Package: spatstat.geom 3.3-3.005

Adrian Baddeley

spatstat.geom: Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family

Defines spatial data types and supports geometrical operations on them. Data types include point patterns, windows (domains), pixel images, line segment patterns, tessellations and hyperframes. Capabilities include creation and manipulation of data (using command line or graphical interaction), plotting, geometrical operations (rotation, shift, rescale, affine transformation), convex hull, discretisation and pixellation, Dirichlet tessellation, Delaunay triangulation, pairwise distances, nearest-neighbour distances, distance transform, morphological operations (erosion, dilation, closing, opening), quadrat counting, geometrical measurement, geometrical covariance, colour maps, calculus on spatial domains, Gaussian blur, level sets of images, transects of images, intersections between objects, minimum distance matching. (Excludes spatial data on a network, which are supported by the package 'spatstat.linnet'.)

Authors:Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph], Rolf Turner [aut, cph], Ege Rubak [aut, cph], Tilman Davies [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], Abdollah Jalilian [ctb], Greg McSwiggan [ctb, cph], Sebastian Meyer [ctb, cph], Jens Oehlschlaegel [ctb, cph], Suman Rakshit [ctb], Dominic Schuhmacher [ctb], Rasmus Waagepetersen [ctb]

spatstat.geom.pdf |spatstat.geom.html
spatstat.geom/json (API)

# Install 'spatstat.geom' in R:
install.packages('spatstat.geom', repos = c('', ''))

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The spatstat.geom Packagespatstat.geom-package spatstat.geom
Fill Plot With Textureadd.texture
Apply Affine Transformationaffine
Apply Affine Transformation To Pixel
Apply Affine Transformation To Windowaffine.owin
Apply Affine Transformation To Point Patternaffine.ppp
Apply Affine Transformation To Line Segment Patternaffine.psp
Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellationaffine.tess flipxy.tess reflect.tess rotate.tess scalardilate.tess shift.tess
Orientation Angles of Line Segmentsangles.psp
List of Objectsanylist as.anylist
Check Whether Image Contains NA
Combine Two Line Segment Patternsappend.psp
Apply Function to Every Neighbourhood in a Point Patternapplynbd
Area of a Windowarea area.default area.owin volume.owin
Difference of Disc AreasareaGain
Difference of Disc AreasareaLoss
Convert Data to Three-Dimensional Boxas.box3
Convert Data to Multi-Dimensional Boxas.boxx
Convert to Colour Mapas.colourmap as.colourmap.colourmap as.colourmap.symbolmap
Coerce Hyperframe to Data
Convert Pixel Image to Data
Convert Window to Data
Coerce Point Pattern to a Data
Coerce Line Segment Pattern to a Data
Convert Tessellation to Data
Convert Pixel Image to Function of
Convert Window to Indicator Functionas.function.owin
Convert a Tessellation to a Functionas.function.tess
Convert Data to Hyperframeas.hyperframe as.hyperframe.anylist as.hyperframe.default as.hyperframe.hyperframe as.hyperframe.listof
Extract coordinates and marks of multidimensional point as.hyperframe.ppx as.matrix.ppx
Convert to Pixel
Convert Data To Layered Objectas.layered as.layered.default as.layered.listof as.layered.ppp as.layered.solist as.layered.splitppp
Pixel Image Approximation of a Windowas.mask
Convert Pixel Image to Matrix or
Convert Pixel Image to Matrixas.matrix.owin
Convert Data To Class owinas.owin as.owin.boxx as.owin.default as.owin.distfun as.owin.funxy as.owin.layered as.owin.nnfun as.owin.owin as.owin.ppp as.owin.psp as.owin.quad as.owin.quadratcount as.owin.tess
Convert a Window to a Polygonal Windowas.polygonal
Convert Data To Class pppas.ppp as.ppp.default as.ppp.matrix as.ppp.ppp as.ppp.psp as.ppp.quad
Convert Data To Class pspas.psp as.psp.default as.psp.matrix as.psp.psp
Window Frameas.rectangle
Convert List of Two-Dimensional Spatial Objectsas.solist
Convert Data To Tessellationas.tess as.tess.list as.tess.owin as.tess.quadratcount as.tess.tess
Distance to Boundary of Windowbdist.pixels
Distance to Boundary of Windowbdist.points
Distance to Boundary of Windowbdist.tiles
Create Colour Scheme for a Range of Numbersbeachcolourmap beachcolours
Border Region of a Windowborder
Convex Hull of
Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Patternboundingbox boundingbox.default boundingbox.linnet boundingbox.lpp boundingbox.owin boundingbox.ppp boundingbox.psp boundingbox.solist
Smallest Enclosing Circleboundingcentre boundingcentre.owin boundingcentre.ppp boundingcircle boundingcircle.owin boundingcircle.ppp boundingradius boundingradius.owin boundingradius.ppp
Three-Dimensional Boxbox3
Multi-Dimensional Boxboxx
Buffer Distance Tessellationbufftess
Apply Function to Image Broken Down by
Apply a Function to a Point Pattern Broken Down by Factorby.ppp
Combine Hyperframes by Rows or by Columnscbind.hyperframe rbind.hyperframe
Centroid of a windowcentroid.owin
Subdivide a Window or Tessellation using a Set of Lineschop.tess
Interactively Define a Rectangleclickbox
Interactively Measure Distanceclickdist
Interactively Define a Polygonclickpoly
Interactively Add Pointsclickppp
Intersect Infinite Straight Lines with a Windowclip.infline
Close Pairs of Pointsclosepairs closepairs.ppp crosspairs crosspairs.ppp
Close Pairs of Points in 3 Dimensionsclosepairs.pp3 crosspairs.pp3
Close Triples of Pointsclosetriples
Morphological Closingclosing closing.owin closing.ppp closing.psp
Colour Lookup Tablescolourmap
Extract or Assign Colour Values in a Colour Mapcolouroutputs colouroutputs<-
Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formatscol2hex colourtools complementarycolour interp.colours is.colour is.grey paletteindex rgb2hex rgb2hsva samecolour to.grey to.opaque to.saturated to.transparent
Determine A Common Spatial Domain And Pixel ResolutioncommonGrid
Test Whether Objects Are Compatiblecompatible
Test Whether Pixel Images Are
Take Complement of a Windowcomplement.owin
Concatenate x,y Coordinate Vectorsconcatxy
Connected componentsconnected connected.owin
Connected Components of a Point Patternconnected.pp3 connected.ppp
Connected Components of Tiles of a Tessellationconnected.tess
Contour plot of pixel
Array of Contour Plotscontour.imlist contour.listof
Convex Hullconvexhull
Convex Hull of Pointsconvexhull.xy
Weil's Convexifying Operationconvexify
Distance Metric Defined by Convex Setconvexmetric
Convolution of Pixel
Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Patterncoords coords.ppp coords.ppx coords.quad coords<- coords<-.ppp coords<-.ppx
Corners of a rectanglecorners
Cover Region with Discscovering
Pairwise distancescrossdist
Pairwise distances between two different sets of pointscrossdist.default
Pairwise distances between two different three-dimensional point patternscrossdist.pp3
Pairwise distances between two different point patternscrossdist.ppp
Pairwise Distances Between Two Different Multi-Dimensional Point Patternscrossdist.ppx
Pairwise distances between two different line segment patternscrossdist.psp
Crossing Points of Two Line Segment Patternscrossing.psp
Convert Pixel Image from Numeric to
Classify Points in a Point Patterncut.ppp
Generate a Default Pattern of Dummy Pointsdefault.dummy
Default Symbol Map for Plotting a Spatial Patterndefault.symbolmap
Default Symbol Map for Point Patterndefault.symbolmap.ppp
Delaunay Triangulation of Point Patterndelaunay
Distance on Delaunay TriangulationdelaunayDistance
Delta Metricdeltametric
Diameter of an Objectdiameter
Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Boxdiameter.box3 eroded.volumes eroded.volumes.box3 shortside shortside.box3 sidelengths sidelengths.box3 volume.box3
Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Boxdiameter.boxx eroded.volumes.boxx shortside.boxx sidelengths.boxx volume.boxx
Diameter of a Windowdiameter.owin
Areas of Morphological Dilationsdilated.areas
Morphological Dilationdilation dilation.owin dilation.ppp dilation.psp
Dirichlet Tessellation of Point Patterndirichlet
Compute Areas of Tiles in Dirichlet TessellationdirichletAreas
Vertices and Edges of Dirichlet TessellationdirichletEdges dirichletVertices
Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Dirichlet TessellationdirichletWeights
Circular Windowdisc
Area of Part of Discdiscpartarea
Safely Convert Point Pattern Window to Binary Maskdiscretise
Union of Discsdiscs
Distance Map as a Functiondistfun distfun.owin distfun.ppp distfun.psp
Distance Mapdistmap
Distance Map of Windowdistmap.owin
Distance Map of Point Patterndistmap.ppp
Distance Map of Line Segment Patterndistmap.psp
Extract the Domain of any Spatial Objectdomain domain.distfun domain.funxy domain.layered domain.nnfun domain.pp3 domain.ppp domain.ppx domain.psp domain.quad domain.quadratcount domain.tess
Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point PatternanyDuplicated.ppp anyDuplicated.ppx duplicated.ppp duplicated.ppx
Extract Boundary Edges of a Window.edges
List Triangles in a Graphedges2triangles
List Dihedral Triples in a Graphedges2vees
Invoke Text Editor on Hyperframeedit.hyperframe
Invoke Text Editor on Spatial edit.ppp edit.psp
Elliptical Window.ellipse
Endpoints of Line Segment Patternendpoints.psp
Areas of Morphological Erosionseroded.areas
Morphological Erosion by a Discerosion erosion.owin erosion.ppp erosion.psp
Morphological Erosion of Windows%(-)% erosionAny
Evaluate Expression Involving Pixel
Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things[.anylist [<-.anylist
Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe$.hyperframe $<-.hyperframe [.hyperframe [<-.hyperframe [[.hyperframe [[<-.hyperframe
Extract Subset of Image[.im
Extract or Replace Subset of a Layered Object[.layered [<-.layered [[<-.layered
Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things[<-.listof
Extract Subset of Window[.owin
Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern[.ppp [<-.ppp
Extract Subset of Multidimensional Point Pattern[.ppx
Extract Subset of Line Segment Pattern[.psp
Subset of Quadrature Scheme[.quad
Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Spatial Objects[.solist [<-.solist
Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns[.splitppp [<-.splitppp
Extract or Replace Subset of Tessellation[.tess [<-.tess
Extrapolate Line Segments to Obtain Infinite Linesextrapolate.psp
Farthest Distance to Boundary of Windowfardist fardist.owin fardist.ppp
Exchange X and Y Coordinatesflipxy flipxy.owin flipxy.ppp flipxy.psp
Fourier Basis Functionsfourierbasis fourierbasisraw
Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial ObjectFrame Frame.default Frame<- Frame<-.default Frame< Frame<-.owin Frame<-.ppp
Distance to Bounding Frameframedist.pixels
Spatial Function Classfunxy
Rectangular grid of pointsgridcenters gridcentres
Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid Countsgridweights
Add margins to box in any dimensiongrow.box3 grow.boxx
Add margins to rectanglegrow.rectangle
Make Objects Compatibleharmonise harmonize
Make Pixel Images
Make Windows Compatibleharmonise.owin harmonize.owin
Harmonise the levels of several factors, or factor-valued pixel images.harmoniseLevels
Check Whether Points Have Close Neighbourshas.close has.close.default has.close.pp3 has.close.ppp
First or Last Part of a Spatial Patternhead.ppp head.ppx head.psp head.tess tail.ppp tail.ppx tail.psp tail.tess
Hexagonal Grid or Tessellationhexgrid hextess
Histogram of Values of a Spatial Functionhist.funxy
Histogram of Pixel Values in an
Hyper Data Framehyperframe
Identify Points in a Point Patternidentify.ppp
Identify Segments in a Line Segment Patternidentify.psp
Create a Pixel Image Objectim
Apply Function Pixelwise to List of Imagesim.apply
Class of Imagesim.object
Spatial Covariance of a Pixel Imageimcov
Find Largest Circle Inside Windowincircle inradius
Infinite Straight Linesinfline plot.infline print.infline
Test Whether Points Are Inside A Multidimensional Boxinside.boxx
Test Whether Points Are Inside A Windowinside.owin
Integral of a Pixel
Intensity of a Dataset or a Modelintensity
Empirical Intensity of Point Patternintensity.ppp intensity.splitppp
Intensity of a Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patternintensity.ppx
Empirical Intensity of Line Segment Patternintensity.psp
Intensity Estimates Using Quadrat Countsintensity.quadratcount
Interpolate smoothly between specified coloursinterp.colourmap
Interpolate a Pixel
Intersection Of Boxes Of Arbitrary Dimensionintersect.boxx
Intersection, Union or Set Subtraction of Windowsintersect.owin setminus.owin union.owin
Intersection of Two Tessellationsintersect.tess
Perform Geometric Task using a Specified Metricinvoke.metric
Plot Data Using Graphics Symbol Mapinvoke.symbolmap
Recognise a Multi-Dimensional Boxis.boxx
Determine Whether an Object is Connectedis.connected is.connected.default
Determine Whether a Point Pattern is Connectedis.connected.ppp
Test Whether a Window is Convexis.convex
Test Whether An Object Is Emptyis.empty is.empty.default is.empty.owin is.empty.ppp is.empty.psp
Test Whether An Object Is A Pixel
Test Whether an Object is a Pixel Image on a Linear Networkis.linim
Test Whether An Object Is A Linear Networkis.linnet
Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern on a Linear Networkis.lpp
Test Whether Marks Are Presentis.marked
Test Whether A Point Pattern is Markedis.marked.ppp
Test whether Object is Multitypeis.multitype
Test Whether A Point Pattern is Multitypeis.multitype.ppp
Test Whether An Object Is A Windowis.owin
Test Whether An Object Is A Point Patternis.ppp
Determine Type of Windowis.mask is.polygonal is.rectangle
Determine Whether One Window is Contained In Anotheris.subset.owin
Create List of Plotting Layerslayered
Extract or Replace the Plot Arguments of a Layered Objectlayerplotargs layerplotargs<-
Generate a Row or Column Arrangement of Rectangles.layout.boxes
Lengths of Line Segmentslengths_psp
Level Set of a Pixel Imagelevelset
Lookup Tableslut
Marks of a Point Pattern%mark% marks marks.ppp marks.ppx marks<- marks<-.ppp marks<-.ppx setmarks
Marks of a Line Segment Patternmarks.psp marks<-.psp
Marks of a Tessellationmarks.tess marks<-.tess unmark.tess
Summarise Marks in Every Neighbourhood in a Point Patternmarkstat
Distance for a Point Pattern Matchingmatchingdist
S3 Group Generic methods for
S3 Group Generic methods for List of ImagesComplex.imlist Math.imlist Ops.imlist Summary.imlist
Compute Minimum or Maximum Nearest-Neighbour Distancemaxnndist minnndist
Mean and Median of Pixel Values in an
Merge Levels of a FactormergeLevels
Methods for Three-Dimensional Boxmethods.box3 print.box3 unitname.box3 unitname<-.box3
Methods for Multi-Dimensional Boxmethods.boxx print.boxx scale.boxx unitname.boxx unitname<-.boxx
Geometrical Operations for Distance Functionsaffine.distfun flipxy.distfun methods.distfun reflect.distfun rescale.distfun rotate.distfun scalardilate.distfun shift.distfun
Methods for Spatial Functionscontour.funxy methods.funxy persp.funxy plot.funxy
Methods for Layered Objectsaffine.layered flipxy.layered methods.layered reflect.layered rescale.layered rotate.layered scalardilate.layered shift.layered
Methods for three-dimensional point patternsmethods.pp3 print.pp3 print.summary.pp3 summary.pp3 unitname.pp3 unitname<-.pp3
Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patternsmethods.ppx plot.ppx print.ppx scale.ppx unitname.ppx unitname<-.ppx
Methods for Unitscompatible.unitname harmonise.unitname harmonize.unitname methods.unitname print.unitname rescale.unitname summary.unitname
Distance Metricmetric.object
Midpoints of Line Segment Patternmidpoints.psp
Minkowski Sum of Windows%(+)% dilationAny MinkowskiSum
Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Pointsmultiplicity multiplicity.default multiplicity.ppp multiplicity.ppx
Find Pixel Nearest to a Given Pointnearest.raster.point
Find Line Segment Nearest to Each Pointnearestsegment
Image of Nearest Defined Pixel ValuenearestValue
Nested Splitnestsplit
Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patternsnncross nncross.default nncross.ppp
Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns in 3Dnncross.pp3
Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns in Any Dimensionsnncross.ppx
Nearest neighbour distancesnndist nndist.default nndist.ppp
Nearest neighbour distances in three dimensionsnndist.pp3
Nearest Neighbour Distances in Any Dimensionsnndist.ppx
Nearest neighbour distances between line segmentsnndist.psp
Nearest Neighbour Index Map as a Functionnnfun nnfun.ppp nnfun.psp
K-th Nearest Point Mapnnmap
Mark of Nearest Neighbournnmark
Nearest neighbournnwhich nnwhich.default nnwhich.ppp
Nearest neighbours in three dimensionsnnwhich.pp3
Nearest Neighbours in Any Dimensionsnnwhich.ppx
Count Number of Geometrical Objects in a Spatial Datasetnobjects nobjects.ppp nobjects.ppx nobjects.psp nobjects.tess
Number of Points in a Point Patternnpoints npoints.pp3 npoints.ppp npoints.ppx
Number of Line Segments in a Line Segment Patternnsegments nsegments.psp
Count Number of Verticesnvertices nvertices.default nvertices.owin
Morphological Openingopening opening.owin opening.ppp opening.psp
Compute Area of Overlapoverlap.owin
Create a Windowowin
Class owinowin.object
Convert Window to Binary Mask under Constraintsowin2mask
Pad the Border of a Pixel Imagepadimage
Pairwise distancespairdist
Pairwise distancespairdist.default
Pairwise distances in Three Dimensionspairdist.pp3
Pairwise distancespairdist.ppp
Pairwise Distances in Any Dimensionspairdist.ppx
Pairwise distances between line segmentspairdist.psp
Perimeter Length of Windowperimeter
Make Periodic Copies of a Spatial Patternperiodify periodify.owin periodify.ppp periodify.psp
Perspective Plot of Pixel
Perspective Plot of Marked Point Patternpersp.ppp
Draw Points or Lines on a Surface Viewed in PerspectiveperspContour perspLines perspPoints perspSegments
Colour Map for pH ValuespHcolour pHcolourmap
Extract Pixel Centres as Point Patternpixelcentres
Convert Spatial Object to Pixel Imagepixellate
Convert Window to Pixel Imagepixellate.owin
Convert Point Pattern to Pixel pixellate.ppp
Convert Line Segment Pattern to Pixel Imagepixellate.psp
Quadrature Scheme Based on Pixel Gridpixelquad
Plot a List of Thingsplot.anylist
Plot a Colour Mapplot.colourmap
Plot Entries in a Hyperframeplot.hyperframe
Plot a Pixel
Plot a List of Imagesimage.imlist image.listof plot.imlist
Layered Plotplot.layered
Plot a List of Thingsplot.listof
Plot an Arrowplot.onearrow
Plot a Spatial Windowplot.owin
Plot a Three-Dimensional Point Patternplot.pp3
plot a Spatial Point Patternplot.ppp
Plot a Point Matchingplot.pppmatching
plot a Spatial Line Segment Patternplot.psp
Plot a Spatial Quadrature Schemeplot.quad
Plot Quadrat Countsplot.quadratcount
Plot a List of Spatial Objectsplot.solist
Plot a List of Point Patternsplot.splitppp
Plot a Graphics Symbol Mapplot.symbolmap
Plot a Tessellationplot.tess
Plot a Text Stringplot.textstring
Plot a Texture Mapplot.texturemap
Plot a Yardstick or Scale Barplot.yardstick
Place Points Evenly Along Specified LinespointsOnLines
Tessellation Using Polar Coordinatespolartess
Three Dimensional Point Patternpp3
Create a Point Patternppp
Class of Point Patternsppp.object
Distance Between Two Point Patternspppdist
Create a Point Matchingpppmatching
Class of Point Matchingspppmatching.object
Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patternppx
Print Brief Details of an
Print Brief Details of a Spatial Windowprint.owin
Print Brief Details of a Point Pattern Datasetprint.ppp
Print Brief Details of a Line Segment Pattern Datasetprint.psp
Print a Quadrature Schemeprint.quad
Print Progress Reportsprogressreport
Move Point To Nearest Lineproject2segment
Find Nearest Point in a Regionproject2set
Create a Line Segment Patternpsp
Class of Line Segment Patternspsp.object
Convert Line Segment Pattern to Binary Pixel Maskas.mask.psp psp2mask
Class of Quadrature Schemesquad.object
Quadrat counting for a point patternquadratcount quadratcount.ppp quadratcount.splitppp
Divide Region into Quadratsquadrats
Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point Patternquadscheme
Generate a Logistic Regression Quadrature Scheme from a Point Patternquadscheme.logi
Quantile Tessellationquantess quantess.owin quantess.ppp
Sample Quantiles of Pixel
Quantile Function for
Quasirandom PatternsHalton Hammersley quasirandom vdCorput
Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Rasterraster.x raster.xy raster.y
Distance Map Using Rectangular Distance Metricrectdistmap
Reflect In Originreflect reflect.default
Create A Regular Polygonhexagon regularpolygon
Reorder Levels of a Factor-Valued Image or relevel.ppp relevel.ppx
Reset Values in Subset of Image[<
Require a Specific Version of a Packagerequireversion
Convert dataset to another unit of lengthrescale
Convert Pixel Image to Another Unit of
Convert Window to Another Unit of Lengthrescale.owin
Convert Point Pattern to Another Unit of Lengthrescale.ppp
Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of Lengthrescale.psp
Convert Window Back To Rectanglerescue.rectangle
Restrict a Colour Map to a Subset of Valuesrestrict.colourmap
Explode a Point Pattern by Displacing Duplicated Pointsrexplode rexplode.ppp
Create Colour-Valued Pixel Imagehsvim rgbim
Estimate window from points aloneripras
Random Perturbation of a Point Patternrjitter rjitter.ppp
Generate grid of parallel lines with random displacementrlinegrid
Rotate a Pixel
Rotate or Shift Infinite Linesflipxy.infline reflect.infline rotate.infline shift.infline
Rotate a Windowrotate.owin
Rotate a Point Patternrotate.ppp
Rotate a Line Segment Patternrotate.psp
Apply Numerical Rounding to Spatial Coordinatesround.pp3 round.ppp round.ppx
Detect Numerical Roundingrounding.pp3 rounding.ppp rounding.ppx
Generate Quasirandom Point Pattern in Given WindowrQuasi
Simulate systematic random point patternrsyst
Run Point-and-Click Interfaceclear.simplepanel redraw.simplepanel run.simplepanel
Generate N Uniform Random Points in a Rectanglerunifrect
Apply Scalar Dilationscalardilate scalardilate.default scalardilate.owin scalardilate.ppp scalardilate.psp
Rescale Data to Lie Between Specified Limitsscaletointerval scaletointerval.default
Read Point Pattern From Data Filescanpp
Crossing Points in a Line Segment Patternselfcrossing.psp
Cut Line Segments Where They Intersectselfcut.psp
Print Names and Version Numbers of Libraries LoadedsessionLibs
Set Covariance of a Windowsetcov
Apply Vector Translationshift
Apply Vector Translation To Pixel
Apply Vector Translation To Windowshift.owin
Apply Vector Translation To Point Patternshift.ppp
Apply Vector Translation To Box Or Point Pattern In Arbitrary Dimensionshift.boxx shift.ppx
Apply Vector Translation To Line Segment Patternshift.psp
Side Lengths of Enclosing Rectangle of a Windowshortside.owin sidelengths.owin
Simple Point-and-Click Interface Panelsgrow.simplepanel simplepanel
Approximate a Polygon by a Simpler Polygonsimplify.owin
Apply a Function Over a List and Obtain a List of Objectsanylapply solapply
List of Two-Dimensional Spatial Objectssolist
Evaluate Logical Expression Involving Pixel Images and Return Region Where Expression is Truesolutionset
Spatial Dimension of a Datasetspatdim
Internal Options in Spatstat Packagereset.spatstat.options spatstat.options
Divide Hyperframe Into Subsets and Reassemblesplit.hyperframe split<-.hyperframe
Divide Image Into
Divide Point Pattern into Sub-patternssplit.ppp split<-.ppp
Divide Multidimensional Point Pattern into Sub-patternssplit.ppx
Spokes pattern of dummy pointsspokes
Square Windowsquare unit.square
Stratified random point patternstratrand
Subset of Hyperframe Satisfying A Conditionsubset.hyperframe
Subset of Point Pattern Satisfying A Conditionsubset.pp3 subset.ppp subset.ppx
Subset of Line Segment Satisfying A Conditionsubset.psp
Summary of a List of Thingssummary.anylist
Summarizing a Function of Spatial Locationsummary.distfun summary.funxy
Summarizing a Pixel
Summary of a List of Thingssummary.listof
Summary of a Spatial Windowsummary.owin
Summary of a Point Pattern Datasetsummary.ppp
Summary of a Line Segment Pattern Datasetsummary.psp
Summarizing a Quadrature Schemeprint.summary.quad summary.quad
Summary of a List of Spatial Objectssummary.solist
Summary of a Split Point Patternsummary.splitppp
Superimpose Several Geometric Patternssuperimpose superimpose.default superimpose.ppp superimpose.ppplist superimpose.psp superimpose.splitppp
Graphics Symbol Mapsymbolmap
Create a Tessellationtess
Check Whether Segments Crosstest.crossing.psp test.selfcrossing.psp
Add Text Labels to Spatial Patterntext.ppp text.psp
Texture Maptexturemap
Plot Image or Tessellation Using Texture Filltextureplot
Compute Areas of Tiles in a Tessellationtile.areas
Determine Which Tile Contains Each Given Pointtileindex
Names of Tiles in a Tessellationtilenames tilenames.tess tilenames<- tilenames<-.tess
Extract List of Tiles in a Tessellationtiles
Check For Empty Tiles in a Tessellationtiles.empty
Record the Computation Timetimed
Extract the Total Computation TimetimeTaken
Convert Pixel Array Between Different Conventionstransmat
Decompose Window into Trianglestriangulate.owin
Cut margins from rectangletrim.rectangle
Change Colour Values in a Colour Maptweak.colourmap
Union of Data and Dummy Pointsunion.quad
Extract Unique Points from a Spatial Point Patternunique.ppp unique.ppx
Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entriesuniquemap.lpp uniquemap.ppp uniquemap.ppx
Name for Unit of Lengthunitname unitname.owin unitname.ppp unitname.psp unitname.quad unitname.tess unitname<- unitname< unitname<-.owin unitname<-.ppp unitname<-.psp unitname<-.quad unitname<-.tess
Remove Marksunmark unmark.ppp unmark.ppx unmark.psp unmark.splitppp
Separate Multiple Columns of Marksunstack.ppp unstack.psp unstack.tess
Unstack Each Spatial Object in a List of Objectsunstack.layered unstack.solist
Update a Graphics Symbol Map.update.symbolmap
Tessellation Delimited by Several Setsvenn.tess
Vertices of a Windowvertices vertices.owin
Volume of an Objectvolume
Find Location of Maximum in a Pixel Imagewhere.max where.min
Test Which Side of Infinite Line a Point Falls Onwhichhalfplane
Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial ObjectWindow Window.ppp Window.psp Window.quad Window<- Window< Window<-.ppp Window<-.psp Window<-.quad
Extract Window of Spatial ObjectWindow.distfun Window.funxy Window.layered Window.nnfun Window.quadratcount Window.tess
Evaluate an Expression in Each Row of a Hyperframewith.hyperframe
Text, Arrow or Scale Bar in a Diagramonearrow textstring yardstick
Rounding of Pixel