction with correction="border".

The pair correlation function can also be applied to the result of Kinhom; see pcf.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing at least the following columns,


the vector of values of the argument rr at which Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) has been estimated


vector of values of πr2\pi r^2, the theoretical value of Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) for an inhomogeneous Poisson process

and containing additional columns according to the choice specified in the correction argument. The additional columns are named border, trans and iso and give the estimated values of Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r) using the border correction, translation correction, and Ripley isotropic correction, respectively.

If ratio=TRUE then the return value also has two attributes called "numerator" and "denominator" which are "fv" objects containing the numerators and denominators of each estimate of Kinhom(r)K_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm inhom}}(r).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2000) Non- and semiparametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 54, 329–350.

See Also

Kest, pcf


# inhomogeneous pattern of maples
  X <- unmark(split(lansing)$maple)

  if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    # (1) intensity function estimated by model-fitting
    # Fit spatial trend: polynomial in x and y coordinates
    fit <- ppm(X, ~ polynom(x,y,2), Poisson())
    # (a) predict intensity values at points themselves,
    #     obtaining a vector of lambda values
    lambda <- predict(fit, locations=X, type="trend")
    # inhomogeneous K function
    Ki <- Kinhom(X, lambda)
    # (b) predict intensity at all locations,
    #     obtaining a pixel image
    lambda <- predict(fit, type="trend")
    Ki <- Kinhom(X, lambda)

  # (2) intensity function estimated by heavy smoothing
  Ki <- Kinhom(X, sigma=0.1)

  # (3) simulated data: known intensity function
  lamfun <- function(x,y) { 50 + 100 * x }
  # inhomogeneous Poisson process
  Y <- rpoispp(lamfun, 150, owin())
  # inhomogeneous K function
  Ki <- Kinhom(Y, lamfun)

  # How to make simulation envelopes:
  #      Example shows method (2)
  if(interactive()) {
    smo <- density.ppp(X, sigma=0.1)
    Ken <- envelope(X, Kinhom, nsim=99,
                    sigma=0.1, correction="trans")

Mark-Weighted K Function


Estimates the mark-weighted KK function of a marked point pattern.


Kmark(X, f = NULL, r = NULL,
        correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"), ...,
        f1 = NULL, normalise = TRUE, returnL = FALSE, fargs = NULL)

  markcorrint(X, f = NULL, r = NULL,
              correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"), ...,
              f1 = NULL, normalise = TRUE, returnL = FALSE, fargs = NULL)



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or something acceptable to as.ppp.


Optional. Test function ff used in the definition of the mark correlation function. An R function with at least two arguments. There is a sensible default.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "isotropic", "Ripley" or "translate". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.




An alternative to f. If this argument is given, then ff is assumed to take the form f(u,v)=f1(u)f1(v)f(u,v)=f_1(u)f_1(v).


If normalise=FALSE, compute only the numerator of the expression for the mark correlation.


Compute the analogue of the K-function if returnL=FALSE or the analogue of the L-function if returnL=TRUE.


Optional. A list of extra arguments to be passed to the function f or f1.


The functions Kmark and markcorrint are identical. (Eventually markcorrint will be deprecated.)

The mark-weighted KK function Kf(r)K_f(r) of a marked point process (Penttinen et al, 1992) is a generalisation of Ripley's KK function, in which the contribution from each pair of points is weighted by a function of their marks. If the marks of the two points are m1,m2m_1, m_2 then the weight is proportional to f(m1,m2)f(m_1, m_2) where ff is a specified test function.

The mark-weighted KK function is defined so that

λKf(r)=Cf(r)E[f(M1,M2)]\lambda K_f(r) = \frac{C_f(r)}{E[ f(M_1, M_2) ]}


Cf(r)=E[xXf(m(u),m(x))10<uxr    uX]C_f(r) = E \left[ \sum_{x \in X} f(m(u), m(x)) 1{0 < ||u - x|| \le r} \; \big| \; u \in X \right]

for any spatial location uu taken to be a typical point of the point process XX. Here ux||u-x|| is the euclidean distance between uu and xx, so that the sum is taken over all random points xx that lie within a distance rr of the point uu. The function Cf(r)C_f(r) is the unnormalised mark-weighted KK function. To obtain Kf(r)K_f(r) we standardise Cf(r)C_f(r) by dividing by E[f(M1,M2)]E[f(M_1,M_2)], the expected value of f(M1,M2)f(M_1,M_2) when M1M_1 and M2M_2 are independent random marks with the same distribution as the marks in the point process.

Under the hypothesis of random labelling, the mark-weighted KK function is equal to Ripley's KK function, Kf(r)=K(r)K_f(r) = K(r).

The mark-weighted KK function is sometimes called the mark correlation integral because it is related to the mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) and the pair correlation function g(r)g(r) by

Kf(r)=2π0rskf(s)g(s)dsK_f(r) = 2 \pi \int_0^r s k_f(s) \, g(s) \, {\rm d}s

See markcorr for a definition of the mark correlation function.

Given a marked point pattern X, this command computes edge-corrected estimates of the mark-weighted KK function. If returnL=FALSE then the estimated function Kf(r)K_f(r) is returned; otherwise the function

Lf(r)=Kf(r)/πL_f(r) = \sqrt{K_f(r)/\pi}

is returned.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the mark correlation integral Kf(r)K_f(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Kf(r)K_f(r) when the marks attached to different points are independent, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the mark-weighted KK function Kf(r)K_f(r) obtained by the edge corrections named (if returnL=FALSE).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Penttinen, A., Stoyan, D. and Henttonen, H. M. (1992) Marked point processes in forest statistics. Forest Science 38 (1992) 806-824.

Illian, J., Penttinen, A., Stoyan, H. and Stoyan, D. (2008) Statistical analysis and modelling of spatial point patterns. Chichester: John Wiley.

See Also

markcorr to estimate the mark correlation function.


    # (1) Spruces
    # marks represent tree diameter
    # mark correlation function
    ms <- Kmark(spruces)

    # (2) simulated data with independent marks
    X <- rpoispp(100)
    X <- X %mark% runif(npoints(X))
    Xc <- Kmark(X)
    # Hughes' amacrine data
    # Cells marked as 'on'/'off'
    M <- Kmark(amacrine, function(m1,m2) {m1==m2},

Reduced Second Moment Measure


Estimates the reduced second moment measure κ\kappa from a point pattern in a window of arbitrary shape.


Kmeasure(X, sigma, edge=TRUE, ..., varcov=NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of κ\kappa will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().


Standard deviation σ\sigma of the Gaussian smoothing kernel. Incompatible with varcov.


Logical value indicating whether an edge correction should be applied.


Arguments passed to as.mask controlling the pixel resolution.


Variance-covariance matrix of the Gaussian smoothing kernel. Incompatible with sigma.


Given a point pattern dataset, this command computes an estimate of the reduced second moment measure κ\kappa of the point process. The result is a pixel image whose pixel values are estimates of the density of the reduced second moment measure.

The reduced second moment measure κ\kappa can be regarded as a generalisation of the more familiar KK-function. An estimate of κ\kappa derived from a spatial point pattern dataset can be useful in exploratory data analysis. Its advantage over the KK-function is that it is also sensitive to anisotropy and directional effects.

In a nutshell, the command Kmeasure computes a smoothed version of the Fry plot. As explained under fryplot, the Fry plot is a scatterplot of the vectors joining all pairs of points in the pattern. The reduced second moment measure is (essentially) defined as the average of the Fry plot over different realisations of the point process. The command Kmeasure effectively smooths the Fry plot of a dataset to obtain an estimate of the reduced second moment measure.

In formal terms, the reduced second moment measure κ\kappa of a stationary point process XX is a measure defined on the two-dimensional plane such that, for a ‘typical’ point xx of the process, the expected number of other points yy of the process such that the vector yxy - x lies in a region AA, equals λκ(A)\lambda \kappa(A). Here λ\lambda is the intensity of the process, i.e. the expected number of points of XX per unit area.

The KK-function is a special case. The function value K(t)K(t) is the value of the reduced second moment measure for the disc of radius tt centred at the origin; that is, K(t)=κ(b(0,t))K(t) = \kappa(b(0,t)).

The command Kmeasure computes an estimate of κ\kappa from a point pattern dataset X, which is assumed to be a realisation of a stationary point process, observed inside a known, bounded window. Marks are ignored.

The algorithm approximates the point pattern and its window by binary pixel images, introduces a Gaussian smoothing kernel and uses the Fast Fourier Transform fft to form a density estimate of κ\kappa. The calculation corresponds to the edge correction known as the “translation correction”.

The Gaussian smoothing kernel may be specified by either of the arguments sigma or varcov. If sigma is a single number, this specifies an isotropic Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sigma on each coordinate axis. If sigma is a vector of two numbers, this specifies a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation sigma[1] on the xx axis, standard deviation sigma[2] on the yy axis, and zero correlation between the xx and yy axes. If varcov is given, this specifies the variance-covariance matrix of the Gaussian kernel. There do not seem to be any well-established rules for selecting the smoothing kernel in this context.

The density estimate of κ\kappa is returned in the form of a real-valued pixel image. Pixel values are estimates of the normalised second moment density at the centre of the pixel. (The uniform Poisson process would have values identically equal to 11.) The image x and y coordinates are on the same scale as vector displacements in the original point pattern window. The point x=0, y=0 corresponds to the ‘typical point’. A peak in the image near (0,0) suggests clustering; a dip in the image near (0,0) suggests inhibition; peaks or dips at other positions suggest possible periodicity.

If desired, the value of κ(A)\kappa(A) for a region AA can be estimated by computing the integral of the pixel image over the domain AA, i.e.\ summing the pixel values and multiplying by pixel area, using One possible application is to compute anisotropic counterparts of the KK-function (in which the disc of radius tt is replaced by another shape). See Examples.


A real-valued pixel image (an object of class "im", see im.object) whose pixel values are estimates of the density of the reduced second moment measure at each location.


Some writers use the term reduced second moment measure when they mean the KK-function. This has caused confusion.

As originally defined, the reduced second moment measure is a measure, obtained by modifying the second moment measure, while the KK-function is a function obtained by evaluating this measure for discs of increasing radius. In spatstat, the KK-function is computed by Kest and the reduced second moment measure is computed by Kmeasure.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (1995) Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Kest, fryplot, spatstat.options,, im.object


plot(Kmeasure(cells, 0.05))
 # shows pronounced dip around origin consistent with strong inhibition
 plot(Kmeasure(redwood, 0.03), col=grey(seq(1,0,length=32)))
 # shows peaks at several places, reflecting clustering and ?periodicity
 M <- Kmeasure(cells, 0.05)
 # evaluate measure on a sector
 W <- Window(M)
 ang <-, W)
 rad <-,y){sqrt(x^2+y^2)}, W)
 sector <- solutionset(ang > 0 & ang < 1 & rad < 0.6)[sector, drop=FALSE])

Marked K-Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the multitype KK function which counts the expected number of points of subset JJ within a given distance from a typical point in subset I.


Kmulti(X, I, J, r=NULL, breaks=NULL, correction, ..., rmax=NULL, ratio=FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the multitype KK function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) will be computed. It must be a marked point pattern. See under Details.


Subset index specifying the points of X from which distances are measured. See Details.


Subset index specifying the points in X to which distances are measured. See Details.


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the multitype KK function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr. If necessary, specify rmax.


This argument is for internal use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "periodic", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.




Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


The function Kmulti generalises Kest (for unmarked point patterns) and Kdot and Kcross (for multitype point patterns) to arbitrary marked point patterns.

Suppose XIX_I, XJX_J are subsets, possibly overlapping, of a marked point process. The multitype KK function is defined so that λJKIJ(r)\lambda_J K_{IJ}(r) equals the expected number of additional random points of XJX_J within a distance rr of a typical point of XIX_I. Here λJ\lambda_J is the intensity of XJX_J i.e. the expected number of points of XJX_J per unit area. The function KIJK_{IJ} is determined by the second order moment properties of XX.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp.

The arguments I and J specify two subsets of the point pattern. They may be any type of subset indices, for example, logical vectors of length equal to npoints(X), or integer vectors with entries in the range 1 to npoints(X), or negative integer vectors.

Alternatively, I and J may be functions that will be applied to the point pattern X to obtain index vectors. If I is a function, then evaluating I(X) should yield a valid subset index. This option is useful when generating simulation envelopes using envelope.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.

This algorithm assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape.

Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kest. The edge corrections implemented here are


the border method or “reduced sample” estimator (see Ripley, 1988). This is the least efficient (statistically) and the fastest to compute. It can be computed for a window of arbitrary shape.


Ripley's isotropic correction (see Ripley, 1988; Ohser, 1983). This is currently implemented only for rectangular and polygonal windows.


Translation correction (Ohser, 1983). Implemented for all window geometries.

The pair correlation function pcf can also be applied to the result of Kmulti.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.

If ratio=TRUE then the return value also has two attributes called "numerator" and "denominator" which are "fv" objects containing the numerators and denominators of each estimate of K(r)K(r).


The function KIJK_{IJ} is not necessarily differentiable.

The border correction (reduced sample) estimator of KIJK_{IJ} used here is pointwise approximately unbiased, but need not be a nondecreasing function of rr, while the true KIJK_{IJ} must be nondecreasing.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Cressie, N.A.C. Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Diggle, P.J. Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Academic Press, 1983.

Diggle, P. J. (1986). Displaced amacrine cells in the retina of a rabbit : analysis of a bivariate spatial point pattern. J. Neurosci. Meth. 18, 115–125.

Harkness, R.D and Isham, V. (1983) A bivariate spatial point pattern of ants' nests. Applied Statistics 32, 293–303

Lotwick, H. W. and Silverman, B. W. (1982). Methods for analysing spatial processes of several types of points. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 406–413.

Ripley, B.D. Statistical inference for spatial processes. Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag, 1995.

Van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Baddeley, A.J. (1999) Indices of dependence between types in multivariate point patterns. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26, 511–532.

See Also

Kcross, Kdot, Kest, pcf


# Longleaf Pine data: marks represent diameter
    trees <- longleaf
    K <- Kmulti(trees, marks(trees) <= 15, marks(trees) >= 25)
    # functions determining subsets
    f1 <- function(X) { marks(X) <= 15 }
    f2 <- function(X) { marks(X) >= 15 }
    K <- Kmulti(trees, f1, f2)

Inhomogeneous Marked K-Function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the multitype KK function which counts the expected number of points of subset JJ within a given distance from a typical point in subset I, adjusted for spatially varying intensity.


Kmulti.inhom(X, I, J, lambdaI=NULL, lambdaJ=NULL,
          r=NULL, breaks=NULL,
          correction=c("border", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
          sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL,
          lambdaX=NULL, update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype KK function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) will be computed. It must be a marked point pattern. See under Details.


Subset index specifying the points of X from which distances are measured. See Details.


Subset index specifying the points in X to which distances are measured. See Details.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process X[I]. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X[I], a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity of the sub-process X[J]. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X[J], a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.




Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the multitype KK function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. First-time users are strongly advised not to specify this argument. See below for important conditions on rr.


This argument is for internal use only.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Optional. A matrix containing estimates of the product of the intensities lambdaI and lambdaJ for each pair of points, the first point belonging to subset I and the second point to subset J.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Optional. Values of the intensity for all points of X. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a numeric vector containing the intensity values at each of the points in X, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm"), or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location. If present, this argument overrides both lambdaI and lambdaJ.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambdaI, lambdaJ or lambdaX is a fitted point process model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


The function Kmulti.inhom is the counterpart, for spatially-inhomogeneous marked point patterns, of the multitype KK function Kmulti.

Suppose XX is a marked point process, with marks of any kind. Suppose XIX_I, XJX_J are two sub-processes, possibly overlapping. Typically XIX_I would consist of those points of XX whose marks lie in a specified range of mark values, and similarly for XJX_J. Suppose that λI(u)\lambda_I(u), λJ(u)\lambda_J(u) are the spatially-varying intensity functions of XIX_I and XJX_J respectively. Consider all the pairs of points (u,v)(u,v) in the point process XX such that the first point uu belongs to XIX_I, the second point vv belongs to XJX_J, and the distance between uu and vv is less than a specified distance rr. Give this pair (u,v)(u,v) the numerical weight 1/(λI(u)λJ(u))1/(\lambda_I(u)\lambda_J(u)). Calculate the sum of these weights over all pairs of points as described. This sum (after appropriate edge-correction and normalisation) is the estimated inhomogeneous multitype KK function.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp.

The arguments I and J specify two subsets of the point pattern. They may be any type of subset indices, for example, logical vectors of length equal to npoints(X), or integer vectors with entries in the range 1 to npoints(X), or negative integer vectors.

Alternatively, I and J may be functions that will be applied to the point pattern X to obtain index vectors. If I is a function, then evaluating I(X) should yield a valid subset index. This option is useful when generating simulation envelopes using envelope.

The argument lambdaI supplies the values of the intensity of the sub-process identified by index I. It may be either

a pixel image

(object of class "im") which gives the values of the intensity of X[I] at all locations in the window containing X;

a numeric vector

containing the values of the intensity of X[I] evaluated only at the data points of X[I]. The length of this vector must equal the number of points in X[I].

a function

of the form function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.

a fitted point process model

(object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") whose fitted trend can be used as the fitted intensity. (If update=TRUE the model will first be refitted to the data X before the trend is computed.)


if lambdaI is omitted then it will be estimated using a leave-one-out kernel smoother.

If lambdaI is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother, as described in Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000). The estimate of lambdaI for a given point is computed by removing the point from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point in question. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.

Similarly lambdaJ supplies the values of the intensity of the sub-process identified by index J.

Alternatively if the argument lambdaX is given, then it specifies the intensity values for all points of X, and the arguments lambdaI, lambdaJ will be ignored.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) should be evaluated. It is also used to determine the breakpoints (in the sense of hist) for the computation of histograms of distances.

First-time users would be strongly advised not to specify r. However, if it is specified, r must satisfy r[1] = 0, and max(r) must be larger than the radius of the largest disc contained in the window.

Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kinhom. The edge corrections implemented here are


the border method or “reduced sample” estimator (see Ripley, 1988). This is the least efficient (statistically) and the fastest to compute. It can be computed for a window of arbitrary shape.


Ripley's isotropic correction (see Ripley, 1988; Ohser, 1983). This is currently implemented only for rectangular windows.


Translation correction (Ohser, 1983). Implemented for all window geometries.

The pair correlation function pcf can also be applied to the result of Kmulti.inhom.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) for a marked Poisson process, namely πr2\pi r^2

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function KIJ(r)K_{IJ}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2000) Non- and semiparametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 54, 329–350.

See Also

Kmulti, Kdot.inhom, Kcross.inhom, pcf


# Finnish Pines data: marked by diameter and height
    plot(finpines, which.marks="height")
    II <- (marks(finpines)$height <= 2)
    JJ <- (marks(finpines)$height > 3)
    K <- Kmulti.inhom(finpines, II, JJ)
    # functions determining subsets
    f1 <- function(X) { marks(X)$height <= 2 }
    f2 <- function(X) { marks(X)$height > 3 }
    K <- Kmulti.inhom(finpines, f1, f2)

Locally Scaled K-function


Estimates the locally-rescaled KK-function of a point process.


Kscaled(X, lambda=NULL, ..., r = NULL, breaks = NULL,
    rmax = 2.5, 
    correction=c("border", "isotropic", "translate"),
    renormalise=FALSE, normpower=1,
    sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL)




The observed data point pattern, from which an estimate of the locally scaled KK function will be computed. An object of class "ppp" or in a format recognised by as.ppp().


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location, or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm").


Arguments passed from Lscaled to Kscaled and from Kscaled to density.ppp if lambda is omitted.


vector of values for the argument rr at which the locally scaled KK function should be evaluated. (These are rescaled distances.) Not normally given by the user; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


maximum value of the argument rr that should be used. (This is the rescaled distance).


A character vector containing any selection of the options "border", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Logical. Whether to renormalise the estimate. See Details.


Integer (usually either 1 or 2). Normalisation power. See Details.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Kscaled computes an estimate of the KK function for a locally scaled point process. Lscaled computes the corresponding LL function L(r)=K(r)/πL(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/\pi}.

Locally scaled point processes are a class of models for inhomogeneous point patterns, introduced by Hahn et al (2003). They include inhomogeneous Poisson processes, and many other models.

The template KK function of a locally-scaled process is a counterpart of the “ordinary” Ripley KK function, in which the distances between points of the process are measured on a spatially-varying scale (such that the locally rescaled process has unit intensity).

The template KK function is an indicator of interaction between the points. For an inhomogeneous Poisson process, the theoretical template KK function is approximately equal to K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2. Values Kscaled(r)>πr2K_{\rm scaled}(r) > \pi r^2 are suggestive of clustering.

Kscaled computes an estimate of the template KK function and Lscaled computes the corresponding LL function L(r)=K(r)/πL(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/\pi}.

The locally scaled interpoint distances are computed using an approximation proposed by Hahn (2007). The Euclidean distance between two points is multiplied by the average of the square roots of the intensity values at the two points.

The argument lambda should supply the (estimated) values of the intensity function λ\lambda. It may be either

a numeric vector

containing the values of the intensity function at the points of the pattern X.

a pixel image

(object of class "im") assumed to contain the values of the intensity function at all locations in the window.

a function

which can be evaluated to give values of the intensity at any locations.


if lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother.

If lambda is a numeric vector, then its length should be equal to the number of points in the pattern X. The value lambda[i] is assumed to be the the (estimated) value of the intensity λ(xi)\lambda(x_i) for the point xix_i of the pattern XX. Each value must be a positive number; NA's are not allowed.

If lambda is a pixel image, the domain of the image should cover the entire window of the point pattern. If it does not (which may occur near the boundary because of discretisation error), then the missing pixel values will be obtained by applying a Gaussian blur to lambda using blur, then looking up the values of this blurred image for the missing locations. (A warning will be issued in this case.)

If lambda is a function, then it will be evaluated in the form lambda(x,y) where x and y are vectors of coordinates of the points of X. It should return a numeric vector with length equal to the number of points in X.

If lambda is omitted, then it will be estimated using a ‘leave-one-out’ kernel smoother, as described in Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000). The estimate lambda[i] for the point X[i] is computed by removing X[i] from the point pattern, applying kernel smoothing to the remaining points using density.ppp, and evaluating the smoothed intensity at the point X[i]. The smoothing kernel bandwidth is controlled by the arguments sigma and varcov, which are passed to density.ppp along with any extra arguments.

If renormalise=TRUE, the estimated intensity lambda is multiplied by c(normpower/2)c^(normpower/2) before performing other calculations, where c=area(W)/sum[i](1/lambda(x[i]))c = area(W)/sum[i] (1/lambda(x[i])). This renormalisation has about the same effect as in Kinhom, reducing the variability and bias of the estimate in small samples and in cases of very strong inhomogeneity.

Edge corrections are used to correct bias in the estimation of KscaledK_{\rm scaled}. First the interpoint distances are rescaled, and then edge corrections are applied as in Kest. See Kest for details of the edge corrections and the options for the argument correction.

The pair correlation function can also be applied to the result of Kscaled; see pcf and pcf.fv.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing at least the following columns,


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the pair correlation function g(r)g(r) has been estimated


vector of values of πr2\pi r^2, the theoretical value of Kscaled(r)K_{\rm scaled}(r) for an inhomogeneous Poisson process

and containing additional columns according to the choice specified in the correction argument. The additional columns are named border, trans and iso and give the estimated values of Kscaled(r)K_{\rm scaled}(r) using the border correction, translation correction, and Ripley isotropic correction, respectively.


Ute Hahn, Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2000) Non- and semiparametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 54, 329–350.

Hahn, U. (2007) Global and Local Scaling in the Statistics of Spatial Point Processes. Habilitationsschrift, Universitaet Augsburg.

Hahn, U., Jensen, E.B.V., van Lieshout, M.N.M. and Nielsen, L.S. (2003) Inhomogeneous spatial point processes by location-dependent scaling. Advances in Applied Probability 35, 319–336.

Prokesova, M., Hahn, U. and Vedel Jensen, E.B. (2006) Statistics for locally scaled point patterns. In A. Baddeley, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica and D. Stoyan (eds.) Case Studies in Spatial Point Pattern Modelling. Lecture Notes in Statistics 185. New York: Springer Verlag. Pages 99–123.

See Also

Kest, pcf


X <- unmark(bronzefilter)
  K <- Kscaled(X)
  if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    fit <- ppm(X, ~x)
    lam <- predict(fit)
    K <- Kscaled(X, lam)

Sector K-function


A directional counterpart of Ripley's KK function, in which pairs of points are counted only when the vector joining the pair happens to lie in a particular range of angles.


Ksector(X, begin = 0, end = 360, ...,
        units = c("degrees", "radians"), 
        r = NULL, breaks = NULL,
        correction = c("border", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
        domain=NULL, ratio = FALSE, verbose=TRUE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of K(r)K(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().

begin, end

Numeric values giving the range of angles inside which points will be counted. Angles are measured in degrees (if units="degrees", the default) or radians (if units="radians") anti-clockwise from the positive xx-axis.




Units in which the angles begin and end are expressed.


Optional. Vector of values for the argument rr at which K(r)K(r) should be evaluated. Users are advised not to specify this argument; there is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Optional. A character vector containing any selection of the options "none", "border", "bord.modif", "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "none", "good" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Optional window. The first point xix_i of each pair of points will be constrained to lie in domain.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports and warnings.


This is a directional counterpart of Ripley's KK function (see Kest) in which, instead of counting all pairs of points within a specified distance rr, we count only the pairs (xi,xj)(x_i, x_j) for which the vector xjxix_j - x_i falls in a particular range of angles.

This can be used to evaluate evidence for anisotropy in the point pattern X.


An object of class "fv" containing the estimated function.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

Rolf Turner [email protected]

and Ege Rubak [email protected]

See Also



K <- Ksector(swedishpines, 0, 90)

Laslett's Transform


Apply Laslett's Transform to a spatial region, returning the original and transformed regions, and the original and transformed positions of the lower tangent points. This is a diagnostic for the Boolean model.


laslett(X, ..., verbose = FALSE, plotit = TRUE, discretise = FALSE,
        type=c("lower", "upper", "left", "right"))



Spatial region to be transformed. A window (object of class "owin") or a logical-valued pixel image (object of class "im").


Graphics arguments to control the plot (passed to plot.laslett when plotit=TRUE) or arguments determining the pixel resolution (passed to as.mask).


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


Logical value indicating whether to plot the result.


Logical value indicating whether polygonal windows should first be converted to pixel masks before the Laslett transform is computed. This should be set to TRUE for very complicated polygons.


Type of tangent points to be detected. This also determines the direction of contraction in the set transformation. Default is type="lower".


This function finds the lower tangent points of the spatial region X, then applies Laslett's Transform to the space, and records the transformed positions of the lower tangent points.

Laslett's transform is a diagnostic for the Boolean Model. A test of the Boolean model can be performed by applying a test of CSR to the transformed tangent points. See the Examples.

The rationale is that, if the region X was generated by a Boolean model with convex grains, then the lower tangent points of X, when subjected to Laslett's transform, become a Poisson point process (Cressie, 1993, section 9.3.5; Molchanov, 1997; Barbour and Schmidt, 2001).

Intuitively, Laslett's transform is a way to account for the fact that tangent points of X cannot occur inside X. It treats the interior of X as empty space, and collapses this empty space so that only the exterior of X remains. In this collapsed space, the tangent points are completely random.

Formally, Laslett's transform is a random (i.e. data-dependent) spatial transformation which maps each spatial location (x,y)(x,y) to a new location (x,y)(x',y) at the same height yy. The transformation is defined so that xx' is the total uncovered length of the line segment from (0,y)(0,y) to (x,y)(x,y), that is, the total length of the parts of this segment that fall outside the region X.

In more colourful terms, suppose we use an abacus to display a pixellated version of X. Each wire of the abacus represents one horizontal line in the pixel image. Each pixel lying outside the region X is represented by a bead of the abacus; pixels inside X are represented by the absence of a bead. Next we find any beads which are lower tangent points of X, and paint them green. Then Laslett's Transform is applied by pushing all beads to the left, as far as possible. The final locations of all the beads provide a new spatial region, inside which is the point pattern of tangent points (marked by the green-painted beads).

If plotit=TRUE (the default), a before-and-after plot is generated, showing the region X and the tangent points before and after the transformation. This plot can also be generated by calling plot(a) where a is the object returned by the function laslett.

If the argument type is given, then this determines the type of tangents that will be detected, and also the direction of contraction in Laslett's transform. The computation is performed by first rotating X, applying Laslett's transform for lower tangent points, then rotating back.

There are separate algorithms for polygonal windows and pixellated windows (binary masks). The polygonal algorithm may be slow for very complicated polygons. If this happens, setting discretise=TRUE will convert the polygonal window to a binary mask and invoke the pixel raster algorithm.


A list, which also belongs to the class "laslett" so that it can immediately be printed and plotted.

The list elements are:


the original dataset X;


a point pattern, whose window is Frame(X), containing the lower tangent points of X;


a point pattern, whose window is the Laslett transform of Frame(X), and which contains the Laslett-transformed positions of the tangent points;


a rectangular window, which is the largest rectangle lying inside the transformed set;


a data frame giving the locations of the tangent points before and after transformation.


character string specifying the type of tangents.


Kassel Hingee and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Barbour, A.D. and Schmidt, V. (2001) On Laslett's Transform for the Boolean Model. Advances in Applied Probability 33(1), 1–5.

Cressie, N.A.C. (1993) Statistics for spatial data, second edition. John Wiley and Sons.

Molchanov, I. (1997) Statistics of the Boolean Model for Practitioners and Mathematicians. Wiley.

See Also



a <- laslett(heather$coarse)
transformedHeather <- with(a, Window(TanNew))
plot(transformedHeather, invert=TRUE)

with(a, clarkevans.test(TanNew[Rect], correction="D", nsim=39))

X <- discs(runifrect(15) %mark% 0.2, npoly=16)
b <- laslett(X, type="left")

Multitype L-function (cross-type)


Calculates an estimate of the cross-type L-function for a multitype point pattern.


Lcross(X, i, j, ..., from, to, correction)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the cross-type LL function Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).

correction, ...

Arguments passed to Kcross.

from, to

An alternative way to specify i and j respectively.


The cross-type L-function is a transformation of the cross-type K-function,

Lij(r)=Kij(r)πL_{ij}(r) = \sqrt{\frac{K_{ij}(r)}{\pi}}

where Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) is the cross-type K-function from type i to type j. See Kcross for information about the cross-type K-function.

The command Lcross first calls Kcross to compute the estimate of the cross-type K-function, and then applies the square root transformation.

For a marked point pattern in which the points of type i are independent of the points of type j, the theoretical value of the L-function is Lij(r)=rL_{ij}(r) = r. The square root also has the effect of stabilising the variance of the estimator, so that LijL_{ij} is more appropriate for use in simulation envelopes and hypothesis tests.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function LijL_{ij} has been estimated


the theoretical value Lij(r)=rL_{ij}(r) = r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function LijL_{ij} obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Kcross, Ldot, Lest


L <- Lcross(amacrine, "off", "on")

Inhomogeneous Cross Type L Function


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the cross-type LL function.


Lcross.inhom(X, i, j, ..., correction)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous cross type LL function Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).

correction, ...

Other arguments passed to Kcross.inhom.


This is a generalisation of the function Lcross to include an adjustment for spatially inhomogeneous intensity, in a manner similar to the function Linhom.

All the arguments are passed to Kcross.inhom, which estimates the inhomogeneous multitype K function Kij(r)K_{ij}(r) for the point pattern. The resulting values are then transformed by taking L(r)=K(r)/πL(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/\pi}.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) for a marked Poisson process, identically equal to r

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


The arguments i and j are always interpreted as levels of the factor X$marks. They are converted to character strings if they are not already character strings. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes Chapman and Hall/CRC Boca Raton, 2003.

See Also

Lcross, Linhom, Kcross.inhom


# Lansing Woods data
    woods <- lansing
    ma <- split(woods)$maple
    wh <- split(woods)$whiteoak

    # method (1): estimate intensities by nonparametric smoothing
    lambdaM <- density.ppp(ma, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    lambdaW <- density.ppp(wh, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    L <- Lcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple", lambdaW, lambdaM)

    # method (2): fit parametric intensity model
    if(require("spatstat.model"))  {
      fit <- ppm(woods ~marks * polynom(x,y,2))
      # evaluate fitted intensities at data points
      # (these are the intensities of the sub-processes of each type)
      inten <- fitted(fit, dataonly=TRUE)
      # split according to types of points
      lambda <- split(inten, marks(woods))
      L <- Lcross.inhom(woods, "whiteoak", "maple",
                        lambda$whiteoak, lambda$maple)

    # synthetic example: type A points have intensity 50,
    #                    type B points have intensity 100 * x
    lamB <-,y){50 + 100 * x}, owin())
    X <- superimpose(A=runifpoispp(50), B=rpoispp(lamB))
    L <- Lcross.inhom(X, "A", "B",, Window(X)), lambdaJ=lamB)

Multitype L-function (i-to-any)


Calculates an estimate of the multitype L-function (from type i to any type) for a multitype point pattern.


Ldot(X, i, ..., from, correction)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the dot-type LL function Lij(r)L_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).

correction, ...

Arguments passed to Kdot.


An alternative way to specify i.


This command computes

Li(r)=Ki(r)πL_{i\bullet}(r) = \sqrt{\frac{K_{i\bullet}(r)}{\pi}}

where Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) is the multitype KK-function from points of type i to points of any type. See Kdot for information about Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r).

The command Ldot first calls Kdot to compute the estimate of the i-to-any KK-function, and then applies the square root transformation.

For a marked Poisson point process, the theoretical value of the L-function is Li(r)=rL_{i\bullet}(r) = r. The square root also has the effect of stabilising the variance of the estimator, so that LiL_{i\bullet} is more appropriate for use in simulation envelopes and hypothesis tests.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function LiL_{i\bullet} has been estimated


the theoretical value Li(r)=rL_{i\bullet}(r) = r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function LiL_{i\bullet} obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Kdot, Lcross, Lest


L <- Ldot(amacrine, "off")

Inhomogeneous Multitype L Dot Function


For a multitype point pattern, estimate the inhomogeneous version of the dot LL function.


Ldot.inhom(X, i, ..., correction)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous cross type LL function Li(r)L_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor). See under Details.


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).

correction, ...

Other arguments passed to Kdot.inhom.


This a generalisation of the function Ldot to include an adjustment for spatially inhomogeneous intensity, in a manner similar to the function Linhom.

All the arguments are passed to Kdot.inhom, which estimates the inhomogeneous multitype K function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r) for the point pattern. The resulting values are then transformed by taking L(r)=K(r)/πL(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/\pi}.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the function Li(r)L_{i\bullet}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of Li(r)L_{i\bullet}(r) for a marked Poisson process, identical to rr.

together with a column or columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function Li(r)L_{i\bullet}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


The argument i is interpreted as a level of the factor X$marks. It is converted to a character string if it is not already a character string. The value i=1 does not refer to the first level of the factor.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes Chapman and Hall/CRC Boca Raton, 2003.

See Also

Ldot, Linhom, Kdot.inhom, Lcross.inhom.


# Lansing Woods data
    lan <- lansing
    lan <- lan[seq(1,npoints(lan), by=10)]
    ma <- split(lan)$maple
    lg <- unmark(lan)

    # Estimate intensities by nonparametric smoothing
    lambdaM <- density(ma, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    lambdadot <- density(lg, sigma=0.15, at="points")
    L <- Ldot.inhom(lan, "maple", lambdaI=lambdaM,

    # synthetic example: type A points have intensity 50,
    #                    type B points have intensity 50 + 100 * x
    lamB <-,y){50 + 100 * x}, owin())
    lamdot <-,y) { 100 + 100 * x}, owin())
    X <- superimpose(A=runifpoispp(50), B=rpoispp(lamB))
    L <- Ldot.inhom(X, "B",  lambdaI=lamB,     lambdadot=lamdot)



Calculates an estimate of the LL-function (Besag's transformation of Ripley's KK-function) for a spatial point pattern.


Lest(X, ..., correction)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of L(r)L(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().

correction, ...

Other arguments passed to Kest to control the estimation procedure.


This command computes an estimate of the LL-function for the spatial point pattern X. The LL-function is a transformation of Ripley's KK-function,

L(r)=K(r)πL(r) = \sqrt{\frac{K(r)}{\pi}}

where K(r)K(r) is the KK-function.

See Kest for information about Ripley's KK-function. The transformation to LL was proposed by Besag (1977).

The command Lest first calls Kest to compute the estimate of the KK-function, and then applies the square root transformation.

For a completely random (uniform Poisson) point pattern, the theoretical value of the LL-function is L(r)=rL(r) = r. The square root also has the effect of stabilising the variance of the estimator, so that L(r)L(r) is more appropriate for use in simulation envelopes and hypothesis tests.

See Kest for the list of arguments.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function LL has been estimated


the theoretical value L(r)=rL(r) = r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function L(r)L(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.

Variance approximations

If the argument var.approx=TRUE is given, the return value includes columns rip and ls containing approximations to the variance of L^(r)\hat L(r) under CSR. These are obtained by the delta method from the variance approximations described in Kest.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Besag, J. (1977) Discussion of Dr Ripley's paper. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 193–195.

See Also

Kest, pcf


L <- Lest(cells)
 plot(L, main="L function for cells")

Inhomogeneous L-function


Calculates an estimate of the inhomogeneous version of the LL-function (Besag's transformation of Ripley's KK-function) for a spatial point pattern.


Linhom(X, ..., correction)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of L(r)L(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().

correction, ...

Other arguments passed to Kinhom to control the estimation procedure.


This command computes an estimate of the inhomogeneous version of the LL-function for a spatial point pattern.

The original LL-function is a transformation (proposed by Besag) of Ripley's KK-function,

L(r)=K(r)πL(r) = \sqrt{\frac{K(r)}{\pi}}

where K(r)K(r) is the Ripley KK-function of a spatially homogeneous point pattern, estimated by Kest.

The inhomogeneous LL-function is the corresponding transformation of the inhomogeneous KK-function, estimated by Kinhom. It is appropriate when the point pattern clearly does not have a homogeneous intensity of points. It was proposed by Baddeley, Moller and Waagepetersen (2000).

The command Linhom first calls Kinhom to compute the estimate of the inhomogeneous K-function, and then applies the square root transformation.

For a Poisson point pattern (homogeneous or inhomogeneous), the theoretical value of the inhomogeneous LL-function is L(r)=rL(r) = r. The square root also has the effect of stabilising the variance of the estimator, so that LL is more appropriate for use in simulation envelopes and hypothesis tests.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function LL has been estimated


the theoretical value L(r)=rL(r) = r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function L(r)L(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2000) Non- and semiparametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns. Statistica Neerlandica 54, 329–350.

See Also

Kest, Lest, Kinhom, pcf


X <- japanesepines
 L <- Linhom(X, sigma=0.1)
 plot(L, main="Inhomogeneous L function for Japanese Pines")

Neighbourhood density function


Computes the neighbourhood density function, a local version of the KK-function or LL-function, defined by Getis and Franklin (1987).


localK(X, ..., rmax = NULL, correction = "Ripley", verbose = TRUE, rvalue=NULL)
  localL(X, ..., rmax = NULL, correction = "Ripley", verbose = TRUE, rvalue=NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").




Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


String specifying the edge correction to be applied. Options are "none", "translate", "translation", "Ripley", "isotropic" or "best". Only one correction may be specified.


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports during the calculation.


Optional. A single value of the distance argument rr at which the function L or K should be computed.


The command localL computes the neighbourhood density function, a local version of the LL-function (Besag's transformation of Ripley's KK-function) that was proposed by Getis and Franklin (1987). The command localK computes the corresponding local analogue of the K-function.

Given a spatial point pattern X, the neighbourhood density function Li(r)L_i(r) associated with the iith point in X is computed by

Li(r)=a(n1)πjeijL_i(r) = \sqrt{\frac a {(n-1) \pi} \sum_j e_{ij}}

where the sum is over all points jij \neq i that lie within a distance rr of the iith point, aa is the area of the observation window, nn is the number of points in X, and eije_{ij} is an edge correction term (as described in Kest). The value of Li(r)L_i(r) can also be interpreted as one of the summands that contributes to the global estimate of the L function.

By default, the function Li(r)L_i(r) or Ki(r)K_i(r) is computed for a range of rr values for each point ii. The results are stored as a function value table (object of class "fv") with a column of the table containing the function estimates for each point of the pattern X.

Alternatively, if the argument rvalue is given, and it is a single number, then the function will only be computed for this value of rr, and the results will be returned as a numeric vector, with one entry of the vector for each point of the pattern X.

Inhomogeneous counterparts of localK and localL are computed by localKinhom and localLinhom.


If rvalue is given, the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in the point pattern.

If rvalue is absent, the result is an object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv. Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 or L(r)=rL(r)=r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns containing the values of the neighbourhood density function for each point in the pattern. Column i corresponds to the ith point. The last two columns contain the r and theo values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Getis, A. and Franklin, J. (1987) Second-order neighbourhood analysis of mapped point patterns. Ecology 68, 473–477.

See Also

Kest, Lest, localKinhom, localLinhom.


X <- ponderosa

  # compute all the local L functions
  L <- localL(X)

  # plot all the local L functions against r
  plot(L, main="local L functions for ponderosa", legend=FALSE)

  # plot only the local L function for point number 7
  plot(L, iso007 ~ r)
  # compute the values of L(r) for r = 12 metres
  L12 <- localL(X, rvalue=12)

  # Spatially interpolate the values of L12
  # Compare Figure 5(b) of Getis and Franklin (1987)
  X12 <- X %mark% L12
  Z <- Smooth(X12, sigma=5, dimyx=128)

  plot(Z, col=topo.colors(128), main="smoothed neighbourhood density")
  contour(Z, add=TRUE)
  points(X, pch=16, cex=0.5)

Local Multitype K Function (Cross-Type)


for a multitype point pattern, computes the cross-type version of the local K function.


localKcross(X, from, to, ..., rmax = NULL,
              correction = "Ripley", verbose = TRUE, rvalue=NULL)
  localLcross(X, from, to, ..., rmax = NULL, correction = "Ripley")



A multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp" with marks which are a factor).


Further arguments passed from localLcross to localKcross.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


Type of points from which distances should be measured. A single value; one of the possible levels of marks(X), or an integer indicating which level.


Type of points to which distances should be measured. A single value; one of the possible levels of marks(X), or an integer indicating which level.


String specifying the edge correction to be applied. Options are "none", "translate", "translation", "Ripley", "isotropic" or "best". Only one correction may be specified.


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports during the calculation.


Optional. A single value of the distance argument rr at which the function L or K should be computed.


Given a multitype spatial point pattern X, the local cross-type KK function localKcross is the local version of the multitype KK function Kcross. Recall that Kcross(X, from, to) is a sum of contributions from all pairs of points in X where the first point belongs to from and the second point belongs to type to. The local cross-type KK function is defined for each point X[i] that belongs to type from, and it consists of all the contributions to the cross-type KK function that originate from point X[i]:

Ki,from,to(r)=a(n1)πjeijK_{i,from,to}(r) = \sqrt{\frac a {(n-1) \pi} \sum_j e_{ij}}

where the sum is over all points jij \neq i belonging to type to, that lie within a distance rr of the iith point, aa is the area of the observation window, nn is the number of points in X, and eije_{ij} is an edge correction term (as described in Kest). The value of Ki,from,to(r)K_{i,from,to}(r) can also be interpreted as one of the summands that contributes to the global estimate of the Kcross function.

By default, the function Ki,from,to(r)K_{i,from,to}(r) is computed for a range of rr values for each point ii belonging to type from. The results are stored as a function value table (object of class "fv") with a column of the table containing the function estimates for each point of the pattern X belonging to type from.

Alternatively, if the argument rvalue is given, and it is a single number, then the function will only be computed for this value of rr, and the results will be returned as a numeric vector, with one entry of the vector for each point of the pattern X belonging to type from.

The local cross-type LL function localLcross is computed by applying the transformation L(r)=K(r)/(2π)L(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/(2\pi)}.


If rvalue is given, the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in the point pattern that belong to type from.

If rvalue is absent, the result is an object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv. Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 or L(r)=rL(r)=r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns containing the values of the neighbourhood density function for each point in the pattern. Column i corresponds to the ith point of type from. The last two columns contain the r and theo values.


Ege Rubak [email protected] and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

Kcross, Lcross, localK, localL.

Inhomogeneous counterparts of localK and localL are computed by localKcross.inhom and localLinhom.


X <- amacrine

  # compute all the local Lcross functions
  L <- localLcross(X)

  # plot all the local Lcross functions against r
  plot(L, main="local Lcross functions for amacrine", legend=FALSE)

  # plot only the local L function for point number 7
  plot(L, iso007 ~ r)
  # compute the values of L(r) for r = 0.1 metres
  L12 <- localLcross(X, rvalue=0.1)

Inhomogeneous Multitype K Function


Computes spatially-weighted versions of the the local multitype KK-function or LL-function.


localKcross.inhom(X, from, to,
              lambdaFrom=NULL, lambdaTo=NULL,
              ..., rmax = NULL,
              correction = "Ripley", sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL,
              lambdaX=NULL, update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE)
  localLcross.inhom(X, from, to,
              lambdaFrom=NULL, lambdaTo=NULL, ..., rmax = NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Type of points from which distances should be measured. A single value; one of the possible levels of marks(X), or an integer indicating which level.


Type of points to which distances should be measured. A single value; one of the possible levels of marks(X), or an integer indicating which level.

lambdaFrom, lambdaTo

Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function for the points of type from and to, respectively. Each argument should be either a vector giving the intensity values at the required points, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Extra arguments. Ignored if lambda is present. Passed to density.ppp if lambda is omitted.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


String specifying the edge correction to be applied. Options are "none", "translate", "Ripley", "translation", "isotropic" or "best". Only one correction may be specified.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the kernel smoothing procedure for estimating lambdaFrom and lambdaTo, if they are missing.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function for all points of X. Either a vector giving the intensity values at each point of X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a list of pixel images giving the intensity values at all locations for each type of point, or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm") or a function(x,y) or function(x,y,m) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambdaFrom, lambdaTo or lambdaX is a fitted model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


The functions localKcross.inhom and localLcross.inhom are inhomogeneous or weighted versions of the local multitype KK and LL functions implemented in localKcross and localLcross.

Given a multitype spatial point pattern X, and two designated types from and to, the local multitype KK function is defined for each point X[i] that belongs to type from, and is computed by

Ki(r)=1πjeijλjK_i(r) = \sqrt{\frac 1 \pi \sum_j \frac{e_{ij}}{\lambda_j}}

where the sum is over all points jij \neq i of type to that lie within a distance rr of the iith point, λj\lambda_j is the estimated intensity of the point pattern at the point jj, and eije_{ij} is an edge correction term (as described in Kest).

The function Ki(r)K_i(r) is computed for a range of rr values for each point ii. The results are stored as a function value table (object of class "fv") with a column of the table containing the function estimates for each point of the pattern X of type from.

The corresponding LL function Li(r)L_i(r) is computed by applying the transformation L(r)=K(r)/(2π)L(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/(2\pi)}.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv. Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 or L(r)=rL(r)=r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns containing the values of the neighbourhood density function for each point in the pattern of type from. The last two columns contain the r and theo values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

Kinhom, Linhom, localK, localL.


X <- amacrine

  # compute all the local L functions
  L <- localLcross.inhom(X)

  # plot all the local L functions against r
  plot(L, main="local L functions for ponderosa", legend=FALSE)

  # plot only the local L function for point number 7
  plot(L, iso007 ~ r)

Local Multitype K Function (Dot-Type)


for a multitype point pattern, computes the dot-type version of the local K function.


localKdot(X, from, ..., rmax = NULL,
              correction = "Ripley", verbose = TRUE, rvalue=NULL)
  localLdot(X, from, ..., rmax = NULL, correction = "Ripley")



A multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp" with marks which are a factor).


Further arguments passed from localLdot to localKdot.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


Type of points from which distances should be measured. A single value; one of the possible levels of marks(X), or an integer indicating which level.


String specifying the edge correction to be applied. Options are "none", "translate", "translation", "Ripley", "isotropic" or "best". Only one correction may be specified.


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports during the calculation.


Optional. A single value of the distance argument rr at which the function L or K should be computed.


Given a multitype spatial point pattern X, the local dot-type KK function localKdot is the local version of the multitype KK function Kdot. Recall that Kdot(X, from) is a sum of contributions from all pairs of points in X where the first point belongs to from. The local dot-type KK function is defined for each point X[i] that belongs to type from, and it consists of all the contributions to the dot-type KK function that originate from point X[i]:

Ki,from,to(r)=a(n1)πjeijK_{i,from,to}(r) = \sqrt{\frac a {(n-1) \pi} \sum_j e_{ij}}

where the sum is over all points jij \neq i that lie within a distance rr of the iith point, aa is the area of the observation window, nn is the number of points in X, and eije_{ij} is an edge correction term (as described in Kest). The value of Ki,from(r)K_{i,from}(r) can also be interpreted as one of the summands that contributes to the global estimate of the Kdot function.

By default, the function Ki,from(r)K_{i,from}(r) is computed for a range of rr values for each point ii belonging to type from. The results are stored as a function value table (object of class "fv") with a column of the table containing the function estimates for each point of the pattern X belonging to type from.

Alternatively, if the argument rvalue is given, and it is a single number, then the function will only be computed for this value of rr, and the results will be returned as a numeric vector, with one entry of the vector for each point of the pattern X belonging to type from.

The local dot-type LL function localLdot is computed by applying the transformation L(r)=K(r)/(2π)L(r) = \sqrt{K(r)/(2\pi)}.


If rvalue is given, the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in the point pattern that belong to type from.

If rvalue is absent, the result is an object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv. Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 or L(r)=rL(r)=r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns containing the values of the neighbourhood density function for each point in the pattern. Column i corresponds to the ith point of type from. The last two columns contain the r and theo values.


Ege Rubak [email protected] and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

Kdot, Ldot, localK, localL.


X <- amacrine

  # compute all the local Ldot functions
  L <- localLdot(X)

  # plot all the local Ldot functions against r
  plot(L, main="local Ldot functions for amacrine", legend=FALSE)

  # plot only the local L function for point number 7
  plot(L, iso007 ~ r)
  # compute the values of L(r) for r = 0.1 metres
  L12 <- localLdot(X, rvalue=0.1)

Inhomogeneous Neighbourhood Density Function


Computes spatially-weighted versions of the the local KK-function or LL-function.


localKinhom(X, lambda, ..., rmax = NULL,
              correction = "Ripley", verbose = TRUE, rvalue=NULL,
              sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL, update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE)
  localLinhom(X, lambda, ..., rmax = NULL, 
              correction = "Ripley", verbose = TRUE, rvalue=NULL,
              sigma = NULL, varcov = NULL, update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm" or "dppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Extra arguments. Ignored if lambda is present. Passed to density.ppp if lambda is omitted.


Optional. Maximum desired value of the argument rr.


String specifying the edge correction to be applied. Options are "none", "translate", "Ripley", "translation", "isotropic" or "best". Only one correction may be specified.


Logical flag indicating whether to print progress reports during the calculation.


Optional. A single value of the distance argument rr at which the function L or K should be computed.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the kernel smoothing procedure for estimating lambda, if lambda is missing.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


The functions localKinhom and localLinhom are inhomogeneous or weighted versions of the neighbourhood density function implemented in localK and localL.

Given a spatial point pattern X, the inhomogeneous neighbourhood density function Li(r)L_i(r) associated with the iith point in X is computed by

Li(r)=1πjeijλjL_i(r) = \sqrt{\frac 1 \pi \sum_j \frac{e_{ij}}{\lambda_j}}

where the sum is over all points jij \neq i that lie within a distance rr of the iith point, λj\lambda_j is the estimated intensity of the point pattern at the point jj, and eije_{ij} is an edge correction term (as described in Kest). The value of Li(r)L_i(r) can also be interpreted as one of the summands that contributes to the global estimate of the inhomogeneous L function (see Linhom).

By default, the function Li(r)L_i(r) or Ki(r)K_i(r) is computed for a range of rr values for each point ii. The results are stored as a function value table (object of class "fv") with a column of the table containing the function estimates for each point of the pattern X.

Alternatively, if the argument rvalue is given, and it is a single number, then the function will only be computed for this value of rr, and the results will be returned as a numeric vector, with one entry of the vector for each point of the pattern X.


If rvalue is given, the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in the point pattern.

If rvalue is absent, the result is an object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv. Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 or L(r)=rL(r)=r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns containing the values of the neighbourhood density function for each point in the pattern. Column i corresponds to the ith point. The last two columns contain the r and theo values.


Mike Kuhn, Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Kinhom, Linhom, localK, localL.


X <- ponderosa

  # compute all the local L functions
  L <- localLinhom(X)

  # plot all the local L functions against r
  plot(L, main="local L functions for ponderosa", legend=FALSE)

  # plot only the local L function for point number 7
  plot(L, iso007 ~ r)
  # compute the values of L(r) for r = 12 metres
  L12 <- localL(X, rvalue=12)

Local pair correlation function


Computes individual contributions to the pair correlation function from each data point.


localpcf(X, ..., delta=NULL, rmax=NULL, nr=512, stoyan=0.15, rvalue=NULL)

  localpcfinhom(X, ..., delta=NULL, rmax=NULL, nr=512, stoyan=0.15,
         lambda=NULL, sigma=NULL, varcov=NULL,
         update=TRUE, leaveoneout=TRUE, rvalue=NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Smoothing bandwidth for pair correlation. The halfwidth of the Epanechnikov kernel.


Optional. Maximum value of distance rr for which pair correlation values g(r)g(r) should be computed.


Optional. Number of values of distance rr for which pair correlation g(r)g(r) should be computed.


Optional. The value of the constant cc in Stoyan's rule of thumb for selecting the smoothing bandwidth delta.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function, for the inhomogeneous pair correlation. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.

sigma, varcov, ...

These arguments are ignored by localpcf but are passed by localpcfinhom (when lambda=NULL) to the function density.ppp to control the kernel smoothing estimation of lambda.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


Logical value indicating what to do when lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm"). If update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Optional. A single value of the distance argument rr at which the local pair correlation should be computed.


localpcf computes the contribution, from each individual data point in a point pattern X, to the empirical pair correlation function of X. These contributions are sometimes known as LISA (local indicator of spatial association) functions based on pair correlation.

localpcfinhom computes the corresponding contribution to the inhomogeneous empirical pair correlation function of X.

Given a spatial point pattern X, the local pcf gi(r)g_i(r) associated with the iith point in X is computed by

gi(r)=a2πnjk(di,jr)g_i(r) = \frac a {2 \pi n} \sum_j k(d_{i,j} - r)

where the sum is over all points jij \neq i, aa is the area of the observation window, nn is the number of points in X, and dijd_{ij} is the distance between points i and j. Here k is the Epanechnikov kernel,

k(t)=34δmax(0,1t2δ2).k(t) = \frac 3 { 4\delta} \max(0, 1 - \frac{t^2}{\delta^2}).

Edge correction is performed using the border method (for the sake of computational efficiency): the estimate gi(r)g_i(r) is set to NA if r>bir > b_i, where bib_i is the distance from point ii to the boundary of the observation window.

The smoothing bandwidth δ\delta may be specified. If not, it is chosen by Stoyan's rule of thumb δ=c/λ^\delta = c/\hat\lambda where λ^=n/a\hat\lambda = n/a is the estimated intensity and cc is a constant, usually taken to be 0.15. The value of cc is controlled by the argument stoyan.

For localpcfinhom, the optional argument lambda specifies the values of the estimated intensity function. If lambda is given, it should be either a numeric vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location. If lambda is not given, then it will be estimated using a leave-one-out kernel density smoother as described in pcfinhom.

Alternatively, if the argument rvalue is given, and it is a single number, then the function will only be computed for this value of rr, and the results will be returned as a numeric vector, with one entry of the vector for each point of the pattern X.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv. Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function KK has been estimated


the theoretical value K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 or L(r)=rL(r)=r for a stationary Poisson process

together with columns containing the values of the local pair correlation function for each point in the pattern. Column i corresponds to the ith point. The last two columns contain the r and theo values.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

localK, localKinhom, pcf, pcfinhom


X <- ponderosa

  g <- localpcf(X, stoyan=0.5)
  colo <- c(rep("grey", npoints(X)), "blue")
  a <- plot(g, main=c("local pair correlation functions", "Ponderosa pines"),
          legend=FALSE, col=colo, lty=1)

  # plot only the local pair correlation function for point number 7
  plot(g, est007 ~ r)

  # Extract the local pair correlation at distance 15 metres, for each point
  g15 <- localpcf(X, rvalue=15, stoyan=0.5)
  # Check that the value for point 7 agrees with the curve for point 7:
  points(15, g15[7], col="red") 

  # Inhomogeneous 
  gi <- localpcfinhom(X, stoyan=0.5)
  a <- plot(gi, main=c("inhomogeneous local pair correlation functions",
                       "Ponderosa pines"),
                legend=FALSE, col=colo, lty=1)

Bootstrap Confidence Bands for Summary Function


Computes a bootstrap confidence band for a summary function of a point process.


          fun=c("pcf", "Kest", "Lest", "pcfinhom", "Kinhom", "Linhom",
                "Kcross", "Lcross", "Kdot", "Ldot",
                "Kcross.inhom", "Lcross.inhom"),
           block=FALSE, global=FALSE, basicboot=FALSE, Vcorrection=FALSE,
           confidence=0.95, nx = 4, ny = nx, nsim=200, type=7)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Name of the summary function for which confidence intervals are desired: one of the strings "pcf", "Kest", "Lest", "pcfinhom", "Kinhom" "Linhom", "Kcross", "Lcross", "Kdot", "Ldot", "Kcross.inhom" or "Lcross.inhom". Alternatively, the function itself; it must be one of the functions listed here.


Arguments passed to the corresponding local version of the summary function (see Details).


Logical value indicating whether to use Loh's block bootstrap as originally proposed. Default is FALSE for consistency with older code. See Details.


Logical. If FALSE (the default), pointwise confidence intervals are constructed. If TRUE, a global (simultaneous) confidence band is constructed.


Logical value indicating whether to use the so-called basic bootstrap confidence interval. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to use a variance correction when fun="Kest" or fun="Kinhom". See Details.


Confidence level, as a fraction between 0 and 1.

nx, ny

Integers. If block=TRUE, divide the window into nx*ny rectangles.


Number of bootstrap simulations.


Integer. Type of quantiles. Argument passed to quantile.default controlling the way the quantiles are calculated.


This algorithm computes confidence bands for the true value of the summary function fun using the bootstrap method of Loh (2008) and a modification described in Baddeley, Rubak, Turner (2015).

If fun="pcf", for example, the algorithm computes a pointwise (100 * confidence)% confidence interval for the true value of the pair correlation function for the point process, normally estimated by pcf. It starts by computing the array of local pair correlation functions, localpcf, of the data pattern X. This array consists of the contributions to the estimate of the pair correlation function from each data point.

If block=FALSE, these contributions are resampled nsim times with replacement as described in Baddeley, Rubak, Turner (2015); from each resampled dataset the total contribution is computed, yielding nsim random pair correlation functions.

If block=TRUE, the calculation is performed as originally proposed by Loh (2008, 2010). The (bounding box of the) window is divided into nxnynx * ny rectangles (blocks). The average contribution of a block is obtained by averaging the contribution of each point included in the block. Then, the average contributions on each block are resampled nsim times with replacement as described in Loh (2008) and Loh (2010); from each resampled dataset the total contribution is computed, yielding nsim random pair correlation functions. Notice that for non-rectangular windows any blocks not fully contained in the window are discarded before doing the resampling, so the effective number of blocks may be substantially smaller than nxnynx * ny in this case.

The pointwise alpha/2 and 1 - alpha/2 quantiles of these functions are computed, where alpha = 1 - confidence. The average of the local functions is also computed as an estimate of the pair correlation function.

There are several ways to define a bootstrap confidence interval. If basicbootstrap=TRUE, the so-called basic confidence bootstrap interval is used as described in Loh (2008).

It has been noticed in Loh (2010) that when the intensity of the point process is unknown, the bootstrap error estimate is larger than it should be. When the KK function is used, an adjustment procedure has been proposed in Loh (2010) that is used if Vcorrection=TRUE. In this case, the basic confidence bootstrap interval is implicitly used.

To control the estimation algorithm, use the arguments ..., which are passed to the local version of the summary function, as shown below:

fun local version
pcf localpcf
Kest localK
Lest localL
pcfinhom localpcfinhom
Kinhom localKinhom
Linhom localLinhom
Kcross localKcross
Lcross localLcross
Kdot localKdot
Ldot localLdot
Kcross.inhom localKcross.inhom
Lcross.inhom localLcross.inhom

For fun="Lest", the calculations are first performed as if fun="Kest", and then the square-root transformation is applied to obtain the LL-function. Similarly for fun="Linhom", "Lcross", "Ldot", "Lcross.inhom".

Note that the confidence bands computed by lohboot(fun="pcf") may not contain the estimate of the pair correlation function computed by pcf, because of differences between the algorithm parameters (such as the choice of edge correction) in localpcf and pcf. If you are using lohboot, the appropriate point estimate of the pair correlation itself is the pointwise mean of the local estimates, which is provided in the result of lohboot and is shown in the default plot.

If the confidence bands seem unbelievably narrow, this may occur because the point pattern has a hard core (the true pair correlation function is zero for certain values of distance) or because of an optical illusion when the function is steeply sloping (remember the width of the confidence bands should be measured vertically).

An alternative to lohboot is varblock.


A function value table (object of class "fv") containing columns giving the estimate of the summary function, the upper and lower limits of the bootstrap confidence interval, and the theoretical value of the summary function for a Poisson process.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected] and Christophe Biscio.


Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Loh, J.M. (2008) A valid and fast spatial bootstrap for correlation functions. The Astrophysical Journal, 681, 726–734.

Loh, J.M. (2010) Bootstrapping an inhomogeneous point process. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 734–749.

See Also

Summary functions Kest, pcf, Kinhom, pcfinhom, localK, localpcf, localKinhom, localpcfinhom, localKcross, localKdot, localLcross, localLdot. localKcross.inhom, localLcross.inhom.

See varblock for an alternative bootstrap technique.


p <- lohboot(simdat, stoyan=0.5)
  g <- lohboot(simdat, stoyan=0.5, block=TRUE)

Mark Connection Function


Estimate the marked connection function of a multitype point pattern.


markconnect(X, i, j, r=NULL,
         correction=c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         method="density", ..., normalise=FALSE)



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or something acceptable to as.ppp.


Number or character string identifying the type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured.


Number or character string identifying the type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured.


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the mark connection function pij(r)p_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "isotropic", "Ripley" or "translate". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied.


A character vector indicating the user's choice of density estimation technique to be used. Options are "density", "loess", "sm" and "smrep".


Arguments passed to markcorr, or passed to the density estimation routine (density, loess or sm.density) selected by method.


If TRUE, normalise the pair connection function by dividing it by pipjp_i p_j, the estimated probability that randomly-selected points will have marks ii and jj.


The mark connection function pij(r)p_{ij}(r) of a multitype point process XX is a measure of the dependence between the types of two points of the process a distance rr apart.

Informally pij(r)p_{ij}(r) is defined as the conditional probability, given that there is a point of the process at a location uu and another point of the process at a location vv separated by a distance uv=r||u-v|| = r, that the first point is of type ii and the second point is of type jj. See Stoyan and Stoyan (1994).

If the marks attached to the points of X are independent and identically distributed, then pij(r)pipjp_{ij}(r) \equiv p_i p_j where pip_i denotes the probability that a point is of type ii. Values larger than this, pij(r)>pipjp_{ij}(r) > p_i p_j, indicate positive association between the two types, while smaller values indicate negative association.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern with factor-valued marks).

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which pij(r)p_{ij}(r) is estimated. There is a sensible default.

This algorithm assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape.

Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kest. The edge corrections implemented here are


Ripley's isotropic correction (see Ripley, 1988; Ohser, 1983). This is implemented only for rectangular and polygonal windows (not for binary masks) and is slow for complicated polygons.


Translation correction (Ohser, 1983). Implemented for all window geometries.


No edge correction.

The option correction="none" should only be used if the number of data points is extremely large (otherwise an edge correction is needed to correct bias).

Note that the estimator assumes the process is stationary (spatially homogeneous).

The mark connection function is estimated using density estimation techniques. The user can choose between


which uses the standard kernel density estimation routine density, and works only for evenly-spaced r values;


which uses the function loess in the package modreg;


which uses the function sm.density in the package sm and is extremely slow;


which uses the function sm.density in the package sm and is relatively fast, but may require manual control of the smoothing parameter hmult.


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the mark connection function pij(r)p_{ij}(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of pij(r)p_{ij}(r) when the marks attached to different points are independent

together with a column or columns named "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function pij(r)p_{ij}(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Multitype pair correlation pcfcross and multitype K-functions Kcross, Kdot.

Use alltypes to compute the mark connection functions between all pairs of types.

Mark correlation markcorr and mark variogram markvario for numeric-valued marks.


# Hughes' amacrine data
    # Cells marked as 'on'/'off'
    M <- markconnect(amacrine, "on", "off")

    # Compute for all pairs of types at once
    plot(alltypes(amacrine, markconnect))

Mark Correlation Function


Estimate the marked correlation function of a marked point pattern.


markcorr(X, f = function(m1, m2) { m1 * m2}, r=NULL,
         correction=c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         method="density", ..., weights=NULL,
         f1=NULL, normalise=TRUE, fargs=NULL, internal=NULL)



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or something acceptable to as.ppp.


Optional. Test function ff used in the definition of the mark correlation function. An R function with at least two arguments. There is a sensible default.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


A character vector indicating the user's choice of density estimation technique to be used. Options are "density", "loess", "sm" and "smrep".


Arguments passed to the density estimation routine (density, loess or sm.density) selected by method.


Optional. Numeric weights for each data point in X. A numeric vector, a pixel image, or a function(x,y). Alternatively, an expression to be evaluated to yield the weights; the expression may involve the variables x,y,marks representing the coordinates and marks ofX.


An alternative to f. If this argument is given, then ff is assumed to take the form f(u,v)=f1(u)f1(v)f(u,v)=f_1(u)f_1(v).


If normalise=FALSE, compute only the numerator of the expression for the mark correlation.


Optional. A list of extra arguments to be passed to the function f or f1.


Do not use this argument.


By default, this command calculates an estimate of Stoyan's mark correlation kmm(r)k_{mm}(r) for the point pattern.

Alternatively if the argument f or f1 is given, then it calculates Stoyan's generalised mark correlation kf(r)k_f(r) with test function ff.

Theoretical definitions are as follows (see Stoyan and Stoyan (1994, p. 262)):

  • For a point process XX with numeric marks, Stoyan's mark correlation function kmm(r)k_{mm}(r), is

    kmm(r)=E0u[M(0)M(u)]E[M,M]k_{mm}(r) = \frac{E_{0u}[M(0) M(u)]}{E[M,M']}

    where E0uE_{0u} denotes the conditional expectation given that there are points of the process at the locations 00 and uu separated by a distance rr, and where M(0),M(u)M(0),M(u) denote the marks attached to these two points. On the denominator, M,MM,M' are random marks drawn independently from the marginal distribution of marks, and EE is the usual expectation.

  • For a multitype point process XX, the mark correlation is

    kmm(r)=P0u[M(0)M(u)]P[M=M]k_{mm}(r) = \frac{P_{0u}[M(0) M(u)]}{P[M = M']}

    where PP and P0uP_{0u} denote the probability and conditional probability.

  • The generalised mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) of a marked point process XX, with test function ff, is

    kf(r)=E0u[f(M(0),M(u))]E[f(M,M)]k_f(r) = \frac{E_{0u}[f(M(0),M(u))]}{E[f(M,M')]}

The test function ff is any function f(m1,m2)f(m_1,m_2) with two arguments which are possible marks of the pattern, and which returns a nonnegative real value. Common choices of ff are: for continuous nonnegative real-valued marks,

f(m1,m2)=m1m2f(m_1,m_2) = m_1 m_2

for discrete marks (multitype point patterns),

f(m1,m2)=1(m1=m2)f(m_1,m_2) = 1(m_1 = m_2)

and for marks taking values in [0,2π)[0,2\pi),

f(m1,m2)=sin(m1m2)f(m_1,m_2) = \sin(m_1 - m_2)


Note that kf(r)k_f(r) is not a “correlation” in the usual statistical sense. It can take any nonnegative real value. The value 1 suggests “lack of correlation”: if the marks attached to the points of X are independent and identically distributed, then kf(r)1k_f(r) \equiv 1. The interpretation of values larger or smaller than 1 depends on the choice of function ff.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern.

The argument f determines the function to be applied to pairs of marks. It has a sensible default, which depends on the kind of marks in X. If the marks are numeric values, then f <- function(m1, m2) { m1 * m2} computes the product of two marks. If the marks are a factor (i.e. if X is a multitype point pattern) then f <- function(m1, m2) { m1 == m2} yields the value 1 when the two marks are equal, and 0 when they are unequal. These are the conventional definitions for numerical marks and multitype points respectively.

The argument f may be specified by the user. It must be an R function, accepting two arguments m1 and m2 which are vectors of equal length containing mark values (of the same type as the marks of X). (It may also take additional arguments, passed through fargs). It must return a vector of numeric values of the same length as m1 and m2. The values must be non-negative, and NA values are not permitted.

Alternatively the user may specify the argument f1 instead of f. This indicates that the test function ff should take the form f(u,v)=f1(u)f1(v)f(u,v)=f_1(u)f_1(v) where f1(u)f_1(u) is given by the argument f1. The argument f1 should be an R function with at least one argument. (It may also take additional arguments, passed through fargs).

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which kf(r)k_f(r) is estimated.

This algorithm assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape.

Biases due to edge effects are treated in the same manner as in Kest. The edge corrections implemented here are


Ripley's isotropic correction (see Ripley, 1988; Ohser, 1983). This is implemented only for rectangular and polygonal windows (not for binary masks).


Translation correction (Ohser, 1983). Implemented for all window geometries, but slow for complex windows.

Note that the estimator assumes the process is stationary (spatially homogeneous).

The numerator and denominator of the mark correlation function (in the expression above) are estimated using density estimation techniques. The user can choose between


which uses the standard kernel density estimation routine density, and works only for evenly-spaced r values;


which uses the function loess in the package modreg;


which uses the function sm.density in the package sm and is extremely slow;


which uses the function sm.density in the package sm and is relatively fast, but may require manual control of the smoothing parameter hmult.

If normalise=FALSE then the algorithm will compute only the numerator

cf(r)=E0uf(M(0),M(u))c_f(r) = E_{0u} f(M(0),M(u))

of the expression for the mark correlation function. In this case, negative values of f are permitted.


A function value table (object of class "fv") or a list of function value tables, one for each column of marks.

An object of class "fv" (see fv.object) is essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of kf(r)k_f(r) when the marks attached to different points are independent, namely 1

together with a column or columns named "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Mark variogram markvario for numeric marks.

Mark connection function markconnect and multitype K-functions Kcross, Kdot for factor-valued marks.

Mark cross-correlation function markcrosscorr for point patterns with several columns of marks.

Kmark to estimate a cumulative function related to the mark correlation function.


    # (1) Spruces
    # marks represent tree diameter
    # mark correlation function
    ms <- markcorr(spruces)

    # (2) simulated data with independent marks
      X <- rpoispp(100)
      X <- X %mark% runif(npoints(X))
      Xc <- markcorr(X)
    # Hughes' amacrine data
    # Cells marked as 'on'/'off'
    X <- if(interactive()) amacrine else amacrine[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
    # (3) Kernel density estimate with Epanecnikov kernel
    # (as proposed by Stoyan & Stoyan)
    M <- markcorr(X, function(m1,m2) {m1==m2},
                  correction="translate", method="density",
    # Note: kernel="epanechnikov" comes from help(density)

    # (4) Same again with explicit control over bandwidth
      M <- markcorr(X, 
                  correction="translate", method="density",
                  kernel="epanechnikov", bw=0.02)
      # see help(density) for correct interpretation of 'bw'

   # weighted mark correlation
   X <- if(interactive()) betacells else betacells[c(TRUE,FALSE)]
   Y <- subset(X, select=type)
   a <- marks(X)$area
   v <- markcorr(Y, weights=a)

Mark Cross-Correlation Function


Given a spatial point pattern with several columns of marks, this function computes the mark correlation function between each pair of columns of marks.


markcrosscorr(X, r = NULL,
                correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
                method = "density", ..., normalise = TRUE, Xname = NULL)



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or something acceptable to as.ppp.


Optional. Numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the mark correlation function kf(r)k_f(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "isotropic", "Ripley", "translate", "translation", "none" or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


A character vector indicating the user's choice of density estimation technique to be used. Options are "density", "loess", "sm" and "smrep".


Arguments passed to the density estimation routine (density, loess or sm.density) selected by method.


If normalise=FALSE, compute only the numerator of the expression for the mark correlation.


Optional character string name for the dataset X.


First, all columns of marks are converted to numerical values. A factor with mm possible levels is converted to mm columns of dummy (indicator) values.

Next, each pair of columns is considered, and the mark cross-correlation is defined as

kmm(r)=E0u[Mi(0)Mj(u)]E[Mi,Mj]k_{mm}(r) = \frac{E_{0u}[M_i(0) M_j(u)]}{E[M_i,M_j]}

where E0uE_{0u} denotes the conditional expectation given that there are points of the process at the locations 00 and uu separated by a distance rr. On the numerator, Mi(0)M_i(0) and Mj(u)M_j(u) are the marks attached to locations 00 and uu respectively in the iith and jjth columns of marks respectively. On the denominator, MiM_i and MjM_j are independent random values drawn from the iith and jjth columns of marks, respectively, and EE is the usual expectation.

Note that kmm(r)k_{mm}(r) is not a “correlation” in the usual statistical sense. It can take any nonnegative real value. The value 1 suggests “lack of correlation”: if the marks attached to the points of X are independent and identically distributed, then kmm(r)1k_{mm}(r) \equiv 1.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") or any data that are acceptable to as.ppp. It must be a marked point pattern.

The cross-correlations are estimated in the same manner as for markcorr.


A function array (object of class "fasp") containing the mark cross-correlation functions for each possible pair of columns of marks.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also



# The dataset 'betacells' has two columns of marks:
  #       'type' (factor)
  #       'area' (numeric)
  if(interactive()) plot(betacells)

Mark-Mark Scatter Plot


Generates the mark-mark scatter plot of a point pattern.


markmarkscatter(X, rmax, ..., col = NULL, symap = NULL, transform=I, jit=FALSE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp", "pp3", "lpp" or "ppx") with numeric marks.


Maximum distance between pairs of points which contribute to the plot.


Additional arguments passed to plot.ppp to control the scatterplot.


Optional. A function which should be applied to the mark values.


Logical value indicating whether mark values should be randomly perturbed using jitter.


Optional. A vector of colour values, or a colourmap to be used to portray the pairwise distance values. Ignored if symap is given.


Optional. A symbolmap to be used to portray the pairwise distance values. Overrides col.


The mark-mark scatter plot (Ballani et al, 2019) is a scatterplot of the mark values of all pairs of distinct points in X which are closer than the distance rmax. The dots in the scatterplot are coloured according to the pairwise distance between the two spatial points. The plot is augmented by three curves explained by Ballani et al (2019).

If the marks only take a few different values, then it is usually appropriate to apply random perturbation (jitter) to the mark values, by setting jit=TRUE.




Adrian Baddeley (coded from the description in Ballani et al.)


Ballani, F., Pommerening, A. and Stoyan, D. (2019) Mark-mark scatterplots improve pattern analysis in spatial plant ecology. Ecological Informatics 49, 13–21.


markmarkscatter(longleaf, 10)

  markmarkscatter(spruces, 10, jit=TRUE)

Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern


Visit each point in a multitype point pattern, find the neighbouring points, and compile a frequency table of the marks of these neighbour points.


marktable(X, R, N, exclude=TRUE, collapse=FALSE)



A multitype point pattern. An object of class "ppp", "lpp", "pp3" or "ppx", with marks which are a factor.


Neighbourhood radius. Incompatible with N.


Number of neighbours of each point. Incompatible with R.


Logical. If exclude=TRUE, the neighbours of a point do not include the point itself. If exclude=FALSE, a point belongs to its own neighbourhood.


Logical. If collapse=FALSE (the default) the results for each point are returned as separate rows of a table. If collapse=TRUE, the results are aggregated according to the type of point.


This algorithm visits each point in the point pattern X, inspects all the neighbouring points within a radius R of the current point (or the N nearest neighbours of the current point), and compiles a frequency table of the marks attached to the neighbours.

The dataset X must be a multitype point pattern, that is, marks(X) must be a factor.

If collapse=FALSE (the default), the result is a two-dimensional contingency table with one row for each point in the pattern, and one column for each possible mark value. The [i,j] entry in the table gives the number of neighbours of point i that have mark j.

If collapse=TRUE, this contingency table is aggregated according to the type of point, so that the result is a contingency table with one row and one column for each possible mark value. The [i,j] entry in the table gives the number of neighbours of a point with mark i that have mark j.

To perform more complicated calculations on the neighbours of every point, use markstat or applynbd.


A contingency table (object of class "table"). If collapse=FALSE, the table has one row for each point in X, and one column for each possible mark value. If collapse=TRUE, the table has one row and one column for each possible mark value.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

markstat, applynbd, Kcross, ppp.object, table


head(marktable(amacrine, 0.1))
  head(marktable(amacrine, 0.1, exclude=FALSE))
  marktable(amacrine, N=1, collapse=TRUE)

Mark Variogram


Estimate the mark variogram of a marked point pattern.


markvario(X, correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
r = NULL, method = "density", ..., normalise=FALSE)



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp" or something acceptable to as.ppp. It must have marks which are numeric.


A character vector containing any selection of the options "isotropic", "Ripley" or "translate". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied.


numeric vector. The values of the argument rr at which the mark variogram γ(r)\gamma(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


A character vector indicating the user's choice of density estimation technique to be used. Options are "density", "loess", "sm" and "smrep".


Other arguments passed to markcorr, or passed to the density estimation routine (density, loess or sm.density) selected by method.


If TRUE, normalise the variogram by dividing it by the estimated mark variance.


The mark variogram γ(r)\gamma(r) of a marked point process XX is a measure of the dependence between the marks of two points of the process a distance rr apart. It is informally defined as

γ(r)=E[12(M1M2)2]\gamma(r) = E[\frac 1 2 (M_1 - M_2)^2]

where E[]E[ ] denotes expectation and M1,M2M_1,M_2 are the marks attached to two points of the process a distance rr apart.

The mark variogram of a marked point process is analogous, but not equivalent, to the variogram of a random field in geostatistics. See Waelder and Stoyan (1996).


An object of class "fv" (see fv.object).

Essentially a data frame containing numeric columns


the values of the argument rr at which the mark variogram γ(r)\gamma(r) has been estimated


the theoretical value of γ(r)\gamma(r) when the marks attached to different points are independent; equal to the sample variance of the marks

together with a column or columns named "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function γ(r)\gamma(r) obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Cressie, N.A.C. (1991) Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, 1991.

Mase, S. (1996) The threshold method for estimating annual rainfall. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 48 (1996) 201-213.

Waelder, O. and Stoyan, D. (1996) On variograms in point process statistics. Biometrical Journal 38 (1996) 895-905.

See Also

Mark correlation function markcorr for numeric marks.

Mark connection function markconnect and multitype K-functions Kcross, Kdot for factor-valued marks.


# Longleaf Pine data
    # marks represent tree diameter
    # Subset of this large pattern
    swcorner <- owin(c(0,100),c(0,100))
    sub <- longleaf[ , swcorner]
    # mark correlation function
    mv <- markvario(sub)

S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Arrays


These are group generic methods for objects of class "fasp", which allows for usual mathematical functions and operators to be applied directly to function arrays. See Details for a list of implemented functions.


## S3 methods for group generics have prototypes:
Math(x, ...)
Ops(e1, e2)
Summary(..., na.rm=FALSE, drop=TRUE)


x, z, e1, e2

objects of class "fasp".


further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value specifying whether missing values should be removed.


Below is a list of mathematical functions and operators which are defined for objects of class "fasp". The methods are implemented using eval.fasp, which tries to harmonise the functions via harmonise.fv if they aren't compatible to begin with.

  1. Group "Math":

    • abs, sign, sqrt,
      floor, ceiling, trunc,
      round, signif

    • exp, log, expm1, log1p,
      cos, sin, tan,
      cospi, sinpi, tanpi,
      acos, asin, atan

      cosh, sinh, tanh,
      acosh, asinh, atanh

    • lgamma, gamma, digamma, trigamma

    • cumsum, cumprod, cummax, cummin

  2. Group "Ops":

    • "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%"

    • "&", "|", "!"

    • "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">"

  3. Group "Summary":

    • all, any

    • sum, prod

    • min, max

    • range

  4. Group "Complex":

    • Arg, Conj, Im, Mod, Re

For the Ops group, one of the arguments is permitted to be a single atomic value, or a function table, instead of a function array.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

eval.fasp for evaluating expressions involving function arrays.


## convert array of K functions to array of L functions
  K <- alltypes(amacrine, "K")
  L <- sqrt(K/pi)

S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Tables


These are group generic methods for objects of class "fv", which allows for usual mathematical functions and operators to be applied directly to function tables. See Details for a list of implemented functions.


## S3 methods for group generics have prototypes:
Math(x, ...)
Ops(e1, e2)
Summary(..., na.rm=FALSE, drop=TRUE)


x, z, e1, e2

objects of class "fv".


further arguments passed to methods.


Logical value specifying whether missing values should be removed.


Below is a list of mathematical functions and operators which are defined for objects of class "fv". The methods are implemented using eval.fv, which tries to harmonise the functions via harmonise.fv if they aren't compatible to begin with.

  1. Group "Math":

    • abs, sign, sqrt,
      floor, ceiling, trunc,
      round, signif

    • exp, log, expm1, log1p,
      cos, sin, tan,
      cospi, sinpi, tanpi,
      acos, asin, atan

      cosh, sinh, tanh,
      acosh, asinh, atanh

    • lgamma, gamma, digamma, trigamma

    • cumsum, cumprod, cummax, cummin

  2. Group "Ops":

    • "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%"

    • "&", "|", "!"

    • "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">"

  3. Group "Summary":

    • all, any

    • sum, prod

    • min, max

    • range

  4. Group "Complex":

    • Arg, Conj, Im, Mod, Re

For the Ops group, one of the arguments is permitted to be a single atomic value instead of a function table.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

eval.fv for evaluating expressions involving function tables.


## Convert K function to L function
  K <- Kest(cells)
  L <- sqrt(K/pi)
  ## Manually calculate J function
  FR <- Fest(redwood)
  GR <- Gest(redwood)
  suppressWarnings(JR <- (1-GR)/(1-FR))

Methods for Intensity Functions of Two Spatial Covariates


These are methods for the class "rho2hat".


## S3 method for class 'rho2hat'
plot(x, ..., do.points=FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'rho2hat'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'rho2hat'
predict(object, ..., relative=FALSE)


x, object

An object of class "rho2hat".


Arguments passed to other methods.


Logical value indicating whether to plot the observed values of the covariates at the data points.


Logical value indicating whether to compute the estimated point process intensity (relative=FALSE) or the relative risk (relative=TRUE) in the case of a relative risk estimate.


These functions are methods for the generic commands print, predict and plot for the class "rho2hat".

An object of class "rho2hat" is an estimate of the intensity of a point process, as a function of two given spatial covariates. See rho2hat.

The method plot.rho2hat displays the estimated function ρ\rho using plot.fv, and optionally adds a rug plot of the observed values of the covariate. In this plot the two axes represent possible values of the two covariates.

The method predict.rho2hat computes a pixel image of the intensity ρ(Z1(u),Z2(u))\rho(Z_1(u), Z_2(u)) at each spatial location uu, where Z1(u)Z_1(u) and Z2(u)Z_2(u) are the two spatial covariates.


For predict.rho2hat the value is a pixel image (object of class "im"). For other functions, the value is NULL.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also



r2 <- with(bei.extra, rho2hat(bei, elev, grad))

Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate


These are methods for the class "rhohat".


## S3 method for class 'rhohat'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'rhohat'
plot(x, ..., do.rug=TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'rhohat'
predict(object, ..., relative=FALSE,
             what=c("rho", "lo", "hi", "se"))

## S3 method for class 'rhohat'
simulate(object, nsim=1, ..., drop=TRUE)


x, object

An object of class "rhohat" representing a smoothed estimate of the intensity function of a point process.


Arguments passed to other methods.


Logical value indicating whether to plot the observed values of the covariate as a rug plot along the horizontal axis.


Logical value indicating whether to compute the estimated point process intensity (relative=FALSE) or the relative risk (relative=TRUE) in the case of a relative risk estimate.


Number of simulations to be generated.


Logical value indicating what to do when nsim=1. If drop=TRUE (the default), a point pattern is returned. If drop=FALSE, a list of length 1 containing a point pattern is returned.


Optional character string (partially matched) specifying which value should be calculated: either the function estimate (what="rho", the default), the lower or upper end of the confidence interval (what="lo" or what="hi") or the standard error (what="se").


These functions are methods for the generic commands print, plot, predict and simulate for the class "rhohat".

An object of class "rhohat" is an estimate of the intensity of a point process, as a function of a given spatial covariate. See rhohat.

The method plot.rhohat displays the estimated function ρ\rho using plot.fv, and optionally adds a rug plot of the observed values of the covariate.

The method predict.rhohat computes a pixel image of the intensity ρ(Z(u))\rho(Z(u)) at each spatial location uu, where ZZ is the spatial covariate.

The method simulate.rhohat invokes predict.rhohat to determine the predicted intensity, and then simulates a Poisson point process with this intensity.


For predict.rhohat the value is a pixel image (object of class "im" or "linim"). For simulate.rhohat the value is a point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp"). For other functions, the value is NULL.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also



X <-  rpoispp(function(x,y){exp(3+3*x)})
  rho <- rhohat(X, function(x,y){x})
  Y <- predict(rho)
  plot(simulate(rho), add=TRUE)
  if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    fit <- ppm(X, ~x)
    rho <- rhohat(fit, "y")
    opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
    plot(predict(rho, relative=TRUE))
    plot(predict(rho, what="se"))

Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions


Methods for various generic commands, for the class "ssf" of spatially sampled functions.


## S3 method for class 'ssf'
marks(x, ...)

  ## S3 replacement method for class 'ssf'
marks(x, ...) <- value

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf', ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
as.function(x, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
as.ppp(X, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
print(x, ..., brief=FALSE)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
summary(object, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
range(x, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
min(x, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
max(x, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
integral(f, domain=NULL, ..., weights=attr(f, "weights"))


x, X, f, object

A spatially sampled function (object of class "ssf").


Arguments passed to the default method.


Logical value controlling the amount of detail printed.


Matrix of replacement values for the function.


Optional. Domain of integration. An object of class"owin" or "tess".


Optional. Numeric vector of quadrature weights associated with the sample points.


An object of class "ssf" represents a function (real- or vector-valued) that has been sampled at a finite set of points.

The commands documented here are methods for this class, for the generic commands marks, marks<-, unmark,, as.function, as.ppp, print, summary, range, min, max and integral.


marks returns a matrix.

marks(x) <- value returns an object of class "ssf".

as.owin returns a window (object of class "owin").

as.ppp and unmark return a point pattern (object of class "ppp").

as.function returns a function(x,y) of class "funxy".

print returns NULL.

summary returns an object of class "summary.ssf" which has a print method.

range returns a numeric vector of length 2. min and max return a single numeric value.

integral returns a numeric or complex value, vector, or matrix. integral(f) returns a numeric or complex value (if f had numeric or complex values) or a numeric vector (if f had vector values). If domain is a tessellation then integral(f, domain) returns a numeric or complex vector with one entry for each tile (if f had numeric or complex values) or a numeric matrix with one row for each tile (if f had vector values).


Adrian Baddeley

See Also



g <- distfun(cells[1:4])
  X <- rsyst(Window(cells), 10)
  f <- ssf(X, g(X))
  integral(f, quadrats(Window(f), 3))

Morisita Index Plot


Displays the Morisita Index Plot of a spatial point pattern.


miplot(X, ...)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp") or something acceptable to as.ppp.


Optional arguments to control the appearance of the plot.


Morisita (1959) defined an index of spatial aggregation for a spatial point pattern based on quadrat counts. The spatial domain of the point pattern is first divided into QQ subsets (quadrats) of equal size and shape. The numbers of points falling in each quadrat are counted. Then the Morisita Index is computed as

MI=Qi=1Qni(ni1)N(N1)\mbox{MI} = Q \frac{\sum_{i=1}^Q n_i (n_i - 1)}{N(N-1)}

where nin_i is the number of points falling in the ii-th quadrat, and NN is the total number of points. If the pattern is completely random, MI should be approximately equal to 1. Values of MI greater than 1 suggest clustering.

The Morisita Index plot is a plot of the Morisita Index MI against the linear dimension of the quadrats. The point pattern dataset is divided into 2×22 \times 2 quadrats, then 3×33 \times 3 quadrats, etc, and the Morisita Index is computed each time. This plot is an attempt to discern different scales of dependence in the point pattern data.




Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


M. Morisita (1959) Measuring of the dispersion of individuals and analysis of the distributional patterns. Memoir of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series E: Biology. 2: 215–235.

See Also



 opa <- par(mfrow=c(2,3))

Nearest Neighbour Clutter Removal


Detect features in a 2D or 3D spatial point pattern using nearest neighbour clutter removal.


nnclean(X, k, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ppp'
nnclean(X, k, ..., 
                     edge.correct = FALSE, wrap = 0.1,
                     convergence = 0.001, plothist = FALSE,
                     verbose = TRUE, maxit = 50)

  ## S3 method for class 'pp3'
nnclean(X, k, ..., 
                     convergence = 0.001, plothist = FALSE,
                     verbose = TRUE, maxit = 50)



A two-dimensional spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp") or a three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").


Degree of neighbour: k=1 means nearest neighbour, k=2 means second nearest, etc.


Arguments passed to hist.default to control the appearance of the histogram, if plothist=TRUE.


Logical flag specifying whether periodic edge correction should be performed (only implemented in 2 dimensions).


Numeric value specifying the relative size of the margin in which data will be replicated for the periodic edge correction (if edge.correct=TRUE). A fraction of window width and window height.


Relative tolerance threshold for testing convergence of EM algorithm.


Maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm.


Logical flag specifying whether to plot a diagnostic histogram of the nearest neighbour distances and the fitted distribution.


Logical flag specifying whether to print progress reports.


Byers and Raftery (1998) developed a technique for recognising features in a spatial point pattern in the presence of random clutter.

For each point in the pattern, the distance to the kkth nearest neighbour is computed. Then the E-M algorithm is used to fit a mixture distribution to the kkth nearest neighbour distances. The mixture components represent the feature and the clutter. The mixture model can be used to classify each point as belong to one or other component.

The function nnclean is generic, with methods for two-dimensional point patterns (class "ppp") and three-dimensional point patterns (class "pp3") currently implemented.

The result is a point pattern (2D or 3D) with two additional columns of marks:


A factor, with levels "noise" and "feature", indicating the maximum likelihood classification of each point.


Numeric vector giving the estimated probabilities that each point belongs to a feature.

The object also has extra information stored in attributes: "theta" contains the fitted parameters of the mixture model, "info" contains information about the fitting procedure, and "hist" contains the histogram structure returned from hist.default if plothist = TRUE.


An object of the same kind as X, obtained by attaching marks to the points of X.

The object also has attributes, as described under Details.


Original by Simon Byers and Adrian Raftery. Adapted for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Byers, S. and Raftery, A.E. (1998) Nearest-neighbour clutter removal for estimating features in spatial point processes. Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, 577–584.

See Also

nndist, split.ppp, cut.ppp


# shapley galaxy cluster
  X <- nnclean(shapley, k=17, plothist=TRUE)
  plot(X, which.marks=1, chars=c(".", "+"), cols=1:2,
       main="Shapley data, cluster and noise")
  plot(X, which.marks=2, cols=function(x)hsv(0.2+0.8*(1-x),1,1),
       main="Shapley data, probability of cluster")
  Y <- split(X, un=TRUE)
  plot(Y, chars="+", cex=0.5)
  marks(X) <- marks(X)$prob
  plot(cut(X, breaks=3), chars=c(".", "+", "+"), cols=1:3)

Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Indices of Marked Point Pattern


Computes nearest-neighbour correlation indices of a marked point pattern, including the nearest-neighbour mark product index (default case of nncorr), the nearest-neighbour mark index (nnmean), and the nearest-neighbour variogram index (nnvario).


            f = function(m1, m2) { m1 * m2 },
            k = 1,       
            use = "all.obs", method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),
            denominator=NULL, na.action="warn")

     nnmean(X, k=1, na.action="warn")

     nnvario(X, k=1, na.action="warn")



The observed point pattern. An object of class "ppp".


Function ff used in the definition of the nearest neighbour correlation. There is a sensible default that depends on the type of marks of X.


Integer. The k-th nearest neighbour of each point will be used.


Extra arguments passed to f.

use, method

Arguments passed to the standard correlation function cor.


Internal use only.


Character string (passed to is.marked.ppp) specifying what to do if the marks contain NA values.


The nearest neighbour correlation index nˉf\bar n_f of a marked point process XX is a number measuring the dependence between the mark of a typical point and the mark of its nearest neighbour.

The command nncorr computes the nearest neighbour correlation index based on any test function f provided by the user. The default behaviour of nncorr is to compute the nearest neighbour mark product index. The commands nnmean and nnvario are convenient abbreviations for other special choices of f.

In the default case, nncorr(X) computes three different versions of the nearest-neighbour correlation index: the unnormalised, normalised, and classical correlations.


The unnormalised nearest neighbour correlation (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, section 14.7) is defined as

nˉf=E[f(M,M)]\bar n_f = E[f(M, M^\ast)]

where E[]E[] denotes mean value, MM is the mark attached to a typical point of the point process, and MM^\ast is the mark attached to its nearest neighbour (i.e. the nearest other point of the point process).

Here ff is any function f(m1,m2)f(m_1,m_2) with two arguments which are possible marks of the pattern, and which returns a nonnegative real value. Common choices of ff are: for continuous real-valued marks,

f(m1,m2)=m1m2f(m_1,m_2) = m_1 m_2

for discrete marks (multitype point patterns),

f(m1,m2)=1(m1=m2)f(m_1,m_2) = 1(m_1 = m_2)

and for marks taking values in [0,2π)[0,2\pi),

f(m1,m2)=sin(m1m2)f(m_1,m_2) = \sin(m_1 - m_2)

For example, in the second case, the unnormalised nearest neighbour correlation nˉf\bar n_f equals the proportion of points in the pattern which have the same mark as their nearest neighbour.

Note that nˉf\bar n_f is not a “correlation” in the usual statistical sense. It can take values greater than 1.


We can define a normalised nearest neighbour correlation by

mˉf=E[f(M,M)]E[f(M,M)]\bar m_f = \frac{E[f(M,M^\ast)]}{E[f(M,M')]}

where again MM is the mark attached to a typical point, MM^\ast is the mark attached to its nearest neighbour, and MM' is an independent copy of MM with the same distribution. This normalisation is also not a “correlation” in the usual statistical sense, but is normalised so that the value 1 suggests “lack of correlation”: if the marks attached to the points of X are independent and identically distributed, then mˉf=1\bar m_f = 1. The interpretation of values larger or smaller than 1 depends on the choice of function ff.


Finally if the marks of X are real numbers, we can also compute the classical correlation, that is, the correlation coefficient of the two random variables MM and MM^\ast. The classical correlation has a value between 1-1 and 11. Values close to 1-1 or 11 indicate strong dependence between the marks.

In the default case where f is not given, nncorr(X) computes

  • If the marks of X are real numbers, the unnormalised and normalised versions of the nearest-neighbour product index E[MM]E[M \, M^\ast], and the classical correlation between MM and MM^\ast.

  • If the marks of X are factor valued, the unnormalised and normalised versions of the nearest-neighbour equality index P[M=M]P[M = M^\ast].

The wrapper functions nnmean and nnvario compute the correlation indices for two special choices of the function f(m1,m2)f(m_1,m_2). They are defined only when the marks are numeric.

  • nnmean computes the correlation indices for f(m1,m2)=m1f(m_1,m_2) = m_1. The unnormalised index is simply the mean value of the mark of the neighbour of a typical point, E[M]E[M^\ast], while the normalised index is E[M]/E[M]E[M^\ast]/E[M], the ratio of the mean mark of the neighbour of a typical point to the mean mark of a typical point.

  • nnvario computes the correlation indices for f(m1,m2)=(1/2)(m1m2)2f(m_1,m_2) = (1/2) (m_1-m_2)^2.

The argument X must be a point pattern (object of class "ppp") and must be a marked point pattern. (The marks may be a data frame, containing several columns of mark variables; each column is treated separately.)

If the argument f is given, it must be a function, accepting two arguments m1 and m2 which are vectors of equal length containing mark values (of the same type as the marks of X). It must return a vector of numeric values of the same length as m1 and m2. The values must be non-negative.

The arguments use and method control the calculation of the classical correlation using cor, as explained in the help file for cor.

Other arguments may be passed to f through the ... argument.

This algorithm assumes that X can be treated as a realisation of a stationary (spatially homogeneous) random spatial point process in the plane, observed through a bounded window. The window (which is specified in X as Window(X)) may have arbitrary shape. Biases due to edge effects are treated using the ‘border method’ edge correction.


Labelled vector of length 2 or 3 containing the unnormalised and normalised nearest neighbour correlations, and the classical correlation if appropriate. Alternatively a matrix with 2 or 3 rows, containing this information for each mark variable.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.


  # heights of neighbouring trees are slightly negatively correlated

  # neighbouring cells are usually of different type

Estimate Intensity of Point Pattern Using Nearest Neighbour Distances


Estimates the intensity of a point pattern using the distance from each spatial location to the kth nearest data point.


nndensity(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
nndensity(x, k, ..., verbose = TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp") or some other spatial object.


Integer. The distance to the kth nearest data point will be computed. There is a sensible default.


Arguments passed to nnmap and as.mask controlling the pixel resolution.


Logical. If TRUE, print the value of k when it is automatically selected. If FALSE, remain silent.


This function computes a quick estimate of the intensity of the point process that generated the point pattern x.

For each spatial location ss, let d(s)d(s) be the distance from ss to the kk-th nearest point in the dataset x. If the data came from a homogeneous Poisson process with intensity λ\lambda, then πd(s)2\pi d(s)^2 would follow a negative exponential distribution with mean 1/λ1/\lambda, and the maximum likelihood estimate of λ\lambda would be 1/(πd(s)2)1/(\pi d(s)^2). This is the estimate computed by nndensity, apart from an edge effect correction.

See Cressie (1991, equation (8.5.14), p. 654) and Silverman (1986, p. 96).

This estimator of intensity is relatively fast to compute, and is spatially adaptive (so that it can handle wide variation in the intensity function). However, it implicitly assumes the points are independent, so it does not perform well if the pattern is strongly clustered or strongly inhibited.

In normal use, the value of k should be at least 3. (Theoretically the estimator has infinite expected value if k=1k=1, and infinite variance if k=2k=2. The computed intensity estimate will have infinite peaks around each data point if k = 1.) The default value of k is the square root of the number of points in x, which seems to work well in many cases.

The window of x is digitised using as.mask and the values d(s)d(s) are computed using nnmap. To control the pixel resolution, see as.mask.


A pixel image (object of class "im") giving the estimated intensity of the point process at each spatial location. Pixel values are intensities (number of points per unit area).


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Cressie, N.A.C. (1991) Statistics for spatial data. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Silverman, B.W. (1986) Density Estimation. Chapman and Hall, New York.

See Also

density.ppp, intensity.ppp for alternative estimates of point process intensity.



Nearest Neighbour Orientation Distribution


Computes the distribution of the orientation of the vectors from each point to its nearest neighbour.


nnorient(X, ..., cumulative = FALSE, correction, k = 1,
                     unit = c("degree", "radian"),
                     domain = NULL, ratio = FALSE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Arguments passed to circdensity to control the kernel smoothing, if cumulative=FALSE.


Logical value specifying whether to estimate the probability density (cumulative=FALSE, the default) or the cumulative distribution function (cumulative=TRUE).


Character vector specifying edge correction or corrections. Options are "none", "bord.modif", "good" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Integer. The kkth nearest neighbour will be used.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Unit in which the angles should be expressed. Either "degree" or "radian".


Optional window. The first point xix_i of each pair of points will be constrained to lie in domain.


This algorithm considers each point in the pattern X and finds its nearest neighbour (or kkth nearest neighour). The direction of the arrow joining the data point to its neighbour is measured, as an angle in degrees or radians, anticlockwise from the xx axis.

If cumulative=FALSE (the default), a kernel estimate of the probability density of the angles is calculated using circdensity. This is the function ϑ(ϕ)\vartheta(\phi) defined in Illian et al (2008), equation (4.5.3), page 253.

If cumulative=TRUE, then the cumulative distribution function of these angles is calculated.

In either case the result can be plotted as a rose diagram by rose, or as a function plot by plot.fv.

The algorithm gives each observed direction a weight, determined by an edge correction, to adjust for the fact that some interpoint distances are more likely to be observed than others. The choice of edge correction or corrections is determined by the argument correction.

It is also possible to calculate an estimate of the probability density from the cumulative distribution function, by numerical differentiation. Use deriv.fv with the argument Dperiodic=TRUE.


A function value table (object of class "fv") containing the estimates of the probability density or the cumulative distribution function of angles, in degrees (if unit="degree") or radians (if unit="radian").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

Rolf Turner [email protected]

and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Illian, J., Penttinen, A., Stoyan, H. and Stoyan, D. (2008) Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns. Wiley.

See Also



rose(nnorient(redwood, adjust=0.6), col="grey")
  plot(CDF <- nnorient(redwood, cumulative=TRUE))

Mean of a Function of Interpoint Distance


Computes the mean value, or the double integral, of a specified function of the distance between two independent random points in a given window or windows.


pairMean(fun, W, V = NULL, ..., normalise = TRUE)



A function in the R language which takes one argument.


A window (object of class "owin") containing the first random point.


Optional. Another window containing the second random point. Defaults to W.


Further optional arguments passed to distcdf to determine the pixel resolution for the calculation and the probability distributions of the random points.


Logical value specifying whether to calculate the mean value (normalise=TRUE, the default) or the double integral (normalise=FALSE).


This command computes the mean value of fun(T) where T is the Euclidean distance T=X1X2T = \|X_1 - X_2\| between two independent random points X1X_1 and X2X_2.

In the simplest case, the command pairMean(fun, W), the random points are assumed to be uniformly distributed in the same window W. Alternatively the two random points may be uniformly distributed in two different windows W and V. Other options are described in distcdf.

The algorithm uses distcdf to compute the cumulative distribution function of T, and stieltjes to compute the mean value of fun(T).

If normalise=TRUE (the default) the result is the mean value of fun(T). If normalise=FALSE the result is the double integral.


A single numeric value.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also



pairMean(function(d) { d^2 }, disc())

Point Pair Orientation Distribution


Computes the distribution of the orientation of vectors joining pairs of points at a particular range of distances.


pairorient(X, r1, r2, ..., cumulative=FALSE,
           correction, ratio = FALSE,
           unit=c("degree", "radian"), domain=NULL)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").

r1, r2

Minimum and maximum values of distance to be considered.


Arguments passed to circdensity to control the kernel smoothing, if cumulative=FALSE.


Logical value specifying whether to estimate the probability density (cumulative=FALSE, the default) or the cumulative distribution function (cumulative=TRUE).


Character vector specifying edge correction or corrections. Options are "none", "isotropic", "translate", "border", "bord.modif", "good" and "best". Alternatively correction="all" selects all options. The default is to compute all edge corrections except "none".


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Unit in which the angles should be expressed. Either "degree" or "radian".


Optional window. The first point xix_i of each pair of points will be constrained to lie in domain.


This algorithm considers all pairs of points in the pattern X that lie more than r1 and less than r2 units apart. The direction of the arrow joining the points is measured, as an angle in degrees or radians, anticlockwise from the xx axis.

If cumulative=FALSE (the default), a kernel estimate of the probability density of the orientations is calculated using circdensity.

If cumulative=TRUE, then the cumulative distribution function of these directions is calculated. This is the function Or1,r2(ϕ)O_{r1,r2}(\phi) defined in Stoyan and Stoyan (1994), equation (14.53), page 271.

In either case the result can be plotted as a rose diagram by rose, or as a function plot by plot.fv.

The algorithm gives each observed direction a weight, determined by an edge correction, to adjust for the fact that some interpoint distances are more likely to be observed than others. The choice of edge correction or corrections is determined by the argument correction. See the help for Kest for details of edge corrections, and explanation of the options available. The choice correction="none" is not recommended; it is included for demonstration purposes only. The default is to compute all corrections except "none".

It is also possible to calculate an estimate of the probability density from the cumulative distribution function, by numerical differentiation. Use deriv.fv with the argument Dperiodic=TRUE.


A function value table (object of class "fv") containing the estimates of the probability density or the cumulative distribution function of angles, in degrees (if unit="degree") or radians (if unit="radian").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, Random Shapes and Point Fields: Methods of Geometrical Statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Kest, Ksector, nnorient


rose(pairorient(redwood, 0.05, 0.15, sigma=8), col="grey")
  plot(CDF <- pairorient(redwood, 0.05, 0.15, cumulative=TRUE))
  plot(f <- deriv(CDF, spar=0.6, Dperiodic=TRUE))

Scatterplot Matrix for Pixel Images


Produces a scatterplot matrix of the pixel values in two or more pixel images.


## S3 method for class 'im'
pairs(..., plot=TRUE, drop=TRUE)



Any number of arguments, each of which is either a pixel image (object of class "im") or a named argument to be passed to pairs.default. Alternatively, a single argument which is a list of pixel images.


Logical. If TRUE, the scatterplot matrix is plotted.


Logical value specifying whether pixel values that are NA should be removed from the data frame that is returned by the function. This does not affect the plot.


This is a method for the generic function pairs for the class of pixel images.

It produces a square array of plot panels, in which each panel shows a scatterplot of the pixel values of one image against the corresponding pixel values of another image.

At least two of the arguments ... should be pixel images (objects of class "im"). Their spatial domains must overlap, but need not have the same pixel dimensions.

First the pixel image domains are intersected, and converted to a common pixel resolution. Then the corresponding pixel values of each image are extracted. Then pairs.default is called to plot the scatterplot matrix.

Any arguments in ... which are not pixel images will be passed to pairs.default to control the plot.

The return value of is a data frame, returned invisibly. The data frame has one column for each image. Each row contains the pixel values of the different images for one pixel in the raster. If drop=TRUE (the default), any row which contains NA is deleted. The plot is not affected by the value of drop.


Invisible. A data.frame containing the corresponding pixel values for each image. The return value also belongs to the class plotpairsim which has a plot method, so that it can be re-plotted.

Image or Contour Plots

Since the scatterplots may show very dense concentrations of points, it may be useful to set panel=panel.image or panel=panel.contour to draw a colour image or contour plot of the kernel-smoothed density of the scatterplot in each panel. The argument panel is passed to pairs.default. See the help for panel.image and panel.contour.

Low Level Control of Graphics

To control the appearance of the individual scatterplot panels, see pairs.default, points or par. To control the plotting symbol for the points in the scatterplot, use the arguments pch, col, bg as described under points (because the default panel plotter is the function points). To suppress the tick marks on the plot axes, type par(xaxt="n", yaxt="n") before calling pairs.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

pairs, pairs.default, panel.contour, panel.image,,, im, par


X <- density(rpoispp(30))
  Y <- density(rpoispp(40))
  Z <- density(rpoispp(30))
  p <- pairs(X,Y,Z)

Panel Plots using Colour Image or Contour Lines


These functions can be passed to pairs or coplot to determine what kind of plotting is done in each panel of a multi-panel graphical display.


panel.contour(x, y, ..., sigma = NULL)

panel.image(x, y, ..., sigma = NULL)

panel.histogram(x, ...)


x, y

Coordinates of points in a scatterplot.


Extra graphics arguments, passed to, or rect, respectively, to control the appearance of the panel.


Bandwidth of kernel smoother, on a scale where xx and yy range between 0 and 1.


These functions can serve as one of the arguments panel, lower.panel, upper.panel, diag.panel passed to graphics commands like pairs or coplot, to determine what kind of plotting is done in each panel of a multi-panel graphical display. In particular they work with

The functions panel.contour and panel.contour are suitable for the off-diagonal plots which involve two datasets x and y. They first rescale x and y to the unit square, then apply kernel smoothing with bandwidth sigma using density.ppp. Then panel.contour draws a contour plot while panel.image draws a colour image.

The function panel.histogram is suitable for the diagonal plots which involve a single dataset x. It displays a histogram of the data.




Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also, pairs.default, panel.smooth


        panel      = panel.contour,
        diag.panel = panel.histogram)
        pairs(grad, elev, 
              panel      = panel.image,
              diag.panel = panel.histogram))
  pairs(marks(finpines), panel=panel.contour, diag.panel=panel.histogram)

Pair Correlation Function


Estimate the pair correlation function.


pcf(X, ...)



Either the observed data point pattern, or an estimate of its KK function, or an array of multitype KK functions (see Details).


Other arguments passed to the appropriate method.


The pair correlation function of a stationary point process is

g(r)=K(r)2πrg(r) = \frac{K'(r)}{2\pi r}

where K(r)K'(r) is the derivative of K(r)K(r), the reduced second moment function (aka “Ripley's KK function”) of the point process. See Kest for information about K(r)K(r). For a stationary Poisson process, the pair correlation function is identically equal to 1. Values g(r)<1g(r) < 1 suggest inhibition between points; values greater than 1 suggest clustering.

We also apply the same definition to other variants of the classical KK function, such as the multitype KK functions (see Kcross, Kdot) and the inhomogeneous KK function (see Kinhom). For all these variants, the benchmark value of K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 corresponds to g(r)=1g(r) = 1.

This routine computes an estimate of g(r)g(r) either directly from a point pattern, or indirectly from an estimate of K(r)K(r) or one of its variants.

This function is generic, with methods for the classes "ppp", "fv" and "fasp".

If X is a point pattern (object of class "ppp") then the pair correlation function is estimated using a traditional kernel smoothing method (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994). See pcf.ppp for details.

If X is a function value table (object of class "fv"), then it is assumed to contain estimates of the KK function or one of its variants (typically obtained from Kest or Kinhom). This routine computes an estimate of g(r)g(r) using smoothing splines to approximate the derivative. See pcf.fv for details.

If X is a function value array (object of class "fasp"), then it is assumed to contain estimates of several KK functions (typically obtained from Kmulti or alltypes). This routine computes an estimate of g(r)g(r) for each cell in the array, using smoothing splines to approximate the derivatives. See pcf.fasp for details.


Either a function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object) representing a pair correlation function, or a function array (object of class "fasp", see fasp.object) representing an array of pair correlation functions.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

pcf.ppp, pcf.fv, pcf.fasp, Kest, Kinhom, Kcross, Kdot, Kmulti, alltypes


# ppp object
  X <- simdat
  p <- pcf(X)

  # fv object
  K <- Kest(X)
  p2 <- pcf(K, spar=0.8, method="b")

  # multitype pattern; fasp object
  amaK <- alltypes(amacrine, "K")
  amap <- pcf(amaK, spar=1, method="b")

Pair Correlation Function obtained from array of K functions


Estimates the (bivariate) pair correlation functions of a point pattern, given an array of (bivariate) K functions.


## S3 method for class 'fasp'
pcf(X, ..., method="c")



An array of multitype KK functions (object of class "fasp").


Arguments controlling the smoothing spline function smooth.spline.


Letter "a", "b", "c" or "d" indicating the method for deriving the pair correlation function from the K function.


The pair correlation function of a stationary point process is

g(r)=K(r)2πrg(r) = \frac{K'(r)}{2\pi r}

where K(r)K'(r) is the derivative of K(r)K(r), the reduced second moment function (aka “Ripley's KK function”) of the point process. See Kest for information about K(r)K(r). For a stationary Poisson process, the pair correlation function is identically equal to 1. Values g(r)<1g(r) < 1 suggest inhibition between points; values greater than 1 suggest clustering.

We also apply the same definition to other variants of the classical KK function, such as the multitype KK functions (see Kcross, Kdot) and the inhomogeneous KK function (see Kinhom). For all these variants, the benchmark value of K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 corresponds to g(r)=1g(r) = 1.

This routine computes an estimate of g(r)g(r) from an array of estimates of K(r)K(r) or its variants, using smoothing splines to approximate the derivatives. It is a method for the generic function pcf.

The argument X should be a function array (object of class "fasp", see fasp.object) containing several estimates of KK functions. This should have been obtained from alltypes with the argument fun="K".

The smoothing spline operations are performed by smooth.spline and predict.smooth.spline from the modreg library. Four numerical methods are available:

  • "a" apply smoothing to K(r)K(r), estimate its derivative, and plug in to the formula above;

  • "b" apply smoothing to Y(r)=K(r)2πrY(r) = \frac{K(r)}{2 \pi r} constraining Y(0)=0Y(0) = 0, estimate the derivative of YY, and solve;

  • "c" apply smoothing to Z(r)=K(r)πr2Z(r) = \frac{K(r)}{\pi r^2} constraining Z(0)=1Z(0)=1, estimate its derivative, and solve.

  • "d" apply smoothing to V(r)=K(r)V(r) = \sqrt{K(r)}, estimate its derivative, and solve.

Method "c" seems to be the best at suppressing variability for small values of rr. However it effectively constrains g(0)=1g(0) = 1. If the point pattern seems to have inhibition at small distances, you may wish to experiment with method "b" which effectively constrains g(0)=0g(0)=0. Method "a" seems comparatively unreliable.

Useful arguments to control the splines include the smoothing tradeoff parameter spar and the degrees of freedom df. See smooth.spline for details.


A function array (object of class "fasp", see fasp.object) representing an array of pair correlation functions. This can be thought of as a matrix Y each of whose entries Y[i,j] is a function value table (class "fv") representing the pair correlation function between points of type i and points of type j.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (1995) Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Kest, Kinhom, Kcross, Kdot, Kmulti, alltypes, smooth.spline, predict.smooth.spline


# multitype point pattern
  KK <- alltypes(amacrine, "K")
  p <- pcf.fasp(KK, spar=0.5, method="b")
  # strong inhibition between points of the same type

Pair Correlation Function obtained from K Function


Estimates the pair correlation function of a point pattern, given an estimate of the K function.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
pcf(X, ..., method="c")



An estimate of the KK function or one of its variants. An object of class "fv".


Arguments controlling the smoothing spline function smooth.spline.


Letter "a", "b", "c" or "d" indicating the method for deriving the pair correlation function from the K function.


The pair correlation function of a stationary point process is

g(r)=K(r)2πrg(r) = \frac{K'(r)}{2\pi r}

where K(r)K'(r) is the derivative of K(r)K(r), the reduced second moment function (aka “Ripley's KK function”) of the point process. See Kest for information about K(r)K(r). For a stationary Poisson process, the pair correlation function is identically equal to 1. Values g(r)<1g(r) < 1 suggest inhibition between points; values greater than 1 suggest clustering.

We also apply the same definition to other variants of the classical KK function, such as the multitype KK functions (see Kcross, Kdot) and the inhomogeneous KK function (see Kinhom). For all these variants, the benchmark value of K(r)=πr2K(r) = \pi r^2 corresponds to g(r)=1g(r) = 1.

This routine computes an estimate of g(r)g(r) from an estimate of K(r)K(r) or its variants, using smoothing splines to approximate the derivative. It is a method for the generic function pcf for the class "fv".

The argument X should be an estimated KK function, given as a function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object). This object should be the value returned by Kest, Kcross, Kmulti or Kinhom.

The smoothing spline operations are performed by smooth.spline and predict.smooth.spline from the modreg library. Four numerical methods are available:

  • "a" apply smoothing to K(r)K(r), estimate its derivative, and plug in to the formula above;

  • "b" apply smoothing to Y(r)=K(r)2πrY(r) = \frac{K(r)}{2 \pi r} constraining Y(0)=0Y(0) = 0, estimate the derivative of YY, and solve;

  • "c" apply smoothing to Z(r)=K(r)πr2Z(r) = \frac{K(r)}{\pi r^2} constraining Z(0)=1Z(0)=1, estimate its derivative, and solve.

  • "d" apply smoothing to V(r)=K(r)V(r) = \sqrt{K(r)}, estimate its derivative, and solve.

Method "c" seems to be the best at suppressing variability for small values of rr. However it effectively constrains g(0)=1g(0) = 1. If the point pattern seems to have inhibition at small distances, you may wish to experiment with method "b" which effectively constrains g(0)=0g(0)=0. Method "a" seems comparatively unreliable.

Useful arguments to control the splines include the smoothing tradeoff parameter spar and the degrees of freedom df. See smooth.spline for details.


A function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object) representing a pair correlation function.

Essentially a data frame containing (at least) the variables


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the pair correlation function g(r)g(r) has been estimated


vector of values of g(r)g(r)


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Stoyan, D, Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (1995) Stochastic geometry and its applications. 2nd edition. Springer Verlag.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

pcf, pcf.ppp, Kest, Kinhom, Kcross, Kdot, Kmulti, alltypes, smooth.spline, predict.smooth.spline


# univariate point pattern
  X <- simdat
  K <- Kest(X)
  p <- pcf.fv(K, spar=0.5, method="b")
  plot(p, main="pair correlation function for simdat")
  # indicates inhibition at distances r < 0.3

Pair Correlation Function of Point Pattern


Estimates the pair correlation function of a point pattern using kernel methods.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
pcf(X, ..., r = NULL, kernel="epanechnikov", bw=NULL,
                    correction=c("translate", "Ripley"),
                    divisor = c("r", "d"),
                    var.approx = FALSE,
                    ratio=FALSE, close=NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Vector of values for the argument rr at which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for smoothing kernel, passed to density.default. Either a single numeric value giving the standard deviation of the kernel, or a character string specifying a bandwidth selection rule recognised by density.default. If bw is missing or NULL, the default value is computed using Stoyan's rule of thumb: see Details.


Other arguments passed to the kernel density estimation function density.default.


Coefficient for Stoyan's bandwidth selection rule; see Details.


Edge correction. A character vector specifying the choice (or choices) of edge correction. See Details.


Choice of divisor in the estimation formula: either "r" (the default) or "d". See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to compute an analytic approximation to the variance of the estimated pair correlation.


Optional. Calculations will be restricted to this subset of the window. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Advanced use only. Precomputed data. See section on Advanced Use.


The pair correlation function g(r)g(r) is a summary of the dependence between points in a spatial point process. The best intuitive interpretation is the following: the probability p(r)p(r) of finding two points at locations xx and yy separated by a distance rr is equal to

p(r)=λ2g(r)dxdyp(r) = \lambda^2 g(r) \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y

where λ\lambda is the intensity of the point process. For a completely random (uniform Poisson) process, p(r)=λ2dxdyp(r) = \lambda^2 \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y so g(r)=1g(r) = 1. Formally, the pair correlation function of a stationary point process is defined by

g(r)=K(r)2πrg(r) = \frac{K'(r)}{2\pi r}

where K(r)K'(r) is the derivative of K(r)K(r), the reduced second moment function (aka “Ripley's KK function”) of the point process. See Kest for information about K(r)K(r).

For a stationary Poisson process, the pair correlation function is identically equal to 1. Values g(r)<1g(r) < 1 suggest inhibition between points; values greater than 1 suggest clustering.

This routine computes an estimate of g(r)g(r) by kernel smoothing.

  • If divisor="r" (the default), then the standard kernel estimator (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, pages 284–285) is used. By default, the recommendations of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994) are followed exactly.

  • If divisor="d" then a modified estimator is used (Guan, 2007): the contribution from an interpoint distance dijd_{ij} to the estimate of g(r)g(r) is divided by dijd_{ij} instead of dividing by rr. This usually improves the bias of the estimator when rr is close to zero.

There is also a choice of spatial edge corrections (which are needed to avoid bias due to edge effects associated with the boundary of the spatial window):

  • If correction="translate" or correction="translation" then the translation correction is used. For divisor="r" the translation-corrected estimate is given in equation (15.15), page 284 of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994).

  • If correction="Ripley" or correction="isotropic" then Ripley's isotropic edge correction is used. For divisor="r" the isotropic-corrected estimate is given in equation (15.18), page 285 of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994).

  • If correction="none" then no edge correction is used, that is, an uncorrected estimate is computed.

Multiple corrections can be selected. The default is correction=c("translate", "Ripley").

Alternatively correction="all" selects all options; correction="best" selects the option which has the best statistical performance; correction="good" selects the option which is the best compromise between statistical performance and speed of computation.

The choice of smoothing kernel is controlled by the argument kernel which is passed to density.default. The default is the Epanechnikov kernel, recommended by Stoyan and Stoyan (1994, page 285).

The bandwidth of the smoothing kernel can be controlled by the argument bw. Bandwidth is defined as the standard deviation of the kernel; see the documentation for density.default. For the Epanechnikov kernel with half-width h, the argument bw is equivalent to h/5h/\sqrt{5}.

Stoyan and Stoyan (1994, page 285) recommend using the Epanechnikov kernel with support [h,h][-h,h] chosen by the rule of thumn h=c/λh = c/\sqrt{\lambda}, where λ\lambda is the (estimated) intensity of the point process, and cc is a constant in the range from 0.1 to 0.2. See equation (15.16). If bw is missing or NULL, then this rule of thumb will be applied. The argument stoyan determines the value of cc. The smoothing bandwidth that was used in the calculation is returned as an attribute of the final result.

The argument r is the vector of values for the distance rr at which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default. If it is specified, r must be a vector of increasing numbers starting from r[1] = 0, and max(r) must not exceed half the diameter of the window.

If the argument domain is given, estimation will be restricted to this region. That is, the estimate of g(r)g(r) will be based on pairs of points in which the first point lies inside domain and the second point is unrestricted. The argument domain should be a window (object of class "owin") or something acceptable to as.owin. It must be a subset of the window of the point pattern X.

To compute a confidence band for the true value of the pair correlation function, use lohboot.

If var.approx = TRUE, the variance of the estimate of the pair correlation will also be calculated using an analytic approximation (Illian et al, 2008, page 234) which is valid for stationary point processes which are not too clustered. This calculation is not yet implemented when the argument domain is given.


A function value table (object of class "fv"). Essentially a data frame containing the variables


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the pair correlation function g(r)g(r) has been estimated


vector of values equal to 1, the theoretical value of g(r)g(r) for the Poisson process


vector of values of g(r)g(r) estimated by translation correction


vector of values of g(r)g(r) estimated by Ripley isotropic correction


vector of approximate values of the variance of the estimate of g(r)g(r)

as required.

If ratio=TRUE then the return value also has two attributes called "numerator" and "denominator" which are "fv" objects containing the numerators and denominators of each estimate of g(r)g(r).

The return value also has an attribute "bw" giving the smoothing bandwidth that was used.

Advanced Use

To perform the same computation using several different bandwidths bw, it is efficient to use the argument close. This should be the result of closepairs(X, rmax) for a suitably large value of rmax, namely rmax >= max(r) + 3 * bw.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected] and Martin Hazelton [email protected].


Guan, Y. (2007) A least-squares cross-validation bandwidth selection approach in pair correlation function estimation. Statistics and Probability Letters 77 (18) 1722–1729.

Illian, J., Penttinen, A., Stoyan, H. and Stoyan, D. (2008) Statistical Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Point Patterns. Wiley.

Stoyan, D. and Stoyan, H. (1994) Fractals, random shapes and point fields: methods of geometrical statistics. John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

Kest, pcf, density.default, bw.stoyan, bw.pcf, lohboot.


X <- simdat
  p <- pcf(X)
  plot(p, main="pair correlation function for X")
  # indicates inhibition at distances r < 0.3

  pd <- pcf(X, divisor="d")

  # compare estimates
  plot(p, cbind(iso, theo) ~ r, col=c("blue", "red"),
         ylim.covers=0, main="", lwd=c(2,1), lty=c(1,3), legend=FALSE)
  plot(pd, iso ~ r, col="green", lwd=2, add=TRUE)
  legend("center", col=c("blue", "green"), lty=1, lwd=2,

  # calculate approximate variance and show POINTWISE confidence bands
  pv <- pcf(X, var.approx=TRUE)
  plot(pv, cbind(iso, iso+2*sqrt(v), iso-2*sqrt(v)) ~ r)

Pair Correlation Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern


Estimates the pair correlation function from a three-dimensional point pattern.


pcf3est(X, ..., rmax = NULL, nrval = 128,
           correction = c("translation", "isotropic"),
           delta=NULL, adjust=1, biascorrect=TRUE)



Three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").




Optional. Maximum value of argument rr for which g3(r)g_3(r) will be estimated.


Optional. Number of values of rr for which g3(r)g_3(r) will be estimated.


Optional. Character vector specifying the edge correction(s) to be applied. See Details.


Optional. Half-width of the Epanechnikov smoothing kernel.


Optional. Adjustment factor for the default value of delta.


Logical value. Whether to correct for underestimation due to truncation of the kernel near r=0r=0.


For a stationary point process Φ\Phi in three-dimensional space, the pair correlation function is

g3(r)=K3(r)4πr2g_3(r) = \frac{K_3'(r)}{4\pi r^2}

where K3K_3' is the derivative of the three-dimensional KK-function (see K3est).

The three-dimensional point pattern X is assumed to be a partial realisation of a stationary point process Φ\Phi. The distance between each pair of distinct points is computed. Kernel smoothing is applied to these distance values (weighted by an edge correction factor) and the result is renormalised to give the estimate of g3(r)g_3(r).

The available edge corrections are:


the Ohser translation correction estimator (Ohser, 1983; Baddeley et al, 1993)


the three-dimensional counterpart of Ripley's isotropic edge correction (Ripley, 1977; Baddeley et al, 1993).

Kernel smoothing is performed using the Epanechnikov kernel with half-width delta. If delta is missing, the default is to use the rule-of-thumb δ=0.26/λ1/3\delta = 0.26/\lambda^{1/3} where λ=n/v\lambda = n/v is the estimated intensity, computed from the number nn of data points and the volume vv of the enclosing box. This default value of delta is multiplied by the factor adjust.

The smoothing estimate of the pair correlation g3(r)g_3(r) is typically an underestimate when rr is small, due to truncation of the kernel at r=0r=0. If biascorrect=TRUE, the smoothed estimate is approximately adjusted for this bias. This is advisable whenever the dataset contains a sufficiently large number of points.


A function value table (object of class "fv") that can be plotted, printed or coerced to a data frame containing the function values.

Additionally the value of delta is returned as an attribute of this object.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rana Moyeed.


Baddeley, A.J, Moyeed, R.A., Howard, C.V. and Boyde, A. (1993) Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Applied Statistics 42, 641–668.

Ohser, J. (1983) On estimators for the reduced second moment measure of point processes. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, series Statistics, 14, 63 – 71.

Ripley, B.D. (1977) Modelling spatial patterns (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 39, 172 – 212.

See Also

pp3 to create a three-dimensional point pattern (object of class "pp3").

F3est, G3est, K3est for other summary functions of a three-dimensional point pattern.

pcf to estimate the pair correlation function of point patterns in two dimensions or other spaces.


X <- rpoispp3(250)
  Z <- pcf3est(X)
  Zbias <- pcf3est(X, biascorrect=FALSE)
  if(interactive()) {
    opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
    plot(Z,     ylim.covers=c(0, 1.2))
    plot(Zbias, ylim.covers=c(0, 1.2))
  attr(Z, "delta")

Multitype pair correlation function (cross-type)


Calculates an estimate of the cross-type pair correlation function for a multitype point pattern.


pcfcross(X, i, j, ..., 
           r = NULL, 
           kernel = "epanechnikov", bw = NULL, stoyan = 0.15,
           correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
           divisor = c("r", "d"),
           ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the cross-type pair correlation function gij(r)g_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor).


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).




Vector of values for the argument rr at which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Coefficient for default bandwidth rule; see Details.


Choice of edge correction.


Choice of divisor in the estimation formula: either "r" (the default) or "d". See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


The cross-type pair correlation function is a generalisation of the pair correlation function pcf to multitype point patterns.

For two locations xx and yy separated by a distance rr, the probability p(r)p(r) of finding a point of type ii at location xx and a point of type jj at location yy is

p(r)=λiλjgi,j(r)dxdyp(r) = \lambda_i \lambda_j g_{i,j}(r) \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y

where λi\lambda_i is the intensity of the points of type ii. For a completely random Poisson marked point process, p(r)=λiλjp(r) = \lambda_i \lambda_j so gi,j(r)=1g_{i,j}(r) = 1. Indeed for any marked point pattern in which the points of type i are independent of the points of type j, the theoretical value of the cross-type pair correlation is gi,j(r)=1g_{i,j}(r) = 1.

For a stationary multitype point process, the cross-type pair correlation function between marks ii and jj is formally defined as

gi,j(r)=Ki,j(r)2πrg_{i,j}(r) = \frac{K_{i,j}^\prime(r)}{2\pi r}

where Ki,jK_{i,j}^\prime is the derivative of the cross-type KK function Ki,j(r)K_{i,j}(r). of the point process. See Kest for information about K(r)K(r).

The command pcfcross computes a kernel estimate of the cross-type pair correlation function between marks ii and jj.

  • If divisor="r" (the default), then the multitype counterpart of the standard kernel estimator (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, pages 284–285) is used. By default, the recommendations of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994) are followed exactly.

  • If divisor="d" then a modified estimator is used: the contribution from an interpoint distance dijd_{ij} to the estimate of g(r)g(r) is divided by dijd_{ij} instead of dividing by rr. This usually improves the bias of the estimator when rr is close to zero.

There is also a choice of spatial edge corrections (which are needed to avoid bias due to edge effects associated with the boundary of the spatial window): correction="translate" is the Ohser-Stoyan translation correction, and correction="isotropic" or "Ripley" is Ripley's isotropic correction.

The choice of smoothing kernel is controlled by the argument kernel which is passed to density. The default is the Epanechnikov kernel.

The bandwidth of the smoothing kernel can be controlled by the argument bw. Its precise interpretation is explained in the documentation for density.default. For the Epanechnikov kernel with support [h,h][-h,h], the argument bw is equivalent to h/5h/\sqrt{5}.

If bw is not specified, the default bandwidth is determined by Stoyan's rule of thumb (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, page 285) applied to the points of type j. That is, h=c/λh = c/\sqrt{\lambda}, where λ\lambda is the (estimated) intensity of the point process of type j, and cc is a constant in the range from 0.1 to 0.2. The argument stoyan determines the value of cc.

The companion function pcfdot computes the corresponding analogue of Kdot.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function gi,jg_{i,j} has been estimated


the theoretical value gi,j(r)=1g_{i,j}(r) = 1 for independent marks.

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function gi,jg_{i,j} obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Mark connection function markconnect.

Multitype pair correlation pcfdot, pcfmulti.

Pair correlation pcf,pcf.ppp.



p <- pcfcross(amacrine, "off", "on")
 p <- pcfcross(amacrine, "off", "on", stoyan=0.1)

Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Cross-Type)


Estimates the inhomogeneous cross-type pair correlation function for a multitype point pattern.


pcfcross.inhom(X, i, j, lambdaI = NULL, lambdaJ = NULL, ...,
               r = NULL, breaks = NULL,
               kernel="epanechnikov", bw=NULL, = 1, stoyan=0.15,
               correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
               sigma = NULL, adjust.sigma = 1, varcov = NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous cross-type pair correlation function gij(r)g_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor).


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


The type (mark value) of the points in X to which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the second level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function of the points of type i. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of type i, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function of the points of type j. A numeric vector, pixel image or function(x,y).


Vector of values for the argument rr at which gij(r)g_{ij}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Choice of one-dimensional smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for one-dimensional smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.

Numeric value. bw will be multiplied by this value.


Other arguments passed to the one-dimensional kernel density estimation function density.default.


Bandwidth coefficient; see Details.


Choice of edge correction.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambdaI or lambdaJ is estimated by spatial kernel smoothing.


Numeric value. sigma will be multiplied by this value.


The inhomogeneous cross-type pair correlation function gij(r)g_{ij}(r) is a summary of the dependence between two types of points in a multitype spatial point process that does not have a uniform density of points.

The best intuitive interpretation is the following: the probability p(r)p(r) of finding two points, of types ii and jj respectively, at locations xx and yy separated by a distance rr is equal to

p(r)=λi(x)lambdaj(y)g(r)dxdyp(r) = \lambda_i(x) lambda_j(y) g(r) \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y

where λi\lambda_i is the intensity function of the process of points of type ii. For a multitype Poisson point process, this probability is p(r)=λi(x)λj(y)p(r) = \lambda_i(x) \lambda_j(y) so gij(r)=1g_{ij}(r) = 1.

The command pcfcross.inhom estimates the inhomogeneous pair correlation using a modified version of the algorithm in pcf.ppp. The arguments bw and control the degree of one-dimensional smoothing of the estimate of pair correlation.

If the arguments lambdaI and/or lambdaJ are missing or null, they will be estimated from X by spatial kernel smoothing using a leave-one-out estimator, computed by density.ppp. The arguments sigma, varcov and adjust.sigma control the degree of spatial smoothing.


A function value table (object of class "fv"). Essentially a data frame containing the variables


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous cross-type pair correlation function gij(r)g_{ij}(r) has been estimated


vector of values equal to 1, the theoretical value of gij(r)g_{ij}(r) for the Poisson process


vector of values of gij(r)g_{ij}(r) estimated by translation correction


vector of values of gij(r)g_{ij}(r) estimated by Ripley isotropic correction

as required.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

pcf.ppp, pcfinhom, pcfcross, pcfdot.inhom


plot(pcfcross.inhom(amacrine, "on", "off", stoyan=0.1),

Multitype pair correlation function (i-to-any)


Calculates an estimate of the multitype pair correlation function (from points of type i to points of any type) for a multitype point pattern.


pcfdot(X, i, ..., r = NULL,
         kernel = "epanechnikov", bw = NULL, stoyan = 0.15,
         correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
         divisor = c("r", "d"),



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the dot-type pair correlation function gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor).


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).




Vector of values for the argument rr at which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Coefficient for default bandwidth rule; see Details.


Choice of edge correction.


Choice of divisor in the estimation formula: either "r" (the default) or "d". See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


This is a generalisation of the pair correlation function pcf to multitype point patterns.

For two locations xx and yy separated by a nonzero distance rr, the probability p(r)p(r) of finding a point of type ii at location xx and a point of any type at location yy is

p(r)=λiλgi(r)dxdyp(r) = \lambda_i \lambda g_{i\bullet}(r) \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y

where λ\lambda is the intensity of all points, and λi\lambda_i is the intensity of the points of type ii. For a completely random Poisson marked point process, p(r)=λiλp(r) = \lambda_i \lambda so gi(r)=1g_{i\bullet}(r) = 1.

For a stationary multitype point process, the type-i-to-any-type pair correlation function between marks ii and jj is formally defined as

gi(r)=Ki(r)2πrg_{i\bullet}(r) = \frac{K_{i\bullet}^\prime(r)}{2\pi r}

where KiK_{i\bullet}^\prime is the derivative of the type-i-to-any-type KK function Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r). of the point process. See Kdot for information about Ki(r)K_{i\bullet}(r).

The command pcfdot computes a kernel estimate of the multitype pair correlation function from points of type ii to points of any type.

  • If divisor="r" (the default), then the multitype counterpart of the standard kernel estimator (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, pages 284–285) is used. By default, the recommendations of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994) are followed exactly.

  • If divisor="d" then a modified estimator is used: the contribution from an interpoint distance dijd_{ij} to the estimate of g(r)g(r) is divided by dijd_{ij} instead of dividing by rr. This usually improves the bias of the estimator when rr is close to zero.

There is also a choice of spatial edge corrections (which are needed to avoid bias due to edge effects associated with the boundary of the spatial window): correction="translate" is the Ohser-Stoyan translation correction, and correction="isotropic" or "Ripley" is Ripley's isotropic correction.

The choice of smoothing kernel is controlled by the argument kernel which is passed to density. The default is the Epanechnikov kernel.

The bandwidth of the smoothing kernel can be controlled by the argument bw. Its precise interpretation is explained in the documentation for density.default. For the Epanechnikov kernel with support [h,h][-h,h], the argument bw is equivalent to h/5h/\sqrt{5}.

If bw is not specified, the default bandwidth is determined by Stoyan's rule of thumb (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, page 285). That is, h=c/λh = c/\sqrt{\lambda}, where λ\lambda is the (estimated) intensity of the unmarked point process, and cc is a constant in the range from 0.1 to 0.2. The argument stoyan determines the value of cc.

The companion function pcfcross computes the corresponding analogue of Kcross.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Essentially a data frame containing columns


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the function gig_{i\bullet} has been estimated


the theoretical value gi(r)=1g_{i\bullet}(r) = 1 for independent marks.

together with columns named "border", "bord.modif", "iso" and/or "trans", according to the selected edge corrections. These columns contain estimates of the function gi,jg_{i,j} obtained by the edge corrections named.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Mark connection function markconnect.

Multitype pair correlation pcfcross, pcfmulti.

Pair correlation pcf,pcf.ppp.



p <- pcfdot(amacrine, "on")
 p <- pcfdot(amacrine, "on", stoyan=0.1)

Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Type-i-To-Any-Type)


Estimates the inhomogeneous multitype pair correlation function (from type ii to any type) for a multitype point pattern.


pcfdot.inhom(X, i, lambdaI = NULL, lambdadot = NULL, ...,
               r = NULL, breaks = NULL,
               kernel="epanechnikov", bw=NULL,, stoyan=0.15,
               correction = c("isotropic", "Ripley", "translate"),
               sigma = NULL, adjust.sigma = 1, varcov = NULL)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the inhomogeneous multitype pair correlation function gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor).


The type (mark value) of the points in X from which distances are measured. A character string (or something that will be converted to a character string). Defaults to the first level of marks(X).


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function of the points of type i. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of type i, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function of the point pattern X. A numeric vector, pixel image or function(x,y).


Vector of values for the argument rr at which gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


This argument is for internal use only.


Choice of one-dimensional smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for one-dimensional smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.

Numeric value. bw will be multiplied by this value.


Other arguments passed to the one-dimensional kernel density estimation function density.default.


Bandwidth coefficient; see Details.


Choice of edge correction.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambdaI and/or lambdadot is estimated by spatial kernel smoothing.


Numeric value. sigma will be multiplied by this value.


The inhomogeneous multitype (type ii to any type) pair correlation function gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) is a summary of the dependence between different types of points in a multitype spatial point process that does not have a uniform density of points.

The best intuitive interpretation is the following: the probability p(r)p(r) of finding a point of type ii at location xx and another point of any type at location yy, where xx and yy are separated by a distance rr, is equal to

p(r)=λi(x)lambda(y)g(r)dxdyp(r) = \lambda_i(x) lambda(y) g(r) \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y

where λi\lambda_i is the intensity function of the process of points of type ii, and where λ\lambda is the intensity function of the points of all types. For a multitype Poisson point process, this probability is p(r)=λi(x)λ(y)p(r) = \lambda_i(x) \lambda(y) so gi(r)=1g_{i\bullet}(r) = 1.

The command pcfdot.inhom estimates the inhomogeneous multitype pair correlation using a modified version of the algorithm in pcf.ppp. The arguments bw and control the degree of one-dimensional smoothing of the estimate of pair correlation.

If the arguments lambdaI and/or lambdadot are missing or null, they will be estimated from X by spatial kernel smoothing using a leave-one-out estimator, computed by density.ppp. The arguments sigma, varcov and adjust.sigma control the degree of spatial smoothing.


A function value table (object of class "fv"). Essentially a data frame containing the variables


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous multitype pair correlation function gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) has been estimated


vector of values equal to 1, the theoretical value of gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) for the Poisson process


vector of values of gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) estimated by translation correction


vector of values of gi(r)g_{i\bullet}(r) estimated by Ripley isotropic correction

as required.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

pcf.ppp, pcfinhom, pcfdot, pcfcross.inhom


plot(pcfdot.inhom(amacrine, "on", stoyan=0.1), legendpos="bottom")

Inhomogeneous Pair Correlation Function


Estimates the inhomogeneous pair correlation function of a point pattern using kernel methods.


pcfinhom(X, lambda = NULL, ..., r = NULL,
         kernel = "epanechnikov",
         bw = NULL,, stoyan = 0.15,
         correction = c("translate", "Ripley"),
         divisor = c("r", "d"),
         renormalise = TRUE, normpower=1,
         update = TRUE, leaveoneout = TRUE,
         reciplambda = NULL,
         sigma = NULL, adjust.sigma = 1,
         varcov = NULL, close=NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Optional. Values of the estimated intensity function. Either a vector giving the intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the intensity values at all locations, a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the intensity value at any location.


Vector of values for the argument rr at which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for one-dimensional smoothing kernel, passed to density.default. Either a single numeric value, or a character string specifying a bandwidth selection rule recognised by density.default. If bw is missing or NULL, the default value is computed using Stoyan's rule of thumb: see bw.stoyan.

Numeric value. bw will be multiplied by this value.


Other arguments passed to the kernel density estimation function density.default.


Coefficient for Stoyan's bandwidth selection rule; see bw.stoyan.


Character string or character vector specifying the choice of edge correction. See Kest for explanation and options.


Choice of divisor in the estimation formula: either "r" (the default) or "d". See pcf.ppp.


Logical. Whether to renormalise the estimate. See Details.


Integer (usually either 1 or 2). Normalisation power. See Details.


Logical. If lambda is a fitted model (class "ppm", "kppm" or "dppm") and update=TRUE (the default), the model will first be refitted to the data X (using update.ppm or update.kppm) before the fitted intensity is computed. If update=FALSE, the fitted intensity of the model will be computed without re-fitting it to X.


Logical value (passed to density.ppp or fitted.ppm) specifying whether to use a leave-one-out rule when calculating the intensity.


Alternative to lambda. Values of the estimated reciprocal 1/λ1/\lambda of the intensity function. Either a vector giving the reciprocal intensity values at the points of the pattern X, a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the reciprocal intensity values at all locations, or a function(x,y) which can be evaluated to give the reciprocal intensity value at any location.

sigma, varcov

Optional arguments passed to density.ppp to control the smoothing bandwidth, when lambda is estimated by kernel smoothing.


Numeric value. sigma will be multiplied by this value.


Advanced use only. Precomputed data. See section on Advanced Use.


The inhomogeneous pair correlation function ginhom(r)g_{\rm inhom}(r) is a summary of the dependence between points in a spatial point process that does not have a uniform density of points.

The best intuitive interpretation is the following: the probability p(r)p(r) of finding two points at locations xx and yy separated by a distance rr is equal to

p(r)=λ(x)lambda(y)g(r)dxdyp(r) = \lambda(x) lambda(y) g(r) \,{\rm d}x \, {\rm d}y

where λ\lambda is the intensity function of the point process. For a Poisson point process with intensity function λ\lambda, this probability is p(r)=λ(x)λ(y)p(r) = \lambda(x) \lambda(y) so ginhom(r)=1g_{\rm inhom}(r) = 1.

The inhomogeneous pair correlation function is related to the inhomogeneous KK function through

ginhom(r)=Kinhom(r)2πrg_{\rm inhom}(r) = \frac{K'_{\rm inhom}(r)}{2\pi r}

where Kinhom(r)K'_{\rm inhom}(r) is the derivative of Kinhom(r)K_{\rm inhom}(r), the inhomogeneous KK function. See Kinhom for information about Kinhom(r)K_{\rm inhom}(r).

The command pcfinhom estimates the inhomogeneous pair correlation using a modified version of the algorithm in pcf.ppp.

If renormalise=TRUE (the default), then the estimates are multiplied by cnormpowerc^{\mbox{normpower}} where c=area(W)/(1/λ(xi)).c = \mbox{area}(W)/\sum (1/\lambda(x_i)). This rescaling reduces the variability and bias of the estimate in small samples and in cases of very strong inhomogeneity. The default value of normpower is 1 but the most sensible value is 2, which would correspond to rescaling the lambda values so that (1/λ(xi))=area(W).\sum (1/\lambda(x_i)) = \mbox{area}(W).


A function value table (object of class "fv"). Essentially a data frame containing the variables


the vector of values of the argument rr at which the inhomogeneous pair correlation function ginhom(r)g_{\rm inhom}(r) has been estimated


vector of values equal to 1, the theoretical value of ginhom(r)g_{\rm inhom}(r) for the Poisson process


vector of values of ginhom(r)g_{\rm inhom}(r) estimated by translation correction


vector of values of ginhom(r)g_{\rm inhom}(r) estimated by Ripley isotropic correction

as required.

Advanced Use

To perform the same computation using several different bandwidths bw, it is efficient to use the argument close. This should be the result of closepairs(X, rmax) for a suitably large value of rmax, namely rmax >= max(r) + 3 * bw.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

pcf, pcf.ppp, bw.stoyan, bw.pcf, Kinhom


X <- residualspaper$Fig4b
  online <- interactive()
  if(!online) {
    ## reduce size of dataset
    X <- X[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
  plot(pcfinhom(X, stoyan=0.2, sigma=0.1))
  if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    if(online) {
      fit <- ppm(X ~ polynom(x,y,2))
    } else {
      ## simpler model, faster computation
      fit <- ppm(X ~ x)
    plot(pcfinhom(X, lambda=fit, normpower=2))

Marked pair correlation function


For a marked point pattern, estimate the multitype pair correlation function using kernel methods.


pcfmulti(X, I, J, ..., r = NULL,
            kernel = "epanechnikov", bw = NULL, stoyan = 0.15,
            correction = c("translate", "Ripley"),
            divisor = c("r", "d"),
            Iname = "points satisfying condition I",
            Jname = "points satisfying condition J",
            ratio = FALSE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of the cross-type pair correlation function gij(r)g_{ij}(r) will be computed. It must be a multitype point pattern (a marked point pattern whose marks are a factor).


Subset index specifying the points of X from which distances are measured.


Subset index specifying the points in X to which distances are measured.




Vector of values for the argument rr at which g(r)g(r) should be evaluated. There is a sensible default.


Choice of smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Bandwidth for smoothing kernel, passed to density.default.


Coefficient for default bandwidth rule.


Choice of edge correction.


Choice of divisor in the estimation formula: either "r" (the default) or "d".

Iname, Jname

Optional. Character strings describing the members of the subsets I and J.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


This is a generalisation of pcfcross to arbitrary collections of points.

The algorithm measures the distance from each data point in subset I to each data point in subset J, excluding identical pairs of points. The distances are kernel-smoothed and renormalised to form a pair correlation function.

  • If divisor="r" (the default), then the multitype counterpart of the standard kernel estimator (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, pages 284–285) is used. By default, the recommendations of Stoyan and Stoyan (1994) are followed exactly.

  • If divisor="d" then a modified estimator is used: the contribution from an interpoint distance dijd_{ij} to the estimate of g(r)g(r) is divided by dijd_{ij} instead of dividing by rr. This usually improves the bias of the estimator when rr is close to zero.

There is also a choice of spatial edge corrections (which are needed to avoid bias due to edge effects associated with the boundary of the spatial window): correction="translate" is the Ohser-Stoyan translation correction, and correction="isotropic" or "Ripley" is Ripley's isotropic correction.

The arguments I and J specify two subsets of the point pattern X. They may be any type of subset indices, for example, logical vectors of length equal to npoints(X), or integer vectors with entries in the range 1 to npoints(X), or negative integer vectors.

Alternatively, I and J may be functions that will be applied to the point pattern X to obtain index vectors. If I is a function, then evaluating I(X) should yield a valid subset index. This option is useful when generating simulation envelopes using envelope.

The choice of smoothing kernel is controlled by the argument kernel which is passed to density. The default is the Epanechnikov kernel.

The bandwidth of the smoothing kernel can be controlled by the argument bw. Its precise interpretation is explained in the documentation for density.default. For the Epanechnikov kernel with support [h,h][-h,h], the argument bw is equivalent to h/5h/\sqrt{5}.

If bw is not specified, the default bandwidth is determined by Stoyan's rule of thumb (Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, page 285) applied to the points of type j. That is, h=c/λh = c/\sqrt{\lambda}, where λ\lambda is the (estimated) intensity of the point process of type j, and cc is a constant in the range from 0.1 to 0.2. The argument stoyan determines the value of cc.


An object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

pcfcross, pcfdot, pcf.ppp.


adult <- (marks(longleaf) >= 30)
  juvenile <- !adult
  p <- pcfmulti(longleaf, adult, juvenile)

Plot Result of Berman Test


Plot the result of Berman's test of goodness-of-fit


## S3 method for class 'bermantest'
plot(x, ...,
                   lwd=par("lwd"), col=par("col"), lty=par("lty"),
                   lwd0=lwd, col0=2, lty0=2)



Object to be plotted. An object of class "bermantest" produced by berman.test.


extra arguments that will be passed to the plotting function plot.ecdf.

col, lwd, lty

The width, colour and type of lines used to plot the empirical distribution curve.

col0, lwd0, lty0

The width, colour and type of lines used to plot the predicted (null) distribution curve.


This is the plot method for the class "bermantest". An object of this class represents the outcome of Berman's test of goodness-of-fit of a spatial Poisson point process model, computed by berman.test.

For the Z1 test (i.e. if x was computed using berman.test( ,which="Z1")), the plot displays the two cumulative distribution functions that are compared by the test: namely the empirical cumulative distribution function of the covariate at the data points, F^\hat F, and the predicted cumulative distribution function of the covariate under the model, F0F_0, both plotted against the value of the covariate. Two vertical lines show the mean values of these two distributions. If the model is correct, the two curves should be close; the test is based on comparing the two vertical lines.

For the Z2 test (i.e. if x was computed using berman.test( ,which="Z2")), the plot displays the empirical cumulative distribution function of the values Ui=F0(Yi)U_i = F_0(Y_i) where YiY_i is the value of the covariate at the ii-th data point. The diagonal line with equation y=xy=x is also shown. Two vertical lines show the mean of the values UiU_i and the value 1/21/2. If the model is correct, the two curves should be close. The test is based on comparing the two vertical lines.




Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also



plot(berman.test(cells, "x"))

   if(require("spatstat.model")) {
     # synthetic data: nonuniform Poisson process
     X <- rpoispp(function(x,y) { 100 * exp(-x) }, win=square(1))

     # fit uniform Poisson process
     fit0 <- ppm(X ~1)

     # test covariate = x coordinate
     xcoord <- function(x,y) { x }

     # test wrong model
     k <- berman.test(fit0, xcoord, "Z1")
     # plot result of test
     plot(k, col="red", col0="green")

     # Z2 test
     k2 <- berman.test(fit0, xcoord, "Z2")
     plot(k2, col="red", col0="green")

Plot a Spatial Distribution Test


Plot the result of a spatial distribution test computed by cdf.test.


## S3 method for class 'cdftest'
plot(x, ...,
                   style=c("cdf", "PP", "QQ"),
                   lwd=par("lwd"), col=par("col"), lty=par("lty"),
                   lwd0=lwd, col0=2, lty0=2,



Object to be plotted. An object of class "cdftest" produced by a method for cdf.test.


extra arguments that will be passed to the plotting function plot.default.


Style of plot. See Details.

col, lwd, lty

The width, colour and type of lines used to plot the empirical curve (the empirical distribution, or PP plot or QQ plot).

col0, lwd0, lty0

The width, colour and type of lines used to plot the reference curve (the predicted distribution, or the diagonal).


Logical value indicating whether to add an explanatory legend. Applies only when style="cdf".


This is the plot method for the class "cdftest". An object of this class represents the outcome of a spatial distribution test, computed by cdf.test, and based on either the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises or Anderson-Darling test.

If style="cdf" (the default), the plot displays the two cumulative distribution functions that are compared by the test: namely the empirical cumulative distribution function of the covariate at the data points, and the predicted cumulative distribution function of the covariate under the model, both plotted against the value of the covariate. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic (for example) is the maximum vertical separation between the two curves.

If style="PP" then the P-P plot is drawn. The xx coordinates of the plot are cumulative probabilities for the covariate under the model. The yy coordinates are cumulative probabilities for the covariate at the data points. The diagonal line y=xy=x is also drawn for reference. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic is the maximum vertical separation between the P-P plot and the diagonal reference line.

If style="QQ" then the Q-Q plot is drawn. The xx coordinates of the plot are quantiles of the covariate under the model. The yy coordinates are quantiles of the covariate at the data points. The diagonal line y=xy=x is also drawn for reference. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic cannot be read off the Q-Q plot.




Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also



op <- options(useFancyQuotes=FALSE)

   plot(cdf.test(cells, "x"))

   if(require("spatstat.model")) {   
     # synthetic data: nonuniform Poisson process
     X <- rpoispp(function(x,y) { 100 * exp(x) }, win=square(1))

     # fit uniform Poisson process
     fit0 <- ppm(X ~1)

     # test covariate = x coordinate
     xcoord <- function(x,y) { x }

     # test wrong model
     k <- cdf.test(fit0, xcoord)

     # plot result of test
     plot(k, lwd0=3)

     plot(k, style="PP")

     plot(k, style="QQ")


Plot a Simulation Envelope


Plot method for the class "envelope".


## S3 method for class 'envelope'
plot(x, ..., main)



An object of class "envelope", containing the variables to be plotted or variables from which the plotting coordinates can be computed.


Main title for plot.


Extra arguments passed to plot.fv.


This is the plot method for the class "envelope" of simulation envelopes. Objects of this class are created by the command envelope.

This plot method is currently identical to plot.fv.

Its default behaviour is to shade the region between the upper and lower envelopes in a light grey colour. To suppress the shading and plot the upper and lower envelopes as curves, set shade=NULL. To change the colour of the shading, use the argument shadecol which is passed to plot.fv.

See plot.fv for further information on how to control the plot.


Either NULL, or a data frame giving the meaning of the different line types and colours.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

envelope, plot.fv


E <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=19)
   plot(E, sqrt(./pi) ~ r)

Plot a Function Array


Plots an array of summary functions, usually associated with a point pattern, stored in an object of class "fasp". A method for plot.


## S3 method for class 'fasp'
plot(x,formule=NULL, ...,
                        subset=NULL, title=NULL, banner=TRUE,
                        samex=FALSE, samey=FALSE,
                        outerlabels=TRUE, cex.outerlabels=1.25,



An object of class "fasp" representing a function array.


A formula or list of formulae indicating what variables are to be plotted against what variable. Each formula is either an R language formula object, or a string that can be parsed as a formula. If formule is a list, its kthk^{th} component should be applicable to the (i,j)th(i,j)^{th} plot where x$which[i,j]=k. If the formula is left as NULL, then plot.fasp attempts to use the component default.formula of x. If that component is NULL as well, it gives up.


Arguments passed to plot.fv to control the individual plot panels.


A logical vector, or a vector of indices, or an expression or a character string, or a list of such, indicating a subset of the data to be included in each plot. If subset is a list, its kthk^{th} component should be applicable to the (i,j)th(i,j)^{th} plot where x$which[i,j]=k.


Overall title for the plot.

Logical. If TRUE, the overall title is plotted. If FALSE, the overall title is not plotted and no space is allocated for it.


Logical. If TRUE, rows and columns will be exchanged.

samex, samey

Logical values indicating whether all individual plot panels should have the same x axis limits and the same y axis limits, respectively. This makes it easier to compare the plots.


Vector of length 4 giving the value of the graphics parameter mar controlling the size of plot margins for each individual plot panel. See par.


Logical. If TRUE, the row and column names of the array of functions are plotted in the margins of the array of plot panels. If FALSE, each individual plot panel is labelled by its row and column name.


Character expansion factor for row and column labels of array.


Logical flag determining whether to plot a legend in each panel.


An object of class "fasp" represents an array of summary functions, usually associated with a point pattern. See fasp.object for details. Such an object is created, for example, by alltypes.

The function plot.fasp is a method for plot. It calls plot.fv to plot the individual panels.

For information about the interpretation of the arguments formule and subset, see plot.fv.

Arguments that are often passed through ... include col to control the colours of the different lines in a panel, and lty and lwd to control the line type and line width of the different lines in a panel. The argument shade can also be used to display confidence intervals or significance bands as filled grey shading. See plot.fv.

The argument title, if present, will determine the overall title of the plot. If it is absent, it defaults to x$title. Titles for the individual plot panels will be taken from x$titles.




(Each component of) the subset argument may be a logical vector (of the same length as the vectors of data which are extracted from x), or a vector of indices, or an expression such as expression(r<=0.2), or a text string, such as "r<=0.2".

Attempting a syntax such as subset = r<=0.2 (without wrapping r<=0.2 either in quote marks or in expression()) will cause this function to fall over.

Variables referred to in any formula must exist in the data frames stored in x. What the names of these variables are will of course depend upon the nature of x.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

alltypes, plot.fv, fasp.object


if(interactive()) {
   X.G <- alltypes(amacrine,"G")
   plot(X.G,formule=asin(sqrt(cbind(km,theo))) ~ asin(sqrt(theo)))
   plot(X.G,fo=cbind(km,theo) - theo~r, subset="theo<=0.9")

Plot Function Values


Plot method for the class "fv".


## S3 method for class 'fv'
plot(x, fmla, ..., subset=NULL, lty=NULL, col=NULL, lwd=NULL,
           xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
           clip.xlim=TRUE, ylim.covers=NULL,
           legend=!add, legendpos="topleft", legendavoid=missing(legendpos),
           legendmath=TRUE, legendargs=list(),
           shade=fvnames(x, ".s"), shadecol="grey",
           add=FALSE, log="",
           mathfont=c("italic", "plain", "bold", "bolditalic"), 
           limitsonly=FALSE, do.plot=TRUE)



An object of class "fv", containing the variables to be plotted or variables from which the plotting coordinates can be computed.


an R language formula determining which variables or expressions are plotted. Either a formula object, or a string that can be parsed as a formula. See Details.


(optional) subset of rows of the data frame that will be plotted.


(optional) numeric vector of values of the graphical parameter lty controlling the line style of each plot.


(optional) numeric vector of values of the graphical parameter col controlling the colour of each plot.


(optional) numeric vector of values of the graphical parameter lwd controlling the line width of each plot.


(optional) range of x axis


(optional) range of y axis


(optional) label for x axis


(optional) label for y axis


Extra arguments passed to plot.default.


Logical value specifying whether the range of the horizontal axis xlim should be automatically restricted to a subset of the range of the available data. See the section on Controlling the horizontal axis limits below.


Optional vector of yy values that must be included in the yy axis. For example ylim.covers=0 will ensure that the yy axis includes the origin.


Logical flag or NULL. If legend=TRUE, the algorithm plots a legend in the top left corner of the plot, explaining the meaning of the different line types and colours.


The position of the legend. Either a character string keyword (see legend for keyword options) or a pair of coordinates in the format list(x,y). Alternatively if legendpos="float", a location will be selected inside the plot region, avoiding the graphics.


Whether to avoid collisions between the legend and the graphics. Logical value. If TRUE, the code will check for collisions between the legend box and the graphics, and will override legendpos if a collision occurs. If FALSE, the value of legendpos is always respected.


Logical. If TRUE, the legend will display the mathematical notation for each curve. If FALSE, the legend text is the identifier (column name) for each curve.


Named list containing additional arguments to be passed to legend controlling the appearance of the legend.


A character vector giving the names of two columns of x, or another type of index that identifies two columns. When the corresponding curves are plotted, the region between the curves will be shaded in light grey. The object x may or may not contain two columns which are designated as boundaries for shading; they are identified by fvnames(x, ".s"). The default is to shade between these two curves if they exist. To suppress this behaviour, set shade=NULL.


The colour to be used in the shade plot. A character string or an integer specifying a colour.


Logical. Whether the plot should be added to an existing plot


A character string which contains "x" if the x axis is to be logarithmic, "y" if the y axis is to be logarithmic and "xy" or "yx" if both axes are to be logarithmic.


Character string. The font to be used for mathematical expressions in the axis labels and the legend.


Logical. If FALSE, plotting is performed normally. If TRUE, no plotting is performed at all; just the xx and yy limits of the plot are computed and returned.


Logical value indicating whether to actually plot the graph of x. Setting do.plot=FALSE will simply return the data frame giving the meaning of the different line types and colours, without plotting them.


This is the plot method for the class "fv".

An object of class "fv" is a convenient way of storing several different statistical estimates of a summary function; see fv.object. The default behaviour, executed by plot(x), displays these different estimates as curves with different colours and line styles, and plots a legend explaining them.

The use of the argument fmla is like plot.formula, but offers some extra functionality.

The left and right hand sides of fmla are evaluated, and the results are plotted against each other (the left side on the yy axis against the right side on the xx axis).

The left and right hand sides of fmla may be the names of columns of the data frame x, or expressions involving these names. If a variable in fmla is not the name of a column of x, the algorithm will search for an object of this name in the environment where plot.fv was called, and then in the enclosing environment, and so on.

Multiple curves may be specified by a single formula of the form cbind(y1,y2,...,yn) ~ x, where x,y1,y2,...,yn are expressions involving the variables in the data frame. Each of the variables y1,y2,...,yn in turn will be plotted against x. See the examples.

Convenient abbreviations which can be used in the formula are

  • the symbol . which represents all the columns in the data frame that will be plotted by default;

  • the symbol .x which represents the function argument;

  • the symbol .y which represents the recommended value of the function.

For further information, see fvnames.

The value returned by this plot function indicates the meaning of the line types and colours in the plot. It can be used to make a suitable legend for the plot if you want to do this by hand. See the examples.

The argument shade can be used to display critical bands or confidence intervals. If it is not NULL, then it should be a subset index for the columns of x, that identifies exactly 2 columns. When the corresponding curves are plotted, the region between the curves will be shaded in light grey. See the Examples.

The default values of lty, col and lwd can be changed using spatstat.options("plot.fv").

Use type = "n" to create the plot region and draw the axes without plotting any curves.

Use do.plot=FALSE to suppress all plotting. The return value is a data frame giving the meaning of the different line types and colours which would have been plotted.

Use limitsonly=TRUE to suppress all plotting and just compute the xx and yy limits. This can be used to calculate common xx and yy scales for several plots.

To change the kind of parenthesis enclosing the explanatory text about the unit of length, use spatstat.options('units.paren')


Invisible: either NULL, or a data frame giving the meaning of the different line types and colours.

Controlling the horizontal axis limits

The plot generated by plot(x) does not necessarily display all the data that is contained in the object. The range of values of the function argument rr displayed in the plot may be narrower than the range of values actually contained in the data frame.

To override this behaviour and display all the available data, set clip.xlim=FALSE.

Statistical literature for summary functions of spatial data recommends that, when the function is plotted, the values of the function argument on the horizontal axis should be restricted to a limited range of values. For example, Ripley recommends that the K-function K(r)K(r) should be plotted only for values of distance rr between 00 and b/4b/4 where bb is the shortest side of the enclosing rectangle of the data.

This may be desirable so that the interesting detail is clearly visible in the plot. It may be necessary because values outside the recommended range are theoretically invalid, or unreliable due to high variance or large bias.

To support this standard practice, each object of class "fv" may include data specifying a “recommended range” of values of the function argument. The object produced by Kest includes a recommended range following Ripley's recommendation above. Similarly for Gest, Fest and many other commands.

When plot(x) is executed, the horizontal axis is restricted to the recommended range of values. This recommendation can be overridden by setting clip.xlim=FALSE or by specifying the numerical limits xlim.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fv.object, Kest


K <- Kest(cells)
   # K is an object of class "fv"

   plot(K, iso ~ r)                # plots iso against r

   plot(K, sqrt(iso/pi) ~ r)   # plots sqrt(iso/r)  against r

   plot(K, cbind(iso,theo) ~ r)   # plots iso against r  AND theo against r

   plot(K, .  ~ r)            # plots all available estimates of K against r

   plot(K, sqrt(./pi) ~ r)   # plots all estimates of L-function
                             # L(r) = sqrt(K(r)/pi)

   plot(K, cbind(iso,theo) ~ r, col=c(2,3))
                                   # plots iso against r  in colour 2
                                   # and theo against r in colour 3

   plot(K, iso ~ r, subset=quote(r < 0.2))
                                   # plots iso against r for r < 10

   # Can't remember the names of the columns? No problem..
   plot(K, sqrt(./pi) ~ .x)

   # making a legend by hand
   v <- plot(K, . ~ r, legend=FALSE)
   legend("topleft", legend=v$meaning, lty=v$lty, col=v$col)

   # significance bands
   KE <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=19)
   plot(KE, shade=c("hi", "lo"))

   # how to display two functions on a common scale
   Kr <- Kest(redwood)
   a <- plot(K, limitsonly=TRUE)
   b <- plot(Kr, limitsonly=TRUE)
   xlim <- range(a$xlim, b$xlim)
   ylim <- range(a$ylim, b$ylim)
   opa <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
   plot(K, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
   plot(Kr, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
   # For a shortcut, try plot(anylist(K, Kr), equal.scales=TRUE)

Plot Laslett Transform


Plot the result of Laslett's Transform.


## S3 method for class 'laslett'
plot(x, ...,
          Xpars = list(box = TRUE, col = "grey"),
          pointpars = list(pch = 3, cols = "blue"),
          rectpars = list(lty = 3, border = "green"))



Object of class "laslett" produced by laslett representing the result of Laslett's transform.


Additional plot arguments passed to plot.solist.


A list of plot arguments passed to plot.owin or to display the original region X before transformation.


A list of plot arguments passed to plot.ppp to display the tangent points.


A list of plot arguments passed to plot.owin to display the maximal rectangle.


This is the plot method for the class "laslett".

The function laslett applies Laslett's Transform to a spatial region X and returns an object of class "laslett" representing the result of the transformation. The result is plotted by this method.

The plot function plot.solist is used to align the before-and-after pictures. See plot.solist for further options to control the plot.




Kassel Hingee and Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also



b <- laslett(heather$coarse, plotit=FALSE)
  plot(b, main="Heather Data")

Display the result of a quadrat counting test.


Given the result of a quadrat counting test, graphically display the quadrats that were used, the observed and expected counts, and the residual in each quadrat.


## S3 method for class 'quadrattest'
plot(x, ..., textargs=list())



Object of class "quadrattest" containing the result of quadrat.test.


Additional arguments passed to plot.tess to control the display of the quadrats.


List of additional arguments passed to text.default to control the appearance of the text.


This is the plot method for objects of class "quadrattest". Such an object is produced by quadrat.test and represents the result of a χ2\chi^2 test for a spatial point pattern.

The quadrats are first plotted using plot.tess. Then in each quadrat, the observed and expected counts and the Pearson residual are displayed as text using text.default. Observed count is displayed at top left; expected count at top right; and Pearson residual at bottom.




Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

quadrat.test, plot.tess, text.default, plot.quadratcount


plot(quadrat.test(swedishpines, 3))

Plot Result of Scan Test


Computes or plots an image showing the likelihood ratio test statistic for the scan test, or the optimal circle radius.


## S3 method for class 'scan.test'
plot(x, ..., what=c("statistic", "radius"),
               do.window = TRUE)

 ## S3 method for class 'scan.test', ..., what=c("statistic", "radius"))


x, X

Result of a scan test. An object of class "scan.test" produced by scan.test.


Arguments passed to to control the appearance of the plot.


Character string indicating whether to produce an image of the (profile) likelihood ratio test statistic (what="statistic", the default) or an image of the optimal value of circle radius (what="radius").


Logical value indicating whether to plot the original window of the data as well.


These functions extract, and plot, the spatially-varying value of the likelihood ratio test statistic which forms the basis of the scan test.

If the test result X was based on circles of the same radius r, then is a pixel image of the likelihood ratio test statistic as a function of the position of the centre of the circle.

If the test result X was based on circles of several different radii r, then is a pixel image of the profile (maximum value over all radii r) likelihood ratio test statistic as a function of the position of the centre of the circle, and, what="radius") is a pixel image giving for each location uu the value of r which maximised the likelihood ratio test statistic at that location.

The plot method plots the corresponding image.


The value of is a pixel image (object of class "im"). The value of plot.scan.test is NULL.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

scan.test, scanLRTS


online <- interactive()
   Nsim <- if(online) 19 else 2
   r <- if(online) seq(0.04, 0.1, by=0.01) else c(0.05, 0.1)
   a <- scan.test(redwood, r=r, method="poisson", nsim=Nsim)
   plot(a, what="radius")

Plot a Spatially Sampled Function


Plot a spatially sampled function object.


## S3 method for class 'ssf'
plot(x, ...,
                   how = c("smoothed", "nearest", "points"),
                   style = c("image", "contour", "imagecontour"),
                   sigma = NULL, contourargs=list())

## S3 method for class 'ssf'
image(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ssf'
contour(x, ..., main, sigma = NULL)



Spatially sampled function (object of class "ssf").


Arguments passed to image.default or plot.ppp to control the plot.


Character string determining whether to display the function values at the data points (how="points"), a smoothed interpolation of the function (how="smoothed"), or the function value at the nearest data point (how="nearest").


Character string indicating whether to plot the smoothed function as a colour image, a contour map, or both.


Arguments passed to contour.default to control the contours, if style="contour" or style="imagecontour".


Smoothing bandwidth for smooth interpolation.


Optional main title for the plot.


These are methods for the generic plot, image and contour for the class "ssf".

An object of class "ssf" represents a function (real- or vector-valued) that has been sampled at a finite set of points.

For plot.ssf there are three types of display. If how="points" the exact function values will be displayed as circles centred at the locations where they were computed. If how="smoothed" (the default) these values will be kernel-smoothed using Smooth.ppp and displayed as a pixel image. If how="nearest" the values will be interpolated by nearest neighbour interpolation using nnmark and displayed as a pixel image.

For image.ssf and contour.ssf the values are kernel-smoothed before being displayed.




Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Baddeley, A. (2017) Local composite likelihood for spatial point processes. Spatial Statistics 22, 261–295.

Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

See Also



a <- ssf(cells, nndist(cells, k=1:3))
  plot(a, how="points")
  plot(a, how="smoothed")
  plot(a, how="nearest")

Plot a Studentised Permutation Test


Plot the result of the studentised permutation test.


## S3 method for class 'studpermutest'
plot(x, fmla, ...,
          lty = NULL, col = NULL, lwd = NULL,
          lty.theo = NULL, col.theo = NULL, lwd.theo = NULL,
          lwd.mean = if (meanonly) 1 else NULL,
          lty.mean = lty, col.mean = col,
          separately = FALSE, meanonly = FALSE,
          main = if (meanonly) "group means" else NULL,
          xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ylab = NULL,
          legend = !add, legendpos = "topleft", lbox = FALSE, add = FALSE)



An object of class "studpermutest" generated by studpermu.test and representing the result of a studentised permutation test for spatial point pattern data.


Plot formula used in plot.fv.


Additional graphical arguments passed to plot.fv.

lty, col, lwd

Line type, colour, and line width of the curves plotting the summary function for each point pattern in the original data. Either a single value or a vector of length equal to the number of point patterns.

lty.theo, col.theo, lwd.theo

Line type, colour, and line width of the curve representing the theoretical value of the summary function.

lty.mean, col.mean, lwd.mean

Line type, colour, and line width (as a multiple of lwd) of the curve representing the group mean of the summary function.


Logical value indicating whether to plot each group of data in a separate panel.


Logical value indicating whether to plot only the group means of the summary function.


Character string giving a main title for the plot.

xlim, ylim

Numeric vectors of length 2 giving the limits for the xx and yy coordinates of the plot or plots.


Character string or expression to be used for the label on the yy axis.


Logical value indicating whether to plot a legend explaining the meaning of each curve.


Position of legend. See plot.fv.


Logical value indicating whether to plot a box around the plot.


Logical value indicating whether the plot should be added to the existing plot (add=TRUE) or whether a new frame should be created (add=FALSE, the default).


This is the plot method for objects of class "studpermutest" which represent the result of a studentised permutation test applied to several point patterns. The test is performed by studpermu.test.

The plot shows the summary functions for each point pattern, coloured according to group. Optionally it can show the different groups in separate plot panels, or show only the group means in a single panel.




Ute Hahn.

Modified for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also



np <- if(interactive()) 99 else 19
  testpyramidal <- studpermu.test(pyramidal, Neurons ~ group, nperm=np)
  plot(testpyramidal, meanonly=TRUE)
  plot(testpyramidal, col.theo=8, lwd.theo=4, lty.theo=1)
  plot(testpyramidal, . ~ pi * r^2)
  op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
  plot(testpyramidal, separately=TRUE)
  plot(testpyramidal, separately=TRUE, col=2, lty=1, lwd.mean=2, col.mean=4)

Pool Data


Pool the data from several objects of the same class.





Objects of the same type.


The function pool is generic. There are methods for several classes, listed below.

pool is used to combine the data from several objects of the same type, and to compute statistics based on the combined dataset. It may be used to pool the estimates obtained from replicated datasets. It may also be used in high-performance computing applications, when the objects ... have been computed on different processors or in different batch runs, and we wish to combine them.


An object of the same class as the arguments ....


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

pool.envelope, pool.fasp, pool.rat, pool.fv

Pool Data from a List of Objects


Pool the data from the objects in a list.


## S3 method for class 'anylist'
pool(x, ...)



A list, belonging to the class "anylist", containing objects that can be pooled.


Optional additional objects which can be pooled with the elements of x.


The function pool is generic. Its purpose is to combine data from several objects of the same type (typically computed from different datasets) into a common, pooled estimate.

The function pool.anyist is the method for the class "anylist". It is used when the objects to be pooled are given in a list x.

Each of the elements of the list x, and each of the subsequent arguments ... if provided, must be an object of the same class.


An object of the same class as each of the entries in x.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

anylist, pool.


Keach <- anylapply(waterstriders, Kest, ratio=TRUE, correction="iso")
   K <- pool(Keach)

Pool Data from Several Envelopes


Pool the simulation data from several simulation envelopes (objects of class "envelope") and compute a new envelope.


## S3 method for class 'envelope'
pool(..., savefuns=FALSE, savepatterns=FALSE)



Objects of class "envelope".


Logical flag indicating whether to save all the simulated function values.


Logical flag indicating whether to save all the simulated point patterns.


The function pool is generic. This is the method for the class "envelope" of simulation envelopes. It is used to combine the simulation data from several simulation envelopes and to compute an envelope based on the combined data.

Each of the arguments ... must be an object of class "envelope". These envelopes must be compatible, in that they are envelopes for the same function, and were computed using the same options.

  • In normal use, each envelope object will have been created by running the command envelope with the argument savefuns=TRUE. This ensures that each object contains the simulated data (summary function values for the simulated point patterns) that were used to construct the envelope.

    The simulated data are extracted from each object and combined. A new envelope is computed from the combined set of simulations.

  • Alternatively, if each envelope object was created by running envelope with VARIANCE=TRUE, then the saved functions are not required.

    The sample means and sample variances from each envelope will be pooled. A new envelope is computed from the pooled mean and variance.

Warnings or errors will be issued if the envelope objects ... appear to be incompatible. Apart from these basic checks, the code is not smart enough to decide whether it is sensible to pool the data.

To modify the envelope parameters or the type of envelope that is computed, first pool the envelope data using pool.envelope, then use envelope.envelope to modify the envelope parameters.


An object of class "envelope".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

envelope, envelope.envelope, pool, pool.fasp


E1 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=10, savefuns=TRUE)
   E2 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=20, savefuns=TRUE)
   pool(E1, E2)

   V1 <- envelope(E1, VARIANCE=TRUE)
   V2 <- envelope(E2, VARIANCE=TRUE)
   pool(V1, V2)

Pool Data from Several Function Arrays


Pool the simulation data from several function arrays (objects of class "fasp") and compute a new function array.


## S3 method for class 'fasp'



Objects of class "fasp".


The function pool is generic. This is the method for the class "fasp" of function arrays. It is used to combine the simulation data from several arrays of simulation envelopes and to compute a new array of envelopes based on the combined data.

Each of the arguments ... must be a function array (object of class "fasp") containing simulation envelopes. This is typically created by running the command alltypes with the arguments envelope=TRUE and savefuns=TRUE. This ensures that each object is an array of simulation envelopes, and that each envelope contains the simulated data (summary function values) that were used to construct the envelope.

The simulated data are extracted from each object and combined. A new array of envelopes is computed from the combined set of simulations.

Warnings or errors will be issued if the objects ... appear to be incompatible. However, the code is not smart enough to decide whether it is sensible to pool the data.


An object of class "fasp".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

fasp, alltypes, pool.envelope, pool


A1 <- alltypes(amacrine,"K",nsim=9,envelope=TRUE,savefuns=TRUE)
   A2 <- alltypes(amacrine,"K",nsim=10,envelope=TRUE,savefuns=TRUE)
   pool(A1, A2)

Pool Several Functions


Combine several summary functions into a single function.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
pool(..., weights=NULL, relabel=TRUE, variance=TRUE)



Objects of class "fv".


Optional numeric vector of weights for the functions.


Logical value indicating whether the columns of the resulting function should be labelled to show that they were obtained by pooling.


Logical value indicating whether to compute the sample variance and related terms.


The function pool is generic. This is the method for the class "fv" of summary functions. It is used to combine several estimates of the same function into a single function.

Each of the arguments ... must be an object of class "fv". They must be compatible, in that they are estimates of the same function, and were computed using the same options.

The sample mean and sample variance of the corresponding estimates will be computed.


An object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

pool, pool.anylist, pool.rat


K <- lapply(waterstriders, Kest, correction="iso")
   Kall <- pool(K[[1]], K[[2]], K[[3]])
   Kall <- pool(as.anylist(K))
   plot(Kall, cbind(pooliso, pooltheo) ~ r,
              shade=c("loiso", "hiiso"),
              main="Pooled K function of waterstriders")

Pool Several Quadrat Tests


Pool several quadrat tests into a single quadrat test.


## S3 method for class 'quadrattest'
pool(..., df=NULL, df.est=NULL, nsim=1999,
                                Xname=NULL, CR=NULL)



Any number of objects, each of which is a quadrat test (object of class "quadrattest").


Optional. Number of degrees of freedom of the test statistic. Relevant only for χ2\chi^2 tests. Incompatible with df.est.


Optional. The number of fitted parameters, or the number of degrees of freedom lost by estimation of parameters. Relevant only for χ2\chi^2 tests. Incompatible with df.


Number of simulations, for Monte Carlo test.


Optional. Name of the original data.


Optional. Numeric value of the Cressie-Read exponent CR overriding the value used in the tests.


The function pool is generic. This is the method for the class "quadrattest".

An object of class "quadrattest" represents a χ2\chi^2 test or Monte Carlo test of goodness-of-fit for a point process model, based on quadrat counts. Such objects are created by the command quadrat.test.

Each of the arguments ... must be an object of class "quadrattest". They must all be the same type of test (chi-squared test or Monte Carlo test, conditional or unconditional) and must all have the same type of alternative hypothesis.

The test statistic of the pooled test is the Pearson X2X^2 statistic taken over all cells (quadrats) of all tests. The pp value of the pooled test is then computed using either a Monte Carlo test or a χ2\chi^2 test.

For a pooled χ2\chi^2 test, the number of degrees of freedom of the combined test is computed by adding the degrees of freedom of all the tests (equivalent to assuming the tests are independent) unless it is determined by the arguments df or df.est. The resulting pp value is computed to obtain the pooled test.

For a pooled Monte Carlo test, new simulations are performed to determine the pooled Monte Carlo pp value.


Another object of class "quadrattest".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

pool, quadrat.test


Y <- split(humberside)
  test1 <- quadrat.test(Y[[1]])
  test2 <- quadrat.test(Y[[2]])
  pool(test1, test2, Xname="Humberside")

Pool Data from Several Ratio Objects


Pool the data from several ratio objects (objects of class "rat") and compute a pooled estimate.


## S3 method for class 'rat'
pool(..., weights=NULL, relabel=TRUE, variance=TRUE)



Objects of class "rat".


Numeric vector of weights.


Logical value indicating whether the result should be relabelled to show that it was obtained by pooling.


Logical value indicating whether to compute the sample variance and related terms.


The function pool is generic. This is the method for the class "rat" of ratio objects. It is used to combine several estimates of the same quantity when each estimate is a ratio.

Each of the arguments ... must be an object of class "rat" representing a ratio object (basically a numerator and a denominator; see rat). We assume that these ratios are all estimates of the same quantity.

If the objects are called R1,,RnR_1, \ldots, R_n and if RiR_i has numerator YiY_i and denominator XiX_i, so that notionally Ri=Yi/XiR_i = Y_i/X_i, then the pooled estimate is the ratio-of-sums estimator

R=iYiiXi.R = \frac{\sum_i Y_i}{\sum_i X_i}.

The standard error of RR is computed using the delta method as described in Baddeley et al. (1993) or Cochran (1977, pp 154, 161).

If the argument weights is given, it should be a numeric vector of length equal to the number of objects to be pooled. The pooled estimator is the ratio-of-sums estimator

R=iwiYiiwiXiR = \frac{\sum_i w_i Y_i}{\sum_i w_i X_i}

where wiw_i is the ith weight.

This calculation is implemented only for certain classes of objects where the arithmetic can be performed.

This calculation is currently implemented only for objects which also belong to the class "fv" (function value tables). For example, if Kest is called with argument ratio=TRUE, the result is a suitable object (belonging to the classes "rat" and "fv").

Warnings or errors will be issued if the ratio objects ... appear to be incompatible. However, the code is not smart enough to decide whether it is sensible to pool the data.


An object of the same class as the input.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Baddeley, A.J, Moyeed, R.A., Howard, C.V. and Boyde, A. (1993) Analysis of a three-dimensional point pattern with replication. Applied Statistics 42, 641–668.

Cochran, W.G. (1977) Sampling techniques, 3rd edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

See Also

rat, pool, pool.fv, Kest


K1 <- Kest(runifpoint(42), ratio=TRUE, correction="iso")   
   K2 <- Kest(runifpoint(42), ratio=TRUE, correction="iso")   
   K3 <- Kest(runifpoint(42), ratio=TRUE, correction="iso")
   K <- pool(K1, K2, K3)
   plot(K, pooliso ~ r, shade=c("hiiso", "loiso"))

Transform a Function into its P-P or Q-Q Version


Given a function object f containing both the estimated and theoretical versions of a summary function, these operations combine the estimated and theoretical functions into a new function. When plotted, the new function gives either the P-P plot or Q-Q plot of the original f.


PPversion(f, theo = "theo", columns = ".")

QQversion(f, theo = "theo", columns = ".")



The function to be transformed. An object of class "fv".


The name of the column of f that should be treated as the theoretical value of the function.


Character vector, specifying the columns of f to which the transformation will be applied. Either a vector of names of columns of f, or one of the abbreviations recognised by fvnames.


The argument f should be an object of class "fv", containing both empirical estimates f^(r)\widehat f(r) and a theoretical value f0(r)f_0(r) for a summary function.

The P–P version of f is the function g(x)=f^(f01(x))g(x) = \widehat f (f_0^{-1}(x)) where f01f_0^{-1} is the inverse function of f0f_0. A plot of g(x)g(x) against xx is equivalent to a plot of f^(r)\widehat f(r) against f0(r)f_0(r) for all rr. If f is a cumulative distribution function (such as the result of Fest or Gest) then this is a P–P plot, a plot of the observed versus theoretical probabilities for the distribution. The diagonal line y=xy=x corresponds to perfect agreement between observed and theoretical distribution.

The Q–Q version of f is the function h(x)=f01(f^(x))h(x) = f_0^{-1}(\widehat f(x)). If f is a cumulative distribution function, a plot of h(x)h(x) against xx is a Q–Q plot, a plot of the observed versus theoretical quantiles of the distribution. The diagonal line y=xy=x corresponds to perfect agreement between observed and theoretical distribution. Another straight line corresponds to the situation where the observed variable is a linear transformation of the theoretical variable. For a point pattern X, the Q–Q version of Kest(X) is essentially equivalent to Lest(X).


Another object of class "fv".


Tom Lawrence and Adrian Baddeley.

Implemented by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also



opa <- par(mar=0.1+c(5,5,4,2))
  G <- Gest(redwoodfull)

Dispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts


Performs a test of Complete Spatial Randomness for a given point pattern, based on quadrat counts. Alternatively performs a goodness-of-fit test of a fitted inhomogeneous Poisson model. By default performs chi-squared tests; can also perform Monte Carlo based tests.


quadrat.test(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
quadrat.test(X, nx=5, ny=nx,
                          alternative=c("two.sided", "regular", "clustered"),
                           method=c("Chisq", "MonteCarlo"),
                           conditional=TRUE, CR=1,
                           lambda=NULL, df.est=NULL,
                           xbreaks=NULL, ybreaks=NULL, tess=NULL,
## S3 method for class 'quadratcount'
                          alternative=c("two.sided", "regular", "clustered"),
                          method=c("Chisq", "MonteCarlo"),
                          conditional=TRUE, CR=1,
                          lambda=NULL, df.est=NULL,



A point pattern (object of class "ppp") to be subjected to the goodness-of-fit test. Alternatively a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "slrm") to be tested. Alternatively X can be the result of applying quadratcount to a point pattern.

nx, ny

Numbers of quadrats in the xx and yy directions. Incompatible with xbreaks and ybreaks.


Character string (partially matched) specifying the alternative hypothesis.


Character string (partially matched) specifying the test to use: either method="Chisq" for the chi-squared test (the default), or method="MonteCarlo" for a Monte Carlo test.


Logical. Should the Monte Carlo test be conducted conditionally upon the observed number of points of the pattern? Ignored if method="Chisq".


Optional. Numerical value. The exponent for the Cressie-Read test statistic. See Details.


Optional. Pixel image (object of class "im") or function (class "funxy") giving the predicted intensity of the point process.


Optional. Advanced use only. The number of fitted parameters, or the number of degrees of freedom lost by estimation of parameters.




Optional. Numeric vector giving the xx coordinates of the boundaries of the quadrats. Incompatible with nx.


Optional. Numeric vector giving the yy coordinates of the boundaries of the quadrats. Incompatible with ny.


Tessellation (object of class "tess" or something acceptable to as.tess) determining the quadrats. Incompatible with nx, ny, xbreaks, ybreaks.


The number of simulated samples to generate when method="MonteCarlo".


These functions perform χ2\chi^2 tests or Monte Carlo tests of goodness-of-fit for a point process model, based on quadrat counts.

The function quadrat.test is generic, with methods for point patterns (class "ppp"), split point patterns (class "splitppp"), point process models (class "ppm" or "slrm") and quadrat count tables (class "quadratcount").

  • if X is a point pattern, we test the null hypothesis that the data pattern is a realisation of Complete Spatial Randomness (the uniform Poisson point process). Marks in the point pattern are ignored. (If lambda is given then the null hypothesis is the Poisson process with intensity lambda.)

  • if X is a split point pattern, then for each of the component point patterns (taken separately) we test the null hypotheses of Complete Spatial Randomness. See quadrat.test.splitppp for documentation.

  • If X is a fitted point process model, then it should be a Poisson point process model. The data to which this model was fitted are extracted from the model object, and are treated as the data point pattern for the test. We test the null hypothesis that the data pattern is a realisation of the (inhomogeneous) Poisson point process specified by X.

In all cases, the window of observation is divided into tiles, and the number of data points in each tile is counted, as described in quadratcount. The quadrats are rectangular by default, or may be regions of arbitrary shape specified by the argument tess. The expected number of points in each quadrat is also calculated, as determined by CSR (in the first case) or by the fitted model (in the second case). Then the Pearson X2X^2 statistic

X2=sum((observedexpected)2/expected)X^2 = sum((observed - expected)^2/expected)

is computed.

If method="Chisq" then a χ2\chi^2 test of goodness-of-fit is performed by comparing the test statistic to the χ2\chi^2 distribution with mkm-k degrees of freedom, where m is the number of quadrats and kk is the number of fitted parameters (equal to 1 for quadrat.test.ppp). The default is to compute the two-sided pp-value, so that the test will be declared significant if X2X^2 is either very large or very small. One-sided pp-values can be obtained by specifying the alternative. An important requirement of the χ2\chi^2 test is that the expected counts in each quadrat be greater than 5.

If method="MonteCarlo" then a Monte Carlo test is performed, obviating the need for all expected counts to be at least 5. In the Monte Carlo test, nsim random point patterns are generated from the null hypothesis (either CSR or the fitted point process model). The Pearson X2X^2 statistic is computed as above. The pp-value is determined by comparing the X2X^2 statistic for the observed point pattern, with the values obtained from the simulations. Again the default is to compute the two-sided pp-value.

If conditional is TRUE then the simulated samples are generated from the multinomial distribution with the number of “trials” equal to the number of observed points and the vector of probabilities equal to the expected counts divided by the sum of the expected counts. Otherwise the simulated samples are independent Poisson counts, with means equal to the expected counts.

If the argument CR is given, then instead of the Pearson X2X^2 statistic, the Cressie-Read (1984) power divergence test statistic

2nI=2CR(CR+1)i[(XiEi)CR1]2nI = \frac{2}{CR(CR+1)} \sum_i \left[ \left( \frac{X_i}{E_i} \right)^CR - 1 \right]

is computed, where XiX_i is the iith observed count and EiE_i is the corresponding expected count. The value CR=1 gives the Pearson X2X^2 statistic; CR=0 gives the likelihood ratio test statistic G2G^2; CR=-1/2 gives the Freeman-Tukey statistic T2T^2; CR=-1 gives the modified likelihood ratio test statistic GM2GM^2; and CR=-2 gives Neyman's modified statistic NM2NM^2. In all cases the asymptotic distribution of this test statistic is the same χ2\chi^2 distribution as above.

The return value is an object of class "htest". Printing the object gives comprehensible output about the outcome of the test.

The return value also belongs to the special class "quadrat.test". Plotting the object will display the quadrats, annotated by their observed and expected counts and the Pearson residuals. See the examples.


An object of class "htest". See chisq.test for explanation.

The return value is also an object of the special class "quadrattest", and there is a plot method for this class. See the examples.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Cressie, N. and Read, T.R.C. (1984) Multinomial goodness-of-fit tests. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 46, 440–464.

See Also

quadrat.test.splitppp, quadratcount, quadrats, quadratresample, chisq.test, cdf.test.

To test a Poisson point process model against a specific alternative, use anova.ppm.


  quadrat.test(simdat, 4, 3)

  quadrat.test(simdat, alternative="regular")
  quadrat.test(simdat, alternative="clustered")

  ## Likelihood ratio test
  quadrat.test(simdat, CR=0)
  ## Power divergence tests
  quadrat.test(simdat, CR=-1)$p.value
  quadrat.test(simdat, CR=-2)$p.value

  # Using Monte Carlo p-values
  quadrat.test(swedishpines) # Get warning, small expected values.
  Nsim <- if(interactive()) 4999 else 9
  quadrat.test(swedishpines, method="M", nsim=Nsim)
  quadrat.test(swedishpines, method="M", nsim=Nsim, conditional=FALSE)

  # quadrat counts
  qS <- quadratcount(simdat, 4, 3)

  te <- quadrat.test(simdat, 4)
  residuals(te)  # Pearson residuals


  plot(simdat, pch="+", cols="green", lwd=2)
  plot(te, add=TRUE, col="red", cex=1.4, lty=2, lwd=3)

  sublab <- eval(substitute(expression(p[chi^2]==z),
  title(sub=sublab, cex.sub=3)

  # quadrats of irregular shape
  B <- dirichlet(runifpoint(6, Window(simdat)))
  qB <- quadrat.test(simdat, tess=B)
  plot(simdat, main="quadrat.test(simdat, tess=B)", pch="+")
  plot(qB, add=TRUE, col="red", lwd=2, cex=1.2)

Dispersion Test of CSR for Split Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts


Performs a test of Complete Spatial Randomness for each of the component patterns in a split point pattern, based on quadrat counts. By default performs chi-squared tests; can also perform Monte Carlo based tests.


## S3 method for class 'splitppp'
quadrat.test(X, ..., df=NULL, df.est=NULL, Xname=NULL)



A split point pattern (object of class "splitppp"), each component of which will be subjected to the goodness-of-fit test.


Arguments passed to quadrat.test.ppp.

df, df.est, Xname

Arguments passed to pool.quadrattest.


The function quadrat.test is generic, with methods for point patterns (class "ppp"), split point patterns (class "splitppp") and point process models (class "ppm").

If X is a split point pattern, then for each of the component point patterns (taken separately) we test the null hypotheses of Complete Spatial Randomness, then combine the result into a single test.

The method quadrat.test.ppp is applied to each component point pattern. Then the results are pooled using pool.quadrattest to obtain a single test.


An object of class "quadrattest" which can be printed and plotted.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

quadrat.test, quadratcount, quadrats, quadratresample, chisq.test, cdf.test.

To test a Poisson point process model against a specific Poisson alternative, use anova.ppm.


qH <- quadrat.test(split(humberside), 2, 3)

Radial Cumulative Integral


Compute the cumulative integral of an image over increasing radial distances from the origin.


radcumint(X, ..., origin, Xname, result = c("fv", "im"))



A pixel image (object of class "im") with numerical or logical values.




Optional. Origin about which the rotations should be performed. Either a numeric vector or a character string as described in the help for shift.owin.


Optional name for X to be used in the function labels.


Character string specifying the kind of result required: either a function object or a pixel image.


This command computes, for each possible distance rr, the integral of the pixel values lying inside the disc of radius rr centred at the origin.

If result="fv" (the default) the result is a function object f of class "fv". For each value of radius rr, the function value f(r) is the integral of X over the disc of radius rr.

If result="im" the result is a pixel image, with the same dimensions as X. At a given pixel, the result is equal to f(r) where r is the distance from the given pixel to the origin. That is, at any given pixel, the resulting value is the integral of X over the disc centred at the origin whose boundary passes through the given pixel.


An object of class "fv" or "im", with the same coordinate units as X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

rotmean, spatialcdf


D <- density(redwood)
   plot(radcumint(D, result="im"))

Ratio object


Stores the numerator, denominator, and value of a ratio as a single object.


rat(ratio, numerator, denominator, check = TRUE)


ratio, numerator, denominator

Three objects belonging to the same class.


Logical. Whether to check that the objects are compatible.


The class "rat" is a simple mechanism for keeping track of the numerator and denominator when calculating a ratio. Its main purpose is simply to signal that the object is a ratio.

The function rat creates an object of class "rat" given the numerator, the denominator and the ratio. No calculation is performed; the three objects are simply stored together.

The arguments ratio, numerator, denominator can be objects of any kind. They should belong to the same class. It is assumed that the relationship

ratio=numeratordenominator\mbox{ratio} = \frac{\mbox{numerator}}{\mbox{denominator}}

holds in some version of arithmetic. However, no calculation is performed.

By default the algorithm checks whether the three arguments ratio, numerator, denominator are compatible objects, according to compatible.

The result is equivalent to ratio except for the addition of extra information.


An object equivalent to the object ratio except that it also belongs to the class "rat" and has additional attributes numerator and denominator.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].

See Also

compatible, pool

Contact Distribution Function using Rectangular Structuring Element


Computes an estimate of the contact distribution function of a set, using a rectangular structuring element.


rectcontact(X, ..., asp = 1, npasses=4,
            eps = NULL, r = NULL, breaks = NULL, correction = c("rs", "km"))



Logical-valued image. The TRUE values in the image determine the spatial region whose contact distribution function should be estimated.




Aspect ratio for the rectangular metric. A single positive number. See rectdistmap for explanation.


Number of passes to perform in the distance algorithm. A positive integer. See rectdistmap for explanation.


Pixel size, if the image should be converted to a finer grid.


Optional vector of distance values. Do Not Use This.


Do Not Use This.


Character vector specifying the edge correction.


To be written.


Object of class "fv".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also



## make an image which is TRUE/FALSE inside/outside the letter R
  V <- letterR
  Frame(V) <- grow.rectangle(Frame(V), 0.5)
  Z <-, value=TRUE, na.replace=FALSE)
  ## analyse

Perform Computations or Retrieve Results From File


This utility either performs computations and saves the results in a file, or retrieves the results of previous computations stored in a file. If the designated file does not yet exist, the expression will be evaluated, and the results will be saved in the file. If the file already exists, the results will be re-loaded from the file.


reload.or.compute(filename, expr, objects = NULL,
                  context = parent.frame(), 
                  destination = parent.frame(),
                  force=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, exclude=NULL)



Name of data file. A character string.


R language expression to be evaluated.


Optional character vector of names of objects to be saved in filename after evaluating expr, or names of objects that should be present in filename when loaded.


Optional character vector of names of objects that should not be saved in filename and are not expected to be present in filename.


Environment containing objects that are mentioned in expr (other than objects in the global environment).


Environment into which the resulting objects should be assigned.


Logical value indicating whether to perform the computation in any case.


Logical value indicating whether to print a message indicating whether the data were recomputed or reloaded from the file.


This facility is useful for saving, and later re-loading, the results of time-consuming computations. It would typically be used in an R script file or an Sweave document.

If the file called filename does not yet exist (or if force=TRUE), then expr will be evaluated and the results will be saved in filename using save. By default, all objects that were created by evaluating the expression will be saved in the file. The optional argument objects specifies which results should be saved to the file. The optional argument exclude specifies results which should not be saved.

If the file called filename already exists (and if force=FALSE, the default), then this file will be loaded into R using load. The optional argument objects specifies the names of objects that must be present in the file; a warning is issued if any of them are missing.

The resulting objects (either evaluated or loaded from file) can be assigned into any desired destination environment. The default behaviour is equivalent to evaluating expr in the current environment.

If force=TRUE then expr will be evaluated (regardless of whether the file already exists or not) and the results will be saved in filename, overwriting any previously-existing file with that name. This is a convenient way to force the code to re-compute everything in an R script file or Sweave document.


Character vector (invisible) giving the names of the objects computed or loaded.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


## Demonstration using a temporary file
  ## (For real applications, use a permanent file in your own filespace)
  myfile <- paste0(tempdir(), .Platform$file.sep, "mydata.rda")
  reload.or.compute(myfile, {
     # some very long computation ending with ..
     x <- 42
     intermediateWorking <- 12345
     y <- sqrt(x)
  }, exclude="intermediateWorking")
  ## the values x and y are saved

Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk


Generic command to estimate the spatially-varying probability of each type of point, or the ratios of such probabilities.


relrisk(X, ...)



Either a point pattern (class "ppp") or a fitted point process model (class "ppm") from which the probabilities will be estimated.


Additional arguments appropriate to the method.


In a point pattern containing several different types of points, we may be interested in the spatially-varying probability of each possible type, or the relative risks which are the ratios of such probabilities.

The command relrisk is generic and can be used to estimate relative risk in different ways.

The function relrisk.ppp is the method for point pattern datasets. It computes nonparametric estimates of relative risk by kernel smoothing.

The function relrisk.ppm is the method for fitted point process models (class "ppm"). It computes parametric estimates of relative risk, using the fitted model.


A pixel image, or a list of pixel images, or a numeric vector or matrix, containing the requested estimates of relative risk.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

relrisk.ppp, relrisk.ppm.

Nonparametric Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk


Given a multitype point pattern, this function estimates the spatially-varying probability of each type of point, or the ratios of such probabilities, using kernel smoothing. The default smoothing bandwidth is selected by cross-validation.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
relrisk(X, sigma = NULL, ...,
           at = c("pixels", "points"),
           weights = NULL, varcov = NULL, 
           adjust=1, edge=TRUE, diggle=FALSE,
           se=FALSE, wtype=c("value", "multiplicity"),
           casecontrol=TRUE, control=1, case, fudge=0)



A multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp" which has factor valued marks).


Optional. The numeric value of the smoothing bandwidth (the standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel). Alternatively sigma may be a function which can be used to select a different bandwidth for each type of point. See Details.


Arguments passed to bw.relrisk to select the bandwidth, or passed to density.ppp to control the pixel resolution.


Character string specifying whether to compute the probability values at a grid of pixel locations (at="pixels") or only at the points of X (at="points").


Optional. Weights for the data points of X. A numeric vector, an expression, or a pixel image.


Optional. Variance-covariance matrix of anisotopic Gaussian smoothing kernel. Incompatible with sigma.


Logical. If FALSE (the default) the algorithm computes the probabilities of each type of point. If TRUE, it computes the relative risk, the ratio of probabilities of each type relative to the probability of a control.


Optional. Adjustment factor for the bandwidth sigma.


Logical value indicating whether to apply edge correction.


Logical. If TRUE, use the Jones-Diggle improved edge correction, which is more accurate but slower to compute than the default correction.


Logical value indicating whether to compute standard errors as well.


Character string (partially matched) specifying how the weights should be interpreted for the calculation of standard error. See Details.


Logical. Whether to treat a bivariate point pattern as consisting of cases and controls, and return only the probability or relative risk of a case. Ignored if there are more than 2 types of points. See Details.


Integer, or character string, identifying which mark value corresponds to a control.


Integer, or character string, identifying which mark value corresponds to a case (rather than a control) in a bivariate point pattern. This is an alternative to the argument control in a bivariate point pattern. Ignored if there are more than 2 types of points.


Optional. A single numeric value, or a numeric vector with one entry for each type of point. This value will be added to the estimates of point process intensity, before calculation of the relative risk.


The command relrisk is generic and can be used to estimate relative risk in different ways.

This function relrisk.ppp is the method for point pattern datasets. It computes nonparametric estimates of relative risk by kernel smoothing (Bithell, 1990, 1991; Diggle, 2003; Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, 2015).

If X is a bivariate point pattern (a multitype point pattern consisting of two types of points) then by default, the points of the first type (the first level of marks(X)) are treated as controls or non-events, and points of the second type are treated as cases or events. Then by default this command computes the spatially-varying probability of a case, i.e. the probability p(u)p(u) that a point at spatial location uu will be a case. If relative=TRUE, it computes the spatially-varying relative risk of a case relative to a control, r(u)=p(u)/(1p(u))r(u) = p(u)/(1- p(u)).

If X is a multitype point pattern with m>2m > 2 types, or if X is a bivariate point pattern and casecontrol=FALSE, then by default this command computes, for each type jj, a nonparametric estimate of the spatially-varying probability of an event of type jj. This is the probability pj(u)p_j(u) that a point at spatial location uu will belong to type jj. If relative=TRUE, the command computes the relative risk of an event of type jj relative to a control, rj(u)=pj(u)/pk(u)r_j(u) = p_j(u)/p_k(u), where events of type kk are treated as controls. The argument control determines which type kk is treated as a control.

If at = "pixels" the calculation is performed for every spatial location uu on a fine pixel grid, and the result is a pixel image representing the function p(u)p(u) or a list of pixel images representing the functions pj(u)p_j(u) or rj(u)r_j(u) for j=1,,mj = 1,\ldots,m. An infinite value of relative risk (arising because the probability of a control is zero) will be returned as NA.

If at = "points" the calculation is performed only at the data points xix_i. By default the result is a vector of values p(xi)p(x_i) giving the estimated probability of a case at each data point, or a matrix of values pj(xi)p_j(x_i) giving the estimated probability of each possible type jj at each data point. If relative=TRUE then the relative risks r(xi)r(x_i) or rj(xi)r_j(x_i) are returned. An infinite value of relative risk (arising because the probability of a control is zero) will be returned as Inf.

Estimation is performed by a simple Nadaraja-Watson type kernel smoother (Bithell, 1990, 1991; Diggle, 2003; Baddeley, Rubak and Turner, 2015, section 14.4). The smoothing bandwidth can be specified in any of the following ways:

  • sigma is a single numeric value, giving the standard deviation of the isotropic Gaussian kernel.

  • sigma is a numeric vector of length 2, giving the standard deviations in the xx and yy directions of a Gaussian kernel.

  • varcov is a 2 by 2 matrix giving the variance-covariance matrix of the Gaussian kernel.

  • sigma is a function which selects the bandwidth. Bandwidth selection will be applied separately to each type of point. An example of such a function is bw.diggle.

  • sigma and varcov are both missing or null. Then a common smoothing bandwidth sigma will be selected by cross-validation using bw.relrisk.

  • An infinite smoothing bandwidth, sigma=Inf, is permitted and yields a constant estimate of relative risk.

If se=TRUE then standard errors will also be computed, based on asymptotic theory, assuming a Poisson process.

The optional argument weights may provide numerical weights for the points of X. It should be a numeric vector of length equal to npoints(X).

The argument weights can also be an expression. It will be evaluated in the data frame to obtain a vector of weights. The expression may involve the symbols x and y representing the Cartesian coordinates, and the symbol marks representing the mark values.

The argument weights can also be a pixel image (object of class "im"). numerical weights for the data points will be extracted from this image (by looking up the pixel values at the locations of the data points in X).


If se=FALSE (the default), the format is described below. If se=TRUE, the result is a list of two entries, estimate and SE, each having the format described below.

If X consists of only two types of points, and if casecontrol=TRUE, the result is a pixel image (if at="pixels") or a vector (if at="points"). The pixel values or vector values are the probabilities of a case if relative=FALSE, or the relative risk of a case (probability of a case divided by the probability of a control) if relative=TRUE.

If X consists of more than two types of points, or if casecontrol=FALSE, the result is:

  • (if at="pixels") a list of pixel images, with one image for each possible type of point. The result also belongs to the class "solist" so that it can be printed and plotted.

  • (if at="points") a matrix of probabilities, with rows corresponding to data points xix_i, and columns corresponding to types jj.

The pixel values or matrix entries are the probabilities of each type of point if relative=FALSE, or the relative risk of each type (probability of each type divided by the probability of a control) if relative=TRUE.

If relative=FALSE, the resulting values always lie between 0 and 1. If relative=TRUE, the results are either non-negative numbers, or the values Inf or NA.

Standard error

If se=TRUE, the standard error of the estimate will also be calculated. The calculation assumes a Poisson point process.

If weights are given, then the calculation of standard error depends on the interpretation of the weights. This is controlled by the argument wtype.

  • If wtype="value" (the default), the weights are interpreted as numerical values observed at the data locations. Roughly speaking, standard errors are proportional to the absolute values of the weights.

  • If wtype="multiplicity" the weights are interpreted as multiplicities so that a weight of 2 is equivalent to having a pair of duplicated points at the data location. Roughly speaking, standard errors are proportional to the square roots of the weights. Negative weights are not permitted.

The default rule is now wtype="value" but previous versions of relrisk.ppp (in spatstat.explore versions 3.1-0 and earlier) effectively used wtype="multiplicity".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Bithell, J.F. (1990) An application of density estimation to geographical epidemiology. Statistics in Medicine 9, 691–701.

Bithell, J.F. (1991) Estimation of relative risk functions. Statistics in Medicine 10, 1745–1751.

Diggle, P.J. (2003) Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns, Second edition. Arnold.

Diggle, P.J., Zheng, P. and Durr, P. (2005) Non-parametric estimation of spatial segregation in a multivariate point process: bovine tuberculosis in Cornwall, UK. Applied Statistics 54, 645–658.

See Also

There is another method relrisk.ppm for point process models which computes parametric estimates of relative risk, using the fitted model.

See also bw.relrisk, density.ppp, Smooth.ppp,


p.oak <- relrisk(urkiola, 20)
   if(interactive()) {
      plot(p.oak, main="proportion of oak")
      plot( > 0.3), main="More than 30 percent oak")
      plot(split(lansing), main="Lansing Woods")
      p.lan <- relrisk(lansing, 0.05, se=TRUE)
      plot(p.lan$estimate, main="Lansing Woods species probability")
      plot(p.lan$SE, main="Lansing Woods standard error")
      wh <- im.apply(p.lan$estimate, which.max)
      types <- levels(marks(lansing))
      wh <-[wh])
      plot(wh, main="Most common species")

Diffusion Estimate of Conditional Probabilities


Computes the conditional probability estimator of relative risk based on a multitype point pattern using the diffusion estimate of the type-specific intensities.


relriskHeat(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
relriskHeat(X, ..., sigmaX=NULL, weights=NULL)



A multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Arguments passed to densityHeat controlling the estimation of each marginal intensity.


Optional. Numeric vector of bandwidths, one associated with each data point in X.


Optional numeric vector of weights associated with each point of X.


The function relriskHeat is generic. This file documents the method relriskHeat.ppp for spatial point patterns (objects of class "ppp").

This function estimates the spatially-varying conditional probability that a random point (given that it is present) will belong to a given type.

The algorithm separates X into the sub-patterns consisting of points of each type. It then applies densityHeat to each sub-pattern, using the same bandwidth and smoothing regimen for each sub-pattern, as specified by the arguments ....

If weights is specified, it should be a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X, so that weights[i] is the weight for data point X[i].

Similarly when performing lagged-arrival smoothing, the argument sigmaX must be a numeric vector of the same length as the number of points in X, and thus contain the point-specific bandwidths in the order corresponding to each of these points regardless of mark.


A named list (of class solist) containing pixel images, giving the estimated conditional probability surfaces for each type.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Tilman Davies [email protected].


Agarwal, N. and Aluru, N.R. (2010) A data-driven stochastic collocation approach for uncertainty quantification in MEMS. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 83, 575–597.

Baddeley, A., Davies, T., Rakshit, S., Nair, G. and McSwiggan, G. (2022) Diffusion smoothing for spatial point patterns. Statistical Science 37, 123–142.

Barry, R.P. and McIntyre, J. (2011) Estimating animal densities and home range in regions with irregular boundaries and holes: a lattice-based alternative to the kernel density estimator. Ecological Modelling 222, 1666–1672.

Botev, Z.I. and Grotowski, J.F. and Kroese, D.P. (2010) Kernel density estimation via diffusion. Annals of Statistics 38, 2916–2957.

See Also

relrisk.ppp for the traditional convolution-based kernel estimator of conditional probability surfaces, and the function risk in the sparr package for the density-ratio-based estimator.


## bovine tuberculosis data
  X <- subset(btb, select=spoligotype)
  P <- relriskHeat(X,sigma=9)

Smoothed Relative Density of Pairs of Covariate Values


Given a point pattern and two spatial covariates Z1Z_1 and Z2Z_2, construct a smooth estimate of the relative risk of the pair (Z1,Z2)(Z_1,Z_2).


rho2hat(object, cov1, cov2, ..., method=c("ratio", "reweight"))



A point pattern (object of class "ppp"), a quadrature scheme (object of class "quad") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm").

cov1, cov2

The two covariates. Each argument is either a function(x,y) or a pixel image (object of class "im") providing the values of the covariate at any location, or one of the strings "x" or "y" signifying the Cartesian coordinates.


Additional arguments passed to density.ppp to smooth the scatterplots.


Character string determining the smoothing method. See Details.


This is a bivariate version of rhohat.

If object is a point pattern, this command produces a smoothed version of the scatterplot of the values of the covariates cov1 and cov2 observed at the points of the point pattern.

The covariates cov1,cov2 must have continuous values.

If object is a fitted point process model, suppose X is the original data point pattern to which the model was fitted. Then this command assumes X is a realisation of a Poisson point process with intensity function of the form

λ(u)=ρ(Z1(u),Z2(u))κ(u)\lambda(u) = \rho(Z_1(u), Z_2(u)) \kappa(u)

where κ(u)\kappa(u) is the intensity of the fitted model object, and ρ(z1,z2)\rho(z_1,z_2) is a function to be estimated. The algorithm computes a smooth estimate of the function ρ\rho.

The method determines how the density estimates will be combined to obtain an estimate of ρ(z1,z2)\rho(z_1, z_2):

  • If method="ratio", then ρ(z1,z2)\rho(z_1, z_2) is estimated by the ratio of two density estimates. The numerator is a (rescaled) density estimate obtained by smoothing the points (Z1(yi),Z2(yi))(Z_1(y_i), Z_2(y_i)) obtained by evaluating the two covariate Z1,Z2Z_1, Z_2 at the data points yiy_i. The denominator is a density estimate of the reference distribution of (Z1,Z2)(Z_1,Z_2).

  • If method="reweight", then ρ(z1,z2)\rho(z_1, z_2) is estimated by applying density estimation to the points (Z1(yi),Z2(yi))(Z_1(y_i), Z_2(y_i)) obtained by evaluating the two covariate Z1,Z2Z_1, Z_2 at the data points yiy_i, with weights inversely proportional to the reference density of (Z1,Z2)(Z_1,Z_2).


A pixel image (object of class "im"). Also belongs to the special class "rho2hat" which has a plot method.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Baddeley, A., Chang, Y.-M., Song, Y. and Turner, R. (2012) Nonparametric estimation of the dependence of a point process on spatial covariates. Statistics and Its Interface 5 (2), 221–236.

See Also

rhohat, methods.rho2hat


  plot(rho2hat(bei, elev, grad))
  if(require("spatstat.model")) {
    fit <- ppm(bei ~elev, covariates=bei.extra)
      plot(rho2hat(fit, elev, grad))
    plot(rho2hat(fit, elev, grad, method="reweight"))

Nonparametric Estimate of Intensity as Function of a Covariate


Computes a nonparametric estimate of the intensity of a point process, as a function of a (continuous) spatial covariate.


rhohat(object, covariate, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
rhohat(object, covariate, ...,
       baseline=NULL, weights=NULL,
       method=c("ratio", "reweight", "transform"),
       smoother=c("kernel", "local", "decreasing", "increasing",
       "mountain", "valley", "piecewise"),
       jitter=TRUE, jitterfactor=1, interpolate=TRUE,
       dimyx=NULL, eps=NULL,
       rule.eps = c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
       n = 512, bw = "nrd0", adjust=1, from = NULL, to = NULL,
       covname, confidence=0.95, positiveCI, breaks=NULL)

## S3 method for class 'quad'
rhohat(object, covariate, ...,
       baseline=NULL, weights=NULL,
       method=c("ratio", "reweight", "transform"),
       smoother=c("kernel", "local", "decreasing", "increasing",
                  "mountain", "valley", "piecewise"),
       jitter=TRUE, jitterfactor=1, interpolate=TRUE,
       dimyx=NULL, eps=NULL,
       rule.eps = c("adjust.eps", "grow.frame", "shrink.frame"),
       n = 512, bw = "nrd0", adjust=1, from = NULL, to = NULL,
       covname, confidence=0.95, positiveCI, breaks=NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp"), a quadrature scheme (object of class "quad") or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "slrm" or "lppm").


Either a function(x,y) or a pixel image (object of class "im") providing the values of the covariate at any location. Alternatively one of the strings "x" or "y" signifying the Cartesian coordinates.


Optional weights attached to the data points. Either a numeric vector of weights for each data point, or a pixel image (object of class "im") or a function(x,y) providing the weights.


Optional baseline for intensity function. A function(x,y) or a pixel image (object of class "im") providing the values of the baseline at any location.


Character string determining the estimation method. See Details.


Logical value indicating whether to use Horvitz-Thompson weights. See Details.


Character string determining the smoothing algorithm and the type of curve that will be estimated. See Details.


Optional. A spatial window (object of class "owin") specifying a subset of the data, from which the estimate should be calculated.


Logical value specifying whether to calculate standard errors and confidence bands.


Logical value. If jitter=TRUE (the default), the values of the covariate at the data points will be jittered (randomly perturbed by adding a small amount of noise) using the function jitter. If jitter=FALSE, the covariate values at the data points will not be altered. See the section on Randomisation and discretisation.


Numeric value controlling the scale of noise added to the covariate values at the data points when jitter=TRUE. Passed to the function jitter as the argument factor.


Logical value specifying whether to use spatial interpolation to obtain the values of the covariate at the data points, when the covariate is a pixel image (object of class "im"). If interpolate=FALSE, the covariate value for each data point is simply the value of the covariate image at the pixel centre that is nearest to the data point. If interpolate=TRUE, the covariate value for each data point is obtained by interpolating the nearest pixel values using

dimyx, eps, rule.eps

Arguments controlling the pixel resolution at which the covariate will be evaluated. See Details.


Smoothing bandwidth or bandwidth rule (passed to density.default).


Smoothing bandwidth adjustment factor (passed to density.default).

n, from, to

Arguments passed to density.default to control the number and range of values at which the function will be estimated.


Optional. An alternative value of bw to use when smoothing the reference density (the density of the covariate values observed at all locations in the window).


Additional arguments passed to density.default or locfit.


Optional. Character string to use as the name of the covariate.


Confidence level for confidence intervals. A number between 0 and 1.


Logical value. If TRUE, confidence limits are always positive numbers; if FALSE, the lower limit of the confidence interval may sometimes be negative. Default is FALSE if smoother="kernel" and TRUE if smoother="local". See Details.


Breakpoints for the piecewise-constant function computed when smoother='piecewise'. Either a vector of numeric values specifying the breakpoints, or a single integer specifying the number of equally-spaced breakpoints. There is a sensible default.


This command estimates the relationship between point process intensity and a given spatial covariate. Such a relationship is sometimes called a resource selection function (if the points are organisms and the covariate is a descriptor of habitat) or a prospectivity index (if the points are mineral deposits and the covariate is a geological variable). This command uses nonparametric methods which do not assume a particular form for the relationship.

If object is a point pattern, and baseline is missing or null, this command assumes that object is a realisation of a point process with intensity function λ(u)\lambda(u) of the form

λ(u)=ρ(Z(u))\lambda(u) = \rho(Z(u))

where ZZ is the spatial covariate function given by covariate, and ρ(z)\rho(z) is the resource selection function or prospectivity index. A nonparametric estimator of the function ρ(z)\rho(z) is computed.

If object is a point pattern, and baseline is given, then the intensity function is assumed to be

λ(u)=ρ(Z(u))B(u)\lambda(u) = \rho(Z(u)) B(u)

where B(u)B(u) is the baseline intensity at location uu. A nonparametric estimator of the relative intensity ρ(z)\rho(z) is computed.

If object is a fitted point process model, suppose X is the original data point pattern to which the model was fitted. Then this command assumes X is a realisation of a Poisson point process with intensity function of the form

λ(u)=ρ(Z(u))κ(u)\lambda(u) = \rho(Z(u)) \kappa(u)

where κ(u)\kappa(u) is the intensity of the fitted model object. A nonparametric estimator of the relative intensity ρ(z)\rho(z) is computed.

The nonparametric estimation procedure is controlled by the arguments smoother, method and horvitz.

The argument smoother selects the type of estimation technique.

  • If smoother="kernel" (the default), the nonparametric estimator is a kernel smoothing estimator of ρ(z)\rho(z) (Guan, 2008; Baddeley et al, 2012). The estimated function ρ(z)\rho(z) will be a smooth function of zz which takes nonnegative values. If do.CI=TRUE (the default), confidence bands are also computed, assuming a Poisson point process. See the section on Smooth estimates.

  • If smoother="local", the nonparametric estimator is a local regression estimator of ρ(z)\rho(z) (Baddeley et al, 2012) obtained using local likelihood. The estimated function ρ(z)\rho(z) will be a smooth function of zz. If do.CI=TRUE (the default), confidence bands are also computed, assuming a Poisson point process. See the section on Smooth estimates.

  • If smoother="increasing", we assume that ρ(z)\rho(z) is an increasing function of zz, and use the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of ρ(z)\rho(z) described by Sager (1982). The estimated function will be a step function, that is increasing as a function of zz. Confidence bands are not computed. See the section on Monotone estimates.

  • If smoother="decreasing", we assume that ρ(z)\rho(z) is a decreasing function of zz, and use the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of ρ(z)\rho(z) described by Sager (1982). The estimated function will be a step function, that is decreasing as a function of zz. Confidence bands are not computed. See the section on Monotone estimates.

  • If smoother="mountain", we assume that ρ(z)\rho(z) is a function with an inverted U shape, with a single peak at a value z0z_0, so that ρ(z)\rho(z) is an increasing function of zz for z<z0z < z_0 and a decreasing function of zz for z>z0z > z_0. We compute the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. The estimated function will be a step function, which is increasing and then decreasing as a function of zz. Confidence bands are not computed. See the section on Unimodal estimates.

  • If smoother="valley", we assume that ρ(z)\rho(z) is a function with a U shape, with a single minimum at a value z0z_0, so that ρ(z)\rho(z) is a decreasing function of zz for z<z0z < z_0 and an increasing function of zz for z>z0z > z_0. We compute the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. The estimated function will be a step function, which is decreasing and then increasing as a function of zz. Confidence bands are not computed. See the section on Unimodal estimates.

  • If smoother="piecewise", the estimate of ρ(z)\rho(z) is piecewise constant. The range of covariate values is divided into several intervals (ranges or bands). The endpoints of these intervals are the breakpoints, which may be specified by the argument breaks; there is a sensible default. The estimate of ρ(z)\rho(z) takes a constant value on each interval. The estimate of ρ(z)\rho(z) in each interval of covariate values is simply the average intensity (number of points per unit area) in the relevant sub-region. If do.CI=TRUE (the default), confidence bands are computed assuming a Poisson process.

See Baddeley (2018) for a comparison of these estimation techniques (except for "mountain" and "valley").

If the argument weights is present, then the contribution from each data point X[i] to the estimate of ρ\rho is multiplied by weights[i].

If the argument subset is present, then the calculations are performed using only the data inside this spatial region.

This technique assumes that covariate has continuous values. It is not applicable to covariates with categorical (factor) values or discrete values such as small integers. For a categorical covariate, use intensity.quadratcount applied to the result of quadratcount(X, tess=covariate).

The argument covariate should be a pixel image, or a function, or one of the strings "x" or "y" signifying the cartesian coordinates. It will be evaluated on a fine grid of locations, with spatial resolution controlled by the arguments dimyx,eps,rule.eps which are passed to as.mask.


A function value table (object of class "fv") containing the estimated values of ρ\rho (and confidence limits) for a sequence of values of ZZ. Also belongs to the class "rhohat" which has special methods for print, plot and predict.

Smooth estimates

Smooth estimators of ρ(z)\rho(z) were proposed by Baddeley and Turner (2005) and Baddeley et al (2012). Similar estimators were proposed by Guan (2008) and in the literature on relative distributions (Handcock and Morris, 1999).

The estimated function ρ(z)\rho(z) will be a smooth function of zz.

The smooth estimation procedure involves computing several density estimates and combining them. The algorithm used to compute density estimates is determined by smoother:

  • If smoother="kernel", the smoothing procedure is based on fixed-bandwidth kernel density estimation, performed by density.default.

  • If smoother="local", the smoothing procedure is based on local likelihood density estimation, performed by locfit.

The argument method determines how the density estimates will be combined to obtain an estimate of ρ(z)\rho(z):

  • If method="ratio", then ρ(z)\rho(z) is estimated by the ratio of two density estimates, The numerator is a (rescaled) density estimate obtained by smoothing the values Z(yi)Z(y_i) of the covariate ZZ observed at the data points yiy_i. The denominator is a density estimate of the reference distribution of ZZ. See Baddeley et al (2012), equation (8). This is similar but not identical to an estimator proposed by Guan (2008).

  • If method="reweight", then ρ(z)\rho(z) is estimated by applying density estimation to the values Z(yi)Z(y_i) of the covariate ZZ observed at the data points yiy_i, with weights inversely proportional to the reference density of ZZ. See Baddeley et al (2012), equation (9).

  • If method="transform", the smoothing method is variable-bandwidth kernel smoothing, implemented by applying the Probability Integral Transform to the covariate values, yielding values in the range 0 to 1, then applying edge-corrected density estimation on the interval [0,1][0,1], and back-transforming. See Baddeley et al (2012), equation (10).

If horvitz=TRUE, then the calculations described above are modified by using Horvitz-Thompson weighting. The contribution to the numerator from each data point is weighted by the reciprocal of the baseline value or fitted intensity value at that data point; and a corresponding adjustment is made to the denominator.

Pointwise confidence intervals for the true value of ρ(z)\rho(z) are also calculated for each zz, and will be plotted as grey shading. The confidence intervals are derived using the central limit theorem, based on variance calculations which assume a Poisson point process. If positiveCI=FALSE, the lower limit of the confidence interval may sometimes be negative, because the confidence intervals are based on a normal approximation to the estimate of ρ(z)\rho(z). If positiveCI=TRUE, the confidence limits are always positive, because the confidence interval is based on a normal approximation to the estimate of log(ρ(z))\log(\rho(z)). For consistency with earlier versions, the default is positiveCI=FALSE for smoother="kernel" and positiveCI=TRUE for smoother="local".

Monotone estimates

The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of a monotone function ρ(z)\rho(z) was described by Sager (1982). This method assumes that ρ(z)\rho(z) is either an increasing function of zz, or a decreasing function of zz. The estimated function will be a step function, increasing or decreasing as a function of zz.

This estimator is chosen by specifying smoother="increasing" or smoother="decreasing". The argument method is ignored this case.

To compute the estimate of ρ(z)\rho(z), the algorithm first computes several primitive step-function estimates, and then takes the maximum of these primitive functions.

If smoother="decreasing", each primitive step function takes the form ρ(z)=λ\rho(z) = \lambda when ztz \le t, and ρ(z)=0\rho(z) = 0 when z>tz > t, where and λ\lambda is a primitive estimate of intensity based on the data for ZtZ \le t. The jump location tt will be the value of the covariate ZZ at one of the data points. The primitive estimate λ\lambda is the average intensity (number of points divided by area) for the region of space where the covariate value is less than or equal to tt.

If horvitz=TRUE, then the calculations described above are modified by using Horvitz-Thompson weighting. The contribution to the numerator from each data point is weighted by the reciprocal of the baseline value or fitted intensity value at that data point; and a corresponding adjustment is made to the denominator.

Confidence intervals are not available for the monotone estimators.

Unimodal estimators

If smoother="valley" then we estimate a U-shaped function. A function ρ(z)\rho(z) is U-shaped if it is decreasing when z<z0z < z_0 and increasing when z>z0z > z_0, where z0z_0 is called the critical value. The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate of such a function can be computed by profiling over z0z_0. The algorithm considers all possible candidate values of the critical value z0z_0, and estimates the function ρ(z)\rho(z) separately on the left and right of z0z_0 using the monotone estimators described above. These function estimates are combined into a single function, and the Poisson point process likelihood is computed. The optimal value of z0z_0 is the one which maximises the Poisson point process likelihood.

If smoother="mountain" then we estimate a function which has an inverted U shape. A function ρ(z)\rho(z) is inverted-U-shaped if it is increasing when z<z0z < z_0 and decreasing when z>z0z > z_0. The nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate of such a function can be computed by profiling over z0z_0 using the same technique mutatis mutandis.

Confidence intervals are not available for the unimodal estimators.


By default, rhohat adds a small amount of random noise to the data. This is designed to suppress the effects of discretisation in pixel images.

This strategy means that rhohat does not produce exactly the same result when the computation is repeated. If you need the results to be exactly reproducible, set jitter=FALSE.

By default, the values of the covariate at the data points will be randomly perturbed by adding a small amount of noise using the function jitter. To reduce this effect, set jitterfactor to a number smaller than 1. To suppress this effect entirely, set jitter=FALSE.


Smoothing algorithm by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Ya-Mei Chang, Yong Song, and Rolf Turner [email protected].

Nonparametric maximum likelihood algorithm by Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Chang, Y.-M., Song, Y. and Turner, R. (2012) Nonparametric estimation of the dependence of a point process on spatial covariates. Statistics and Its Interface 5 (2), 221–236.

Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. (2005) Modelling spatial point patterns in R. In: A. Baddeley, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica, and D. Stoyan, editors, Case Studies in Spatial Point Pattern Modelling, Lecture Notes in Statistics number 185. Pages 23–74. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2006. ISBN: 0-387-28311-0.

Baddeley, A. (2018) A statistical commentary on mineral prospectivity analysis. Chapter 2, pages 25–65 in Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences: Fifty Years of IAMG, edited by B.S. Daya Sagar, Q. Cheng and F.P. Agterberg. Springer, Berlin.

Guan, Y. (2008) On consistent nonparametric intensity estimation for inhomogeneous spatial point processes. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103, 1238–1247.

Handcock, M.S. and Morris, M. (1999) Relative Distribution Methods in the Social Sciences. Springer, New York.

Sager, T.W. (1982) Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation of spatial patterns. Annals of Statistics 10, 1125–1136.

See Also

rho2hat, methods.rhohat, parres.

See ppm for a parametric method for the same problem.


X <-  rpoispp(function(x,y){exp(3+3*x)})
  rho <- rhohat(X, "x")
  rho <- rhohat(X, function(x,y){x})
  curve(exp(3+3*x), lty=3, col=4, lwd=2, add=TRUE)

  rhoB <- rhohat(X, "x", method="reweight")
  rhoC <- rhohat(X, "x", method="transform")

  rhoI <- rhohat(X, "x", smoother="increasing")
  rhoM <- rhohat(X, "x", smoother="mountain")

  plot(rhoI, add=TRUE, .y ~ .x, col=6)
  legend("top", lty=c(3, 1), col=c(4, 6), lwd=c(2, 1),
         legend=c("true", "increasing"))

Receiver Operating Characteristic


Computes the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve for a point pattern or a fitted point process model.


roc(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
roc(X, covariate, ..., high = TRUE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp" or "lpp") or fitted point process model (object of class "ppm", "kppm", "slrm" or "lppm").


Spatial covariate. Either a function(x,y), a pixel image (object of class "im"), or one of the strings "x" or "y" indicating the Cartesian coordinates.


Logical value indicating whether the threshold operation should favour high or low values of the covariate.


Arguments passed to as.mask controlling the pixel resolution for calculations.


This command computes Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. The area under the ROC is computed by auc.

For a point pattern X and a covariate Z, the ROC is a plot showing the ability of the covariate to separate the spatial domain into areas of high and low density of points. For each possible threshold zz, the algorithm calculates the fraction a(z)a(z) of area in the study region where the covariate takes a value greater than zz, and the fraction b(z)b(z) of data points for which the covariate value is greater than zz. The ROC is a plot of b(z)b(z) against a(z)a(z) for all thresholds zz.

For a fitted point process model, the ROC shows the ability of the fitted model intensity to separate the spatial domain into areas of high and low density of points. The ROC is not a diagnostic for the goodness-of-fit of the model (Lobo et al, 2007).

(For spatial logistic regression models (class "slrm") replace “intensity” by “probability of presence” in the text above.)


Function value table (object of class "fv") which can be plotted to show the ROC curve.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Lobo, J.M., Jimenez-Valverde, A. and Real, R. (2007) AUC: a misleading measure of the performance of predictive distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17(2) 145–151.

Nam, B.-H. and D'Agostino, R. (2002) Discrimination index, the area under the ROC curve. Pages 267–279 in Huber-Carol, C., Balakrishnan, N., Nikulin, M.S. and Mesbah, M., Goodness-of-fit tests and model validity, Birkhauser, Basel.

See Also



plot(roc(swedishpines, "x"))

Rose Diagram


Plots a rose diagram (rose of directions), the analogue of a histogram or density plot for angular data.


rose(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
rose(x, breaks = NULL, ...,
                       nclass = NULL,
                       unit = c("degree", "radian"),
                       start=0, clockwise=FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'histogram'
rose(x, ...,
                       unit = c("degree", "radian"),
                       start=0, clockwise=FALSE,
                       main, labels=TRUE, at=NULL, do.plot = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'density'
rose(x, ..., 
                  unit = c("degree", "radian"), 
                  start=0, clockwise=FALSE,
                  main, labels=TRUE, at=NULL, do.plot = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'fv'
rose(x, ..., 
                  unit = c("degree", "radian"),
                  start=0, clockwise=FALSE,
                  main, labels=TRUE, at=NULL, do.plot = TRUE)



Data to be plotted. A numeric vector containing angles, or a histogram object containing a histogram of angular values, or a density object containing a smooth density estimate for angular data, or an fv object giving a function of an angular argument.

breaks, nclass

Arguments passed to hist to determine the histogram breakpoints.


Additional arguments passed to polygon controlling the appearance of the plot (or passed from rose.default to hist to control the calculation of the histogram).


The unit in which the angles are expressed.


The starting direction for measurement of angles, that is, the spatial direction which corresponds to a measured angle of zero. Either a character string giving a compass direction ("N" for north, "S" for south, "E" for east, or "W" for west) or a number giving the angle from the the horizontal (East) axis to the starting direction. For example, if unit="degree" and clockwise=FALSE, then start=90 and start="N" are equivalent. The default is to measure angles anti-clockwise from the horizontal axis (East direction).


Logical value indicating whether angles increase in the clockwise direction (clockwise=TRUE) or anti-clockwise, counter-clockwise direction (clockwise=FALSE, the default).


Optional vector of numeric weights associated with x.


Optional main title for the plot.


Either a logical value indicating whether to plot labels next to the tick marks, or a vector of labels for the tick marks.


Optional vector of angles at which tick marks should be plotted. Set at=numeric(0) to suppress tick marks.


Logical value indicating whether to really perform the plot.


A rose diagram or rose of directions is the analogue of a histogram or bar chart for data which represent angles in two dimensions. The bars of the bar chart are replaced by circular sectors in the rose diagram.

The function rose is generic, with a default method for numeric data, and methods for histograms and function tables.

If x is a numeric vector, it must contain angular values in the range 0 to 360 (if unit="degree") or in the range 0 to 2 * pi (if unit="radian"). A histogram of the data will first be computed using hist. Then the rose diagram of this histogram will be plotted by rose.histogram.

If x is an object of class "histogram" produced by the function hist, representing the histogram of angular data, then the rose diagram of the densities (rather than the counts) in this histogram object will be plotted.

If x is an object of class "density" produced by circdensity or density.default, representing a kernel smoothed density estimate of angular data, then the rose diagram of the density estimate will be plotted.

If x is a function value table (object of class "fv") then the argument of the function will be interpreted as an angle, and the value of the function will be interpreted as the radius.

By default, angles are interpreted using the mathematical convention where the zero angle is the horizontal xx axis, and angles increase anti-clockwise. Other conventions can be specified using the arguments start and clockwise. Standard compass directions are obtained by setting unit="degree", start="N" and clockwise=TRUE.


A window (class "owin") containing the plotted region.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

Rolf Turner [email protected]

and Ege Rubak [email protected]

See Also

fv, hist, circdensity, density.default.


ang <- runif(1000, max=360)
  rose(ang, col="grey")
  rose(ang, col="grey", start="N", clockwise=TRUE)

Rotational Average of a Pixel Image


Compute the average pixel value over all rotations of the image about the origin, as a function of distance from the origin.


rotmean(X, ..., origin, padzero=TRUE, Xname, result=c("fv", "im"), adjust=1)



A pixel image.




Optional. Origin about which the rotations should be performed. Either a numeric vector or a character string as described in the help for shift.owin.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), the value of X is assumed to be zero outside the window of X. If FALSE, the value of X is taken to be undefined outside the window of X.


Optional name for X to be used in the function labels.


Character string specifying the kind of result required: either a function object or a pixel image.


Adjustment factor for bandwidth used in kernel smoothing.


This command computes, for each possible distance rr, the average pixel value of the pixels lying at distance rr from the origin. Kernel smoothing is used to obtain a smooth function of rr.

If result="fv" (the default) the result is a function object of class "fv" giving the mean pixel value of X as a function of distance from the origin.

If result="im" the result is a pixel image, with the same dimensions as X, giving the mean value of X over all pixels lying at the same distance from the origin as the current pixel.

If padzero=TRUE (the default), the value of X is assumed to be zero outside the window of X. The rotational mean at a given distance rr is the average value of the image X over the entire circle of radius rr, including zero values outside the window if the circle lies partly outside the window.

If padzero=FALSE, the value of X is taken to be undefined outside the window of X. The rotational mean is the average of the X values over the subset of the circle of radius rr that lies entirely inside the window.


An object of class "fv" or "im", with the same coordinate units as X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also



online <- interactive()
  resolution <- if(online) 128 else 32
  Z <- setcov(square(1), dimyx=resolution)
  f <- rotmean(Z)
  if(online) {
    plot(rotmean(Z, result="im"))

Spatial Scan Test


Performs the Spatial Scan Test for clustering in a spatial point pattern, or for clustering of one type of point in a bivariate spatial point pattern.


scan.test(X, r, ...,
          method = c("poisson", "binomial"),
          nsim = 19,
          baseline = NULL,
          case = 2, 
          alternative = c("greater", "less", "two.sided"),
          verbose = TRUE)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Radius of circle to use. A single number or a numeric vector.


Optional. Arguments passed to as.mask to determine the spatial resolution of the computations.


Either "poisson" or "binomial" specifying the type of likelihood.


Number of simulations for computing Monte Carlo p-value.


Baseline for the Poisson intensity, if method="poisson". A pixel image or a function.


Which type of point should be interpreted as a case, if method="binomial". Integer or character string.


Alternative hypothesis: "greater" if the alternative postulates that the mean number of points inside the circle will be greater than expected under the null.


Logical. Whether to print progress reports.


The spatial scan test (Kulldorf, 1997) is applied to the point pattern X.

In a nutshell,

  • If method="poisson" then a significant result would mean that there is a circle of radius r, located somewhere in the spatial domain of the data, which contains a significantly higher than expected number of points of X. That is, the pattern X exhibits spatial clustering.

  • If method="binomial" then X must be a bivariate (two-type) point pattern. By default, the first type of point is interpreted as a control (non-event) and the second type of point as a case (event). A significant result would mean that there is a circle of radius r which contains a significantly higher than expected number of cases. That is, the cases are clustered together, conditional on the locations of all points.

Following is a more detailed explanation.

  • If method="poisson" then the scan test based on Poisson likelihood is performed (Kulldorf, 1997). The dataset X is treated as an unmarked point pattern. By default (if baseline is not specified) the null hypothesis is complete spatial randomness CSR (i.e. a uniform Poisson process). The alternative hypothesis is a Poisson process with one intensity β1\beta_1 inside some circle of radius r and another intensity β0\beta_0 outside the circle. If baseline is given, then it should be a pixel image or a function(x,y). The null hypothesis is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity proportional to baseline. The alternative hypothesis is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity beta1 * baseline inside some circle of radius r, and beta0 * baseline outside the circle.

  • If method="binomial" then the scan test based on binomial likelihood is performed (Kulldorf, 1997). The dataset X must be a bivariate point pattern, i.e. a multitype point pattern with two types. The null hypothesis is that all permutations of the type labels are equally likely. The alternative hypothesis is that some circle of radius r has a higher proportion of points of the second type, than expected under the null hypothesis.

The result of scan.test is a hypothesis test (object of class "htest") which can be plotted to report the results. The component p.value contains the pp-value.

The result of scan.test can also be plotted (using the plot method for the class "scan.test"). The plot is a pixel image of the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic (2 times the log likelihood ratio) as a function of the location of the centre of the circle. This pixel image can be extracted from the object using The Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic is computed by scanLRTS.


An object of class "htest" (hypothesis test) which also belongs to the class "scan.test". Printing this object gives the result of the test. Plotting this object displays the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic as a function of the location of the centre of the circle.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Kulldorff, M. (1997) A spatial scan statistic. Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods 26, 1481–1496.

See Also

plot.scan.test,, relrisk, scanLRTS


nsim <- if(interactive()) 19 else 2
   rr <- if(interactive()) seq(0.5, 1, by=0.1) else c(0.5, 1)
   scan.test(redwood, 0.1 * rr, method="poisson", nsim=nsim)
   scan.test(chorley, rr, method="binomial", case="larynx", nsim=nsim)

Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for Scan Test


Calculate the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for the Scan Test, at each spatial location.


scanLRTS(X, r, ...,
   method = c("poisson", "binomial"),
   baseline = NULL, case = 2,
   alternative = c("greater", "less", "two.sided"),
   saveopt = FALSE,
   Xmask = NULL)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Radius of circle to use. A single number or a numeric vector.


Optional. Arguments passed to as.mask to determine the spatial resolution of the computations.


Either "poisson" or "binomial" specifying the type of likelihood.


Baseline for the Poisson intensity, if method="poisson". A pixel image or a function.


Which type of point should be interpreted as a case, if method="binomial". Integer or character string.


Alternative hypothesis: "greater" if the alternative postulates that the mean number of points inside the circle will be greater than expected under the null.


Logical value indicating to save the optimal value of r at each location.


Internal use only.


This command computes, for all spatial locations u, the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic Λ(u)\Lambda(u) for a test of homogeneity at the location uu, as described below. The result is a pixel image giving the values of Λ(u)\Lambda(u) at each pixel.

The maximum value of Λ(u)\Lambda(u) over all locations uu is the scan statistic, which is the basis of the scan test performed by scan.test.

  • If method="poisson" then the test statistic is based on Poisson likelihood. The dataset X is treated as an unmarked point pattern. By default (if baseline is not specified) the null hypothesis is complete spatial randomness CSR (i.e. a uniform Poisson process). At the spatial location uu, the alternative hypothesis is a Poisson process with one intensity β1\beta_1 inside the circle of radius r centred at uu, and another intensity β0\beta_0 outside the circle. If baseline is given, then it should be a pixel image or a function(x,y). The null hypothesis is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity proportional to baseline. The alternative hypothesis is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity beta1 * baseline inside the circle, and beta0 * baseline outside the circle.

  • If method="binomial" then the test statistic is based on binomial likelihood. The dataset X must be a bivariate point pattern, i.e. a multitype point pattern with two types. The null hypothesis is that all permutations of the type labels are equally likely. The alternative hypothesis is that the circle of radius r centred at uu has a higher proportion of points of the second type, than expected under the null hypothesis.

If r is a vector of more than one value for the radius, then the calculations described above are performed for every value of r. Then the maximum over r is taken for each spatial location uu. The resulting pixel value of scanLRTS at a location uu is the profile maximum of the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic, that is, the maximum of the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for circles of all radii, centred at the same location uu.

If you have already performed a scan test using scan.test, the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic can be extracted from the test result using the function


A pixel image (object of class "im") whose pixel values are the values of the (profile) Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic at each spatial location.

Warning: window size

Note that the result of scanLRTS is a pixel image on a larger window than the original window of X. The expanded window contains the centre of any circle of radius r that has nonempty intersection with the original window.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Kulldorff, M. (1997) A spatial scan statistic. Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods 26, 1481–1496.

See Also



plot(scanLRTS(redwood, 0.1, method="poisson"))
   sc <- scanLRTS(chorley, 1, method="binomial", case="larynx") 
   scanstatchorley <- max(sc)

Sufficient Dimension Reduction


Given a point pattern and a set of predictors, find a minimal set of new predictors, each constructed as a linear combination of the original predictors.


sdr(X, covariates, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
sdr(X, covariates,
                  method = c("DR", "NNIR", "SAVE", "SIR", "TSE"),
                  Dim1 = 1, Dim2 = 1, predict=FALSE, ...)



A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


A list of pixel images (objects of class "im") to serve as predictor variables.


Character string indicating which method to use. See Details.


Dimension of the first order Central Intensity Subspace (applicable when method is "DR", "NNIR", "SAVE" or "TSE").


Dimension of the second order Central Intensity Subspace (applicable when method="TSE").


Logical value indicating whether to compute the new predictors as well.


Additional arguments (ignored by sdr.ppp).


Given a point pattern XX and predictor variables Z1,,ZpZ_1, \dots, Z_p, Sufficient Dimension Reduction methods (Guan and Wang, 2010) attempt to find a minimal set of new predictor variables, each constructed by taking a linear combination of the original predictors, which explain the dependence of XX on Z1,,ZpZ_1, \dots, Z_p. The methods do not assume any particular form of dependence of the point pattern on the predictors. The predictors are assumed to be Gaussian random fields.

Available methods are:

method="DR" directional regression
method="NNIR" nearest neighbour inverse regression
method="SAVE" sliced average variance estimation
method="SIR" sliced inverse regression
method="TSE" two-step estimation

The result includes a matrix B whose columns are estimates of the basis vectors of the space of new predictors. That is, the jth column of B expresses the jth new predictor as a linear combination of the original predictors.

If predict=TRUE, the new predictors are also evaluated. They can also be evaluated using sdrPredict.


A list with components B, M or B, M1, M2 where B is a matrix whose columns are estimates of the basis vectors for the space, and M or M1,M2 are matrices containing estimates of the kernel.

If predict=TRUE, the result also includes a component Y which is a list of pixel images giving the values of the new predictors.


Matlab original by Yongtao Guan, translated to R by Suman Rakshit.


Guan, Y. and Wang, H. (2010) Sufficient dimension reduction for spatial point processes directed by Gaussian random fields. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72, 367–387.

See Also

sdrPredict to compute the new predictors from the coefficient matrix.

dimhat to estimate the subspace dimension.



A <- sdr(bei, bei.extra, predict=TRUE)
   Y1 <- A$Y[[1]]
   points(bei, pch=".", cex=2)
   # investigate likely form of dependence
   plot(rhohat(bei, Y1))

Compute Predictors from Sufficient Dimension Reduction


Given the result of a Sufficient Dimension Reduction method, compute the new predictors.


sdrPredict(covariates, B)



A list of pixel images (objects of class "im").


Either a matrix of coefficients for the covariates, or the result of a call to sdr.


This function assumes that sdr has already been used to find a minimal set of predictors based on the covariates. The argument B should be either the result of sdr or the coefficient matrix returned as one of the results of sdr. The columns of this matrix define linear combinations of the covariates. This function evaluates those linear combinations, and returns a list of pixel images containing the new predictors.


A list of pixel images (objects of class "im") with one entry for each column of B.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also



A <- sdr(bei, bei.extra)
   Y <- sdrPredict(bei.extra, A)

Test of Spatial Segregation of Types


Performs a Monte Carlo test of spatial segregation of the types in a multitype point pattern.


segregation.test(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
segregation.test(X, ..., nsim = 19,
       permute = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, Xname)



Multitype point pattern (object of class "ppp" with factor-valued marks).


Additional arguments passed to relrisk.ppp to control the smoothing parameter or bandwidth selection.


Number of simulations for the Monte Carlo test.


Argument passed to rlabel. If TRUE (the default), randomisation is performed by randomly permuting the labels of X. If FALSE, randomisation is performing by resampling the labels with replacement.


Logical value indicating whether to print progress reports.


Optional character string giving the name of the dataset X.


The Monte Carlo test of spatial segregation of types, proposed by Kelsall and Diggle (1995) and Diggle et al (2005), is applied to the point pattern X. The test statistic is

T=im(p^(mxi)pm)2T = \sum_i \sum_m \left( \widehat p(m \mid x_i) - \overline p_m \right)^2

where p^(mxi)\widehat p(m \mid x_i) is the leave-one-out kernel smoothing estimate of the probability that the ii-th data point has type mm, and pm\overline p_m is the average fraction of data points which are of type mm. The statistic TT is evaluated for the data and for nsim randomised versions of X, generated by randomly permuting or resampling the marks.

Note that, by default, automatic bandwidth selection will be performed separately for each randomised pattern. This computation can be very time-consuming but is necessary for the test to be valid in most conditions. A short-cut is to specify the value of the smoothing bandwidth sigma as shown in the examples.


An object of class "htest" representing the result of the test.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Bithell, J.F. (1991) Estimation of relative risk functions. Statistics in Medicine 10, 1745–1751.

Kelsall, J.E. and Diggle, P.J. (1995) Kernel estimation of relative risk. Bernoulli 1, 3–16.

Diggle, P.J., Zheng, P. and Durr, P. (2005) Non-parametric estimation of spatial segregation in a multivariate point process: bovine tuberculosis in Cornwall, UK. Applied Statistics 54, 645–658.

See Also



segregation.test(hyytiala, 5)

  if(interactive()) segregation.test(hyytiala, hmin=0.05)

Data Sharpening of Point Pattern


Performs Choi-Hall data sharpening of a spatial point pattern.


sharpen(X, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ppp'
sharpen(X, sigma=NULL, ...,
                      varcov=NULL, edgecorrect=FALSE)



A marked point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Standard deviation of isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel.


Variance-covariance matrix of anisotropic Gaussian kernel. Incompatible with sigma.


Logical value indicating whether to apply edge effect bias correction.


Arguments passed to density.ppp to control the pixel resolution of the result.


Choi and Hall (2001) proposed a procedure for data sharpening of spatial point patterns. This procedure is appropriate for earthquake epicentres and other point patterns which are believed to exhibit strong concentrations of points along a curve. Data sharpening causes such points to concentrate more tightly along the curve.

If the original data points are X1,,XnX_1, \ldots, X_n then the sharpened points are

X^i=jXjk(XjXi)jk(XjXi)\hat X_i = \frac{\sum_j X_j k(X_j-X_i)}{\sum_j k(X_j - X_i)}

where kk is a smoothing kernel in two dimensions. Thus, the new point X^i\hat X_i is a vector average of the nearby points X[j]X[j].

The function sharpen is generic. It currently has only one method, for two-dimensional point patterns (objects of class "ppp").

If sigma is given, the smoothing kernel is the isotropic two-dimensional Gaussian density with standard deviation sigma in each axis. If varcov is given, the smoothing kernel is the Gaussian density with variance-covariance matrix varcov.

The data sharpening procedure tends to cause the point pattern to contract away from the boundary of the window. That is, points XiX_i that lie 'quite close to the edge of the window of the point pattern tend to be displaced inward. If edgecorrect=TRUE then the algorithm is modified to correct this vector bias.


A point pattern (object of class "ppp") in the same window as the original pattern X, and with the same marks as X.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected]


Choi, E. and Hall, P. (2001) Nonparametric analysis of earthquake point-process data. In M. de Gunst, C. Klaassen and A. van der Vaart (eds.) State of the art in probability and statistics: Festschrift for Willem R. van Zwet, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Beachwood, Ohio. Pages 324–344.

See Also

density.ppp, Smooth.ppp.


X <- unmark(shapley)
   Y <- sharpen(X, sigma=0.5)
   Z <- sharpen(X, sigma=0.5, edgecorrect=TRUE)
   opa <- par(mar=rep(0.2, 4))
   plot(solist(X, Y, Z), main= " ",
        main.panel=c("data", "sharpen", "sharpen, correct"),
        pch=".", equal.scales=TRUE, mar.panel=0.2)

Spatial smoothing of data


Generic function to perform spatial smoothing of spatial data.


Smooth(X, ...)



Some kind of spatial data


Arguments passed to methods.


This generic function calls an appropriate method to perform spatial smoothing on the spatial dataset X.

Methods for this function include


An object containing smoothed values of the input data, in an appropriate format. See the documentation for the methods.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Smooth.ppp,, Smooth.msr, Smooth.fv.

Apply Smoothing to Function Values


Applies smoothing to the values in selected columns of a function value table.


## S3 method for class 'fv'
Smooth(X, which = "*", ...,
          method=c("smooth.spline", "loess"),



Values to be smoothed. A function value table (object of class "fv", see fv.object).


Character vector identifying which columns of the table should be smoothed. Either a vector containing names of columns, or one of the wildcard strings "*" or "." explained below.


Extra arguments passed to smooth.spline or loess to control the smoothing.


Smoothing algorithm. A character string, partially matched to either "smooth.spline" or "loess".


Optional. Numeric vector of length 2 specifying a range of xx values. Smoothing will be performed only on the part of the function corresponding to this range.


The command Smooth.fv applies smoothing to the function values in a function value table (object of class "fv").

Smooth.fv is a method for the generic function Smooth.

The smoothing is performed either by smooth.spline or by loess.

Smoothing is applied to every column (or to each of the selected columns) of function values in turn, using the function argument as the xx coordinate and the selected column as the yy coordinate. The original function values are then replaced by the corresponding smooth interpolated function values.

The optional argument which specifies which of the columns of function values in x will be smoothed. The default (indicated by the wildcard which="*") is to smooth all function values, i.e.\ all columns except the function argument. Alternatively which="." designates the subset of function values that are displayed in the default plot. Alternatively which can be a character vector containing the names of columns of x.

If the argument xinterval is given, then smoothing will be performed only in the specified range of xx values.


Another function value table (object of class "fv") of the same format.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

Smooth, with.fv, fv.object, smooth.spline, smooth.spline


G <- Gest(cells)
   plot(Smooth(G, df=9), add=TRUE)

Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular points


Performs spatial smoothing of numeric values observed at a set of irregular locations. Uses kernel smoothing and least-squares cross-validated bandwidth selection.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
Smooth(X, sigma=NULL,
                     weights = rep(1, npoints(X)),
                     at = "pixels", leaveoneout=TRUE, 
                     adjust = 1, varcov = NULL, 
                     edge = TRUE, diggle = FALSE,
                     kernel = "gaussian",
                     scalekernel = is.character(kernel),
                     se = FALSE,
                     loctype = c("random", "fixed"),
                     wtype = c("multiplicity", "importance"),
                     geometric = FALSE)

markmean(X, ...)

markvar(X, sigma=NULL, ..., weights=NULL, varcov=NULL)



A marked point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Smoothing bandwidth. A single positive number, a numeric vector of length 2, or a function that selects the bandwidth automatically. See density.ppp.


Further arguments passed to bw.smoothppp and density.ppp to control the kernel smoothing and the pixel resolution of the result.


Optional weights attached to the observations. A numeric vector, a function(x,y), a pixel image, or an expression. See density.ppp.


String specifying whether to compute the smoothed values at a grid of pixel locations (at="pixels") or only at the points of X (at="points").


Logical value indicating whether to compute a leave-one-out estimator. Applicable only when at="points".

edge, diggle

Arguments passed to density.ppp to determine the edge correction.


Optional. Adjustment factor for the bandwidth sigma.


Variance-covariance matrix. An alternative to sigma. See density.ppp.


The smoothing kernel. A character string specifying the smoothing kernel (current options are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "quartic" or "disc"), or a pixel image (object of class "im") containing values of the kernel, or a function(x,y) which yields values of the kernel.


Logical value. If scalekernel=TRUE, then the kernel will be rescaled to the bandwidth determined by sigma and varcov: this is the default behaviour when kernel is a character string. If scalekernel=FALSE, then sigma and varcov will be ignored: this is the default behaviour when kernel is a function or a pixel image.


Logical value specifying whether to calculate standard errors. This calculation is experimental.


Character string (partially matched) specifying whether the point locations are assumed to be fixed or random, in the calculation of standard error. Experimental.


Character string (partially matched) specifying whether the weights should be interpreted as multiplicities or as importance weights, in the calculation of standard error. Experimental.


Logical value indicating whether to perform geometric mean smoothing instead of arithmetic mean smoothing. See Details.


The function Smooth.ppp performs spatial smoothing of numeric values observed at a set of irregular locations. The functions markmean and markvar are wrappers for Smooth.ppp which compute the spatially-varying mean and variance of the marks of a point pattern.

Smooth.ppp is a method for the generic function Smooth for the class "ppp" of point patterns. Thus you can type simply Smooth(X).

Smoothing is performed by kernel weighting, using the Gaussian kernel by default. If the observed values are v1,,vnv_1,\ldots,v_n at locations x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n respectively, then the smoothed value at a location uu is (ignoring edge corrections)

g(u)=ik(uxi)viik(uxi)g(u) = \frac{\sum_i k(u-x_i) v_i}{\sum_i k(u-x_i)}

where kk is the kernel (a Gaussian kernel by default). This is known as the Nadaraya-Watson smoother (Nadaraya, 1964, 1989; Watson, 1964). By default, the smoothing kernel bandwidth is chosen by least squares cross-validation (see below).

The argument X must be a marked point pattern (object of class "ppp", see ppp.object). The points of the pattern are taken to be the observation locations xix_i, and the marks of the pattern are taken to be the numeric values viv_i observed at these locations.

The marks are allowed to be a data frame (in Smooth.ppp and markmean). Then the smoothing procedure is applied to each column of marks.

The numerator and denominator are computed by density.ppp. The arguments ... control the smoothing kernel parameters and determine whether edge correction is applied. The smoothing kernel bandwidth can be specified by either of the arguments sigma or varcov which are passed to density.ppp. If neither of these arguments is present, then by default the bandwidth is selected by least squares cross-validation, using bw.smoothppp.

The optional argument weights allows numerical weights to be applied to the data. If a weight wiw_i is associated with location xix_i, then the smoothed function is (ignoring edge corrections)

g(u)=ik(uxi)viwiik(uxi)wig(u) = \frac{\sum_i k(u-x_i) v_i w_i}{\sum_i k(u-x_i) w_i}

If geometric=TRUE then geometric mean smoothing is performed instead of arithmetic mean smoothing. The mark values must be non-negative numbers. The logarithm of the mark values is computed; these logarithmic values are kernel-smoothed as described above; then the exponential function is applied to the smoothed values.

An alternative to kernel smoothing is inverse-distance weighting, which is performed by idw.


If X has a single column of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a pixel image (object of class "im"). Pixel values are values of the interpolated function.

  • If at="points", the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X. Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of X.

If X has a data frame of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a named list of pixel images (object of class "im"). There is one image for each column of marks. This list also belongs to the class "solist", for which there is a plot method.

  • If at="points", the result is a data frame with one row for each point of X, and one column for each column of marks. Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of X.

The return value has attributes "sigma" and "varcov" which report the smoothing bandwidth that was used.

Very small bandwidth

If the chosen bandwidth sigma is very small, kernel smoothing is mathematically equivalent to nearest-neighbour interpolation; the result will be computed by nnmark. This is unless at="points" and leaveoneout=FALSE, when the original mark values are returned.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Nadaraya, E.A. (1964) On estimating regression. Theory of Probability and its Applications 9, 141–142.

Nadaraya, E.A. (1989) Nonparametric estimation of probability densities and regression curves. Kluwer, Dordrecht.

Watson, G.S. (1964) Smooth regression analysis. Sankhya A 26, 359–372.

See Also


density.ppp, bw.smoothppp, nnmark, ppp.object, im.object.

See idw for inverse-distance weighted smoothing.

To perform interpolation, see also the akima package.


# Longleaf data - tree locations, marked by tree diameter
   # Local smoothing of tree diameter (automatic bandwidth selection)
   Z <- Smooth(longleaf)
   # Kernel bandwidth sigma=5
   plot(Smooth(longleaf, 5))
   # mark variance
   plot(markvar(longleaf, sigma=5))
   # data frame of marks: trees marked by diameter and height
   plot(Smooth(finpines, sigma=2))
   head(Smooth(finpines, sigma=2, at="points"))

Smooth a Spatially Sampled Function


Applies kernel smoothing to a spatially sampled function.


## S3 method for class 'ssf'
Smooth(X, ...)



Object of class "ssf".


Arguments passed to Smooth.ppp to control the smoothing.


An object of class "ssf" represents a real-valued or vector-valued function that has been evaluated or sampled at an irregular set of points.

The function values will be smoothed using a Gaussian kernel.


A pixel image or a list of pixel images.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

ssf, Smooth.ppp


f <- ssf(redwood, nndist(redwood))
   Smooth(f, sigma=0.1)

Smooth Interpolation of Marks as a Spatial Function


Perform spatial smoothing of numeric values observed at a set of irregular locations, and return the result as a function of spatial location.


Smoothfun(X, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ppp'
Smoothfun(X, sigma = NULL, ...,
                        weights = NULL, edge = TRUE, diggle = FALSE)



Marked point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Smoothing bandwidth, or bandwidth selection function, passed to Smooth.ppp.


Additional arguments passed to Smooth.ppp.


Optional vector of weights associated with the points of X.

edge, diggle

Logical arguments controlling the edge correction. Arguments passed to Smooth.ppp.


The commands Smoothfun and Smooth both perform kernel-smoothed spatial interpolation of numeric values observed at irregular spatial locations. The difference is that Smooth returns a pixel image, containing the interpolated values at a grid of locations, while Smoothfun returns a function(x,y) which can be used to compute the interpolated value at any spatial location. For purposes such as model-fitting it is more accurate to use Smoothfun to interpolate data.


A function with arguments x,y. The function also belongs to the class "Smoothfun" which has methods for print and It also belongs to the class "funxy" which has methods for plot, contour and persp.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also



f <- Smoothfun(longleaf)
  f(120, 80)

Spatial Smoothing of Data by Diffusion


Generic function to perform spatial smoothing of spatial data by diffusion.


SmoothHeat(X, ...)



Some kind of spatial data


Arguments passed to methods.


This generic function calls an appropriate method to perform spatial smoothing on the spatial dataset X using diffusion.

Methods for this function include


An object containing smoothed values of the input data, in an appropriate format. See the documentation for the methods.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also


Spatial Smoothing of Observations using Diffusion Estimate of Density


Performs spatial smoothing of numeric values observed at a set of irregular locations, using the diffusion estimate of the density.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
SmoothHeat(X, sigma, ..., weights=NULL)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp") with numeric marks.


Smoothing bandwidth. A single number giving the equivalent standard deviation of the smoother.


Arguments passed to densityHeat controlling the estimation of each marginal intensity, or passed to pixellate.ppp controlling the pixel resolution.


Optional numeric vector of weights associated with each data point.


This is the analogue of the Nadaraya-Watson smoother, using the diffusion smoothing estimation procedure (Baddeley et al, 2022). The numerator and denominator of the Nadaraya-Watson smoother are calculated using densityHeat.ppp.


Pixel image (object of class "im") giving the smoothed mark value.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Tilman Davies [email protected] and Suman Rakshit.


Baddeley, A., Davies, T., Rakshit, S., Nair, G. and McSwiggan, G. (2022) Diffusion smoothing for spatial point patterns. Statistical Science 37, 123–142.

See Also

Smooth.ppp for the usual kernel-based smoother (the Nadaraya-Watson smoother) and densityHeat for the diffusion estimate of density.


plot(SmoothHeat(longleaf, 10))

Estimate the Spatial Covariance Function of a Random Field


Given a pixel image, calculate an estimate of the spatial covariance function. Given two pixel images, calculate an estimate of their spatial cross-covariance function.


spatcov(X, Y=X, ..., correlation=FALSE, isotropic = TRUE,
        clip = TRUE, pooling=TRUE)



A pixel image (object of class "im").


Optional. Another pixel image.


Logical value specifying whether to standardise so that the spatial correlation function is returned.


Logical value specifying whether to assume the covariance is isotropic, so that the result is a function of the lag distance.


Logical value specifying whether to restrict the results to the range of spatial lags where the estimate is reliable.


Logical value specifying the estimation method when isotropic=TRUE.




In normal usage, only the first argument X is given. Then the pixel image X is treated as a realisation of a stationary random field, and its spatial covariance function is estimated.

Alternatively if Y is given, then X and Y are assumed to be jointly stationary random fields, and their spatial cross-covariance function is estimated.

For any random field X, the spatial covariance is defined for any two spatial locations uu and vv by

C(u,v)=cov(X(u),X(v))C(u,v) = \mbox{cov}(X(u), X(v))

where X(u)X(u) and X(v)X(v) are the values of the random field at those locations. Herecov\mbox{cov} denotes the statistical covariance, defined for any random variables AA and BB by cov(A,B)=E(AB)E(A)E(B)\mbox{cov}(A,B) = E(AB) - E(A) E(B) where E(A)E(A) denotes the expected value of AA.

If the random field is assumed to be stationary (at least second-order stationary) then the spatial covariance C(u,v)C(u,v) depends only on the lag vector vuv-u:

C(u,v)=C2(vu)C(u,v) = C_2(v-u)

C(u,v)=C2(vu)C(u,v) = C2(v-u)

where C2C_2 is a function of a single vector argument.

If the random field is stationary and isotropic, then the spatial covariance depends only on the lag distance vu\| v - u \|:

C2(vu)=C1(vu)C_2(v-u) = C_1(\|v-u\|)

where C1C_1 is a function of distance.

The function spatcov computes estimates of the covariance function C1C_1 or C2C_2 as follows:

  • If isotropic=FALSE, an estimate of the covariance function C2C_2 is computed, assuming the random field is stationary, using the naive moment estimator, C2 = imcov(X-mean(X))/setcov(Window(X)). The result is a pixel image.

  • If isotropic=TRUE (the default) an estimate of the covariance function C1C_1 is computed, assuming the random field is stationary and isotropic.

    • When pooling=FALSE, the estimate of C1C_1 is the rotational average of the naive estimate of C2C_2.

    • When pooling=TRUE (the default), the estimate of C1C_1 is the ratio of the rotational averages of the numerator and denominator which form the naive estimate of C2C_2.

    The result is a function object (class "fv").

If the argument Y is given, it should be a pixel image compatible with X. An estimate of the spatial cross-covariance function between X and Y will be computed.


If isotropic=TRUE (the default), the result is a function value table (object of class "fv") giving the estimated values of the covariance function or spatial correlation function for a sequence of values of the spatial lag distance r.

If isotropic=FALSE, the result is a pixel image (object of class "im") giving the estimated values of the spatial covariance function or spatial correlation function for a grid of values of the spatial lag vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also

imcov, setcov


if(offline <- !interactive()) op <- spatstat.options(npixel=32)

  D <- density(cells)

if(offline) spatstat.options(op)

Spatial Cumulative Distribution Function


Compute the spatial cumulative distribution function of a spatial covariate, optionally using spatially-varying weights.


spatialcdf(Z, weights = NULL, normalise = FALSE, ..., W = NULL, Zname = NULL)



Spatial covariate. A pixel image or a function(x,y,...)


Spatial weighting for different locations. A pixel image, a function(x,y,...), a window, a constant value, or a fitted point process model (object of class "ppm" or "kppm").


Logical. Whether the weights should be normalised so that they sum to 1.


Arguments passed to as.mask to determine the pixel resolution, or extra arguments passed to Z if it is a function.


Optional window (object of class "owin") defining the spatial domain.


Optional character string for the name of the covariate Z used in plots.


If weights is missing or NULL, it defaults to 1. The values of the covariate Z are computed on a grid of pixels. The weighted cumulative distribution function of Z values is computed, taking each value with weight equal to the pixel area. The resulting function FF is such that F(t)F(t) is the area of the region of space where ZtZ \le t.

If weights is a pixel image or a function, then the values of weights and of the covariate Z are computed on a grid of pixels. The weights are multiplied by the pixel area. Then the weighted empirical cumulative distribution function of Z values is computed using ewcdf. The resulting function FF is such that F(t)F(t) is the total weight (or weighted area) of the region of space where ZtZ \le t.

If weights is a fitted point process model, then it should be a Poisson process. The fitted intensity of the model, and the value of the covariate Z, are evaluated at the quadrature points used to fit the model. The weights are multiplied by the weights of the quadrature points. Then the weighted empirical cumulative distribution of Z values is computed using ewcdf. The resulting function FF is such that F(t)F(t) is the expected number of points in the point process that will fall in the region of space where ZtZ \le t.

If normalise=TRUE, the function is normalised so that its maximum value equals 1, so that it gives the cumulative fraction of weight or cumulative fraction of points.

The result can be printed, plotted, and used as a function.


A cumulative distribution function object belonging to the classes "spatialcdf", "ewcdf", "ecdf" (only if normalise=TRUE) and "stepfun".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

ewcdf, cdf.test


with(bei.extra, {
     if(require("spatstat.model")) {  
       fit <- ppm(bei ~ elev)
       plot(spatialcdf(grad, predict(fit)))
       A <- spatialcdf(grad, fit)
  plot(spatialcdf("x", W=letterR))

Spatially Weighted Median of Values at Points


Given a spatial point pattern with numeric marks, compute a weighted median of the mark values, with spatially-varying weights that depend on distance to the data points.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
SpatialMedian(X, sigma = NULL, ...,
        type = 4, at = c("pixels", "points"), leaveoneout = TRUE,
        weights = NULL, edge = TRUE, diggle = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp") with numeric marks.


Smoothing bandwidth, passed to density.ppp.


Further arguments passed to density.ppp controlling the spatial smoothing.


Integer specifying the type of median (using the convention of quantile.default; see Details). Only types 1 and 4 are currently implemented.


Character string indicating whether to compute the median at every pixel of a pixel image (at="pixels", the default) or at every data point of X (at="points").


Logical value indicating whether to compute a leave-one-out estimator. Applicable only when at="points".


Optional vector of numeric weights attached to the points of X.

edge, diggle

Arguments passed to density.ppp to determine the edge correction.


Logical value specifying whether to print progress reports during the calculation.


The argument X should be a spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp") with numeric marks.

The algorithm computes the weighted median of the mark values at each desired spatial location, using spatially-varying weights which depend on distance to the data points.

Suppose the data points are at spatial locations x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n and have mark values y1,,yny_1,\ldots,y_n. For a query location uu, the smoothed median is defined as the weighted median of the mark values y1,,yny_1,\ldots,y_n with weights w1,,wnw_1,\ldots,w_n, where

wi=k(u,xi)j=1nk(u,xj)w_i = \frac{k(u,x_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^n k(u,x_j)}

where k(u,v)k(u,v) is the smoothing kernel with bandwidth sigma

If at="points" and leaveoneout=TRUE, then a leave-one-out calculation is performed, which means that when the query location is a data point xix_i, the value at the data point is ignored, and the weighted median is computed from the values yjy_j for all jj not equal to ii.


If X has a single column of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a pixel image (object of class "im").

  • If at="points", the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X.

If X has a data frame of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a named list of pixel images (object of class "im"). There is one image for each column of marks. This list also belongs to the class "solist", for which there is a plot method.

  • If at="points", the result is a data frame with one row for each point of X, and one column for each column of marks. Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of X.

The return value has attributes "sigma" and "varcov" which report the smoothing bandwidth that was used.

The calculation of the median value depends on the argument type which is interpreted in the same way as for quantile.default. Currently, only types 1 and 4 are implemented. If type=1, the median is always one of the mark values (one of the values in marks(x)). If type=4 (the default), the median value is obtained by linearly interpolating between mark values. Note that the default values of type in SpatialMedian.ppp and SpatialQuantile.ppp are different.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

Generic function SpatialMedian.

SpatialQuantile and SpatialQuantile.ppp for other quantiles.

Smooth.ppp for the spatially weighted average.


X <- longleaf
   if(!interactive()) {
    ## mark values rounded to nearest multiple of 10 to reduce check time
    marks(X) <- round(marks(X), -1)
   Z <- SpatialMedian(X, sigma=30)
   ZX <- SpatialMedian(X, sigma=30, at="points")

Spatially Weighted Median or Quantile


Compute a weighted median or weighted quantile of spatial data.


SpatialMedian(X, ...)

 SpatialQuantile(X, prob = 0.5, ...)



A spatial data object.


Probability for which the quantile is required. A single numeric value between 0 and 1. Default is to calculate the median.


Further arguments passed to methods.


The functions SpatialMedian and SpatialQuantile are generic. They calculate spatially weighted medians and quantiles of spatial data. The details depend on the class of X.

There are methods for spatial point patterns (class "ppp") and possibly for other objects.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

Methods SpatialMedian.ppp, SpatialQuantile.ppp.

Smooth for the spatially weighted average.

Spatially Weighted Quantile of Values at Points


Given a spatial point pattern with numeric marks, compute a weighted quantile of the mark values, with spatially-varying weights that depend on distance to the data points.


## S3 method for class 'ppp'
SpatialQuantile(X, prob = 0.5, sigma = NULL, ...,
        type = 1, at = c("pixels", "points"), leaveoneout = TRUE,
        weights = NULL, edge = TRUE, diggle = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp") with numeric marks.


Probability for which the quantile is required. A single numeric value between 0 and 1.


Smoothing bandwidth, passed to density.ppp.


Further arguments passed to density.ppp controlling the spatial smoothing.


Integer specifying the type of median (using the convention of quantile.default; see Details). Only types 1 and 4 are currently implemented.


Character string indicating whether to compute the quantile at every pixel of a pixel image (at="pixels", the default) or at every data point of X (at="points").


Logical value indicating whether to compute a leave-one-out estimator. Applicable only when at="points".


Optional vector of numeric weights attached to the points of X.

edge, diggle

Arguments passed to density.ppp to determine the edge correction.


Logical value specifying whether to print progress reports during the calculation.


The argument X should be a spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp") with numeric marks.

The algorithm computes the weighted quantile of the mark values at each desired spatial location, using spatially-varying weights which depend on distance to the data points.

Suppose the data points are at spatial locations x1,,xnx_1,\ldots,x_n and have mark values y1,,yny_1,\ldots,y_n. For a query location uu, the smoothed quantile is defined as the weighted quantile of the mark values y1,,yny_1,\ldots,y_n with weights w1(u),,wn(u)w_1(u),\ldots,w_n(u), where

wi(u)=k(u,xi)j=1nk(u,xj)w_i(u) = \frac{k(u,x_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^n k(u,x_j)}

where k(u,v)k(u,v) is the smoothing kernel with bandwidth sigma.

If at="points" and leaveoneout=TRUE, then a leave-one-out calculation is performed, which means that when the query location is a data point xix_i, the value at the data point is ignored, and the weighted quantile is computed from the values yjy_j for all jj not equal to ii.

The calculation of the quantile value depends on the argument type which is interpreted in the same way as for quantile.default. Currently, only types 1 and 4 are implemented. If type=1 (the default), the quantile value is one of the mark values (one of the values in marks(x)). If type=4, the quantile value is obtained by linearly interpolating between mark values. Note that the default values of type in SpatialQuantile.ppp and SpatialMedian.ppp are different.


If X has a single column of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a pixel image (object of class "im").

  • If at="points", the result is a numeric vector of length equal to the number of points in X.

If X has a data frame of marks:

  • If at="pixels" (the default), the result is a named list of pixel images (object of class "im"). There is one image for each column of marks. This list also belongs to the class "solist", for which there is a plot method.

  • If at="points", the result is a data frame with one row for each point of X, and one column for each column of marks. Entries are values of the interpolated function at the points of X.

The return value has attributes "sigma" and "varcov" which report the smoothing bandwidth that was used.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also

SpatialMedian.ppp, SpatialMedian.


X <- longleaf
   if(!interactive()) {
    ## mark values rounded to nearest multiple of 10 to reduce check time
    marks(X) <- round(marks(X), -1)
   Z <- SpatialQuantile(X, prob=0.25, sigma=30)
   ZX <- SpatialQuantile(X, prob=0.25, sigma=30, at="points")

Spatially Sampled Function


Create an object that represents a spatial function which has been evaluated or sampled at an irregular set of points.


ssf(loc, val)



The spatial locations at which the function has been evaluated. A point pattern (object of class "ppp").


The function values at these locations. A numeric vector with one entry for each point of loc, or a data frame with one row for each point of loc.


An object of class "ssf" represents a real-valued or vector-valued function that has been evaluated or sampled at an irregular set of points. An example would be a spatial covariate that has only been measured at certain locations.

An object of this class also inherits the class "ppp", and is essentially the same as a marked point pattern, except for the class membership which enables it to be handled in a different way.

There are methods for plot, print etc; see plot.ssf and methods.ssf.

Use unmark to extract only the point locations, and marks.ssf to extract only the function values.


Object of class "ssf".


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

See Also

plot.ssf, methods.ssf, Smooth.ssf, with.ssf, [.ssf.


ssf(cells, nndist(cells, k=1:3))

Stienen Diagram


Draw the Stienen diagram of a point pattern, or compute the region covered by the Stienen diagram.


stienen(X, ..., bg = "grey", border = list(bg = NULL))
stienenSet(X, edge=TRUE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Arguments passed to plot.ppp to control the plot.


Fill colour for circles.


Either a list of arguments passed to plot.ppp to control the display of circles at the border of the diagram, or the value FALSE indicating that the border circles should not be plotted.


Logical value indicating whether to include the circles at the border of the diagram.


The Stienen diagram of a point pattern (Stienen, 1982) is formed by drawing a circle around each point of the pattern, with diameter equal to the nearest-neighbour distance for that point. These circles do not overlap. If two points are nearest neighbours of each other, then the corresponding circles touch.

stienenSet(X) computes the union of these circles and returns it as a window (object of class "owin").

stienen(X) generates a plot of the Stienen diagram of the point pattern X. By default, circles are shaded in grey if they lie inside the window of X, and are not shaded otherwise.


The plotting function stienen returns NULL.

The return value of stienenSet is a window (object of class "owin").


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Stienen, H. (1982) Die Vergroeberung von Karbiden in reinen Eisen-Kohlenstoff Staehlen. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen.

See Also

nndist, plot.ppp


Y <- stienenSet(cells)
  stienen(redwood, border=list(bg=NULL, lwd=2, cols="red"))

Studentised Permutation Test


Perform a studentised permutation test for a difference between groups of point patterns.


studpermu.test(X, formula, summaryfunction = Kest,
       ..., rinterval = NULL, nperm = 999,
        use.Tbar = FALSE, minpoints = 20, rsteps = 128,
        r = NULL, = FALSE)



Data. Either a hyperframe or a list of lists of point patterns.


Formula describing the grouping, when X is a hyperframe. The left side of the formula identifies which column of X contains the point patterns. The right side identifies the grouping factor. If the formula is missing, the grouping variable is taken to be the first column of X that contains a factor, and the point patterns are taken from the first column that contains point patterns.


Summary function applicable to point patterns.


Additional arguments passed to summaryfunction.


Interval of distance values rr over which the summary function should be evaluated and over which the test statistic will be integrated. If NULL, the default range of the summary statistic is used (taking the intersection of these ranges over all patterns).


Number of random permutations for the test.


Logical value indicating choice of test statistic. If TRUE, use the alternative test statistic, which is appropriate for summary functions with roughly constant variance, such as K(r)/rK(r)/r or L(r)L(r).


Minimum permissible number of points in a point pattern for inclusion in the test calculation.


Number of discretisation steps in the rinterval.


Optional vector of distance values as the argument for summaryfunction. Should not usually be given. There is a sensible default.

Logical. If TRUE, individual extra arguments to summaryfunction will be taken from X (which must be a hyperframe). This assumes that the first argument of summaryfunction is the point pattern dataset.


This function performs the studentized permutation test of Hahn (2012) for a difference between groups of point patterns.

The first argument X should be either

a list of lists of point patterns.

Each element of X will be interpreted as a group of point patterns, assumed to be replicates of the same point process.

a hyperframe:

One column of the hyperframe should contain point patterns, and another column should contain a factor indicating the grouping. The argument formula should be a formula in the R language specifying the grouping: it should be of the form P ~ G where P is the name of the column of point patterns, and G is the name of the factor.

A group needs to contain at least two point patterns with at least minpoints points in each pattern.

The function returns an object of class "htest" and "studpermutest" that can be printed and plotted. The printout shows the test result and pp-value. The plot shows the summary functions for the groups (and the group means if requested).


Object of class "studpermutest".


Ute Hahn.

Modified for spatstat by Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].


Hahn, U. (2012) A studentized permutation test for the comparison of spatial point patterns. Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (498), 754–764.

See Also



np <- if(interactive()) 99 else 19
  testpyramidal <- studpermu.test(pyramidal, Neurons ~ group, nperm=np)

Distance Between Linear Spaces


Evaluate the distance between two linear subspaces using the measure proposed by Li, Zha and Chiaromonte (2005).


subspaceDistance(B0, B1)



Matrix whose columns are a basis for the first subspace.


Matrix whose columns are a basis for the second subspace.


This algorithm calculates the maximum absolute value of the eigenvalues of P1P0P1-P0 where P0,P1P0,P1 are the projection matrices onto the subspaces generated by B0,B1. This measure of distance was proposed by Li, Zha and Chiaromonte (2005). See also Xia (2007).


A single numeric value.


Matlab original by Yongtao Guan, translated to R by Suman Rakshit.


Guan, Y. and Wang, H. (2010) Sufficient dimension reduction for spatial point processes directed by Gaussian random fields. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72, 367–387.

Li, B., Zha, H. and Chiaromonte, F. (2005) Contour regression: a general approach to dimension reduction. Annals of Statistics 33, 1580–1616.

Xia, Y. (2007) A constructive approach to the estimation of dimension reduction directions. Annals of Statistics 35, 2654–2690.

Confidence Interval for Threshold of Numerical Predictor


Given a point pattern and a spatial covariate that has some predictive value for the point pattern, compute a confidence interval for the optimal value of the threshold that should be used to convert the covariate to a binary predictor.


thresholdCI(X, Z, confidence = 0.95, nsim = 1000, parametric = FALSE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Spatial covariate with numerical values. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a distance function (object of class "distfun") or a function(x,y) in the R language.


Confidence level. A number between 0 and 1.


Number of bootstrap simulations to perform.


Logical value specifying whether to use the parametric bootstrap.


The spatial covariate Z is assumed to have some utility as a predictor of the point pattern X.

This code computes a bootstrap confidence interval for the best threshold value zz for converting the numerical predictor to a binary predictor, for use in techniques such as Weights of Evidence.


A matrix containing upper and lower limits for the threshold z and the corresponding upper and lower limits for the fraction of area of the study region.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Brown, W., Milne, R.K., Nair, G., Rakshit, S., Lawrence, T., Phatak, A. and Fu, S.C. (2021) Optimal thresholding of predictors in mineral prospectivity analysis. Natural Resources Research 30 923–969.

See Also



gold <- rescale(murchison$gold, 1000, "km")
  faults <- rescale(murchison$faults, 1000, "km")
  distfault <- distfun(faults)
  Nsim <- if(interactive()) 250 else 25
  thresholdCI(gold, distfault, nsim=Nsim)

Select Threshold to Convert Numerical Predictor to Binary Predictor


Given a point pattern and a spatial covariate that has some predictive value for the point pattern, determine the optimal value of the threshold for converting the covariate to a binary predictor.


thresholdSelect(X, Z, method = c("Y", "LL", "AR", "t", "C"), Zname)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").


Spatial covariate with numerical values. Either a pixel image (object of class "im"), a distance function (object of class "distfun") or a function(x,y) in the R language.


Character string (partially matched) specifying the method to be used to select the optimal threshold value. See Details.


Optional character string giving a short name for the covariate.


The spatial covariate Z is assumed to have some utility as a predictor of the point pattern X.

This code chooses the best threshold value vv for converting the numerical predictor Z to a binary predictor, for use in techniques such as Weights of Evidence.

The best threshold is selected by maximising the criterion specified by the argument method. Options are:

  • method="Y" (the default): the Youden criterion

  • method="LL": log-likelihood

  • method="AR": the Akman-Raftery criterion

  • method="t": the Studentised Weights-of-Evidence contrast

  • method="C": the Weights-of-Evidence contrast

These criteria are explained in Baddeley et al (2021).


A single numerical value giving the selected bandwidth. The result also belongs to the class "bw.optim" (see bw.optim.object) which can be plotted to show the criterion used to select the threshold.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].


Baddeley, A., Brown, W., Milne, R.K., Nair, G., Rakshit, S., Lawrence, T., Phatak, A. and Fu, S.C. (2021) Optimal thresholding of predictors in mineral prospectivity analysis. Natural Resources Research 30 923–969.

See Also



gold <- rescale(murchison$gold, 1000, "km")
  faults <- rescale(murchison$faults, 1000, "km")
  distfault <- distfun(faults)
  z <- thresholdSelect(gold, distfault)
  plot(z, xlim=c(0, 20))

Pixel Values Along a Transect


Extract the pixel values of a pixel image at each point along a linear transect.

Usage, ..., from="bottomleft", to="topright",
            nsample=512, click=FALSE, add=FALSE, curve=NULL)



A pixel image (object of class "im").



from, to

Optional. Start point and end point of the transect. Pairs of (x,y)(x,y) coordinates in a format acceptable to xy.coords, or keywords "bottom", "left", "top", "right", "bottomleft" etc.


Integer. Number of sample locations along the transect.


Optional. Logical value. If TRUE, the linear transect is determined interactively by the user, who clicks two points on the current plot.


Logical. If click=TRUE, this argument determines whether to perform interactive tasks on the current plot (add=TRUE) or to start by plotting X (add=FALSE).


Optional. A specification of a curved transect. See the section on Curved Transect.


The pixel values of the image X along a line segment will be extracted. The result is a function table ("fv" object) which can be plotted directly.

If click=TRUE, then the user is prompted to click two points on the plot of X. These endpoints define the transect.

Otherwise, the transect is defined by the endpoints from and to. The default is a diagonal transect from bottom left to top right of the frame.


An object of class "fv" which can be plotted.

Curved Transect

If curve is given, then the transect will be a curve. The argument curve should be a list with the following arguments:


A function in the R language with one argument t.


A numeric vector of length 2 giving the range of values of the argument t.


(Optional) a character string giving the symbolic name of the function argument t; defaults to "t".


(Optional) a character string giving a short description of the function argument t; defaults to "curve parameter".

The function f must return a 2-column matrix or data frame specifying the spatial coordinates (x,y) of locations along the curve, determined by the values of the input argument t.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected] and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also



Z <- bei.extra$elev

Third order summary statistic


Computes the third order summary statistic T(r)T(r) of a spatial point pattern.


Tstat(X, ..., r = NULL, rmax = NULL,
    correction = c("border", "translate"), ratio = FALSE, verbose=TRUE)



The observed point pattern, from which an estimate of T(r)T(r) will be computed. An object of class "ppp", or data in any format acceptable to as.ppp().




Optional. Vector of values for the argument rr at which T(r)T(r) should be evaluated. Users are advised not to specify this argument; there is a sensible default.


Optional. Numeric. The maximum value of rr for which T(r)T(r) should be estimated.


Optional. A character vector containing any selection of the options "none", "border", "bord.modif", "translate", "translation", or "best". It specifies the edge correction(s) to be applied. Alternatively correction="all" selects all options.


Logical. If TRUE, the numerator and denominator of each edge-corrected estimate will also be saved, for use in analysing replicated point patterns.


Logical. If TRUE, an estimate of the computation time is printed.


This command calculates the third-order summary statistic T(r)T(r) for a spatial point patterns, defined by Schladitz and Baddeley (2000).

The definition of T(r)T(r) is similar to the definition of Ripley's KK function K(r)K(r), except that K(r)K(r) counts pairs of points while T(r)T(r) counts triples of points. Essentially T(r)T(r) is a rescaled cumulative distribution function of the diameters of triangles in the point pattern. The diameter of a triangle is the length of its longest side.


An object of class "fv", see fv.object, which can be plotted directly using plot.fv.

Computation time

If the number of points is large, the algorithm can take a very long time to inspect all possible triangles. A rough estimate of the total computation time will be printed at the beginning of the calculation. If this estimate seems very large, stop the calculation using the user interrupt signal, and call Tstat again, using rmax to restrict the range of r values, thus reducing the number of triangles to be inspected.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]


Schladitz, K. and Baddeley, A. (2000) A third order point process characteristic. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 27 (2000) 657–671.

See Also




Estimate Variance of Summary Statistic by Subdivision


This command estimates the variance of any summary statistic (such as the KK-function) by spatial subdivision of a single point pattern dataset.


varblock(X, fun = Kest,
         blocks = quadrats(X, nx = nx, ny = ny),
         nx = 3, ny = nx,



Point pattern dataset (object of class "ppp").


Function that computes the summary statistic.


Optional. A tessellation that specifies the division of the space into blocks.


Arguments passed to fun.

nx, ny

Optional. Number of rectangular blocks in the xx and yy directions. Incompatible with blocks.


Confidence level, as a fraction between 0 and 1.


This command computes an estimate of the variance of the summary statistic fun(X) from a single point pattern dataset X using a subdivision method. It can be used to plot confidence intervals for the true value of a summary function such as the KK-function.

The window containing X is divided into pieces by an nx * ny array of rectangles (or is divided into pieces of more general shape, according to the argument blocks if it is present). The summary statistic fun is applied to each of the corresponding sub-patterns of X as described below. Then the pointwise sample mean, sample variance and sample standard deviation of these summary statistics are computed. Then pointwise confidence intervals are computed, for the specified level of confidence, defaulting to 95 percent.

The variance is estimated by equation (4.21) of Diggle (2003, page 52). This assumes that the point pattern X is stationary. For further details see Diggle (2003, pp 52–53).

The estimate of the summary statistic from each block is computed as follows. For most functions fun, the estimate from block B is computed by finding the subset of X consisting of points that fall inside B, and applying fun to these points, by calling fun(X[B]).

However if fun is the KK-function Kest, or any function which has an argument called domain, the estimate for each block B is computed by calling fun(X, domain=B). In the case of the KK-function this means that the estimate from block B is computed by counting pairs of points in which the first point lies in B, while the second point may lie anywhere.


A function value table (object of class "fv") that contains the result of fun(X) as well as the sample mean, sample variance and sample standard deviation of the block estimates, together with the upper and lower two-standard-deviation confidence limits.


If the blocks are too small, there may be insufficient data in some blocks, and the function fun may report an error. If this happens, you need to take larger blocks.

An error message about incompatibility may occur. The different function estimates may be incompatible in some cases, for example, because they use different default edge corrections (typically because the tiles of the tessellation are not the same kind of geometric object as the window of X, or because the default edge correction depends on the number of points). To prevent this, specify the choice of edge correction, in the correction argument to fun, if it has one.

An alternative to varblock is Loh's mark bootstrap lohboot.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]


Diggle, P.J. (2003) Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns, Second edition. Arnold.

See Also

tess, quadrats for basic manipulation.

lohboot for an alternative bootstrap technique.


v <- varblock(amacrine, Kest, nx=4, ny=2)
   v <- varblock(amacrine, Kcross, nx=4, ny=2)
   if(interactive()) plot(v, iso ~ r, shade=c("hiiso", "loiso"))

Extract Window of Spatial Object


Given a spatial object (such as a point pattern or pixel image) in two dimensions, these functions extract the window in which the object is defined.


## S3 method for class 'quadrattest'
Window(X, ...)



A spatial object.




These are methods for the generic function Window which extract the spatial window in which the object X is defined.


An object of class "owin" (see owin.object) specifying an observation window.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected], Rolf Turner [email protected] and Ege Rubak [email protected].

See Also

Window, Window.ppp, Window.psp.



A <- quadrat.test(cells, 4)

Evaluate an Expression in a Function Table


Evaluate an R expression in a function value table (object of class "fv").


## S3 method for class 'fv'
with(data, expr, ..., fun = NULL, enclos=NULL)



A function value table (object of class "fv") in which the expression will be evaluated.


The expression to be evaluated. An R language expression, which may involve the names of columns in data, the special abbreviations ., .x and .y, and global constants or functions.




Logical value, specifying whether the result should be interpreted as another function (fun=TRUE) or simply returned as a numeric vector or array (fun=FALSE). See Details.


An environment in which to search for variables that are not found in data. Defaults to parent.frame().


This is a method for the generic command with for an object of class "fv" (function value table).

An object of class "fv" is a convenient way of storing and plotting several different estimates of the same function. It is effectively a data frame with extra attributes. See fv.object for further explanation.

This command makes it possible to perform computations that involve different estimates of the same function. For example we use it to compute the arithmetic difference between two different edge-corrected estimates of the KK function of a point pattern.

The argument expr should be an R language expression. The expression may involve

  • the name of any column in data, referring to one of the estimates of the function;

  • the symbol . which stands for all the available estimates of the function;

  • the symbol .y which stands for the recommended estimate of the function (in an "fv" object, one of the estimates is always identified as the recommended estimate);

  • the symbol .x which stands for the argument of the function;

  • global constants or functions.

See the Examples. The expression should be capable of handling vectors and matrices.

The interpretation of the argument fun is as follows:

  • If fun=FALSE, the result of evaluating the expression expr will be returned as a numeric vector, matrix or data frame.

  • If fun=TRUE, then the result of evaluating expr will be interpreted as containing the values of a new function. The return value will be an object of class "fv". (This can only happen if the result has the right dimensions.)

  • The default is fun=TRUE if the result of evaluating expr has more than one column, and fun=FALSE otherwise.

To perform calculations involving several objects of class "fv", use eval.fv.


A function value table (object of class "fv") or a numeric vector or data frame.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected]

and Rolf Turner [email protected]

See Also

with, fv.object, eval.fv, Kest


# compute 4 estimates of the K function
  X <- runifrect(42)
  K <- Kest(X)

  # derive 4 estimates of the L function L(r) = sqrt(K(r)/pi)
  L <- with(K, sqrt(./pi))

  # compute 4 estimates of V(r) = L(r)/r
  V <- with(L, ./.x)

  # compute the maximum absolute difference between
  # the isotropic and translation correction estimates of K(r)
  D <- with(K, max(abs(iso - trans)))

Evaluate Expression in a Spatially Sampled Function


Given a spatially sampled function, evaluate an expression involving the function values.


apply.ssf(X, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'ssf'
with(data, ...)


X, data

A spatially sampled function (object of class "ssf").


Arguments passed to with.default or apply specifying what to compute.


An object of class "ssf" represents a function (real- or vector-valued) that has been sampled at a finite set of points. It contains a data frame which provides the function values at the sample points.

In with.ssf, the expression specified by ... will be evaluated in this dataframe. In apply.ssf, the dataframe will be subjected to the apply operator using the additional arguments ....

If the result of evaluation is a data frame with one row for each data point, or a numeric vector with one entry for each data point, then the result will be an object of class "ssf" containing this information. Otherwise, the result will be a numeric vector.


An object of class "ssf" or a numeric vector.


Adrian Baddeley [email protected].

See Also



a <- ssf(cells, data.frame(d=nndist(cells), i=1:npoints(cells)))
  with(a, i/d)